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India threatens to breach LoC to hunt terrorists

oh, more indian hanuman army scare? I suppose Modi cant wait to start his halloween ritual. Put some scarecrow and pigeon close to indian hanuman army position, all ahnuman will be in Modi's lap.
Again, totally irrelevant diversionary tactic.
@Isotope - it is a good thing to learn from mistakes (such as the 1971 blunder that chopped Pakistan) but it also important to know that catastrophic mistakes are very expensive means for learning lessons from. Do you think Pakistan has learn these lessons:

* Treating whole races as second class and refusing to give them their due share. When Mujib won the election he was refused the power because he wasn't Punjabi. This ended up breaking Pakistan into pieces.

* Unleashing the military on civilians. This ended up completely alienating the people of East Bengal and they in turn formed Mukti Bahini and brought the wrath of hell on Pakistani military. This led to your military seeking protection by surrendering to Indians

* Refusing to acknowledge and apologizing for such catastrophic misdeeds. This led to BD hosting Modi and feting him with the picture of Pakistani surrender etc. after several decades!

Has Pakistan learnt these lessons?

I have re-read my post and did not find any notion where I seem to be asking anyone's opinion or even interested in anyone's opinions as to why Pakistan broke into half. I can rephrase the entire post if some are having difficulty in extracting the message. I have only said it was a good thing that 71 war happened. Let India not loose its sleep over what Pakistan learnt or did not.

If you are really interested in discussing what happened during 9 months in Bangladesh or what Pakistan Army did or not do in Bangladesh before 71 war that lead to 71 war and want to get a response, start a new topic with your thoughts and I will make sure to give you relevant and categorical replies.
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@Isotope - it is a good thing to learn from mistakes (such as the 1971 blunder that chopped Pakistan) but it also important to know that catastrophic mistakes are very expensive means for learning lessons from. Do you think Pakistan has learn these lessons:

* Treating whole races as second class and refusing to give them their due share. When Mujib won the election he was refused the power because he wasn't Punjabi. This ended up breaking Pakistan into pieces.

* Unleashing the military on civilians. This ended up completely alienating the people of East Bengal and they in turn formed Mukti Bahini and brought the wrath of hell on Pakistani military. This led to your military seeking protection by surrendering to Indians

* Refusing to acknowledge and apologizing for such catastrophic misdeeds. This led to BD hosting Modi and feting him with the picture of Pakistani surrender etc. after several decades!

Has Pakistan learnt these lessons?

* Treating whole races as second class and refusing to give them their due share. When Mujib won the election he was refused the power because he wasn't Punjabi. This ended up breaking Pakistan into pieces.
Bull shyte as 3 of 5 PM was from E. PAK along with National Parliament's speakers. And the material development that E. PAK witnessed in 23 yrs., largely remained as the bedrock of BD's fundamental building blocks till today. Now, SK. Mujib didn't win the election truly by people's votes but by Hindu and his goon's thieveries, robberies etc. as only 27% votes were casted, where Hindus and his goons voted numerous times but mostly oppositions weren't allowed to go close to the polling booths. And finally he wasn't allowed to take the PM- ship because he went against the agreement (LFO type)for that Yahiya had to stay as PREZ no matter who later win the election.

* Unleashing the military on civilians. This ended up completely alienating the people of East Bengal and they in turn formed Mukti Bahini and brought the wrath of hell on Pakistani military. This led to your military seeking protection by surrendering to Indians
Dog Shyte as OPP. Searchlight was aimed at anti-state elements AKA RAWAMY Dalals (http://www.drfirozmahboobkamal.com/...mination-of-the-bengali-and-the-genocide.html). Now listen up, Mukti Bahini's camps in Indian border areas had existed even before Mar 25th, 71. And its members could only harass PAK armymen, blow up bridges, culverts here and there but couldn't bring hell as from JUNE-SEPT. 71, E. PAK was mostly pacified. It was Indian army's overwhelming force that brought hell to 6 crore Muslims not otherwise (http://www.drfirozmahboobkamal.com/2011-01-23-21-55-47/1177-chapter-3-story-of-3-million-deaths.html). And finally, it was revealing that Indian GOVT. not only lied to outsiders but also to its people to justify its aggression against PAK.

