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India will suffer for what it did in Kashmir: Arundhati

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Pakistan has regularly pointed out that you have proxies as has India. The issue is the weakness of those saying it, the failure of Pakistan's foreign policy which finds itself on a different footing than India and the internal situation in Pakistan. With bombs going off everywhere no one is going to trust our country when we say India is supporting TTP or Baloch insurgents. This is the dilemna and the issues Pakistan face. But in jails there are dozens of Indian spy's.

That India has spies in Pakistan and vice versa is something every one knows. What one does not know is the link between Indian establishment and the insurgents in Pakistan. Everything till now is only a claim..nothing has been established or no Indians cught except some uncircumcised di*ks (literally).

One day I was doing some research and called upon an Inspector in Karachi to give me some reports of foreign involvement. He pointed me out to a few cases. I looked into the cases myself. My concern came when he showed me a guy from Sanghar in Sindh. I was worried a Pakistani hindu might be framed. I began opposing the report. He sent me to CID staff that had nabbed them. Those guys gave me such vivid details that I could not doubt them and the guy was not from Sanghar but was posing as one from Sanghar-he was actually from Gujarat. They even provided hometown of his family and I know if I go to that town in Gujarat I will find him.

I asked him why no one raises this in media. He said ask the media.

Blame the Pakistani hindus who are about than 1% of the population for Pakistan's miseries which were caused by its own "death by 1000 cuts to India through mujaheddin" policy. Seems super plausible.
Finally more and more people in India are talking sense Arundhati, Shinde
A writer who always make controversial statements to be in limelight and a Politician who made the comment when he get over-excited after National Meeting for coming general Election in 2014, to target opposition party to score some votes.
A writer who always make controversial statements to be in limelight and a Politician who made the comment after having an orgasm after National Meeting for coming general Election in 2014, to target opposition party to score some votes.

Well to majority of Pakistanis are going to like them for now, regardless of the motives.

Just like Indians like people Asma Jahangir, Raza Rumi, Najam Seti, etc. Whereas a lot of Pakistanis don't
Arundhati has committed the carnal sin of speaking for muslims in Hindu India. She should be punished for it
:hitwall: Now you are painting religious angle.

What's the problem with you guys. Why do you always see religion everywhere ?

Well to majority of Pakistanis are going to like them for now, regardless of the motives.
Just like Indians like people Asma Jahangir, Raza Rumi, Najam Seti, etc. Whereas a lot of Pakistanis don't
Buddy, you do realize the difference between sweeping statements and statements based on facts and proof.

What Shinde said, he is being asked to provide proof that implicate BJP. Still no proofs given, because there are none. Same is said by Arundhati Roy. Are there war crimes, yup there are some cases of it. But can we exaggerate the number for popularity purpose or propaganda purpose, that's plain wrong.

Hell, even I accept that war crimes have happened. There are all ingredients for war crimes to happen. But will I support a statement without any proof, no I can't.
Buddy, you do realize the difference between sweeping statements and statements based on facts and proof.

I agree with the statement above. But next time someone like Asma Jahangir or Tarek Fateh go on a rant, I hope Indians will remember what you have said above too.
popularity among?

Anyone!! See she made this comment and your are reading now... And many more like you will read this.... Now when she releases her new book, what happens you would want to read that and know little bit more on her believes... So popularity sells.. Famous/Imfamous= Sale.. Same goes for Salman Rushdie... Do you know his book Satanic Verses sold over 800,000 copies... Answer me this was that book that Good????
I agree with the statement above. But next time someone like Asma Jahangir or Tarek Fateh go on a rant, I hope Indians will remember what you have said above too.
I don't take words without proofs as seriously.

Most of the time I use these statements only for those who play with sweeping statements.

When someone is really talking with facts and rationale, it becomes different discussion altogether. I can't say for rest of the Indian posters.
isnt she the one who supported naxalism in the country????so much for the rights activist
I still back Naxals’ struggle: Arundhati

I don't know how she does it. Now for the storm of Indian hate-mail and abuse. Brace yourself!


I do not believe she says what she says out of malice for India. She says it because she is a rights worker concerned about India's reputation.

Indian Military crimes in occupied Kashmir are endless. Good to see honest people coming forward & telling the truth about Indian Military brutal crimes in occupied Kashmir.

