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Indian Army Falsified Kargil Battle Records

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Do you understand what is meant by 4000 soldiers ? :lol: ... Even the Pakistani losses in the 1965 war doesn't come close to it and that was an all out war not a limited conflict like Kargil ... Pick your choice ... I expect nothing better from a man who ran to Washington to arrange a unneeded ceasefire and gave all those areas held by our troops unconditionally and when the army removed him for that , he started playing the victim card and has been playing it since then ...

LOL, your Airforce was not involved in the operation but certainly our Airforce was involved there to hunt down the soldiers plus the conflict went for 2 Months with heavy fightings, so it is possible that thousand of Pakistani soldiers have died. :lol: If you can't trust Nawaz Sharif, how come you trusting figure from your Army who declared fake victory in 1965 and never conceded the fact Pakistani soldiers fought in Kargil, so how come you accepted the figure of 453 Pakistan troops died in Kargil, it is possible to capture the Kargil post for two months just by loosing 500 soldiers without using Airforce or without having superior weapons that Indian Army used against your PA.
Sigh. An Indian commander gave a recommendation to our Army for the bravery of our soldier Sher Khan. In this particular event Sher Khan was over ran from his post and while being outnumbered captured it again making your Indian soldiers run for their lives.

I guess this is not the thread for discussing a act of bravery of a soldier..and this is not a right to do so here..he wont be duly credited..moral is..open a new thread dude..you will get your answers too.
LOL, your Airforce was not involved in the operation but certainly our Airforce was involved there to hunt down the soldiers plus the conflict went for 2 Months with heavy fightings, so it is possible that thousand of Pakistani soldiers have died. :lol: If you can't trust Nawaz Sharif, how come you trusting figure from your Army who declared fake victory in 1965 and never conceded the fact Pakistani soldiers fought in Kargil, so how come you accepted the figure of 453 Pakistan troops died in Kargil, it is possible to capture the Kargil post for two months just by loosing 500 soldiers without using Airforce or without having superior weapons that Indian Army used against your PA.
When PA shot down your 2 air craft ... IAF didn't manage to find that courage to came down and bomb to our locations...
And just I said before Keep Nawaz shareef statement holy for you...:lol:
PA provided you the fact and figures... whether you believe or not it don't cares...
LOL, your Airforce was not involved in the operation but certainly our Airforce was involved there to hunt down the soldiers plus the conflict went for 2 Months with heavy fightings, so it is possible that thousand of Pakistani soldiers have died. :lol: If you can't trust Nawaz Sharif, how come you trusting figure from your Army who declared fake victory in 1965 and never conceded the fact Pakistani soldiers fought in Kargil, so how come you accepted the figure of 453 Pakistan troops died in Kargil, it is possible to capture the Kargil post for two months just by loosing 500 soldiers without using Airforce or without having superior weapons that Indian Army used against your PA.
One thing more , we had the advantage of the high ground and i hope that you do understand what is its significance ... Corrupt politicians just issuing statements to get public support by playing the victim card dont count for much here ... Bringing airforce doesn't means that you could capture every peak or kill every combatant in one go ... 4000 soldiers translates into something which would have transformed into outrage here ... How can an army hide the death of such large number of soldiers which didn't even happen in all out wars such as '47 , '65 or '71 ? :azn:
no he was shot after he ran out of ammo...and his bravery was duly notified by the indians to pakistanis...
RIP to Sher khan and all brave men of IA ..but pakistan lost a hero to a cause which was lost from starting...just because of false ego of a general..and kab tak aise chalta rahega yaar us waqt musharraf tha kal koi aur hoga..I mean agar ladna hi hai to ek bar lad ke kahtam karo nai to shanti se raho..
^^ Youtube videos will get you nowhere ... I can get you links from your media saying that PAF and its nuclear weapons can wipe out India in hours ... Willing to accept ? :P ... The hard facts have been presented above ... Check them out instead of posting off topic videos ... Pakistan cant match India conventionally , Yes all of us know that ... But we have developed and successfully used the nuclear deterrent two times ...
Pakistan still occupies four kargil peaks

Pakistan still occupies four kargil peaks

On July 26, the country celebrates Vijay Diwas to commemorate India’s victory in the Kargil war. But five years since the war, four strategic Indian posts in Kargil are still under Pakistani control and the government is not ready to spell out the truth, reports VK Shashikumar

Point 5353, Bunker Ridge, Saddle Ridge, Dalu Nag. These are posts in the Kargil sector that the soldiers of the Indian army knew incontrovertibly to be their own. They form a sort of memory map of disjointed emplacements along the treacherous mountains in the Kargil sector. Features that are joined in various military maps of the area by dotted lines.

Army sources confirmed to Tehelka that at least two of these features are under Pakistani control, thanks to botched up military operations and a government that wanted to hide the truth. The fate of the other two features, Dalu Nag and Bunker Ridge, is still shrouded in mystery.

“Dalu Nag is certainly in the Kargil sector, but it has a history of its own since the 1980s. It has nothing to do with Kargil operations. Some parts of Dalu Nag may have been occupied by them at that time,” former army chief Ved Prakash Malik told Tehelka. “I do not know what exact locations are being referred to by these names,” he added referring to Saddle Ridge and Bunker Ridge.

