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India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

Well said, that's truth. We can't believe it that we did right thing to create Pakistan in 8 decade ago, I have no doubt India will killed more Indian Muslims again under false pretext.

Amazing thoughtful written, sir!

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Today after 8 decades of self inflicted denial the Hindu majority of India have finally ratified the two nation theory for themselves, by themselves on the democratic ballot box without compulsion or coercion. A resounding victory for the Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi indeed is a new chapter in South Asian history. For his Hindu nation he represents a strong leader, for Muslims of India he remains the butcher of Gujarat with blood on his hands.

With his fundamental support coming from the right wing Hindu camp of the BJP being sufficient for such a victory, the BJP did not care about the Muslim vote for the first time ever. They were simply sidelined as no effective election campaign was mounted to attract the Muslim vote. This electoral segregation will have a deep imprint and strategic implications on Indian social makeup of the future. Since the Muslim vote is not included, their participation in an overwhelmingly BJP govt will cease to exist.

For Pakistan it marks the end of an ideological battle spanning 8 decades. This is a victory we must celebrate, as our historic pretext has dawned into the day of correctness and approval. Visionaries who coined the two nation theory saw this day coming 8 decades ago. Its because of their genius, connection to our past, hard work and sacrifices that we Pakistanis today see the dawn of a day which proved us 'historically right' from this side of the border. It also therefore proves that the struggle of our ancestors for independence was both historically correct and strategically right, henceforth the long treacherous journey, that has tested the Pakistani time and again, has been worth it.

What tomorrow holds for India's Muslim is unknown, though for us we can finally rest this debate and move on with our nation building, knowing that our struggle had been righteous despite the tact of Gandhi and Nehru in order to convince our forefathers to the contrary. Those who asked us for proofs and ridiculed us, themselves have democratically ratified the robustness and righteousness of our historic narrative.

Let it be a source of humility and confidence for the Pakistani, as those who conspired to mislead our march in the past, today find themselves marching willingly and proudly along a parallel route, the same route our ancestors had created. Today we can safely write this for the historians that the future of sub continent was shaped by none other than our ancestors.

"The truth can only be delayed"

Well said, that's truth. We can't believe it that we did right thing to create Pakistan in 8 decade ago, I have no doubt India will killed more Indian Muslims again under false pretext.

Amazing thoughtful written, sir!

Lolz, just check through the history how many muslims killed in Pakistan compared to India.. Then think about creation of Pakistan was justifiable!!
Lolz, just check through the history how many muslims killed in Pakistan compared to India.. Then think about creation of Pakistan was justifiable!!

If number of Muslims killed is a critieria for the validity, then Pakistanis have a problem.

Of course they can claim that Shia and Ahmedi are not real Muslims. The odds will still be stacked against them. Especially if we include the BD genocide of 1971.
If number of Muslims killed is a critieria for the validity, then Pakistanis have a problem.

Of course they can claim that Shia and Ahmedi are not real Muslims. The odds will still be stacked against them. Especially if we include the BD genocide of 1971.

Even after 8 decades they are still searching for justification for their country's creation.. As if they know that it is a mistake.. I mean even Muslims cannot get along each other in their country!!
Even after 8 decades they are still searching for justification for their country's creation.. As if they know that it is a mistake.. I mean even Muslims cannot get along each other in their country!!

You hit the nail on the head.

This also tells us why so many of them go all ape shyt when anyone converts, especially is the person happens to have white skin.
Lolz, just check through the history how many muslims killed in Pakistan compared to India.. Then think about creation of Pakistan was justifiable!!

Amazing, if Pakistan said something opposite, it would give many Indians more blood pressure. What did I say anything wrong? If you tend to make fun on Pakistan's Muslims killed from TTP terrorists/banned organization, go ahead and dance.

Difference is these TTP terrorist didn't become Pakistan Prime Minister but India's Criminal terrorists like Modi become Prime Minister.

Mihir S Sharma: The Modi generation

Mihir S Sharma
May 16, 2014
Last Updated at 22:42 IST


There are moments in a country's history, not many, when it pivots. On May 16, 2014, India moved rightward with far greater force and momentum than pretty much anyone had expected. By any standards, at any time, this would have been a spectacular victory. Not since 1984 has a party claimed a majority of seats in the Lok Sabha. But it is doubly spectacular, and doubly important: because of the nature of the contest, and because of the man who won.

