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Indian Army Falsified Kargil Battle Records

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We are not discussing about Fake encounters or anythings that's too happen in your country also. But the fact is will you really trust in your government's figure of 453 Pakistani troops dead when they initially disowned troops as PA personals of NLI.
We aren't discussing 1971 either , so ? :undecided: ... If you have an alternate figure from a credible source , we will be delighted to hear ...
our indian guests do the same everyday, don't they?

if you feel that this is reposted; well you can request that it be merged with any other thread on the subject.....wheres the trolling?
Sources indicate otherwise :no:

PAKISTAN soldiers atop Peak 5353 metres on the strategic Marpo La ridge would have had a grandstand view of Vijay Diwas celebrations, marking the official end of the Kargil war. At least some of them must have had wry smiles on their faces watching the J uly 26 spectacle. For although Peak 5353 metres is well inside the Indian side of the Line of Control (LoC), Pakistani troops held the mountain through the Kargil war - and continue to do so today. From the peak, observers on Peak 5353 can direct accurat e artillery fire on to up to 20 km of National Highway 1A, and cripple Indian defensive positions from Mushkoh to Bhimbet. On August 11, Army headquarters claimed that Point 5353 was placed right on LoC, not on the Indian side. This asser tion stands exposed by the Army's own one-inch maps, in Frontline's possession. The same day, Union Defence Minister George Fernandes followed up this piece of prevarication with his own, claiming when asked about Point 5353 at a press conference in Bangalore that "India is owning the land". "Every inch of the land is under our control," he insisted. The panic is not surprising.

Put simply, the Pakistan occupation of Point 5353 means that Operation Vijay's core objective in Drass of securing the highway, had failed.

By hiding the ground positions in Drass from the Indian public, the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Union government and the Army leadership succeeded in securing a public relations victory on Kargil. But its first-round of cover-up on Drass has forced it to resort to another such round. Contrary to official claims that all is well in Kargil, there have been a series of exchanges of small arms fire centred on 5353, spilling into the Mushkoh Valley. On at least one occasion this summer, the fire almost escala ted into full-blown artillery exchanges. The worst of the fighting has come in the Batalik area, east of Kargil, where Indian troops have been ordered to take any unoccupied positions they discover on the Pakistan side of the LoC, a move designed to brin g about a deal on Point 5353.


The peaks are a a strategic advantage to us, and the indians know it.
why reported, Karan

because its deeply disturbing to here the fact the indian army falsified battle records. I dont understand why because if genuine facts and proof is brought to the table then whats the problem to have a discussion about it? I find it amusing that they come on here all day and when a thread like this comes along they have to feel as if it should be reported? - doesnt make sense?
And some people need to troll.. :)

Thread reported...

The truth of the matter is friends, that they say if a lie a repeated again and again, then it will become the truth. Since there are 1.3 billion Indians they will keep lying and believe it as truth.
The peaks are a a strategic advantage to us, and the indians know it.

you've had plenty of advantages before, how many times did you actually turn it in to a victory?
hell even the srinagar highway was in direct line of Arty fire, but thanks to PA's incompetency (or IA's competency, razpak has not enlightened me yet) we still have our kashmir.

---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 AM ----------

Laughing is good for your health instead of being angry. :smokin:

that's why I'm on PDF:D thanks for keeping me amused
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