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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

It is your fantasy, not reality, of course, I admit that we do not have full and genuine freedom, but the American people do not, you deny?

---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 AM ----------

I always answer your question, you have not responded to my view, right?


I appreciate you being civic in your postings.Thanks.

First of all i don't know what Chinese forum you are talking about. I have not visited and have no intention of visiting

Second, No i haven't read any china news, simply because i believe I won't get the true picture. It is censored, My logic is simple. There are hundreds of news sources and foreign policy sites that are neutral and I get info from there. What truth you can except from a country that bans Google and yahoo? That is a dumbas* move by China

Americans have all the freedom and this is a fundamental right. We probably over do it. and we have lots of problem here; No denying. but when it comes to the freedom of speech, religion etc, we do have the rights. No one can change it, it is in constitution.

Finally look at Pakistan. One tenth of your size with lots of problems. But look at their press. They are OUTSTANDING. They are fearless.
Once again, I ask you, you been to China Forum? Have you been to Chinese news Web site, even official? You read Chinese newspapers?

Yes, I do follow Global times and Sino defence forums...The fact is tough to swallow..just like the security situation is extremely dodgy in Pakistan (not that terror attacks dont happen elsewhere) and there is lot of poverty in India despite the economic growth (not that others dont have it...)..or that huge unemployment looms in US (not that others dont have economic problems)....in the same way China TRAILS countries like India, US and even Pakistan in press freedom and freedom of people to do as they like (not that others have all the freedom..)

So dont run away from accepting facts.The chinese leadership does not want chinese people to hear good news about other people's and bad news about itself.

I appreciate you being civic in your postings.Thanks.

First of all i don't know what Chinese forum you are talking about. I have not visited and have no intention of visiting

Second, No i haven't read any china news, simply because i believe I won't get the true picture. It is censored, My logic is simple. There are hundreds of news sources and foreign policy sites that are neutral and I get info from there. What truth you can except from a country that bans Google and yahoo? That is a dumbas* move by China

Americans have all the freedom and this is a fundamental right. We probably over do it. and we have lots of problem here; No denying. but when it comes to the freedom of speech, religion etc, we do have the rights. No one can change it, it is in constitution.

Finally look at Pakistan. One tenth of your size with lots of problems. But look at their press. They are OUTSTANDING. They are fearless.

In other words, do you think is enough for the free fantasy about China, and then with a simple mouth.

In other words, you do not have independent thought, too simple to believe.

In other words, in addition to simple slogans, you nothing can be done. A long time.
Huawei is NOT the company with the most patents in the world. Refer to uspto.gov. Please knock off the propaganda. It is getting tiresome. China would not be where it is today without American consumerism. Trade, business, commerce are all two way/three way/four way streets. China will develop in its own right and that's good for the world.

Huawei tops list of Patent Cooperation Treaty applications with bright ideas | Huawei Technologies | AMEinfo.com

State owned companies without IPOs do not have investors other than the state. Therefore, saying "China has it" really means, the government of China has it. Also, being an investor does not mean you can make managerial decisions, which is associated with "having it" nor does it give you access to technology which is also associated with "having it".

"China would not be where it is today without American consumerism"


Exports: $1.2 trillion (1st; 2009)
Main export partners US 20.0%
Total trade volume with US: 240 billion USD

Total trade volume with US as proportion of GDP (5 trillion): 0.048.

No wonder americans can't do math.
Yes, I do follow Global times and Sino defence forums...The fact is tough to swallow..just like the security situation is extremely dodgy in Pakistan (not that terror attacks dont happen elsewhere) and there is lot of poverty in India despite the economic growth (not that others dont have it...)..or that huge unemployment looms in US (not that others dont have economic problems)....in the same way China TRAILS countries like India, US and even Pakistan in press freedom and freedom of people to do as they like (not that others have all the freedom..)

So dont run away from accepting facts.The chinese leadership does not want chinese people to hear good news about other people's and bad news about itself.

It is the same and the Indian defense forum, you go to some good domestic forum? A suggestion that India should go to a better understanding of and care for youself, not fantasy.

I appreciate you being civic in your postings.Thanks.

First of all i don't know what Chinese forum you are talking about. I have not visited and have no intention of visiting

Second, No i haven't read any china news, simply because i believe I won't get the true picture. It is censored, My logic is simple. There are hundreds of news sources and foreign policy sites that are neutral and I get info from there. What truth you can except from a country that bans Google and yahoo? That is a dumbas* move by China

Americans have all the freedom and this is a fundamental right. We probably over do it. and we have lots of problem here; No denying. but when it comes to the freedom of speech, religion etc, we do have the rights. No one can change it, it is in constitution.

