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India-Vietnam oil exploration deal must be stopped:People's Daily

Hehe, do you have any better thing to say except fresh water ?? Red river is not so important to us , we still have Mekong River , but Malacca is crucial route for China .Don't mess with us, or you have to use Horse and donkey again bcz of lack of Oil :lol:

Google the map to see how Red river shape northern vietnam before open your mouth...even your famour capital Hanoi is directly using that river for survive...unless you're trying to tell us that Nort Vietnamese lifes are insignificants...the only explaination for this is that North Vietcons had executed so many Southern Vietnameses during Vietname war period...so you south Vietnam seeking revange.

AS for Mekong, here is the water flow China>Laos>Cambodia then Vietname...you can judge by yourself who control the Valves of the waters. and For Malacca, only if have U.S navy...otherwise just empty talk.

Other than big mouth you used, do you have anything else for better?

You just don't know it, once you have war with India, Vietnam that a time China getting badly. Taiwan will take control China, Hongkong, Shanghai will be split up with 2 new countries. Inner Mongols, Manchu .....etc.

Western going to help Tibet to get back where it belong too.

Let's say you start a war with India, win or loose you did not know because China, India pretty close for Amry power, Taiwan take back, US fleet surround South China Sea, for the goods and security of Vietnam, we will ambush China and take back what ever we lost from China land, islands.

China will collapse like dominos. That's a fact!

The World look down on China just because its and Chinese so nationalism and arrogrance. Big 4 countries and 3 already did not like China. [US,Russia,India]

I will do that if China does not back off even though I really hate war.

What a lunatic wet dream scenario...I have no doubt that you Vietnamese dreaming day and night that to be happened. If China is millenium power and still exist compare to Roman empire which mean we know how to balance our power to take care our enemies individualy, foreign diplomacy is our best weapons and patient is our strengh...that's why we have an un-interrupted civilization...Chineses are not stupid as Vietnames to provok so many enemies at the same time.

As for you vietnam, we will has no need to be bothered but your insignificant country, you're at our mercy: with water on our hand, we can collapse your econmy by add some bad ingredients to destroy your farming, we can add virus to water to make you guys sickman of Asia :lol:, dump radio active into water that flown into Red River...we can make your new born retarded and mutants...so keep dreaming of bad thing you wish happened to China...but you will be the one to pays the heavy price without the need to fire a single bullet...
^ you vietnamese are like us Sikhs natural warriors you fought off 2 better equipped enemies twice the Americans and the Chinese China learned its lesson in 79 from you guys :)

We should thanks to China to build us a tough to be toughest. That's is mean we have more chances to kick China on the balls real hard when they troops step 1 foot on our soil.

I think China loves to getting balls kicked by Vietnam and India for some how, some way.
No it was ur uncle ussrs tht sent nuke subs to detter them..... millions of bangali fighting a civil war..armed,trained by india with help frm ussr? nd armed invasion in E-wing with no radar coverage or aything.. except a sqd of ageing sabres? yet losing air war?

Some heroic moments for indians huh?

And the links of india capturing sialkot garrison and the other land are?

I respect your friendship with China and you try to side by side with them [China].

Do you realy support China all the way and even China is a Thief or even worst than that?

If it a Yes, then good luck for what you've done.
China is seeking power and influence in eastern Asia, the same thing that Vietnam wants and failed at in southeast Asia. Each country is just taking necessary steps ensuring their goals are met, their hands are both dirty as each others, they only difference is one has means to accomplish it's goals and one is frustrated at their weakness and inability to change or accept their destiny.
China is seeking power and influence in eastern Asia, the same thing that Vietnam wants and failed at in southeast Asia. Each country is just taking necessary steps ensuring their goals are met, their hands are both dirty as each others, they only difference is one has means to accomplish it's goals and one is frustrated at their weakness and inability to change or accept their destiny.

China is seeking power and influence in eastern Asia with any trick-track. But Vietnam is member of ASEAN, we are working together. It's difference.
China is seeking power and influence in eastern Asia with any trick-track. But Vietnam is member of ASEAN, we are working together. It's difference.

