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India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

Do your own research. Things are easily available on the net about his real vies on Islam and no one can deny the steps he took to move his country in the direction of secularism. Check the list of things he banned.

Some of his contemporaries did call him kaffir-e-azam, didn't they? He used Islam only for politics not for practicing himself.

It doesn't matter to me if you are an Islamist on not.

And yes, being a Muslim I believe Shariah law should apply to you. Including adultery laws where applicable. ;)

We all know the things he banned he did so in the name of modernization yet he was still a Muslim he opened a ministry of religious affairs and started appointing state run Imams instead of any tom dick or harry opening up a mosque, heck Pakistan should have a similar system to check the crazy Mullahs.

BTW many of things he did like banning hijab was also done by the Shah of Iran at one point in time yet no one claimed he hated Islam only Ataturk has such accusations leveled at him. Anyway @xenon54 @Kaan @T-123456 can explain this better to you that their leader had no problem with religion, if he did they would not be Muslims today.

Yeah the deobandis who were against Pakistan leveled many accusations against him but this is what perhaps the most influential Muslim of the time had to say about Muhammad Ali Jinnah- Ameer e Millat Pir Syed Jamaat Ali Shah
Pir Syed Jamat Ali Shah Naqshbandi | Journey of a Seeker Of Sacred Knowledge

Some wretched fellow once made an abortive attempt to assassinate Quaid-e-Azam. Before long, Hazrat Qibla-e-Alam forwarded to the latter a consignment, which included a number of gift items, including the Holy Quran ; a prayer mat; a rosary; a shawl; a woollen cloth; and certain other valuables. Hazrat Qibla-e-Alam wrote in the letter that accompanied these gifts: “The nation has selected me as Ameer-e-Millat, and the invaluable efforts that you have been making for the establishment of Pakistan are truly appreciated, but are basically a part of my job. Nevertheless, I am now a man of over 100 years of age who has been overtaken by physical weakness and frailty. Therefore, you are, in fact, carrying my burden. Yet, I am duty bound to assist you in every possible manner.” He further urged that Quaid-e-Azam persist with his endeavours and predicted that the latter would definitely achieve his goal.

In reply, Quaid-e-Azam wrote: “It is an honour for me to receive the blessings of elders like you, and I can say that I have, sort of, reached the victory stand even at this moment. Let me assure you that no matter what obstacles come in my way, I will not retreat!” He added: “Your kind gift of the Holy Koran signifies that I am a leader of the Muslims. It is more than obvious that my leadership would be inconse-quential in the event that I am not knowledgeable about the Holy Koran and the Islamic law. I promise that I will study the Holy Koran, for which purpose I have already ordered various English translations and am on the lookout for some religious scholar who can teach me Koranic injunctions in English. Your second gift of the prayer mat denotes that when I do not obey Allah’s commands, how could I expect the public to abide by my directives. I assure you that I will offer my prayers regularly from now on. The gift of rosary demands that I recite benediction and salutation for Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam How can Allah’s blessings descend on a person who does not invoke Allah’s blessings for the Holy Prophet? I will certainly comply with this gesture, too.”

Hazrat Qibla-e-Alam was extremely pleased to get this reply and said: “At present, I am in Hyderabad,” [the city he was staying in at that time] “while Jinnah Sahib is in Bombay. From that far away location, how did he ever get to know about my motives, despite the fact that I never even mentioned them to anybody? For certain, Jinnah Sahib enjoys a special position in the realm of sainthood!”

At the 1946 All-India Sunni Conference, he publicly exclaimed (to counter those who accused Jinnah of being non-Muslim), “Jinnah is an intimate of God.” The conference was attended by 500 shaykhs, 7000 ulama, and over 100,000 other people, which encouraged the Muslim League to form Pakistan.

So despite some mullahs being against Muhammad Ali Jinnah the most influential power breaking Imams all supported MAJ, even the Caliph of the Ahmadis and the Aga Khan of the Ismaili Shias spoke out in support of the Quaid.

As for me being lashed for adultery sure next time I invite three people to come watch I can be lashed 100 times. :rofl:

Drinking alchohol is a sin as is adultery and such things are between man and maker I can give two hoots what you think, there is only one sin which Allah swt will never forgive but these types of things are too much for pagan jahils to understand so stick to your religion and leave ours to us. ;)

If one was to evaluate my little indian friend vinod objectively - in my opinion he is a senior, bitter and twisted and hateful person who has had a close female relative or friend - who has eloped of with some Pakistani.

If true is hatred is understandable.

LoL what makes you such an expert on Islam, let the Muslims decide what is Islam, and you can decide what your animism is.

He is a bitter person idk why he bothers to come to pdf of all places since he hates Pakistanis so much. I agree most probably his father was a Pakistani who ran out on his mother and poor vinod has been a spiteful hindutva ever since.
As for me being lashed for adultery sure next time I invite three people to come watch I can be lashed 100 times. :rofl:

It is death by stoning, not just 100 lashes!

