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Indian jawans like to play Simon says in front of PLA

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The delusional Indians on the shit forum are afraid to talk about the bodies.

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I don’t think they are dead. If they were the PLA would have the decency to cover their faces with a sheet or a tarp.
Every single Indian soldier that surrendered and captured, got their own individual picture taken like this guy.

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See how gentle is PLA's handling of POW! Yep I also think that's the protocol. Get their names/ranks, everyone get a mugshot, then medicare and happy meal if needed.
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The Indians were accusing PLA soldiers for using clubs wrapped around by barbed wires, which was just lies and propganda.
The PLA soldiers were being very civilised and used clean wooden handles.

The Indians were accusing PLA soldiers for using clubs wrapped around by barbed wires, which was just lies and propganda.
The PLA soldiers were being very civilised and used clean wooden handles.

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The Indian soldiers who survived probably conflated the encounter with an episode of the Walking Dead that they watched a while back.

The delusional Indians on the shit forum are afraid to talk about the bodies.

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It's not some bodys, it should be some seriously injured persons.
According to the PLA's regulations on dealing with the battlefield, the PLA does not allow POW to be with corpses, let alone take pictures with them. Moreover, the PLA battlefield regulations stipulate that if conditions permit, the deceased should be covered with clothes and other items to give the deceased final dignity.
OMG, this has to be the most embarrassing photo of Indian soliders to date. This is sheer humiliation.

This is merely a teaser. There is plenty more to be released, depending on Indian behavior. There is for instance the video of the actual physical clash and Indian deaths were several times higher than the officially admitted number of 20. We may get to see all this if next time around India says it "briefly detained" 1000 Chinese soldiers. Stay tuned.
This is merely a teaser. There is plenty more to be released, depending on Indian behavior. There is for instance the video of the actual physical clash and Indian deaths were several times higher than the officially admitted number of 20. We may get to see all this if next time around India says it "briefly detained" 1000 Chinese soldiers. Stay tuned.

india general so furious he inflated Chinese casualties again
:laugh: Punishment for 5 Year olds , for not obeying rules
Since these were adult soldiers should have received a big slap in face
Look at this total senile imbecile. So Indian soldiers don't have long hair, take a look at the Galwan casualty picture;

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Four Sikh soldiers died in the fighting, yet this fool rambles on with lots of likes. The one in the picture is Sikh.
They are doing everything to maintained that false image which their top built for years, its ok, the pic is there for the whole world to see.
Yes, I also think the Chinese govt has been deliberately stimulating populism in India recently. What do they want?

Interestingly india reacted in silence. This is the cope a brahmin moderator of indian military forum is using to explain himself the meaning of the pic :
I like how they slowly release the footage in batches and re-released videos and images in high quality you never see from Indians.

If they ha released all facts and footage at once from the start it would be humilating to Indians for a moment, but they'd just cope and bank on censorship in American controlled media and Indiansand American media lies spoonfeeding contradicting disinformation to Indians and "even out" the truth about India with comforting lies and obfuscating misinformation, quickly trying memoryhole the humilation and hope people will forget and remember only a mushy dispute where one side says this and the other that and in the heat of the moment nobody really cares about the fact that China is as usual the side prodiving factual and objective information on a larger scale while Indians and their American sugar daddies are just making up **** with little to no evidence.

But this way they made up all kinds of delusional narratives due to the lack of footage, as far as claiming victories echoed trough American media and then came the first batch of evidence destroying much of it instead. But as expected the Indians came forward with new excuses and more lies to cope with it. Indians even swearing they have footage proving Chinas defeat, assuming China just published everything they had in stock that would make Indian look bad, stalling and hoping nobody will come back at them over Indians never delivering any of the evidence they promised and talked about when the matter is forgotten after a few week.

But then more and higher quality footage came out making their excuses look even dumber, forcing them to come up with even more ridiculous excuses and spins and reiterating the same excuses as before. But then again even more and higher quality footage comes out ridiculing them and their excuses and lies even more. Beating Indians with their own weapons.😂

Indians say they saw the pictures and videos on Indian's soldier's phone, but too honor and professional to release them :rofl:
gets stolen by the higher ranks
And their corruption-exporting masters in the west
$71.1 billion
Seriously? Gosh that's like 2.7% of GDP!

Interestingly india reacted in silence. This is the cope a brahmin moderator of indian military forum is using to explain himself the meaning of the pic :

Indians' hardest part is their mouth beak while everything else is soft like their spine
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