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India unveils military buildup plan against China

Ok. Enough with the heckling and the pssing contest between Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis. Just a simple question from my side. If the disputed territory issues are resolved between the Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis, will this result in a drop in military expenditure for these 3 nations? Taking into account the internal strife in all 3 nations, will the guns and tanks be abandoned or simply be re-targeted? I am not a military specialist but something which needs to be investigated is whether the border issues are being manipulated by the establishments to justify the military expenditure. India and Pakistan are not self sufficient military producers even for domestic consumption. China "outsources" their military make up to domestic producers. What percentage of kick backs are paid to Indian and Pakistani authorities for choosing for example a German instead of a British sub marine? What percentage of kick backs are paid to CCP officials for awarding for example a Shangai based company instead of a Beijing based company a contract ? The reason why I pose these questions is simple. Is self rewarding corruption by our officials the sole reason why our border disputes cannot be resolved? Are our governments genuine in resolving the border disputes or will it be too "costly" for them to do so ? Are we the peoples of our nations the jokers in the pack and is the manufacture and purchase of weapons the aces in the pack for our kings in the pack of cards which lay stacked against us, the people?

Get your logic right before mixing China and your India in the same sentence using the same behavior rationale.

Some Chinese officials may be corrupt, but they usually don't get rich via national defence expenditure kickbacks as they don't need to (almost all of them are already rich enough via other commercial activities and state benefits), unlike India.

Chinese millitary modernisation is targeting at no one explicitly, even though China has been mainly competing with the US influences at China's doorstep at the East and Southeast fronts. Again it's unlike India, who explicitly cites China as its biggest threat, stired up by most of its war-mongering media propaganda mouthpieces almost on a daily basis, using it as the excuse to madly build up its war machine with massively increasing millitary budget(as the thread title show), despite having a relatively tiny and backward economy with vast majority of its people living in abject proverty.

If you want to complain, point your finger to your own selfish, corrupt, deceiving and warmongering govenment, instead of others. :angry:
Get your logic right before mixing China and your India in the same sentence using the same behavior rationale.

Some Chinese officials may be corrupt, but they usually don't get rich via national defence expenditure kickbacks as they don't need to (almost all of them are already rich enough via other commercial activities and state benefits), unlike India.

Chinese millitary modernisation is targeting at no one explicitly, even though China has been mainly competing with the US influences at China's doorstep at the East and Southeast fronts. Again it's unlike India, who explicitly cites China as its biggest threat, stired up by most of its war-mongering media propaganda mouthpieces almost on a daily basis, using it as the excuse to madly build up its war machine with massively increasing millitary budget(as the thread title show), despite having a relatively tiny and backward economy with vast majority of its people living in abject proverty.

If you want to complain, point your finger to your own selfish, corrupt, deceiving and warmongering govenment, instead of others. :angry:

Hey great post from a Chinese living in the USA. Like you I also sometimes over glorify my country and I guess it maybe attributed to nostalgia. And perhaps you are correct. Indian politicians are somewhat corrupt due to the fact that they have a limited span in office and need to create a "pension plan" while in office. Chinese ruling party however owns the nation and is the chief source of business in China. Now I suggest that you take your head out of that sand you buried it in (even tho it is Yankee sand) and repeat this a million times .."there is no country in the world which can claim not to have corrupt officials". Thereafter take a breath of air and after sipping down some chicken noodles, get back to reality and stop behaving like a push button subject in the land of the free and the fair. Please don't respond with gibberish which may tempt me to post the various articles on the internet which describe corruption in one or many ways in China. I do accept that the government is more serious in its clampdown on corruption there but please stop denying that it does exist :coffee:
Hey great post from a Chinese living in the USA. Like you I also sometimes over glorify my country and I guess it maybe attributed to nostalgia. And perhaps you are correct. Indian politicians are somewhat corrupt due to the fact that they have a limited span in office and need to create a "pension plan" while in office. Chinese ruling party however owns the nation and is the chief source of business in China. Now I suggest that you take your head out of that sand you buried it in (even tho it is Yankee sand) and repeat this a million times .."there is no country in the world which can claim not to have corrupt officials". Thereafter take a breath of air and after sipping down some chicken noodles, get back to reality and stop behaving like a push button subject in the land of the free and the fair. Please don't respond with gibberish which may tempt me to post the various articles on the internet which describe corruption in one or many ways in China. I do accept that the government is more serious in its clampdown on corruption there but please stop denying that it does exist :coffee:

Again, get your facts right before mxing China and your India, by using the typical Indian mentality to hypothise and generalise what China would do.

1. I haven't denied in any minute that China doesn't have corrupt officials - go read my post carefully, but only debunked your skewup reasoning that Chinese officials mainly get kickbacks form defence budget as your Indians do.

If there were some tiny minority Chinese official doing so ( they don't have to really, unlike Indians ) , he/they would be sentenced to life or shot if exposed. So don't use your pathetic strawman logic.

2. What "get back to the reality...land of free..."? What "reality" and "land of free" you're talking about? It's you, a pathetic Indian national, who needs to get in touch with reality.

Residing in London, I am a Dutchman with my grandparents coming from Beijing, China. Thus take your dumb trolling somewhere else!
I see your point Speeder. But go easy on PlanetWarrior for he speaks some degree of truth - about both India and China. The Chinese "officials" are just as capable of corruption, although the "Indian system" almost "demands" it.

