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India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

Wasn't it you who made the assertion. So shouldnt you be telling me where in Hindu religion it says all religions/gods are the same. Only positives can be proved, not negatives. Look up anywhere you like. Nowhere it says what you say.

Please disprove my point, that I cannot call God by any name. That I cannot pray in anyplace. If you cannot, then you simply have no basis to say that what I said is false. Also, you said that I do not know Hinduism. So please feel free to enlighten me. Feel free to quote from any of the vedas/upanishads/puranas/gita/mahabharata/ramayana.

Also, you may feel to go deeper into dwaita and advaita philosophies or the minmasa to prove your point. I am open to learning.

How shall I put it? Maybe, I will be a 'better' Hindu because of you?

Hint for you to start : ParaBrahman.
Please disprove my point, that I cannot call God by any name. That I cannot pray in anyplace. If you cannot, then you simply have no basis to say that what I said is false. Also, you said that I do not know Hinduism. So please feel free to enlighten me. How shall I put it? Maybe, I will be a 'better' Hindu because of you?

There is no support under Hinduism that the god of islam or xtians is same as hindu Brahmana. Come on, they did not even exist then and the whole concept is different. Why do I need to prove it. Pick up whatever u like. No where it says.

Of couse I cant prevent you calling god by any name. Call him lulupulu if u like.
What did I told you guys!! Indian Christians have Hindu culture in them, see we even made virgin Mary wear saree and bangles :partay:

The churches in Kerala have a kodi maram. i dont know what more is proof :omghaha:
:) the end of the story is that certain cast of Hindus do not want to do away with discrimination and social isolation of down trodden Hindus and at the same time you guys are against Christians and their social uplift projects which attract these Hindus to convert for better opportunities.

look within solve their porblems and they wont be lured by anyone.

For them the concept of Hinduism is weak enough to break for incentives and better living. Thats all. Give them sense of ownership of Hinduism and they wont go for other faiths not even for better living.

Look, most of these tribals are ignored by the government for a long time.. People there have no income. Death due to poverty is common there.. Then missionaries came and provide them food and tell them that if they convert to this particular religion, you will get plenty of food.. If you are hungry and dont have any other means for daily bread, what will you do?? They would rather choose any religion than dying due to hunger.. I wouldnt blame Hinduism for the backwardness of the people but the government.. Missionaries are only taking advantage of it..Hinduism was not an organised religion like ours.. They never wanted to become organise.. On other other hand we had to become organise because, our religions spilled lot of bloods of each other in the name of God.. It was our way to survive.. Hinduism on the otherhand adapted whats good in other religion and much more tolerant to other religions.. In India you can see Hindus coming to a Church with out any issue .. They do not consider it as a big deal!!

The concept of Hinduism in not weak as you think!! It is actually much better than any of the religion.. They do not need money and swords to flourish!!
There is no support under Hinduism that the god of islam or xtians is same as hindu Brahmana. Come on, they did not even exist then and the whole concept is different. Why do I need to prove it. Pick up whatever u like. No where it says.

Of couse I cant prevent you calling god by any name. Call him lulupulu if u like.

First, thank you for admitting I can call a God by any name. Which means, I can call him Allah or God or Shiva or Vishnu or Indra.

Second, like I told you, please read what Parabrahman is. And what the evolution of Hinduism is.
First, thank you for admitting I can call a God by any name. Which means, I can call him Allah or God or Shiva or Vishnu or Indra.

Second, like I told you, please read what Parabrahman is. And what the evolution of Hinduism is.

No you cant. Brahman is not the same as Allah or Indra or Vishnu or Shiva or the Christian god. Good start but you have to go deeper.
No you cant. Brahman is not the same as Allah or Indra or Vishnu or Shiva or the Christian god. Good start but you have to go deeper.

Can you please disprove with material, instead of giving me your opinion?

Also, please feel free to enlighten me on the ParaBrahman. I have been asking you for enlightenment and you are not providing. It is very disappointing to say the least! I am thirsty for knowledge. Please provide the same!
Can you please disprove with material, instead of giving me your opinion? Have you read the Vedas or the Gita or any one of the Upanishads or the Puranas? Or are you just talking for the sake of it? If you have not, learn to first read them and then come to debate.