Everything taste better with sugar coating, you should be a politician. True, not only is Vietnam a part of ASEAN, it also wants to be it's head, it ambitions are greater than its means. The history between Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand is an interesting read, and they are thrilled about Vietnam leading them from some of the forums I've read.
India-Vietnam oil exploration deal must be stopped : People's Daily

They are saying it daily.:tongue:
Everything taste better with sugar coating, you should be a politician. True, not only is Vietnam a part of ASEAN, it also wants to be it's head, it ambitions are greater than its means. The history between Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand is an interesting read, and they are thrilled about Vietnam leading them from some of the forums I've read.

Funny part is the ASEAN was formed partly to deter Vietnamese regional hegemony.
Everything taste better with sugar coating, you should be a politician. True, not only is Vietnam a part of ASEAN, it also wants to be it's head, it ambitions are greater than its means. The history between Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand is an interesting read, and they are thrilled about Vietnam leading them from some of the forums I've read.
Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, first Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore when Visit VN , he said: 'if there is No 1 position in ASEAN, it must be VietNam '............that why, he does not allow VietNam workers to work in Singapore like Malaysian-Indonesian -Phillipino :D
CardSharp said:
Funny part is the ASEAN was formed partly to deter Vietnamese regional hegemony.
And Funnier part was Malaysia-Indonesia just sit and watch Thailand got beaten up by VN :lol:

People around the world are rasing up against Greedy capitalist now, should we help Thailand to kick out those bad guys and build a communist society ??:azn:
If it really comes to that China should cut off india's seven sisters before everything else.

maybe we should cut off the seven sister states to the Bengalis who illegally immigrate there
People around the world are rasing up against Greedy capitalist now, should we help Thailand to kick out those bad guys and build a communist society ??:azn:

You are probably 40 years too late for the proletarian revolution.

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, first Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore when Visit VN , he said: 'if there is No 1 position in ASEAN, it must be VietNam '............that why, he does not allow VietNam workers to work in Singapore like Malaysian-Indonesian -Phillipino :D

Or maybe he just didn't like you guys. I've never see anyone being proud of being rejected from a country before.
@ Starblazer and some one interesting in Vn history: We just made a History game about the way we defeat French Colony, you cna buy it to play also, :D:D

CardSharp said:
You are probably 40 years too late for the proletarian revolution
Too late or too early ??:azn:.........I think it still early for Communist revolution in Thailand ^^.
CardSharp said:
Or maybe he just didn't like you guys. I've never see anyone being proud of being rejected from a country before.
Yeah, that why I mean ^^. maybe bcz he is CHinese :D
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Everything taste better with sugar coating, you should be a politician. True, not only is Vietnam a part of ASEAN, it also wants to be it's head, it ambitions are greater than its means. The history between Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand is an interesting read, and they are thrilled about Vietnam leading them from some of the forums I've read.
I'm no politician, I do business.
I think relation between Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand is important to Vietnam to keep peace for Vietnam and region.
China is just applying some pressure to see how vietnam reacts. If they can nip this in the bud it will make it more difficult for india-vietnam joint venture in the future, and India will feel Vietnam is an unreliable and not completely independent decision maker.

If the deal goes through, I don't count on China to continue to make too much noise on it. They are practical people and would not beat a dead horse. But Vietnam have to be able to resist the pressure first, and I think there are already alot of movements under the table.
China is just applying some pressure to see how vietnam reacts. If they can nip this in the bud it will make it more difficult for india-vietnam joint venture in the future, and India will feel Vietnam is an unreliable and not completely independent decision maker.

If the deal goes through, I don't count on China to continue to make too much noise on it. They are practical people and would not beat a dead horse. But Vietnam have to be able to resist the pressure first, and I think there are already alot of movements under the table.

Same China gov did to Vietnam when call Taiwan is a country. China realy pissed off, that may cause China try to put another pressure.

By all means, I don't trust China goverment, the big miror for me to see when China ask Taiwan to be unite, and same time China aimed hundreds of missiles toward to Taiwain. WTF China gov does?
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