Finally look at Pakistan. One tenth of your size with lots of problems. But look at their press. They are OUTSTANDING. They are fearless.

How do you know which site is neutral and which site is not? Do you ever think that a site that you "think" is neutral is actually not neutral? Yahoo isn't banned either. I have a yahoo account for email. Google is also not banned; you can use google.hk and I do so frequently.

See, accusing others of propaganda is a great way to avoid discussing any issues. If we bring up any examples of Chinese news saying bad things about the government, you'd say "Ahaha! Chinese government is so terrible even their news says so!" and if we find any Chinese news saying the government is good you'll say "Just propaganda!" and reinforce your own view of the world. You are not reading news because you want to learn the truth. You are reading news because you want to hear an "authoritative source" agree with you. In Chinese we call this type of person 傻逼.
India will out pace China not just because of population, because of vibrant democracy. The growth in India is fueled by people. Unlike China where the growth is enabled by government. This is the key difference.

In fact in India it is the otherwise. The government is as as*, corrupted and they impede the growth. But in spite of this, the country is growing rapidly because of gross root level PEOPLE. That is the main reason it will kick china in the long run. They have the vibrant democracy and people play a very active role similar to USA.

Growth by people is difficult, corrupted, slow and painfully slow, But Indians have endured. They take the steps slowly, but every step is no doubt in the right direction. Is int surprise there are more millionaires in India compared to china now in spite of china's big economy size? it is just simple - People movement - slow and study

China has grown BECAUSE of government and INDIA is growing INSPITE of government.

well if some of you would know development economics, there is a theory called convergence theory which says that developing countries grow faster than developed countries but the gradually slow down to the level of advanced countries. I think same is happening with China as it had almost more than a decade of enormous growth coupled with slowing population growth which has increased its per-capita income. Honestly I would be surprised if the world's second largest economy would keep growing with 6+% in the coming year. India on the other hand will likely to grow faster as it has lesser GDP, greater population growth that will keep diluting its Marginal Productivity of Capital and Per Capita income. Thus we would likely to witness 8% for even a decade or more.
How do you know which site is neutral and which site is not? Do you ever think that a site that you "think" is neutral is actually not neutral? Yahoo isn't banned either. I have a yahoo account for email. Google is also not banned; you can use google.hk and I do so frequently.

See, accusing others of propaganda is a great way to avoid discussing any issues. If we bring up any examples of Chinese news saying bad things about the government, you'd say "Ahaha! Chinese government is so terrible even their news says so!" and if we find any Chinese news saying the government is good you'll say "Just propaganda!" and reinforce your own view of the world. You are not reading news because you want to learn the truth. You are reading news because you want to hear an "authoritative source" agree with you. In Chinese we call this type of person 傻逼.

So how can you be sure you are not reading censored news ! By your own arguement its difficult if not impossible to determine the truth..so how are you sure which country has the freedoms you are talking about...

I did learn one thing that I believe that conventional wisdom is typically is correct. Hence, chinese have very little if any press freedoms that rest of the world enjoys.
India will out pace China not just because of population, because of vibrant democracy. The growth in India is fueled by people. Unlike China where the growth is enabled by government. This is the key difference.

In fact in India it is the otherwise. The government is as as*, corrupted and they impede the growth. But in spite of this, the country is growing rapidly because of gross root level PEOPLE. That is the main reason it will kick china in the long run. They have the vibrant democracy and people play a very active role similar to USA.

Growth by people is difficult, corrupted, slow and painfully slow, But Indians have endured. They take the steps slowly, but every step is no doubt in the right direction. Is int surprise there are more millionaires in India compared to china now in spite of china's big economy size? it is just simple - People movement - slow and study

China has grown BECAUSE of government and INDIA is growing INSPITE of government.

Sorry, according to some information. Even the Indians start do not believe this propaganda .
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This loser got slap so bad by Indians and now he started to troll Chinese, go check out how he got his a@s kicked by Indians, its funny like hell=" Oh, i'm no Pakistani" again and again:lol:

I seriously doubt that he is Pakistani. Pakistanis do not trash China.

Only one type of south Asian attacks China. Here's a clue: ;)

India will out pace China not just because of population, because of vibrant democracy. The growth in India is fueled by people. Unlike China where the growth is enabled by government. This is the key difference.

In fact in India it is the otherwise. The government is as as*, corrupted and they impede the growth. But in spite of this, the country is growing rapidly because of gross root level PEOPLE. That is the main reason it will kick china in the long run. They have the vibrant democracy and people play a very active role similar to USA.

Growth by people is difficult, corrupted, slow and painfully slow, But Indians have endured. They take the steps slowly, but every step is no doubt in the right direction. Is int surprise there are more millionaires in India compared to china now in spite of china's big economy size? it is just simple - People movement - slow and study

China has grown BECAUSE of government and INDIA is growing INSPITE of government.

