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India will suffer for what it did in Kashmir: Arundhati

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She is attention seeker having a peanut size brain
All of her statements are over controversial issues and are against the state (Narmada dam, naxals, kashmir)
Whoever speaks against India suddenly becomes darling of Pakistan. :lol:

Isn't the same true for you guys? And more so than us. The likes of Asma Jahangir are your idols, bad press internationally towards Pakistan is dumped here truckload by Indians. And Pakistani members like vcheng who speak against Pakistan are worshiped by you guys here.

Anyway, leave the poor lady alone. In a diverse and democratic society people have the right to express their opinion. Be mature about it and stop acting like raging nationalistic lunatics all the time.
Isn't the same true for you guys? And more so than us. The likes of Asma Jahangir are your idols, bad press internationally towards Pakistan is dumped here truckload by Indians. And Pakistani members like vcheng who speak against Pakistan are worshiped by you guys here.Anyway, leave the poor lady alone. In a diverse and democratic society people have the right to express their opinion. Be mature about it and stop acting like raging nationalistic lunatics all the time.
Poor lady ? Will you allow a person who is propagating only one side of problem and exaggerating to get more publicity.

I don't worship Pakistan's analyst if they speak against Pakistan. I just agree with them if they speak rationality.

Similarly I don't agree with Arundhati Roy but I agree with Anna Hazare who criticize my country, bash the establishment but work towards improving it rather than propagating wrong theory all around.

Critics are always good for society but given too much freedom to people who use it for selfish person is where I have problem. She never spoke of Human rights of soldiers and the ordeal they face in J&K.

You can read my previous posts where I have said that war crimes do occur in J&K. And I have given reasons why they occur. Kindly read previous posts of mine rather than painting me as Raging Nationalistic Lunatic. :D
I believe she will suffer more if she keeps making such anti nationalistic comments. Come on arundathi if you have a problem please return to your native country. Don't need you here.

There are hundreds of people getting killed, both Christians and Muslims (your OWN citizens) and you are too busy crying 'nationalism'??? This is TERRORISM son, show SUPPORT for the victims of terrorism. Why is it that the Hindu terrorist can kill as many as they want to (been happening for decades) and anyone else kills one Hindu, he or she gets a blame for life? Shouldn't you treat both the terrorists the same? Here......you are crying nationalism???

Now, I am going to have a few of the regular players try to butcher my argument here as they don't want to face the reality that there is Hindu terrorists also (Shiv Sena, BJP, RSS, etc). But they'll discredit me, call me a liar, 'a repeat of the same thing', India is the best place on planet (btw, as long as you are a hindu) and bla bla. BUT, none of these geniuses will try to ANSWER the above question. WHY DON"T YOU CONDEMN HINDU TERRORISTS? But expect the world to back you up against the ones who've killed just a few, while your own have killed hundreds of thousands....???? Why the double standard?
Poor lady ? Will you allow a person who is propagating only one side of problem and exaggerating to get more publicity.

I don't worship Pakistan's analyst if they speak against Pakistan. I just agree with them if they speak rationality.

Similarly I don't agree with Arundhati Roy but I agree with Anna Hazare who criticize my country, bash the establishment but work towards improving it rather than propagating wrong theory all around.

Critics are always good for society but given too much freedom to people who use it for selfish person is where I have problem. She never spoke of Human rights of soldiers and the ordeal they face in J&K.

You can read my previous posts where I have said that war crimes do occur in J&K. And I have given reasons why they occur. Kindly read previous posts of mine rather than painting me as Raging Nationalistic Lunatic. :D

If your reasons for war crimes committed by Indian forces in Kashmir is PTSD, as you mentioned earlier, then I disagree. PTSD is a front for a systematic mass killings of civilians for various reasons. To curb their will, land occupation, racism, seizure of indigenous resources, you name it.

I also don't agree with PTSD as the reason for mass killings and rape in Vietnam and Iraq, too. Do I believe that soldiers suffer from PTSD? Yes. Do I believe that soldiers suffering from PTSD go on a killing rampage of civilians and loot and plunder and rape the helpless, and all too often? Hell No.

The military and civilian leaderships come up with PTSD to hide the war crimes of their soldiers and for domestic consumption. And their public too willingly accepts that as the reason cuz they don't wanna believe their own people can commit such crimes.