INSHAALLAH Kashmir will be freed from the shackles of occupying India & INSHAALLAH once again Kashmir will be part of Pakistan.

dont say INDIAN miillitary crimes...as if ur govt is a mascot of peace
Pakistan Human Rights | Amnesty International USA
Euro parliament raps Pakistan on rights issue - Hindustan Times

Yes you should last talk about himmat what happened to you in Mumbai and what kind of Himmat you showed every ones knows it :azn: Sir and you will see laugh as much you can because you guys will cry a lot really very soon :cheers:

killing innocent people is not an act of courage..u must be ashamed to claim it as a sucess
That India has spies in Pakistan and vice versa is something every one knows. What one does not know is the link between Indian establishment and the insurgents in Pakistan. Everything till now is only a claim..nothing has been established or no Indians cught except some uncircumcised di*ks (literally).
Blame the Pakistani hindus who are about than 1% of the population for Pakistan's miseries which were caused by its own "death by 1000 cuts to India through mujaheddin" policy. Seems super plausible.

Did you read the post. I had the same concern but it was revealed the guy was from Gujarat. I can find the village and house tommarow if you like and you can visit the spies family. They will tell you which agency he joined and when first in an overt role later he was disallowed from speaking to anyone as he was shifted to another role. If that guy hadn't convinced me very well I wouldn't have said this.

Is that a guilty conscious speaking because I remember what happened to distant relatives and friends who went to complain in Hyderabad and were put in jail so they wouldn't say a word about killing of an entire family by RSS terrorists. Accepting those crimes as a problem is the only way as Arundhati roy points out to solve them. As far as any of this information is concerned I will ensure I verify it before posting. He was from Gujarat, not Sanghar.
Did you read the post. I had the same concern but it was revealed the guy was from Gujarat. I can find the village and house tommarow if you like and you can visit the spies family. They will tell you which agency he joined and when first in an overt role later he was disallowed from speaking to anyone as he was shifted to another role. If that guy hadn't convinced me very well I wouldn't have said this.

In Pakistan cases can easily be fabricated against Hindus or for that any minority and no one would give a ****. After all its the Islamic republic of Pakistan where hate against Hindus is ingrained from child hood level through official history books.

What is happening in Pakistan is the massive blow back from the mujaheddin who were nurtured by the establishment to take on India who decided that the establishment is not as "Islamic" as they would like it to be and hence decided to take on them. Hindus have no role in this. Stop this scapegoating of a tiny, voiceless, vulnerable super minority that has no role in the decision making process in Pakistan and is gradually making its way to India.

Is that a guilty conscious speaking because I remember what happened to distant relatives and friends who went to complain in Hyderabad and were put in jail so they wouldn't say a word about killing of an entire family by RSS terrorists. Accepting those crimes as a problem is the only way as Arundhati roy points out to solve them. As far as any of this information is concerned I will ensure I verify it before posting. He was from Gujarat, not Sanghar.

The blood spilt in Kashmir is on Pakistan's hands and on its crude decision to make the kashmiri muslims as pawns in its land grabbing venture. There were no deaths in Kashmir before the Pakistani aided and abetted insurgency started.
In Pakistan cases can easily be fabricated against Hindus or for that any minority and no one would give a ****. After all its the Islamic republic of Pakistan where hate against Hindus is ingrained from child hood level through official history books.

What is happening in Pakistan is the massive blow back from the mujaheddin who were nurtured by the establishment to take on India who decided that the establishment is not as "Islamic" as they would like it to be and hence decided to take on them. Hindus have no role in this. Stop this scapegoating of a tiny, voiceless, vulnerable super minority that has no role in the decision making process in Pakistan and is gradually making its way to India.

The blood spilt in Kashmir is on Pakistan's hands and on its crude decision to make the kashmiri muslims as pawns in its land grabbing venture. There were no deaths in Kashmir before the Pakistani aided and abetted insurgency started.

If cases could be fabricated then I would be resisting as I initially did and asked why it was Sanghar in the report. Sanghar was there because he tried to pass of as a person who was a resident of Sanghar as Sanghar has significant Hindu population. He also was not a Lower Caste member which make up 80% of the Sindhi Hindu population. A person would know that if he knew about demographics of the region. Also how many Patels have you seen in Sindh who are native to it? Exactly. There are a number of family last names and we know them. Don't teach us.

You are a waste of time as you will not accept the mistakes your country has made and the murders it has taken part in. This is what Muslims go through daily in your land and it is a major reality. Even in India hate is ingrained against the Muslims but India has managed to obfuscate the evidence and reality of this.

The debate is not about that in any case. It is about Arundhati Roy and her true claims about what is happening. When a person sees and meets families that have suffered he or she gets attached as I did during my time with aid organizations that dealt primarily with refugees from India. I know what these people have gone through. The situation of minorities in India is a horrible one and everyone I know in there is willing to admit this. you are not and this is your problem.

You can divert the topic to Pakistan but it will not help the situation. Arundhuti should be seen as an asset as should anyone providing a counter-narrative. But it is not for you to realize this.

---No offense whatsoever intended to Pakistani hindus-God knows where KS found offense. I was stating a demographic reality with no intention of insulting.
The question arises, that why did pakistan back out of a UN backed plebiscite????
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