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Indian Army Falsified Kargil Battle Records

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exactly kargil was a limited scale war were even to take or to protect one post only 25 to 200 men were posted even as infiltrators our number could not have been more than 2000 to 3000.... then even with open scale hostilities our losses be 5000... the fact it took time bcz the peaks that were captured were being taken back operations and defences were set up indian army had to get them all back it took them time to climb up and fight for posts and protected bunkers at maz the losses couldnot be more than 900 bcz it was not an open ground battle were you have a free for all it was a height warfare were only few troops are required to take or protect the base..... we held some peaks and created the actual line of control you people regained control of the other peaks.. that is pretty much how it went :p:P:p:P
U are posting yahoo question answer as source thats fine but have u not read the below answer in that link

1) Both the sides hid the true numbers. Pakistan refused any involvement of Pak army at that time, & Indian army was suffering to fight against the enemies situating in higher altitudes.

2) 2,70,000 lives in 77 days ! It's only possible if heavy WMD were used by the opponents, but the fact is that Kargil war was only a limited-scale battle. No other fact can cause such heavy(or comparable) damage. The exact figure may not be known ever, but that must not more than a few thousands.
looks like "yahoo answer guy" did not even read the answer LOL
U are posting yahoo question answer as source thats fine but have u not read the below answer in that link

1) Both the sides hid the true numbers. Pakistan refused any involvement of Pak army at that time, & Indian army was suffering to fight against the enemies situating in higher altitudes.

2) 2,70,000 lives in 77 days ! It's only possible if heavy WMD were used by the opponents, but the fact is that Kargil war was only a limited-scale battle. No other fact can cause such heavy(or comparable) damage. The exact figure may not be known ever, but that must not more than a few thousands.

I exactly know what i have posted....and not without reason....should have read my related post...alas since Indian members seem to believe all that they read and watch on the Indian media....contrary to that I posted the yahoo link.
The speculative figure is merely based on the highly exaggerated figure of Pakistani losses.....sarcasm at it's best. ??
Remember when IA gave medals to men who they thought gave the ultimate sacrifice? Then the wife of one of the soldiers spoke out and said No he is still alive he is with me. Wow. I cannot even laugh at that.

This was their level of confusion in the battlefield no wonder they falsified the battle records.

Well atleast India didn't dishonor their brave fallen by disowning them and deserting them claiming they were rouge elements and not part of PA only to do a complete U turn later. I can only imagine what effect this had on moral, I wouldn't want to fight and serve my country if this is how I felt I'd be treated.

Anyway regarding this thread- simply can be put down to the "fog of war". War is a VERY messy business and the fact is things and accounts can get altered afterwards this is not uncommon in modern warfare all over the world.
Arent these the very "soldiers" who left their posts and their comrades to die on the peaks and ran back saving their a$$es to march gloriously in parades?
Do you understand a unilateral and unconditional withdrawal ? :azn: Saving their ***** ... You have absolutely no idea how IA was caught pants down when "some ghus bethia's" turned out to be professional NLI soldiers ... and yeah they ran back saving their ***** ... Nobody from NLI left their posts until they were ordered to by the high command ... Only Nawaz Sharif succumbed to US pressure even though Musharraf regularly told him the situation on ground ... And now he keeps playing the victim card ... Had he waited a few more weeks , snow would have returned and PA would have held all those areas ...
Where is the disrespect the soldiers were killed when they were ordered to make a futile frontal assault which resulted in a turkey shoot, the GPMG's barrels were going red hot - you didn't even have to aim, to mow down the indian soldiers, afterwards we informed the indian commanders - that they could collect their dead, but they refused - so the corpses rotted, attracted flies and other insects.

Imagine dozens of corpses ******* in a confined area, and then imagine the stench - it was unbelievable -

You cant justify what you wrote. Your hatred is quite apparent in your post. And anywho, how is that related to the thread topic India falsifying Kargil war records? Any relation?
You just butted in with that post to score cheap stinking brownie points. Shows your state of mind, no?
Do you understand a unilateral and unconditional withdrawal ?