Now various German companies like Siemens and almost all French contractors are extremly corrupting (yes, that's a shameless generalization) ... Here is one more reason why I take personal satisfaction at the arms embargo against the PRC ... to an extent.
chinese alwayz brag that they r the super power ..alwayz hiding thier poorness in villages.media restrictions and all crap...at the same time they cant take a small island called taiwan..just crying on arms deal..thats it..as long as rusia is on china s head.no matter how gud reverse engineer chinese r they cant do anything against india more than of crying and shouting.P:
chinese alwayz brag that they r the super power ..alwayz hiding thier poorness in villages.media restrictions and all crap...
How do you come to this conclusion?

at the same time they cant take a small island called taiwan..just crying on arms deal..thats it..

are you sure you want to go this way?
as long as rusia is on china s head.no matter how gud reverse engineer chinese r they cant do anything against india more than of crying and shouting.P:

very funny logic .......russia made a double promise to india again?they promised Vietnam 30 years ago....what china want to do against india anyway?we will only anything against McMahon Line.....
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chinese alwayz brag that they r the super power ..alwayz hiding thier poorness in villages.media restrictions and all crap...at the same time they cant take a small island called taiwan..just crying on arms deal..thats it..as long as rusia is on china s head.no matter how gud reverse engineer chinese r they cant do anything against india more than of crying and shouting.P:

I think that would be India, such as examples below:

"India would match US economy after 20 years,"

"India has new missile capable of hitting China's East, putting Indian Ballistic Missiles technology on par with China's"

"DRDO's new toys on par with the world"

"India is now a major player in the world"

There are many similar tag lines as above, which I have no space to jot down.
To answer PlanetWarrior's question, the overall sentiment I get from viewing the forums in china is that they are more worried about being bullied by the US for various reasons than engaging in some kind of arms race with India. The modernization of the chinese military is also primarily focused on defense rather than global power projection, in fact people are careful not to go down the hole of arms race with the US as everyone has witnessed what happened to USSR, the lesson is very clear -- economy first and then comes everything else. But the chinese are also becoming increasingly aware of the hawkish views of the indian media and getting increasingly annoyed/agitated.

I think when there's enough economic co-operations between India, Pakistan and China, the border disputes will be resolved peacefully just as what Russia did with China. But I think your question somehow implies that the reason why china has such a "big" military budget is because of India, I don't think that's entirely true as I mentioned in the last paragraph -- China's military budget is mainly for modernization and be able to protect its national interests especially regarding natural resources supply and national sovereignty (claims over Taiwan etc), while its annual budget is big in absolute $ terms, it is always around 1.5%~2% of its GDP, which is in the lower middle tier by world standard. 1.5% of the world's second largest economy will give you the world's second largest military budget, simple. We are not going to spend ourselves bankrupt on the military however much we want to be militarily capable.
chinese alwayz brag that they r the super power ..alwayz hiding thier poorness in villages.media restrictions and all crap...at the same time they cant take a small island called taiwan..just crying on arms deal..thats it..as long as rusia is on china s head.no matter how gud reverse engineer chinese r they cant do anything against india more than of crying and shouting.P:

I think you just made a mistake of writting indian to chinese.:lol:
MIGHTY CHINA is the world SUPER POWER , can't be compared to little problem India :pop:

Chinese can over take whole india in matter of 10 days
no food yet they want war lol hey like i use to say

"Never interrupt an idiot when he is making a mistake"

HAA HAA who talking u know what ur nation contribution to world international terrorism and ur youth are only trained in bachelor in bomb managemnt and masters in terror techonolgy.
MIGHTY CHINA is the world SUPER POWER , can't be compared to little problem India :pop:

Chinese can over take whole india in matter of 10 days

Begaane ki shaadi mein abdullah diwana :rofl::rofl:

Exclusively, for you , I will reframe the statment - Indians can overtake whole India in matter of one, just one hour.

Its high time you people should stop cheering on the laurels and achievements of others and instead try to have one, at least one acheivement of your own to be proud for (except for state sponsered terrorism, of course).
MIGHTY CHINA is the world SUPER POWER , can't be compared to little problem India

Chinese can over take whole india in matter of 10 days
and pakistan in 20 days,nepal in 30 and bangladesh maybe 45 days.
DONT contribute in derailing the thread.Instead come up with good arguements and links to support your claim.Well you are a senior member and this is surely not expected from you.
hi, opening post in pakdef ^^ i've been following this forum for a while but don't post.

its like this - china's military buildup is not corrupt. there's no money to be made in defense deals in china, and the punishments are severe for trying. speeder is right. they don't need to try to get corrupt money from somewhere that 1.) there's no money and 2.) the punishment for trying will be a bullet through the head.

the construction industry, now that's actually corrupt. most corrupt officials in china are related in some way or another to construction. but the military is very very clean, don't miscalculate.

and don't think that we're actually scared of taiwan. you think WW2 subs, a navy with 10% of the tonnage of ours, an air force half the size of our NAVY's air wing and an army weaker than our NAVY's marine corps, can win? the PLAN alone can take out taiwan. the only reason Taiwan is not flying :china: is because the PLAN cannot take out the US Navy. if taiwan had a land connection with the mainland, there would be no issue, china is the king of land warfare in terms of achievements since WW2.
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