Let us not have this futile debate. If you want to walk away victorious, I am willing to grant you that. But it is my sincere request that you please read up the unifying philosophy behind the practices of Hinduism. Wiki is not a good place for it. Vasistha yoga is fantastic if you can tackle it. Or please do katha upanishad/ Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. We can again talk about it in a few days.
Let us not have this futile debate. If you want to walk away victorious, I am willing to grant you that. But it is my sincere request that you please read up the unifying philosophy behind the practices of Hinduism. Wiki is not a good place for it. Vasistha yoga is fantastic if you can tackle it. Or please do katha upanishad/ Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. We can again talk about it in a few days.

Thats it ????? You are through??? what about my enlightenment???? What about your statement that I do not know about Hinduism. What about the katha upanishad? Feel free to use it also. Like I said, I am open to learning! Hinduism was built on debate, once upon a time. I am sure you are well aware of this? :)

And please don't assume that, the person at the other end does not know what he is talking about, ok? Else, I am still waiting to be enlightened.
Thats it ????? You are through??? what about my enlightenment???? What about your statement that I do not know about Hinduism. What about the katha upanishad? I have the book at home. Feel free to use it also. Like I said, I am open to learning! Hinduism was built on debate, once upon a time. I am sure you are well aware of this? :)

And please don't assume that, the person at the other end does not know what he is talking about, ok? Else, I am still waiting to be enlightened.

Debate cannot be between unequals. From your various statements it is clear that your knowledge of various philosophies is so vast and intricate that I tremble like a grass blade in a typhoon. ;)And so I must escape to lick my wounds and gather further knowledge before I dare face you again.
Localization of Christian/Catholic religion. Similar to how there is black Jesus in Africa. Also, true teaching of Prophet Isa/Jesus got corrupted when pagan practices were added to it to make it more appealing religion to the pagan population in Europe. We may see a similar pattern in India.

I didn't say anything wrong. I guess you are just spamming.

I know what you mean but is a thread like this necessary in this time of month?? Who knows what it could lead too.
Debate cannot be between unequals. From your various statements it is clear that your knowledge of various philosophies is so vast and intricate that I tremble like a grass blade in a typhoon. ;)And so I must escape to lick my wounds and gather further knowledge before I dare face you again.

Debate is between 2 points of view. :angel: Anyways, have a good time!
Neither Hinduism nor Christianity are closet religions :lol:
If somebody starts discussing holes in Islam...you guys are the first one to pull the rule saying 'religion discussions are banned here'. :lol:

And request to Mods.
why is that title? India protests? it is like equaling terrorism = Pakistan!!!! can you please change the title?
Please Enlighten us Mr. " I am an Expert on Christianity "

Please tell us about those Christians who consider MARY UNHOLY.


Lutherans (myself) and some other denominations do not consider Mary as a holy figure like Catholics do. We recognize her as the earthly mother of Christ and that is all.
Look, most of these tribals are ignored by the government for a long time.. People there have no income. Death due to poverty is common there.. Then missionaries came and provide them food and tell them that if they convert to this particular religion, you will get plenty of food.. If you are hungry and dont have any other means for daily bread, what will you do?? They would rather choose any religion than dying due to hunger.. I wouldnt blame Hinduism for the backwardness of the people but the government.. Missionaries are only taking advantage of it..Hinduism was not an organised religion like ours.. They never wanted to become organise.. On other other hand we had to become organise because, our religions spilled lot of bloods of each other in the name of God.. It was our way to survive.. Hinduism on the otherhand adapted whats good in other religion and much more tolerant to other religions.. In India you can see Hindus coming to a Church with out any issue .. They do not consider it as a big deal!!


We all know that. The question is when India/Indians are themself responsible for the conversions then why accuse missionaries in the first place?

The onus is on?

Can you ban missionaries ? Can you get away with laws banning conversions even if these are at free will?

And request to Mods.
why is that title? India protests? it is like equaling terrorism = Pakistan!!!! can you please change the title?

This is the exact headline of BBC news. So NO there is no reason to change the actual headline of the news
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