And it appears you're doing the same. You don't believe your forces are capable of war crime under sane mind. So, you'll resort to PTSD.
There are hundreds of people getting killed, both Christians and Muslims (your OWN citizens) and you are too busy crying 'nationalism'??? This is TERRORISM son, show SUPPORT for the victims of terrorism. Why is it that the Hindu terrorist can kill as many as they want to (been happening for decades) and anyone else kills one Hindu, he or she gets a blame for life? Shouldn't you treat both the terrorists the same? Here......you are crying nationalism???

Now, I am going to have a few of the regular players try to butcher my argument here as they don't want to face the reality that there is Hindu terrorists also (Shiv Sena, BJP, RSS, etc). But they'll discredit me, call me a liar, 'a repeat of the same thing', India is the best place on planet (btw, as long as you are a hindu) and bla bla. BUT, none of these geniuses will try to ANSWER the above question. WHY DON"T YOU CONDEMN HINDU TERRORISTS? But expect the world to back you up against the ones who've killed just a few, while your own have killed hundreds of thousands....???? Why the double standard?

Explain to me how shiv sena, BJP or RSS are terrorist's???
If your reasons for war crimes committed by Indian forces in Kashmir is PTSD, as you mentioned earlier, then I disagree. PTSD is a front for a systematic mass killings of civilians for various reasons. To curb their will, land occupation, racism, seizure of indigenous resources, you name it.I also don't agree with PTSD as the reason for mass killings and rape in Vietnam and Iraq, too. Do I believe that soldiers suffer from PTSD? Yes. Do I believe that soldiers suffering from PTSD go on a killing rampage of civilians and loot and plunder and rape the helpless, and all too often? Hell No.
The military and civilian leaderships come up with PTSD to hide the war crimes of their soldiers and for domestic consumption. And their public too willingly accepts that as the reason cuz they don't wanna believe their own people can commit such crimes.
And it appears you're doing the same. You don't believe your forces are capable of war crime under sane mind. So, you'll resort to PTSD.
No I am not just saying PTSD. Pro long exposure to war, terrorists getting free and traded for hostages, lack of government efforts to employ the unemployed youth which becomes fodder to militants recruiters, civilians start giving shelters to terrorists who kill people no tin their society but elsewhere make a soldier to take things into his own hands.

Extra judicial killings become rampant, innocents become expandable and best efforts to limit collateral damage loose significance.

Military often gets engulfed in a region which has a vicious circle. A circle where terrorism decreases stability, take away financial security, increases unrest and people turn to become terrorists and the circle spirals out.

When the segment which says we will stop killing innocents if people start protesting against the people who are protecting them, people may support those terrorists.

You have to understand the survival mechanism that kicks in and morality gets kicks out in these regions.

If I point a gun to your son's head and say shoot your body guard who is aiming at me, you will most probably agree with me and shoot your body guard in a hope that I might not shoot your son. Your priority is safety of your son than an unknown person who is getting paid by govt. to save you. You don't care about him.

When a next body guard is sent to your society, he might shoot you as you killed his friend who was protecting you.

Also, I am not your friend. As long as you loose importance to me, I might shoot not only your son but you too as you killed the person who protected you, what are the chances you won't shot a person who aimed a gun and threatened to kill your son.

For both State and terrorists, you are not worthy of trust. But was it your fault ? May be not. Because you felt compelled to save your son. Should I question your morality, the second bodyguard who came in place of his friend or question my morality ?

So tell me who is at fault ? Isn't it me who created this vicious circle when I threatened to kill your son at first place and now you are afraid of both the State and Me and State may kill you because you are threat to State.
No I am not just saying PTSD. Pro long exposure to war, terrorists getting free and traded for hostages, lack of government efforts to employ the unemployed youth which becomes fodder to militants recruiters, civilians start giving shelters to terrorists who kill people no tin their society but elsewhere make a soldier to take things into his own hands.

Extra judicial killings become rampant, innocents become expandable and best efforts to limit collateral damage loose significance.

Military often gets engulfed in a region which has a vicious circle. A circle where terrorism decreases stability, take away financial security, increases unrest and people turn to become terrorists and the circle spirals out.

