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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

I'm saying I haven't seen any solution for bringing democracy for China, that does not involve mass bloodshed, or a loss of economic competitiveness in the short-run at least. So basically I see the net outcome as negative.

Because they don't have to. Read that story by the Washington post, China has the highest percentage of people in the world who support their government and the national direction.

Also, do you actually think the CCP is going to suddenly choose to bring in free elections? Why would they do that? Like I said, it's just not practically possible.

I noticed he says he's from southeast US.

Southeast US is one of the poorest and most dangerous regions in the US.

Low level people like him need to vent their anger at being robbed by Wall Street and Washington and being completely powerless to stop them. They know that elections are meaningless since every election just brings in a new group of thugs to steal from them, and rebellion is useless because the US army and FBI would crush them, so all they can do is go online to attack others. They can't even speak their minds without a FBI wiretap on them. Every day is a struggle to survive amongst drugs, thugs, cops that shoot on sight, poverty and a crushing tax rate without corresponding services.
Oh, come on, now you are claiming as a local born American, too bad your south asian English has betrayed you.

Actually I neither have a green card nor a certificate of US citizenship.
Those are required for immigrants. I don't have a passport either, I will get one, when i need it. as of now BC will do what it is required

You are absolutely ignorant to China.

Exactly, what you expected from a "frog in a well" that had never been to anywhere else?:lol:
Oh, come on, now you are claiming as a local born American, too bad your south asian English has betrayed you.

Exactly, what you expected from a "frog in a well" that had never been to anywhere else?:lol:

his attitude is very american. fat, redneck burger muncher that doesn't believe in science or know anything about things outside his little bubble. powerless to stop wall street and washington from robbing him, no savings, crap house, can't rebel, elections are fake, only thing left to do is insult others on internet.
Sorry, we have independent brains and we have too many of your students here to not know what's going on in China. China has several positives but also several negatives. The good thing is the government seems to be able and willing to get rid of the negatives. That's a good sign.

Independent of the brain? Large number of Americans do not, your media are very good at manipulating information. May be a part of Chinese students will tell you, but sometimes they do not know enough about, because for a long time to leave China. You know or do not know, from your words have been able to judge, you really do not know.
I don't get your point. Are you saying that net benefit to China is positive if there is democracy in China?

Here is a scenario:

What if CCP conducts an election in the next 6 months and bring in elected leaders? Why do you feel this is not workable?

Sir not to be rude but we should look at the U.S. right now. I think we all agree that the United States is more advanced and better developed than China. However the current politics is dominated by endless bickering between the Democrats and the Republicans. Instead of forming a concensus on battling the financial crisis all we see are fights and exchanges of ugly words. The Democrats are rowing left and the Republicans are rowing right and American is turning in circles.

Now imagine that happening in China, with her enormous population and the possibility of not two but maybe 10, 20 political parties. Do you think this is what most Chinese people want?
OK guys, enough about me, the bad America, and the FBI etc.There is a merit to the argument that transition to democracy in China needs to be slow (by Chinese-Dragon)

But others .... realize your foolishness in arguing that you don't need democracy or finding fault with democratic nations.
Sir not to be rude but we should look at the U.S. right now. I think we all agree that the United States is more advanced and better developed than China. However the current politics is dominated by endless bickering between the Democrats and the Republicans. Instead of forming a concensus on battling the financial crisis all we see are fights and exchanges of ugly words. The Democrats are rowing left and the Republicans are rowing right and American is turning in circles.

Now imagine that happening in China, with her enormous population and the possibility of not two but maybe 10, 20 political parties. Do you think this is what most Chinese people want?

I agree with you with the current situation here. But it is part of the process. All the issues are out on the table to discuss. That is the transparency in a democracy.
OK guys let's try to get this thread back on topic. :cheers:

The report estimates that Chinese growth in 2011 will be 8.5%, as a result of the CCP's efforts to "cool down" the economy and to prevent bubbles.

I think that estimate is wrong. I don't think it will drop 2 percentage points, I don't think the cooling efforts have been THAT severe.
OK guys, enough about me, the bad America, and the FBI etc.There is a merit to the argument that transition to democracy in China needs to be slow (by Chinese-Dragon)

But others .... realize your foolishness in arguing that you don't need democracy or finding fault with democratic nations.

Independent of the brain? No. In addition to show your rude and low quality, nothing. This is American democracy, the elite to rule the low quality of the people, even if there are some wise people, but you can not resist.
Have you heard of Carlos Slim and his telecommunication empire? Do you want to look up who the #1 richest person in the world is and how he made his money? here's a hint - its called mexican telecommunications and a bunch of other related infrastructure. Like I said before, you are naive if you think you HAVE it. Someone else ( a bunch of investors) HAVE it and OWN it and you lease it from them for a certain amount of time for a certain fee.

He is the richest individual. Now what's the biggest telecom company in the world?


Yes, "we have it". As in, we control the technology, its distribution, and its management. It's a state owned company.

We also have this small company called Huawei.

Huawei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is the company with the most patents in the world during 2009, and only slipped down to 2nd in 2010. It is also the #2 telecom hardware manufacturer in the world.

You can keep the richest man in the world. Have more of them, we'll even give you the top 100. Let the wealth inequality increase more. Let's put it this way: Japan has no one within top 100 richest people. Are they weaker than Mexico?
You guys seems are really frustrated.

his attitude is very american. fat, redneck burger muncher that doesn't believe in science or know anything about things outside his little bubble. powerless to stop wall street and washington from robbing him, no savings, crap house, can't rebel, elections are fake, only thing left to do is insult others on internet.
OK guys, enough about me, the bad America, and the FBI etc.There is a merit to the argument that transition to democracy in China needs to be slow (by Chinese-Dragon)

But others .... realize your foolishness in arguing that you don't need democracy or finding fault with democratic nations.

No, I don't need democracy. I don't need to vote, most americans also don't think they need to either since only half the population shows up to vote in presidential elections, even less in other elections.

I need food, clean water, a job, a cell phone, affordable transportation, electricity without frequent blackouts and internet. In terms of politics, I care about relatively clean and efficient government. Being a 1 party state does not bother me in the least. 1 in 9 Chinese over 18 are party members, that is 70 million or larger than the population of France. Anyone can join. That is more than you can say about the US, how many people participate in its politics? We have 5000 representatives for 1.3 billion people, you have 500 (10 times less) for 300 million people (4 times less), your system is less representative.
Transparency in a democracy? You never know what happened on Wall Street, even if you are dissatisfied with their greed.

What is the reason Chinese are flocking to wall street to list their companies in NASDAQ, if no one knows what is happening in Wall street. The reality is virtually everything you use is invented in the evil western world. Most Chinese are educated in US universities, go back and work in china. You guys copy almost everything from here shamelessly and you have the nerve to criticize? You haven't invented nothing and you come here and lecture how bad america is.
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