(No American would wax so eloquent in praise of India unless he was paid to do so. Most Americans just do not know enough about India or care.)
So how can you be sure you are not reading censored news ! By your own arguement its difficult if not impossible to determine the truth..so how are you sure which country has the freedoms you are talking about...

I did learn one thing that I believe that conventional wisdom is typically is correct. Hence, chinese have very little if any press freedoms that rest of the world enjoys.

No less than India, India rich, elite freedom, but freedom of Indian farmers is far less than the Chinese farmers, I know that some things in rural India. Also slums and the poor, not to mention what freedom is far.
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Yeah we tried the US way, Mr. Jiang and the Republic of China loved the US, in fact his wife said that the only thing Chinese about her was her skin, and begged the white man to save us "ignorant chinks".

The end result (which is the only thing that matters):

1.) Starvation
2.) Powerless to stop Japan from first taking over German settlements, then from full scale invasion.
3.) Lost the war to communists despite backing of US
4.) Average lifespan, 40 years
5.) Literacy rate: 10%
6.) Major industries: none, no ability to build any modern weapons including guns.
7.) Powerless to stop Soviets from stealing Mongolia

Even with Mao's incompetent management, we ended up in 1979 with:

1.) No starvation anymore
2.) Relatively peaceful borders
3.) US losses in Korea, Vietnam, Indian loss in 1962, Vietnam draw in 1979, we haven't lost any war since 1949.
4.) Average lifespan, 70 years
5.) Average literacy rate, 80%
6.) Major industries: nuclear weapons, nuclear submarines, ballistic missiles, aerospace industry, genetically engineered food (see Yuan Longping on wikipedia for details)
7.) Almost went to war with Soviet Union to protect 1 small island

And this was in 1979. See, Americans do not care about democracy. Otherwise, they would not have overthrown Iran's democratic government, replaced it with a King, which then resulted in the Islamic Republic. Nor would they be best pals of the Saudi monarchy. They care about making their competitors weak.

And what can be weaker than China with 10% literacy, average lifespan of 40 years, and no industry?

To americans, what they want to see China as is this: A net exporter of people and raw materials, importing American goods, with reverence towards whites, and hatred towards each other.

What americans don't want to see is this: A China that is a net importer of raw materials, exporter of manufactured goods, that is united and strong.
Talk about brainwashing....

Truly feel sorry for you guys; Not only you are not aware that you are imprisoned by the communists, but you criticize others who wants you to get out of the prison.

China's name is synonymous with atrocious human right violations. Same with other communist countries north Korea, Burma.

God what we have to do get these people from the shadows of their 'dear Leaders'

How do you know which site is neutral and which site is not? Do you ever think that a site that you "think" is neutral is actually not neutral? Yahoo isn't banned either. I have a yahoo account for email. Google is also not banned; you can use google.hk and I do so frequently.

See, accusing others of propaganda is a great way to avoid discussing any issues. If we bring up any examples of Chinese news saying bad things about the government, you'd say "Ahaha! Chinese government is so terrible even their news says so!" and if we find any Chinese news saying the government is good you'll say "Just propaganda!" and reinforce your own view of the world. You are not reading news because you want to learn the truth. You are reading news because you want to hear an "authoritative source" agree with you. In Chinese we call this type of person 傻逼.
I seriously doubt that he is Pakistani. Pakistanis do not trash China.

Only one type of south Asian attacks China. Here's a clue: ;)

(No American would wax so eloquent in praise of India unless he was paid to do so. Most Americans just do not know enough about India or care.)

He is not Indian? I always thought he was Indian.:yahoo:
I seriously doubt that he is Pakistani. Pakistanis do not trash China.

Only one type of south Asian attacks China. Here's a clue: ;)
(No American would wax so eloquent in praise of India unless he was paid to do so. Most Americans just do not know enough about India or care.)

Hello? You are the typical Pakistani. Anyone says something positive about India, he becomes Indian. You were the guy who was accusing Chinese-Dragon of being Indian too, weren't you? What's your problem? This guy Hawkish is an American and has his own views. Indians have had severe arguments with him in the past about Indian social systems, and he advocates kashmir being freed from India. No Indian will say that.

He is an American who has his own views. I agree with some of them, disagree with some others. Why is that soooo tough to comprehend for Pakistanis?

(No American would wax so eloquent in praise of India unless he was paid to do so. Most Americans just do not know enough about India or care.)

You are a typical paranoid Pakistani conspiracy theorist. You are the textbook definition of the modern Pakistani. Americans who visit South Asian discussion forums, and Americans who are in the IT field, do know quite a bit about India, and some of them do care. Get that into your head.
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