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India threatens to breach LoC to hunt terrorists

Good move if true. We should keep thrusting keep punishment in perfect order. LoC already violated if terrorists infiltrators breaches it. If it's war so be it

Now that's more like a lion but you know my friend, actions always speak louder than words. Too many people do not believe that your leadership has what it takes to make your wish come true. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings but that seems to be the fact.

india can't even breach a small building with a handful of lightly armed freedom fighters. :lol:

Never underestimate a super power of tomorrow, I believe the indian army wants to save ammunition for a greater threat.
Never underestimate a super power of tomorrow, I believe the indian army wants to save ammunition for a greater threat.

I'm merely making a visual observation based on the prevailing facts.
After 14 Indian soldiers killed in Tatta Pani Sector, these runaways didn’t dare to come back to take their dead bodies soldiers back.

Cease fire violation from coward Indians, and then terming those fake and false “Sir G Kal” only shows their army is incapable to retaliate back, we have seen in Mumbai too.

But, this time their fool dim public was so afraid, while meantime scared they put pressure on BJP and army that they can’t do anything.

The army and BJP silently staged a normal cease fire violation which was violated by coward’s Indian army, and then to please their people they staged this fake drama.

BJP and army face saving tactics were not enough, AAP and Congress already refuted “ Sir G Kal”, and demanded a proof in terms of video.

This shows army and BJP joint political game scoring among their public and opposition just to save their faces, because they know the real Pakistan armed forces power, and can’t fight with us.

Quitters can condescend to these levels just to save their faces among fool masses.

I am sure you would have the 14 dead Indian Soldiers that India left behind. You must have shown the dead bodies to your press who went around the area? There is no further update on it from your army on this....do you want to apply your mind ...WHY? or you want to remian in your cuckoo land.

I want to remind you guys that during Kargil War, your PM, your Army Cheif and all you Pakistani's claimed that no Pakistani Army is involved. To prove that Pakistani Army was involved India showed the recorded conversation between your Army Chief ( Mushraaf, who was in China) and another general in Pakistan,.....this mistake India regretted as post revealing this the tactic got revealed and India could no longer tap the conversation.

The point I am making is : -
1) Your Army lies , has been proved wrong multiple times..so if you believe in your liar army, go ahead...future is not far away....
2) Surgical Strike will be a norm now. We do not want to reveal our strategy.
The Line of Control (LoC) will no longer be sacrosanct for India if Pakistan continues to export terrorists.

This was indicated by India to Pakistan after which has been claimed the September 29 surgical strikes which took Indian troops into Azad Kashmir to strike against terrorist launch pads, top-level sources in the government were quoted by Times of India on Monday.

Read more: Indian army building bunkers along LoC amid Indo-Pak tensions

India’s current stand is different from that of 1999. The Kargil conflict compelled Pakistan to respect the LoC as inviolable. After Pakistan tried to redraw the line with its Kargil intrusion and was forced back, thenUS president Bill Clinton said that borders should not be redrawn in blood.

The longer term aim of the alleged surgical strike was to signal to Pakistan that it would have to adjust to a ‘new normal’ — the ‘new’ was established last week, the ‘normal’ will have to be built up over time.

Pakistan will now have to factor in a possible Indian response, where surprise and speed will be the key, and unpredictability the usual, where the LoC will matter less and less.

For instance, Pakistan did expect an Indian response after the Uri attack and had beefed up certain key posts.

Read more: Indian troops open fire once again across LoC at Bhimber sector

Sources said as India improves its defensive capabilities, it plans to increasingly take pre-emptive action against terror. For Pakistan, this means it will now have to factor in an Indian reaction. This will raise costs and vulnerability.

“We have made our threshold a variable. We have inserted a new element of uncertainty,” a source said.

In their conversation last week Pakistani NSA Nasir Janjua talked “de-escalation” with Ajit Doval , but at the top levels of the Indian government, there is a growing belief that Pakistan could retaliate with a terror attack in the coming weeks, the newspaper said.


So since India does not accept LoC, will it be ok for Pakistan to cross it and take some of the area (like Kargil) by force?
I am sure you would have the 14 dead Indian Soldiers that India left behind. You must have shown the dead bodies to your press who went around the area? There is no further update on it from your army on this....do you want to apply your mind ...WHY? or you want to remian in your cuckoo land.

I want to remind you guys that during Kargil War, your PM, your Army Cheif and all you Pakistani's claimed that no Pakistani Army is involved. To prove that Pakistani Army was involved India showed the recorded conversation between your Army Chief ( Mushraaf, who was in China) and another general in Pakistan,.....this mistake India regretted as post revealing this the tactic got revealed and India could no longer tap the conversation.

The point I am making is : -
1) Your Army lies , has been proved wrong multiple times..so if you believe in your liar army, go ahead...future is not far away....
2) Surgical Strike will be a norm now. We do not want to reveal our strategy.

Uhm, those dead indian soldiers were on your side of the loc, with bullets in their backs since they were running away, their butts to be exact.

So since India does not accept LoC, will it be ok for Pakistan to cross it and take some of the area (like Kargil) by force?
Why bother now when the masses across the loc are doing it for us. 8-)
I am sure you would have the 14 dead Indian Soldiers that India left behind. You must have shown the dead bodies to your press who went around the area? There is no further update on it from your army on this....do you want to apply your mind ...WHY? or you want to remian in your cuckoo land.

