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India unveils military buildup plan against China

Who says i don't support India? I just want to see an independent India, not an India that bows to pressure to a small and irrelevant country like Israel.

Bows to Israel? They are our suppliers for advanced technology, we pay, they give us. Bro, wake up it is 21 century.

Well I also understand the issue, Israelis have been very cruel to you people, and that is something many Indians don't feel good about. India even supported nuclear projects, when US Israel were reluctant about it.

All of your students come and study here. One of my best friends is Iranian, Abdul Aziz, And girls, awesome, I had my hand on :sniper:one. :sniper: Kidding.
Well I just asked your education, not the whole comparision. I personally don't boast about IIT, college or university doesn't matter to me. I just asked your education because there are many teenagers around, that certainly kills the argument.


Why are we spending so much? You have an Engineering degree still asked that question is quite disappointing. We are spending less than 3 % of our GDP. A 5th grade student would understand the simple concept but there are many on PDF who pillage the whole story, including you. Whereas defence spending of China is surely above 4 % of its GDP(can be more, no authentic data to support), there are many other countries, not to mention.

2009 Military spending & GDP top
 Country   Military spending      GDP(billion$)     Percentage  
1、USA       612.0 billion $              14330           4.27%

2、France    78.8 billion $                2978           2.6%

3、China     70.2 billion $                4910           1.43%

4、Russia    66.7billion $                 1757           3.8%

5、Janpan    58.0billion $                 4844           1.12%

6、The UK    53.0billion $                 2787           1.9%

7、Germany   39.5billion $                 3818           1.03%

8、India     29.0billion $                 1237           2.34%

9、Korea     20.857billion$                953.5          2.19%
"Whereas defence spending of China is surely above 4 % of its GDP(can be more, no authentic data to support), "
70.2 billion $ is only 1.43% of GDP,pls get reliable information but guess.4% of GDP is 200billion $,how did you believe this?
Well I just asked your education, not the whole comparision. I personally don't boast about IIT, college or university doesn't matter to me. I just asked your education because there are many teenagers around, that certainly kills the argument.

You can simply ask my age then. I am 29, Chinese national living, working in Australia.

Why are we spending so much? You have an Engineering degree still asked that question is quite disappointing. We are spending less than 3 % of our GDP. A 5th grade student would understand the simple concept but there are many on PDF who pillage the whole story, including you. Whereas defence spending of China is surely above 4 % of its GDP(can be more, no authentic data to support), there are many other countries, not to mention.

It is 100% OK for india to allocate whatever precentage of its own GDP to its defense. The problem is why such build up should be publically described as against China.

In the past few months, we had at least the following craps from indian media or officials:

1. india can fight both pakistan and china at one time
2. india's anti missile technology is more advanced than China's.
3. india is going to have a military build up against China.

India wants China to be its enemy. This is my conclusion.

Gross Senile fantasy that India would loose everything and China won't, is sorry to say but just a fallacy. Even you know that, Obviously India will loose a greater portion compared to china, but I think you completely ignored economics as a subject while busy getting your PHD.

In general, india's economy is not remotely comparable to the Chinese one.

You need to understand one thing: our economy is about 3 times as larger as yours, and this is measured on the basis of our under valued currency.

Your's or any country's economy will severly get affected if participates in an obstreperous, full fledged war. Very easily you rubbished Agni 3, which has been tested 3 times, successfully. The day missiles come into picture there would be no China No India no Europe nothing.

No, this is not true.

1. Chinese have demonstrated the mid course anti missile technologies this year. India's Agni-3 will have to fly about 3000 KM to hit our population centres, like Beijing or Shanghai, this gives us enough time and space to kill it on its way.

But once we see those missiles in Chinese sky, we will fight back with hundreds of CJ-10 missiles fitted with nuke heads. It only needs to travel 300km to hit your capital.

Now you tell me which culture has the bigger chance to survive.

2. Agni-3 is considered as a failure by many Chinese military experts. If you look at our DF series, there is no any comparable missile that has such poor performance. The ones we developed in the 1960s/1970s are far better.

For example, the DF-3 missile which we built in the 1970s has a range of 4000km when carrying 1000kg payload (same as Agni-3). They were later replaced by the DF-21 missile which will again retire in a few years. The difference is DF-3 can carry up to 3 war heads, as of today Agni-3 never demonstrated such capacity.

80 DF-3 were sold to Saudi Arabia, meaning the quality and accuracy can be verified by external sources. Agni-3 yet to prove itself in this regard.

Even if Agni-3 has all the above bits, now let's face it: Agni-3 is comparable to the 1970s era DF-3.

About R&D.

What part are you boasting about China? JF 17? Congratulations, you just purchased RD 93 from Russia, trying to Phase out problems in your very own Engine. Your very dear Pakistan is looking for French Avionics, with no idea which BVR it is going to carry.

1. In terms of heavy tanks, which is always THE most important equipment for army, our Type-99 do not have any real enemy in Asia. T-90 is like a joke in front our 60t Type-99, in fact, we can easily handle your T-90s using our much cheaper Type-96a MBTs.

