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India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

Hindu political groups are no different from Christian or Islamic political groups. They are not out to help anybody but themselves. So, please don't judge them too harshly since they are no better rats than any other religiously affiliated political groups.

Try what? Telling you to bask in your ignorance? I did so in my earlier post :D Point taken. Moving on ;)

:lol: so RSS/BJP/ VHP all are just sissies talk more and help less :P

anyway if they are not willing to help own people and bring them out of deprivation then this talk against missionaries does not carry any weight :

These Maoist elements must be Nibed in Buds ... Christianity = Faith for Sale ...

In Miami Beach ull have a Statue of Surfing Mary :omghaha: ... if the population were non-Christians ...

:what: hindu statues are not for sale?
My point is that missionary groups are like vedic groups the only difference here i feel is that former are supported by their political groups whereas in case of vedic one, the political religious groups of India are only spreading forceful hate instead of helping vedic group to help the deprived Hindus so they should not look towards missionaries.

What is a Vedic group? Never heard of one. And if you are talking about Hindu groups than unlike Missionaries, they are not invading other's space, but defending their own religion.

What is the problem of these Hindu Political groups??? i personally feel they are still stuck in status/cast based classification on one hand and on the other hand they believe their dadgiri must be accepted by these deprived Hindus and they should continue to face their orders and rules viz a viz living, faith, profession, status.

You may feel personally whatever you want but no Hindu group is stuck on caste. Can you point me to any reference where Hindu groups have taken caste based positions. In fact, most members of these groups, including Modi, actually belong to so called backward castes.

I feel both cant go hand in hand. Either Vedic groups and Cos would have to abolish the mindeset that sees Hindus through lower and higher class prism or they would have to give up to missionaries.

Read my above comments

As far as the karma is concerned if people themself wants to come out of this karma based deprivation one cant stop them

Typical mumbo jumbo from an ignorant person.

:) try it.

now move on .[/QUOTE]
What is a Vedic group? Never heard of one. And if you are talking about Hindu groups than unlike Missionaries, they are not invading other's space, but defending their own religion.

You may feel personally whatever you want but no Hindu group is stuck on caste. Can you point me to any reference where Hindu groups have taken caste based positions. In fact, most members of these groups, including Modi, actually belong to so called backward castes.

Read my above comments

Typical mumbo jumbo from an ignorant person.

:) try it.

now move on .

Vedic groups such as Iskcon etc. Sanathan Dharma groups are the ones who believe in karma so let the suckers suffer (in a nutshell) :D

Vedic groups such as Iskcon etc. Sanathan Dharma groups are the ones who believe in karma so let the suckers suffer (in a nutshell) :D

All hindus believe in Karma. Pls educate yourself before commenting on other's religions.
Yes . they are sisies which is a good thing. But LeT, LeJ, Jamt-ud-Dawa, they are terrorists, barbarians. They are even blowing people in markets. :lol:

:lol: so RSS/BJP/ VHP all are just sissies talk more and help less :P

anyway if they are not willing to help own people and bring them out of deprivation then this talk against missionaries does not carry any weight :

:what: hindu statues are not for sale?
All hindus believe in Karma. Pls educate yourself before commenting on other's religions.

:) yeh. how about those who leave hinduism and convert to Christianity.

i guess they refused to bow down to karma sharma
Indian state has no role to play in this. Its non Christians protesting against a perceived conversion tactic (which is incorrect in my view).

Kind of like people in Pakistan went on a murderous rampage when someone in USA came out with a stupid movie about Islam. Am sure that movie was not going to harm Pakistan in anyway, but Pakistani citizens still reacted
Islam or Pakistan has nothing to do with this topic...so plz show ur hatred towards us on other threads...where its relevant
These Maoist elements must be Nibed in Buds ... Christianity = Faith for Sale ...

In Miami Beach ull have a Statue of Surfing Mary :omghaha: ... if the population were non-Christians ...

come on dude u live in kerala and u still dont know about how christian are,hmmm may be ur the some hindu rss suporter of kerala
What did i just read :what:

Localization of Christian/Catholic religion. Similar to how there is black Jesus in Africa. Also, true teaching of Prophet Isa/Jesus got corrupted when pagan practices were added to it to make it more appealing religion to the pagan population in Europe. We may see a similar pattern in India.

Post reported.

I didn't say anything wrong. I guess you are just spamming.
come on dude u live in kerala and u still dont know about how christian are,hmmm may be ur the some hindu rss suporter of kerala

Ya i know them Very Well ... Thats y i termed them as Maoist ... Cancers of Indian Society ... the Evangelic Christians should be Wiped out of India in a Peaceful Manner ...
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