For the officers and jawans ordered to engage the intruders in a near-impossible battle, this is more humiliating than the government’s negation of the gains made by the army in the 1965 war. But then, Kargil would probably have never happened if the Tashkent Agreement was not signed in 1965. Even in 1999, India gave Pakistan a walkover and enabled it to retain territory that was always under Indian control. And then, the government misled the nation that Kargil had been cleared of all Pakistani intruders.

Former defence minister George Fernandes, argued that the LoC runs over Pt 5353 and, therefore, was unoccupied by either countries till Kargil happened. A point which is not true.

Ironically, though it was the bjp-led government that hid the truth, the Congress-led upa government is also reluctant to clarify. Tehelka sent a questionnaire to Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee asking him to spell out the truth about the four posts. But at the time of going to print, he had not replied.

Meanwhile, within the army at the level of middle and junior level officers and the brave jawans, there is discontent. Any army unit that has done its tour of duty in Kargil after the war in the summer of 1999 has heard about the secrets locked up in the forbidding heights.

Perhaps it is painful for the army top brass to admit that Operation Vijay was not really an unalloyed victory.


Tehelka - The People's Paper
Nawaz Sharif claimed that 4,000 Pakistani troops died in Kargil. It is the word said by your former Prime Minister.

The Hindu : Over 4,000 soldiers killed in Kargil: Sharif
'Over 4,000 Pakistanis died in Kargil conflict'

And I trust this figure because same Musharraf who took 8 yrs to concede Kargil will surely lying about it.

The clay footed politicians from that part of the world will go to any length to smear the opposition, in which case Nawaz Sharif here was trying to put Musharaf in a bad light by highly exaggerating the figures much like some in India were filling up their Coffers by whatever means.

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Coffin scandal rages in India
The clay footed politicians from that part of the world will go to any length to smear the opposition, in which case Nawaz Sharif here was trying to put Musharaf in a bad light by highly exaggerating the figures much like some in India were filling up their Coffers by whatever means.

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Coffin scandal rages in India
Now same question applies to your leadership including political and army. So, the people who never cared about honorable burial to your soldiers, so will you really believe blindly in the figure of only 453 soldiers dead given by them .

Yes, there may be some corruption on buying coffin but every Indian soldier died got honorable state cremation and burial by their IA and their relatives which Pakistani dead soldiers never got.
Did not you know we used advanced UAVs against you and you could not hit even a single UAV, so we knew that where were you hiding even in High mountains.

Yes, you should trust your army who declare fake victory about 1965 war and 1971 war which went just for 2 Weeks and kargil was 2 months long so it is possible of death of thousands of Pakistani soldiers.

Look this cutting of 17th December 1971, it has two headlines "War Till Victory" and "Fighting end in East Wing"

And when your Army never cared about respectful burial of your dead soldiers only a stupid will trust the figure given by that army.

And Pakistan faced International humiliation only after Kargil debacle. First your international image slumped and only two countries supported in the UN. Military coup, it was Pakistan only that faced it, so we made you face lots of turmoil and that was our victory, Kargil remained in India protecting Strategic roads and your country only faced further international isolation.

Other newspapers did mention the surrender ... Dont be selective in that ...

There is no way one would accept the figure of 4000 combatants being killed because of the advantage of high ground , bottled up Indian resources , mind boggling loss in only two months even when we were the aggressors ... But still whatever floats your boat ... The NLI suffered heavy causalities only when they vacated the posts and received fire from the very post they had once occupied ... The whole operation was being carried out covertly and PA did accept bodies ... Ofcourse we cant take those of the Kashmiri freedom fighters ... You were nowhere close to vacating all those posts hadn't it been for a coward called Nawaz Sharif !

The International opinion once again shifted in Pakistan favor after 9/11 ... So the point being ?
A gorgeous Victory.... When Our troops in kargil fought 6 times greater number of enemy troops with out an Air support and shown thier massive power...

oh you mean the troops which under orders cowardly took over abandoned posts :pakistan:
Other newspapers did mention the surrender ... Dont be selective in that ...

There is no way one would accept the figure of 4000 combatants being killed because of the advantage of high ground , bottled up Indian resources , mind boggling loss in only two months even when we were the aggressors ... But still whatever floats your boat ... The NLI suffered heavy causalities only when they vacated the posts and received fire from the very post they had once occupied ... You were nowhere close to vacating all those posts hadn't it been for a coward called Nawaz Sharif !

The International opinion once again shifted in Pakistan favor after 9/11 ... So the point being ?

What Nawaz Sharif did was saving Pakistan from the international humiliation because every country was against Pakistan. And what media told you were winning, the same media who told you only lies about Kargil conflict.

4000 soldiers may not have died but how come you trusting number of 453 given by PA when the same PA disowned their dead soldiers.

But that opinion has shifted against Pakistan. See only many countries came openly to support Pakistan during Sindh floods.
oh you mean the troops which under orders cowardly took over abandoned posts :pakistan:
and got only 450+ causalities fighting against several times larger opposition with air cover and support employing over 4 divisions ... Yeah , we mean that ... The brave soldiers who held onto the very last times ...
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