Bull Shyte! You lost the battle, you lost the war. Period.

NLI left their posts, ran off and were shot, both in their bunkers and while running back. Apparently it was easy to shoot them when they were in their bunkers than when they were running back. A source told me. Your sources lied to you. Believe what you want to.

---------- Post added at 08:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 AM ----------

U mad bro -

Lol. Funny.
You cant justify what you wrote. Your hatred is quite apparent in your post. And anywho, how is that related to the thread topic India falsifying Kargil war records? Any relation?
You just butted in with that post to score cheap stinking brownie points. Shows your state of mind, no?

and of course lets disregard the posts Indian members have put on here attempting to troll and derail the thread. Its about time you stopped viewing only the Indian media- what else would you expect. Indian media are hardly going to give a neutral view or opinion.
BTW - Stop being selective about Rafi sahib post - look at what he is responding to - stop your flag bearers posting rubbish - Mind you it shows their mindset, no?
Bull Shyte! You lost the battle, you lost the war. Period.

NLI left their posts, ran off and were shot, both in their bunkers and while running back. Apparently it was easy to shoot them when they were in their bunkers than when they were running back. A source told me. Your sources lied to you. Believe what you want to.
What battle and what war ?

There's not even one source that can claim that NLI ran off ... Apparently it seems that Indians are taught an alternate version of history ...
What battle and what war ?
Come out from under that rock.
There's not even one source that can claim that NLI ran off ... Apparently it seems that Indians are taught an alternate version of history ...

Search for the truth and you shall find it. Dont believe ISPR or your ZH propaganda.
Pakistan was hiding from the world and from its own people that pakistan army was involved in the war- not accepting its own soldiers body - and then after 10 years they issue some awards to their army men LOL

now tell me this- who the hell has falsified war details?
What does that say of the Pakistan brain that they send a few thousand NLI to die in Kargil against the might of the Indian army? Stupidity? No other explanation.

It probably also says that NLI are not Punjabi? If you look at the hits the two ill equipped FCs are taking on the western border, one has to reach that conclusion.
And we Indians truly know that how many Indians died because we all saw their State Funeral and cremation live on TV channels for entire period of the conflict but what about Pakistanis, they disowned PA involvement in Kargil and death of their soldiers(ironically they were buried by India and Pakistan never asked for exhuming them and returning their remains ) so how come anyone can trust figure of 453 Pakistani soldiers.

Yes , each and every funeral was shown on the TV and Indians could individually count their soldiers :rofl: ... Spare us these tooth fairy stories of the transparency and democracy of India ... We all know how much transparent IA has been in stating their losses in the previous wars ... So now why should we believe your official claims of 500+ soldiers when Govt of India didn't tell its people that they have lost some peaks claiming and blatantly lying that each and every peak has been recovered ? :azn:
You only see what you WANT to see. Facts aside, who the hell ever considers those Yahoo answers as absolute facts? Ans: Only an idiot!

And what are you trying to prove here? That India falsified Kargil war data? This when Indian democracy is ridiculed for its transparency - including the corruption? You must really be very very thick skulled, and sure going by your posts I am not off the mark.

You people accuse India of falsifying Kargil records when Pakistan blatantly refused to acknowledge that its army planned and executed a heafhearted wishy washy effort to capture Kargil peaks losing hundreds if not thousands of its men? And when the truth came out, every one pissed in their pants, Nawaz went running to US begging, Mush kept quite and blamed the civilian govt for its incompetence in supporting this grand misadventure by Pak army?

I would try and knock some sense into any other person but since it's you....well, it's a battle lost.
Since you are too simple to understand the psyche of the post, let me try and spoon feed you.
Nawaz Sharif makes a wild accusation and your tiny Indian heart goes pitter patter....yet the Coffin shortages/corruption scandal fails to activate your grey matter....one thing is for sure, had yahoo or any other source referred Pakistan in same light....you surely would have had a brain storm....but then, small things amuse little minds.
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