When the segment which says we will stop killing innocents if people start protesting against the people who are protecting them, people may support those terrorists.

You have to understand the survival mechanism that kicks in and morality gets kicks out in these regions.

If I point a gun to your son's head and say shoot your body guard who is aiming at me, you will most probably agree with me and shoot your body guard in a hope that I might not shoot your son. Your priority is safety of your son than an unknown person who is getting paid by govt. to save you. You don't care about him.

When a next body guard is sent to your society, he might shoot you as you killed his friend who was protecting you.

Also, I am not your friend. As long as you loose importance to me, I might shoot not only your son but you too as you killed the person who protected you, what are the chances you won't shot a person who aimed a gun and threatened to kill your son.

For both State and terrorists, you are not worthy of trust. But was it your fault ? May be not. Because you felt compelled to save your son. Should I question your morality, the second bodyguard who came in place of his friend or question my morality ?

So tell me who is at fault ? Isn't it me who created this vicious circle when I threatened to kill your son at first place and now you are afraid of both the State and Me and State may kill you because you are threat to State.

I'm not sure I understand your analogy that well, as its applied to Kashmir's situation. Maybe you have a reason behind it that I'm not seeing, I'll keep an open mind about it and get back to you if I can, it's kinda late here.
Isn't the same true for you guys? And more so than us. The likes of Asma Jahangir are your idols, bad press internationally towards Pakistan is dumped here truckload by Indians. And Pakistani members like vcheng who speak against Pakistan are worshiped by you guys here.

Anyway, leave the poor lady alone. In a diverse and democratic society people have the right to express their opinion. Be mature about it and stop acting like raging nationalistic lunatics all the time.

Has Asma Jahangir ever crticised yr nuke program?.
In 2002 Suzzane wrote an article that if India were to fire a nuke upon Pak she would be first on to land in pakistan and take the nuke upon her. she wrote even india has non first use policy on the nukes.

From India Muslims are not fleeing which as been the case with pakistan from where not just hindus but even shias and Ahemdis are fleeing. Has IA ever subdued democracy in India the way PA has done in Pakistan. This is what Asma Jahangir criticises.
As far ARoy is concerned for her every thing is wrong with India. She has been totally blind and mum to Pak sponsored terrorist activities against India.
if that Pakistan is suffering so much economy collapse terrorism,suicidal blast. and india is growing much faster.then pakistan has done some bad karma. lol:rofl:

oh really then what are you doing in ***.:what:

Sorry mate but you people are suffering much more than indians

What ****???
I was talking about terrorism originated from Pakistan and the blind eye by the politicians.

Terrorism hasnt originated from Pakistan dude they r just freedom fighters.

U have to define whom u can terrorist. If u cant to called someone terrorist just because West Calls them so u should also call Mangal Panday, George Washington as terrorists because according to west they were also terrorist. But they were actually freedom fighters for their people.

West just give them bad name who simply resists them.
if you have any logical arguments to make then do it. any body can post photos of flag burning be it Indian or Pakistani.there is a micro minority in Kashmir(like the geelani and party ) who wants to join Pakistan but they don't represent the majority..so get out of your delusion that Kashmiri's are dying to be part of Pakistan.

Nor they want to part of India either.
We say that we want a Separate country but if not then atleast we will join Pakistan who is a Muslim Country.

And the Pictures i had posted r not fake either.
Learn who is occupying the territory... Read the UN security councils resolution... you can very easily find out what has prevented the plebiscite... click on the link and read... maybe some facts might trickle down in your brain.
UN resolution says there should be a referendum in IOK.
And for yr info Pak n Kashmiris want the Solution according to UN.

Pak basically says that solution should be according to the People in the Valley n the people in the Valley's Majority want if according to resolution.

So i believe the Pak n People of Valley r not stupid to know that.

Now Run.....
UN resolution says there should be a referendum in IOK.
And for yr info Pak n Kashmiris want the Solution according to UN.

Pak basically says that solution should be according to the People in the Valley n the people in the Valley's Majority want if according to resolution.

So i believe the Pak n People of Valley r not stupid to know that.

Now Run.....

Resolution involved J&K, PO k and Aksai Chin all but we dnt want third party help.

And why any one listen to you when you agreed to gift Indian land to China???
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