For this is one man's victory, never doubt it. People will claim various things over the next few days. They will blame Manmohan Singh, or Rahul Gandhi, or Arvind Kejriwal, or Mukesh Ambani. All these are irrelevant to what happened here. What happened was the stuff of political dreams, and nightmares: a natural politician, of the highest order, who sensed exactly what his electorate wanted to hear and gave it to them. If this was an anti-Congress vote, why was the Bahujan Samaj Party wiped out in Uttar Pradesh? Why is the Bharatiya Janata Party second in both Kolkata South and Kolkata North? It is convenient and easy to suppose that the Modi phenomenon is something transitory, something illusory, something easily explicable by general disgust at a few arrogant press conferences by the Congress, the venal amateurishness of the regional parties, the theatricality of the Aam Aadmi Party. But no. This is a moment in history: the scale and the nature of the victory militates against it being just ordinary anti-incumbency. Narendra Modi took a party that would have seen 180 seats as a thumping victory and gave it a majority. A year or so ago, when the Mission 272 website was launched, I laughed as loudly as did most everyone else. I, and most everyone else, could not have been more wrong. Because this was a moment in history, not just any election.

And so we must ask: what is this that happened here? What is there in Modi, that he has received the adulation and approval of a nation on a level denied to anyone since Indira Gandhi? In small towns and villages, the most aggressive pro-Modi voices are young men brimming over with anger. This is the youth bulge of North India; those too young to remember 1984, or even 1991 in some cases. India's history has finally caught up to their arrival. They were always going to make their mark on this country - bulge generations do, just consider the Boomers in America.

Modi speaks to these young men in a way nothing in their lives ever has. He speaks of an India where there is no unemployment, which some of them believe is already banished from Gujarat. He speaks of an India which is so intimidating that China and Pakistan will not dare cross it; and they believe that, if Modi can face down the media, he would terrify the People's Republic. He speaks of an India that does not feel the desire to visit America, because Americans will wish to come here. He sold these dreams, and they were bought. Not since Indira and garibi hatao has as much myth been manufactured in the Hindi heartland. Mr Modi has a majority, the most sweeping mandate he could desire. If he does not deliver in a few years, he will not just disappoint a few voters. He will enrage an already frustrated generation.

It is not just the anxious young men in our sprawling metros, either. It is middle-caste, even some Dalit men, in smaller towns, anxious to leave their past behind them, who see in Modi something - a will to power perhaps - that transcends origins. Who holds out to them the possibility that their sordid present will become a glorious future - because that future already exists in glorious Gujarat. It is not all about jobs, as some would claim; it is about self-respect. Waves always are. What many of these young men see as the deep national humiliation, the bruising of national machismo, that comes from being ruled for 10 years by an Italian-born au pair and an inarticulate elderly man, could only be erased in this manner, through electing the man who most forcefully articulated their contempt.

And it is an entire generation of upper-caste, influential, "middle-class" young people in cities, too. Young people who despise reservations, and see Modi as the only leader "untainted" by identity politics, for Hinduism is not an identity for young Hindu people. Young people who feel a quiet approval of the possibility that this incoming Lok Sabha will have the fewest number of Muslims in India's history. Young people convinced their state is not run for them, but for faceless people in villages. Young people who refuse to accept a history in which India did not have a past as inventive as China's, or as glorious as Egypt's; or a history in which Nehru did not hold back India from the heights that Patel would have helped it climb. Young people who think that hate is what Modi endures from liberals, not what Muslims endured in Ahmedabad, and still do. Young people for whom the Congress will never be, now, more than a joke - other generations were politicised by Babri, or by Mandal, or by 2002; these fellows were politicised by Rahul Gandhi jokes on the internet.

These young people have never seen a government with a majority. They do not fear a powerful leader; they long for one. It is difficult for some of us to be reconciled to the prime minister-elect because of the 2002 riots, and the aftermath in which he minimised the violence and attacked the media that reported it. But, for the Modi generation, that is exactly the definition of strength.

Every pillar of the liberal establishment has already declared that India will survive Modi unscathed. Perhaps. Whether it will survive both Modi and the Modi generation unscathed is another matter.