2. Most of the radar, missiles, sonar etc on our navy ships are now designed and made in China. The best example is the active phased array radar fitted on our Type-052c destroyers.

As of today, there is still another 10 years hard work for you guys to do to come up with something we entered active service 7 years ago.

3. Our airforce is operating in a completely different level. We recently had WS-10a engine combat ready and they have been fitted onto J-11B fighters. This means when it comes to war, we can produce as many of them as we want.

This concludes the comparison.
2009 Military spending & GDP top
 Country   Military spending      GDP(billion$)     Percentage  
1、USA       612.0 billion $              14330           4.27%

2、France    78.8 billion $                2978           2.6%

3、China     70.2 billion $                4910           1.43%

4、Russia    66.7billion $                 1757           3.8%

5、Janpan    58.0billion $                 4844           1.12%

6、The UK    53.0billion $                 2787           1.9%

7、Germany   39.5billion $                 3818           1.03%

8、India     29.0billion $                 1237           2.34%

9、Korea     20.857billion$                953.5          2.19%
"Whereas defence spending of China is surely above 4 % of its GDP(can be more, no authentic data to support), "
70.2 billion $ is only 1.43% of GDP,pls get reliable information but guess.4% of GDP is 200billion $,how did you believe this?

The correct data is not available and at least not available for us. I can't believe you on that because many sources claim that China does not reveal its Defence Spending.
The correct data is not available and at least not available for us. I can't believe you on that because many sources claim that China does not reveal its Defence Spending.

you have the right to "can't believe",but have no the qualifications to change the fact.

indians,please work hard instead of big mouth for your country.:D
China is a peace loving country :china::china: It just need to get its stolen land back - "one who returns stolen land , gets fortune cookie reward - wise man say"
Bows to Israel? They are our suppliers for advanced technology, we pay, they give us. Bro, wake up it is 21 century.

Well I also understand the issue, Israelis have been very cruel to you people, and that is something many Indians don't feel good about. India even supported nuclear projects, when US Israel were reluctant about it.

All of your students come and study here. One of my best friends is Iranian, Abdul Aziz, And girls, awesome, I had my hand on :sniper:one. :sniper: Kidding.

You do bow down to Israel and America. You didn't launch our communications satellite, (which is a good thing, it made us speed up our space program) yet you launched Israeli spy satellites. You pulled out of the IPI, even though you badly need the gas. If India was independent, or if you want "more independent" then relations between Iran and India would be much better.

My Cousin also studies in India.
You do bow down to Israel and America. You didn't launch our communications satellite, (which is a good thing, it made us speed up our space program) yet you launched Israeli spy satellites. You pulled out of the IPI, even though you badly need the gas. If India was independent, or if you want "more independent" then relations between Iran and India would be much better.

My Cousin also studies in India.

i am also a person who belive in greater indo-iranian relations
but controll ur words
having business relations with israel and u.s does not amount to bowing to them
the nucler deal was much lucrative offer than the gas deal so we turned for it
their is no ill towards iranian people in our heart
more iranians r welcome to india
and by the way were do ur cousin study and what
china peace loving country:rofl:-thats why they annexed tibet and threat taiwan

In china, not only tibet,all of the province has chinese garrison .As for taiwan,it control by kmt of china and has a kmt chinese garrison.

As your logic,india must be a barbaric invaders of Khalistan States.:rofl: Don't forgot your slaughter to Sikh:D

unfortunately,you shows your IQ
In china, not only tibet,all of the province has chinese garrison .As for taiwan,it control by kmt of china and has a kmt chinese garrison.

As your logic,india must be a barbaric invaders of Khalistan States.:rofl: Don't forgot your slaughter to Sikh:D

unfortunately,you shows your IQ
thats the main problem u consider every area as ur chinese garrison:bunny:
we slaughtered sikhs,come on man u r the people who even dont spare monks:china:
Ok. Enough with the heckling and the pssing contest between Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis. Just a simple question from my side. If the disputed territory issues are resolved between the Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis, will this result in a drop in military expenditure for these 3 nations? Taking into account the internal strife in all 3 nations, will the guns and tanks be abandoned or simply be re-targeted? I am not a military specialist but something which needs to be investigated is whether the border issues are being manipulated by the establishments to justify the military expenditure. India and Pakistan are not self sufficient military producers even for domestic consumption. China "outsources" their military make up to domestic producers. What percentage of kick backs are paid to Indian and Pakistani authorities for choosing for example a German instead of a British sub marine? What percentage of kick backs are paid to CCP officials for awarding for example a Shangai based company instead of a Beijing based company a contract ? The reason why I pose these questions is simple. Is self rewarding corruption by our officials the sole reason why our border disputes cannot be resolved? Are our governments genuine in resolving the border disputes or will it be too "costly" for them to do so ? Are we the peoples of our nations the jokers in the pack and is the manufacture and purchase of weapons the aces in the pack for our kings in the pack of cards which lay stacked against us, the people?
china peace loving country:rofl:-thats why they annexed tibet and threat taiwan

Tibet and Taiwan are historical part of China!

Without Western Whites' and Jap's invasion of China and Chinese civil war, no Taiwan and Tibet issues!

Don't fabricate the fact! :devil:
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