Hope you do get Islamic justice. Else eternal hellfire in dojakh awaits anyways for doing haram stuff. ;)
It is death by stoning, not just 100 lashes!

Hope you do get Islamic justice. Else eternal hellfire in dojakh awaits anyways for doing haram stuff. ;)

Nah I will just offset it by killing some pagans do not worry about me. :rofl: Eternal hell fire? That is reserved for tree worshippers like you, I am glad there are a billion of ya we need someone to fill up the quota. :D
Fake desert Syed, that happened to your mother and that is how you became a "Syed"!

I don't hate anyone and I don't see why these desert Syeds need to obsess with non Muslim India and not your own Ummah.

Things are happening in Pakistan. More than 50000 killed. Just because "you were born in US" doesn't mean you should not come and fight people who are killing so many Pakistani civilians and just obsess on the net with people who have nothing to do with desert scum and their hate cult ideology.

LOLOL butt hurt pagan I am Syed from both sides not one, but you accept that your father is a Pakistani? Good now we can recommend some psychiatric treatment for your child hood desertion.

Last I checked I am on Pakistan defense forum not Indian and I only spoke in this thread when you brought up Jinnah. In fact many Pakistanis here tell Indians turds like you to **** off time and time again but you obsessed trolls come back anyway. How many times you been banned again? :rofl:

Oh yes things are happening in Pakistan, things that do not concern you. Really I came here to talk to fellow Pakistani brothers and sisters on the net, not to butt hurt pagans it is not my fault your infestation was already prevalent in this forum.

People like you are roaches, you just cannot get rid of them once you have them.
The impotent bravado of the hate cultist.

You will likely end up in Gitmo and witness some very interesting sights and wounds. ;)

And "being born in US" may not help much little hate cultist. ;)

We generally fry little Islamist terrorists on our fences. The ones who come in last less than a a couple of days on an average. You will not last hours before being dispatched to your 72... ;)

Next week will be two years of me being on pdf, you have been calling me an Islamist and a hate cultist since the day I first joined yet I am still around, I think I will be just fine don't worry about me. ;)

The only terrorists being dispatched anywhere are your soldiers who are killed on the LOC every so often, dispatched to hell. ;)

Anyway always a pleasure pagan.
Punjabis and Sindhis have nothing in common with Bengalis or Tamils - we have similarities to indian Punjabis who are less than 3 percent of indias population.

Also, people East of Indus and West of Indus don't share anything in common except a common religion. ;)
Hate cultist, your impotent rage is amusing.

You are a "Syed" from 3 sides not just two. I can see how that would have worked. ;)

So many of you from Punjab are...

There about 6 million people in Pakistan who claim such descent in over 200 million total population. That means about 3% of total population which is about the same in Punjab itself, hardly "so many". :rofl:

Meanwhile in non Muslim India there are more people descended from the deserts than Pakistan itself just relaxing I think you should worry about them, tell modi to deport them or something.
Jinnah was brought in because you called Modi a terrorist for a riot while Jinnah presided over much worse, state sponsored riots and ethnic cleansing.

What does that make him?

You always like to do bullshitting to make you feel better.

You just talks, I rather not wasting my times. :disagree:
NP, glad to be of help hate cultist little desert scum... ;)

It is Pakistani "munafiq fauz" that seems to be getting dispatched much more from all we can observe.

And that by the "soldiers of Islam" who are "shaheed" while the "Pak fauz" is just halaq.

This as per some very senior Pakistani Islamist "scholars".

So enjoy while you can you little desert scum.

Nice try, there is no such thing as "senior Pakistani islamist scholars", those so called scholars are not even scholars for the sect of Islam majority of Pakistanis adhere to so their words are as worthless are yours. Anyway we can rehash our routine next time. :lol:
You always like to do bullshitting to make you feel better.

You just talks, I rather not wasting my times. :disagree:

You have no answer. These things did happen on his watch and you can't deny that.

For Pakistanis to start worrying about religious minorities in other places is more than a little ironic.

It is interesting that you should be so worried about secularism in India when it has nothing to do with you. It is our internal matter.
Our Indianness comes from our historical Indian identity, we don't care about some hypothetical theory, since the word Pakistan was invented in some hostel of Cambridge university by Rahmat Ali in 1930s, you have to rely on some theory and proof to prove your identity.

So , what is the Indian obsession with Two Nation theory if it doesn't concern you at all ? Though , then our friends from across the border trying to question or oppose the TNT would prove you wrong at any instant in some other thread about ' not caring for some hypothetical theory ' , something I have seen as a regular occurrence in every darn Pakistan's internal problem related thread mostly ever since I have joined this forum . Doesn't matter where the word was coined , its a reality now .
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