Mihir S Sharma: The Modi generation | Business Standard
The Muslim League was founded in 1906 in (the irony) Dhaka.

So what? Do Muslims didn't had right to have political party? Anyway ML didn't asked for separate till 1940 - way after Hindus started defining Indian nation base on Hinduism.
Amazing, if Pakistan said something opposite, it would give many Indians more blood pressure. What did I say anything wrong? If you tend to make fun on Pakistan's Muslims killed from TTP terrorists/banned organization, go ahead and dance.

Difference is these TTP terrorist didn't become Pakistan Prime Minister but India's Criminal terrorists like Modi become Prime Minister.

How was TTP created mate?? Isnt it the offspring of your system?? I laughed at you because you needed a justification for the creation of your country.. You created a country and move along with it.. You dont need to find justification for its creation.. And also before TTP was created, Muslims killed each other in your country.. And I am certainly not interested in dancing on your people's death..
Even after 8 decades they are still searching for justification for their country's creation.. As if they know that it is a mistake.. I mean even Muslims cannot get along each other in their country!!

BTW do you know Pashtuns-Balochs of Pakistan see Punjabi-Sindhis as people Indian by race who only shares a common religion with them but not a race or culture.
@Vinod2070 trust me yaar, this is not the end.. They will try to find more justification for the creation of their country!!
I think modi becoming PM is brilliant for us, in fact I am over the moon, this will weaken india in the long term.

And like all Pakistani's thank the Quaid - for giving us our own country,

BTW do you know Pashtuns-Balochs of Pakistan see Punjabi-Sindhis as people Indian by race who only shares a common religion with them but not a race or culture.

Punjabis and Sindhis have nothing in common with Bengalis or Tamils - we have similarities to indian Punjabis who are less than 3 percent of indias population.
BTW do you know Pashtuns-Balochs of Pakistan see Punjabi-Sindhis as people Indian by race who only shares a common religion with them but not a race or culture.

I know that Punjabis have more influence in their country than any other race.. I do not care about it.. Its their problem..
BTW do you know Pashtuns-Balochs of Pakistan see Punjabi-Sindhis as people Indian by race who only shares a common religion with them but not a race or culture.

All consider each other different race - what's the point?
How was TTP created mate?? Isnt it the offspring of your system?? I laughed at you because you needed a justification for the creation of your country.. You created a country and move along with it.. You dont need to find justification for its creation.. And also before TTP was created, Muslims killed each other in your country.. And I am certainly not interested in dancing on your people's death..

They try to externalize their own issues, especially when they relate to Islamic extremism.

The funny thing is all their heroes were Islamic extremists who perpetrated terror, genocide, rapine and slavery on their own ancestors.

@Vinod2070 trust me yaar, this is not the end.. They will try to find more justification for the creation of their country!!

It is funny and sad at the same time. They were once our people even if they are our apostates now. Identity crisis makes life very difficult indeed...

I think modi becoming PM is brilliant for us, in fact I am over the moon, this will weaken india in the long term.

And like all Pakistani's thank the Quaid - for giving us our own country,

Punjabis and Sindhis have nothing in common with Bengalis or Tamils - we have similarities to indian Punjabis who are less than 3 percent of indias population.

You thinking is immaterial to us. We think of you neither as friend nor "arch enemy". In fact, Pakistan just doesn't matter to us except the terrorist issue who mostly have a lifespan less than a fruitfly and die at the average age of 16.95 years.

You share nothing with our Punjabis. Your identity is only Islamic and that supercedes the previous non Islamic past. This is the very basis of TNT, that you pre-Islamic past was jahiliya and the barbaric invaders delivered you from that by forcible conversion at the tip of the sword.

That was the reason for the thorough ethnic cleansing on both sides of Punjab.

Too late for "similarities" now. You only share similarity with the Somalians and Nigerian boko harams (or in your case with the Ayatollahs) who are part of the Ummah.
How was TTP created mate?? Isnt it the offspring of your system?? I laughed at you because you needed a justification for the creation of your country.. You created a country and move along with it.. You dont need to find justification for its creation.. And also before TTP was created, Muslims killed each other in your country.. And I am certainly not interested in dancing on your people's death..

And we don't have to listen your propaganda, you may continue your same bullshitting daily, just READ carefully the article written by Mihir Sharma.

We will see next five year for Modi.
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