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India will suffer for what it did in Kashmir: Arundhati

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The question arises, that why did pakistan back out of a UN backed plebiscite????

Coz They annexed a big chunk P0K and named it GB and leased the rest to China without Kashmiris' permission. They named the small slither left as Azad Kashmir but is anything but Azad. Kashmiris and Kashmir are the biggest victims of this treachery.

Its a universal law that applies to everything/everyone. India will find out the result of its crimes in Kashmir.

The funny thing is the reactions are happening on the other side. wondering why...
If Karma principle is applied to Kashmir, Pakistan will suffer since it is the one which has instigated violence in Kashmir, with out the terror policy Kashmiris should have not suffered.
pakistanis are so passionate about kashmir, they are willing to aid and contribute to armed struggle... but they couldn't convince their army/raiders to evacuate kashmir for a plebiscite.... The truth is pakistan knew very well what would be outcome of a plebiscite, hence they ensured militarization, infiltration and later asymmetric warfare on the people of kashmir.
If cases could be fabricated then I would be resisting as I initially did and asked why it was Sanghar in the report. Sanghar was there because he tried to pass of as a person who was a resident of Sanghar as Sanghar has significant Hindu population. He also was not a low caste hindu which make up 80% of the Sindhi Hindu population. A person would know that if he knew about demographics of the region. Also how many Patels have you seen in Sindh who are native to it? Exactly. There are a number of family last names and we know them. Don't teach us.

See all the facade of being a liberal and rights activist is falling apart so soon. You are just another closet Islamist who hates Hindus and is brainwashed from childhood that a Hindu by nature is always treacherous and cunning and he will always be the enemy of Pakistan. Good job Pakistani history books.

And yes, this one random guy from Sanghar is responsible for all the death and destruction in Pakistan and this random dude from Sanghar was funded by India. You are a bigger moron than I ever imagined.

You are a waste of time as you will not accept the mistakes your country has made and the murders it has taken part in. This is what Muslims go through daily in your land and it is a major reality. Even in India hate is ingrained against the Muslims but India has managed to obfuscate the evidence and reality of this.

The debate is not about that in any case. It is about Arundhati Roy and her true claims about what is happening. When a person sees and meets families that have suffered he or she gets attached as I did during my time with aid organizations that dealt primarily with refugees from India. I know what these people have gone through. The situation of minorities in India is a horrible one and everyone I know in there is willing to admit this. you are not and this is your problem.

You can divert the topic to Pakistan but it will not help the situation. Arundhuti should be seen as an asset as should anyone providing a counter-narrative. But it is not for you to realize this.

The only one who has the blood of Kashmiris on its hands is Pakistan and its murderous landgrabbing policy in Kashmir. History will hold you accountable friend. Never forget.
See all the facade of being a liberal and rights activist is falling apart so soon. You are just another closet Islamist who hates Hindus and is brainwashed from childhood that a Hindu by nature is always treacherous and cunning and he will always be the enemy of Pakistan. Good job Pakistani history books.

Listen up. I worked for Hindu rights for 3-4 years and with a slanderous attack on Hindus will cheapen all that work? Look at the comment again and find me what is offensive there. I have offended Hindus before that, yes. But not since I became politically active and understood that we could not do what you did with us Ansaris and our fathers side because the only animals alive are on the other side of the border. We should not be living as animals but should treat citizens equally. Now let me explain for low IQ people.

KS I promise I would not let a son of Pakistan (A Pakistani Hindu be framed-I would get myself arrested in fact) be arrested. I assured myself he was from Gujarat. Also mothers name, fathers name, village, everything was on the report of CID. On police report it was in cheap urdu which took hours to read and weak investigation.

1) The majority of Hindus in Sindh (about 2 million+) of the 3 million population is actually of castes that are low. That is not meant to be offensive because in Pakistan caste does not really matter nor it does to modern Hindus. You being an RSS thug who has probably burned a few dalit houses see communalism in every post. I was trying to explain basic differences between Pakistani and Indian Hindus being a student of Pakistani demographics. The reason some of the low caste groups stayed was because they feared worse discrimination in India. He was not of a low caste but Kshatriya I think.

2) Furthermore the spies last name was Patel. Patel is a very mumbai-ish name with some Patels in Gujarat. While researching our own Ansari family I researched those with which we had some interaction before. Please use a brain KS. You do not know the intricacies of which ethnic group, which family group lives where. I have researched all of this very, very extensively. Your job is to claim my information is false like a parrot before I can even explain it.

Still if you find an offense to Hindus I will apologize though I believe you feigned offense just to attack me.

And yes, this one random guy from Sanghar is responsible for all the death and destruction in Pakistan and this random dude from Sanghar was funded by India. You are a bigger moron than I ever imagined.

He is not from Sanghar-he is from a village in Gujarat which is in India. He was trying to act as if he was from Sanghar. That is what I have been saying all this time. The police report said Sanghar, the CID one had full detail of his village in Gujarat.

I can get the report tommarow. Right now its 4:30. I will scan it and post it on a new thread if you want and label it Indian spy caught on so and so date. You know what forget this and forget I said anything. You are like the wife who sees her husband with another woman just talking and turns it into a completely different story saying the husband has been sleeping with another woman.

The only one who has the blood of Kashmiris on its hands is Pakistan and its murderous landgrabbing policy in Kashmir. History will hold you accountable friend. Never forget.

