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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

Then why is Huawei the company with most patents in the world? Tell me what's copied? Do you even know what being listed on a stock market means? Come back when you graduate high school.

fk i'm done arguing with dumb americans. lunch time. all i can say is, i hope all americans are like this, the more the better.
What is the reason Chinese are flocking to wall street to list their companies in NASDAQ, if no one knows what is happening in Wall street. The reality is virtually everything you use is invented in the evil western world. Most Chinese are educated in US universities, go back and work in china. You guys copy almost everything from here shamelessly and you have the nerve to criticize? You haven't invented nothing and you come here and lecture how bad america is.

Haha, that the U.S. economy, not the American democracy, why did you change the subject? Guilty conscience? No problem, I admit the technology leader in the West, we are learning and to catch up. As for the copy, it is necessary for each step of a backward country, the United States, Japan,the old times Europe, all is true, I hope you do not show your ignorance more.
What is the reason Chinese are flocking to wall street to list their companies in NASDAQ, if no one knows what is happening in Wall street. The reality is virtually everything you use is invented in the evil western world. Most Chinese are educated in US universities, go back and work in china. You guys copy almost everything from here shamelessly and you have the nerve to criticize? You haven't invented nothing and you come here and lecture how bad america is.

Seriously, please answer me one simple question, my dear self-proclaim American, English people say how are you? tell me what American will say instead?:lol:
No, I don't need democracy. I don't need to vote, most americans also don't think they need to either since only half the population shows up to vote in presidential elections, even less in other elections.

I need food, clean water, a job, a cell phone, affordable transportation, electricity without frequent blackouts and internet. In terms of politics, I care about relatively clean and efficient government. Being a 1 party state does not bother me in the least. 1 in 9 Chinese over 18 are party members, that is 70 million or larger than the population of France. Anyone can join. That is more than you can say about the US, how many people participate in its politics? We have 5000 representatives for 1.3 billion people, you have 500 (10 times less) for 300 million people (4 times less), your system is less representative.

Let us look at the reality:
Still an average Chinese citizen cannot express his feelings in public, lives in fear, cannot produce a second child and can't even access some internet sites.

Communism is a total autocratic and repressive. It is not a Civilized form of government. Look at the countries ruled Communists- how brutal they are : Cuba, North Korea, China, Burma etc. As a society it is a total failure. People live in Sh*t fear.China having 4000 Representatives, Nuclear war heads, etc does not change this fact a squat.

Grow up, see the rest of the world and be free! Recent Noble price is given to the Chinese guy for this reason. Just to wake up idiots like you who suck up to dictators for personal gains.
Let us look at the reality:
Still an average Chinese citizen cannot express his feelings in public, lives in fear, cannot produce a second child and can't even access some internet sites.

Communism is a total autocratic and repressive. It is not a Civilized form of government. Look at the countries ruled Communists- how brutal they are : Cuba, North Korea, China, Burma etc. As a society it is a total failure. People live in Sh*t fear.China having 4000 Representatives, Nuclear war heads, etc does not change this fact a squat.

Grow up, see the rest of the world and be free! Recent Noble price is given to the Chinese guy for this reason. Just to wake up idiots like you who prise dictators.

HaHaHa, first get a few more jobs in some convenience stores, sell some mega-millions, save enough money to pay for the passport fees, imagine yourself around the world in eighty days facing the world map.:lol:
Secondly, work harder in some car wash, save enough money to buy a plane ticket then time to jump out from your "well" to take a look at the "real world":partay:
Haha, that the U.S. economy, not the American democracy, why did you change the subject? Guilty conscience? No problem, I admit the technology leader in the West, we are learning and to catch up. As for the copy, it is necessary for each step of a backward country, the United States, Japan,the old times Europe, all is true, I hope you do not show your ignorance more.

You are learning to catch up by copying? Ha? What about copying our political system? Afraid that what happens in Tibet today will happen in China in mainland? How long you can shut people mouth?
What is the reason Chinese are flocking to wall street to list their companies in NASDAQ, if no one knows what is happening in Wall street. The reality is virtually everything you use is invented in the evil western world. Most Chinese are educated in US universities, go back and work in china. You guys copy almost everything from here shamelessly and you have the nerve to criticize? You haven't invented nothing and you come here and lecture how bad america is.

Chinese companies list in the U.S because it's easier to list in NASDAQ or NYSE than to list in China. Here's a quote for you

First off, it is important to understand that for Chinese companies, listing in the U.S. stock market is not their FIRST CHOICE! That's right...the honest truth...of the estimated 600 or so China companies listed on U.S. exchanges none of them wouldn't high tail it to the Shanghai or Shenzhen stock exchanges in an instant...if given the chance.
Many of the companies that seek listings in the U.S. have been rejected for China listings and are merely seeking Plan B if not Plan C or D.

Why Chinese Companies Dont IPO in China
HaHaHa, first get a few more jobs in some convenience stores, sell some mega-millions, save enough money to pay for the passport fees, imagine yourself around the world in eighty days facing the world map.:lol:
Secondly, work harder in some car wash, save enough money to buy a plane ticket then time to jump out from your "well" to take a look at the "real world":partay:

Is this the best you can do with personal attacks? Is your post remotely relevant to what is being discussed here?

By the way there is nothing wrong in working in a car wash or convenience stores. I would rather do that than live in fear under a communist regime
Let us look at the reality:
Still an average Chinese citizen cannot express his feelings in public, lives in fear, cannot produce a second child and can't even access some internet sites.

Communism is a total autocratic and repressive. It is not a Civilized form of government. Look at the countries ruled Communists- how brutal they are : Cuba, North Korea, China, Burma etc. As a society it is a total failure. People live in Sh*t fear.China having 4000 Representatives, Nuclear war heads, etc does not change this fact a squat.

Grow up, see the rest of the world and be free! Recent Noble price is given to the Chinese guy for this reason. Just to wake up idiots like you who suck up to dictators for personal gains.

Too much of your fantasy in your world, the best point to stop the drug sober.
Is this the best you can do with personal attacks? Is your post remotely relevant to what is being discussed here?

By the way there is nothing wrong in working in a car wash or convenience stores. I would rather do that than live in fear under a communist regime

communist regime? it is now the United States, China is a capitalist, ha ha, if you also can become an American, I think the Chinese do not need to worry about the competition.
Too much of your fantasy in your world, the best point to stop the drug sober.

You sound like - Ouch; I am running out of argument; I don't know what to say. Let us keep the attack personal. This way i don't have to answer legit points

The reality is the world knows the how repressive communist regime is. You can bring in another 1000 members here and post insults and load of bull crap. But that does not change the situation on the ground.

Rest of Asia is thriving with democracy. The super power contender China treat Citizens like second class.
Hope to bring a reminder, I do not deny that the Chinese people need more rights, however, some people seem to replace the reality with fantasy, completely ignorant of China now, a word, no investigation no right to speak. Too many duplicate answers, so I'm tired, the best you can to understand China, and then let go of your mouth.
I have nothing against Chinese, and don't want to insult anyone. The reality is both China and US wants each other badly.

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