* Refusing to acknowledge and apologizing for such catastrophic misdeeds. This led to BD hosting Modi and feting him with the picture of Pakistani surrender etc. after several decades!
Pakistanis should never give in to deception and fake narratives of Indians and RAWAMY dalals since PAK army was rightfully defending its land. We, the Bengalis were short sighted with ethinic-nationalistic-farvor that had made us a boxed-up-orphan among the polity of nations.
India should hunt for terrorists across LOC and then announce. Pakistan will deny those attacks as usual and that is good as it will not escalate to War. Announcing a surgical strike and then conducting will certainly lead to war.
It is totally hilarious how Indian nation is still living in the era of 65 and 71 and continue posting these two pictures, A) PA signing surrender document, B) Picture of this stamp. They need to wake up and smell the coffee, this is no Pakistan of 71.

In fact, 71 war turned out to be a great blessing for Pakistan though in a disguise. It was a huge wake up call and made Pakistan realize that it could completely cease to exist as a nation if the next war went badly. This is because so far no war had been fought with India that actually threatened the existence of Pakistan as a state except war of 71. Pakistan might have continued to rely on its American and Chinese alliances as a buffer even to the Indian nuclear program and might have lived without a nuclear program of its own. But the 71 war changed that. It made Pakistan realize that international alliances were fickle and militarily we could not compete with India. The 71 war was the impetus for the development of the Pakistani nuclear weapons program. Lots of members from opposite camp out of frustration, make fun of "eating grass in exchange for nuclear weapons" statement by Pakistani PM. The fact is, Pakistan developed its own defensive and offensive nuclear weapons and developed delivery systems to ensure its existence as a state. While a huge country like India has been reduced to merely hurling daily threats or using proxies in Afghanistan to indirectly hurt Pakistan. A direct military confrontation is just no longer an option.

The list could go on but the points mentioned are key to understanding how significant the 71 War was for Pakistan, India and the world as a whole.

Peace brothers.

One quotes 71 war because that was the last war India went into, pakistan may not be the same pakistan of 71, and no way is India the same sanctioned, economically weakened, isolated India of 71. So the results may not be any different from 71 as the balance of power is even steeper.

What makes you so sure that pakistan will remain intact...nukes?, nukes did not help USSR from disintegrating, and pakistan is no USSR.

The reason why India thinks twice to reciprocate pakistani terrorism and proxy games is because pakistan is a destitute nation that has nukes and terrorists in abundance...its the north Korea of south Asia.

Having sugar daddies and thinking that the sugar daddies will come to its rescue every time is not going to save it. The only thing that's keeping it intact is India's restraint and the assumption that the chinese will jump into the mix.
Will breach LoC to hunt terrorists, India tells Pakistan




the figures are way over the top. Far from fact.
When you dont have words to make proper replies , Such low levels are reached.

Besides, With Weapon in Hand and Musharraf Incharge we have seen what Pakistan can do in 1999. It seems quite interesting that Even with Nukes Ready in 1999, If Nukes were indeed fired in 1999 the result would have been like.....

Tum Log Khud Apni G me Apne hi Nukes Ghusa Lete !

Proof : http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/01/28/asia-pacific/norths-missiles-tied-to-musharraf-blunder/

A retired Pakistani nuclear scientist has claimed that former Pakistani leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s 1999 military adventurism in the Kargil region of divided Kashmir failed in part because the North Korea-aided, nuclear-capable Ghauri missiles he wanted to deploy then had a faulty guidance system.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the scientist said that during the Kargil crisis of May-July 1999, Musharraf, who was then army chief, “wanted to deploy Ghauri missiles, but air went out of his balloon when the top general in charge of the missile program told him the missile had a faulty guidance system.”
Cool story bra.
India should hunt for terrorists across LOC and then announce. Pakistan will deny those attacks as usual and that is good as it will not escalate to War. Announcing a surgical strike and then conducting will certainly lead to war.
Yes your last sirjeekal fairy tale did wonders to stop terrorists from crossing the loc and handing you your own @ss on a platter didn't it? Should you make the mistake (and I hope you do) of actually conducting an actual surgical strike, it will be the Pakistan Army crossing the loc and ripping you apart. So yeah, please make that mistake.
India can keep breaching , and we will keep filling your coffins

Accidental , death of illegal intruders would be unfortunate incident

One less Indian

Zombies and lost intruders they all have same fate

Make sure next Chandu is not lost and stayed chained to your fence
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