I want to remind you guys that during Kargil War, your PM, your Army Cheif and all you Pakistani's claimed that no Pakistani Army is involved. To prove that Pakistani Army was involved India showed the recorded conversation between your Army Chief ( Mushraaf, who was in China) and another general in Pakistan,.....this mistake India regretted as post revealing this the tactic got revealed and India could no longer tap the conversation.

The point I am making is : -
1) Your Army lies , has been proved wrong multiple times..so if you believe in your liar army, go ahead...future is not far away....
2) Surgical Strike will be a norm now. We do not want to reveal our strategy.

You chump, our army don’t lie it’s your own army and BJP jointly fooling you.

At first, during ceasefire violation from your side, one rat of RR crossed LOC and we captured him this is when your rajnath singh cried and was helpless by claiming yes this soldier belongs to RR. So, did we lie? Or you still living in la la land or dreaming in fairytales or having delusions?

The point which I am saying is:

Your army lies more than BJP government, and tends to be more political than your current BJP government; both face saving tactics to fool Indian people, that we have avenged in dream fake and false “Sir G Kal”

The fake and false game which you have started doesn’t tend any meaning, but it gives another advantage to us, that our brave Pakistan Army would teach a lesson to you what’s the real meaning of “Sir G kal” to your political DGMO and to your entire coward army which can’t clear a single building and 2 days have been passed.

This shows and exposes your coward soldiers, and their weak position among the entire world that any country can attack you with minimum force.

That's some heavy load of afghan hashish, you lot really believe the propaganda your fauj peddles on a daily basis.

Ask them to run bakeries and the marriage halls and the plots and keep sending terrorists across instead.
Wow, that's worst response yet, even takes a cake over the sirjeekal strikes. :lol:
Sure you can believe that. India doesn't need you Pakistanis to believe it happened. In fact it only goes in our favour as it allows us to continue pounding terrorist launch pads beyond the LOC and restricts you from retaliating because, you cant retaliate if you claim something didnt happen now can you? :)
please try ..... please i am bagging you..... try it.... please i can not ask you more then that ..... please...

please try ..... please i am bagging you..... try it.... please i can not ask you more then that ..... please...
the day your country try i will be in my uniform again... and i will be back to defend my country.

I am sure you would have the 14 dead Indian Soldiers that India left behind. You must have shown the dead bodies to your press who went around the area? There is no further update on it from your army on this....do you want to apply your mind ...WHY? or you want to remian in your cuckoo land.

I want to remind you guys that during Kargil War, your PM, your Army Cheif and all you Pakistani's claimed that no Pakistani Army is involved. To prove that Pakistani Army was involved India showed the recorded conversation between your Army Chief ( Mushraaf, who was in China) and another general in Pakistan,.....this mistake India regretted as post revealing this the tactic got revealed and India could no longer tap the conversation.

The point I am making is : -
1) Your Army lies , has been proved wrong multiple times..so if you believe in your liar army, go ahead...future is not far away....
2) Surgical Strike will be a norm now. We do not want to reveal our strategy.
i want to remind you...with 300 how many Indians got killed in karil... even mighty indian did not have enough boxes to put bodies. they have to ask Russia to diver boxes.. what bul shit you talking.. are you drunk with cow pee
please try ..... please i am bagging you..... try it.... please i can not ask you more then that ..... please...

the day your country try i will be in my uniform again... and i will be back to defend my country.

i want to remind you...with 300 how many Indians got killed in karil... even mighty indian did not have enough boxes to put bodies. they have to ask Russia to diver boxes.. what bul shit you talking.. are you drunk with cow pee

India is a country accountable to Parliament where things are not hidden..unlike Pakistan. Ask Nawaz Sharif how many thousands where killed .,...just trying to defend Peaks ( even though the casualty of force trying to seize peaks is always higher).

The casket imported where were special ones for high altitude, India never needed to stock them earlier. What's so special about it...? casket imported does not mean equal amount of death? What logic?
India is a country accountable to Parliament where things are not hidden..unlike Pakistan. Ask Nawaz Sharif how many thousands where killed .,...just trying to defend Peaks ( even though the casualty of force trying to seize peaks is always higher).

The casket imported where were special ones for high altitude, India never needed to stock them earlier. What's so special about it...? casket imported does not mean equal amount of death? What logic?
i can see how accountable.. after so called sir g kal.. if you ask prof you will be gardar... how the hack this point comes here.. we were talking about something els.. you are off the topic.. it is about defending the country......
Now that's more like a lion but you know my friend, actions always speak louder than words. Too many people do not believe that your leadership has what it takes to make your wish come true. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings but that seems to be the fact.

Never underestimate a super power of tomorrow, I believe the indian army wants to save ammunition for a greater threat.

My brother I can assure you that too many people u mentioned should be of Congress party and AAP. And I will assure you my friend. This leadership is waiting to prove its metal and out match 1971. Modi is a leader who came to with a promise. To destroy our enemies you don't underestimate some one like him. Past performance is just an example m main picture yet to be arrived
My brother I can assure you that too many people u mentioned should be of Congress party and AAP. And I will assure you my friend. This leadership is waiting to prove its metal and out match 1971. Modi is a leader who came to with a promise. To destroy our enemies you don't underestimate some one like him. Past performance is just an example m main picture yet to be arrived

We're all waiting, let's see if what you claim ever becomes reality. I simply tried to say that talk is cheap.
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