You are a waste of time and take the debate to the gutter. First provoke, then continue fighting and take it until usually the Pakistani guy relents and leaves you to your misery and the nurse who has to offer you sedatives. Hop along angry man... the debate is about arundhati roy and her correct statement.
Listen up. I worked for Hindu rights for 3-4 years and with a slanderous attack on Hindus will cheapen all that work? Look at the comment again and find me what is offensive there. I have offended Hindus before that, yes. But not since I became politically active and understood that we could not do what you did with us Ansaris and our fathers side because the only animals alive are on the other side of the border. We should not be living as animals but should treat citizens equally. Now let me explain for low IQ people.

KS I promise I would not let a son of Pakistan (A Pakistani Hindu be framed-I would get myself arrested in fact) be arrested. I assured myself he was from Gujarat. Also mothers name, fathers name, village, everything was on the report of CID. On police report it was in cheap urdu which took hours to read and weak investigation.

1) The majority of Hindus in Sindh (about 2 million+) of the 3 million population is actually of castes that are low. That is not meant to be offensive because in Pakistan caste does not really matter nor it does to modern Hindus. You being an RSS thug who has probably burned a few dalit houses see communalism in every post. I was trying to explain basic differences between Pakistani and Indian Hindus being a student of Pakistani demographics. The reason some of the low caste groups stayed was because they feared worse discrimination in India. He was not of a low caste but Kshatriya I think.

2) Furthermore the spies last name was Patel. Patel is a very mumbai-ish name with some Patels in Gujarat. While researching our own Ansari family I researched those with which we had some interaction before. Please use a brain KS. You do not know the intricacies of which ethnic group, which family group lives where. I have researched all of this very, very extensively. Your job is to claim my information is false like a parrot before I can even explain it.

Still if you find an offense to Hindus I will apologize though I believe you feigned offense just to attack me.

He is not from Sanghar-he is from a village in Gujarat which is in India. He was trying to act as if he was from Sanghar. That is what I have been saying all this time. The police report said Sanghar, the CID one had full detail of his village in Gujarat.

I can get the report tommarow. Right now its 4:30. I will scan it and post it on a new thread if you want and label it Indian spy caught on so and so date. You know what forget this and forget I said anything. You are like the wife who sees her husband with another woman just talking and turns it into a completely different story saying the husband has been sleeping with another woman.

You are a waste of time and take the debate to the gutter. First provoke, then continue fighting and take it until usually the Pakistani guy relents and leaves you to your misery and the nurse who has to offer you sedatives. Hop along angry man... the debate is about arundhati roy and her correct statement.

Arundati roy needs her 15 minutes of fame and I am not going to grudge her for that. Little one-book-wonder is desperately missing those nowadays and raging against Indian corporate baniya hindus is one way to get noticed. But the truth is Kashmir was heaven on earth till the insurgency fully funded and organized by Pakistan started. That is something that will forever haunt Pakistan's conscience. They caused the death and destruction of what was describes till them as heaven on earth. You can namecall me how much ever you want..but truth is truth,
Kashmir is an issue that is held to heart by any real patriotic Pakistani. The cause will never be abandoned. To do so would be worse than treason.

We must continue to support them. Those fighting for their freedom are not "terrorists"
Kashmir is an issue that is held to heart by any real patriotic Pakistani. The cause will never be abandoned. To do so would be worse than treason.

We must continue to support them. Those fighting for their freedom are not "terrorists"

pakistanis are so passionate about kashmir, they are willing to aid and contribute to armed struggle... but they couldn't convince their army/raiders to evacuate kashmir for a plebiscite. Why???
pakistanis are so passionate about kashmir, they are willing to aid and contribute to armed struggle... but they couldn't convince their army/raiders to evacuate kashmir for a plebiscite. Why???

the real question is why has there been ardent opposition to indian occupation whereas there have never been any convincing calls for "Azadi" from Pakistan
the real question is why has there been ardent opposition to indian occupation whereas there have never been any convincing calls for "Azadi" from Pakistan
no funding from GOI :P
baluchis sing a different tune though, as per PK claims.
the mukti bahini also sang a different tune when we provided support.
no funding from GOI :P

Kashmiris would never turn their guns against Pakistan. Against india -- yes I can see it happening. But never against Pakistan. So funding shmunding is irrelevant here.

baluchis sing a different tune though, as per PK claims.

2 out of 28 districts in the entire Province have some presence of BLA and you claim that that is all of Baloch. :laugh:


the mukti bahini also sang a different tune when we provided support.

exactly, and Pakistan Center made it easily exploited due to political mistakes....the Muktis prevailed, and Inshallah so will Kashmiri freedom fighters (we dont even need to arm them - theirs is a natural movement)
exactly, and Pakistan Center made it easily exploited due to political mistakes....the Muktis prevailed, and Inshallah so will Kashmiri freedom fighters (we dont even need to arm them - theirs is a natural movement)
yawn, the brave freedom fighters are coming back with their pakistani wives. no issues either way, bullets are fairly cheap. :tup:
the real question is why has there been ardent opposition to indian occupation whereas there have never been any convincing calls for "Azadi" from Pakistan

The reason calls for commonsense.... Pakistan has unleashed terror outfits in the state of J&K, causing Indian Army to deploy troops in the problem areas. With deployment of military, civil rights get affected, hence there is disgruntlement from the people affected with additional catalyst of Pak backed leader who contantly use the freedom of speech to spew venom againt the state.

On the other hand , Indian government never backed terrorists ad infiltrators in pakistan held kashmir to cause problems there, hence you don't notice similar circumstance, similarly you dont see any problems in jammu or ladakh either.

If I have answered your query, can you shed some light on the question most pakistanis shy away from, posed to you earlier ???
I'm not agreeing with you at all on your last post.

as for questions - i dont know what "questions" you are talking about.
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