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India- Pakistan Friendship Thread

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great thread a
Just like your name we can be friends hello count me as your friend here I have great friends who are Indians best ones to do business with
another thread for lovey-dovey stuff.. 'comon let's stop being melodramatic. there is no love lost between india & pakistan.
then again.. can't say the same about indians & pakistanis though. got few collegues working with me. love them to bits..

lol.. We like to be badasses than being fruity right? But its good to have one fruity thread to contrast the badass threads.
I think one of the main reasons indians always like to compare themselves with Pakistanis is because Pakistanis (Punjabis, Pashtuns, Balochis, Kashmiris) are considered martial/warrior races.

and we all know what majority of indians are/were considerd......that's the reason indians don't always act desperate about being compared to Sri lankins and Bangladeshis... they are always after Pakistanis.

This is one of the main reasons.

Most Indians want friend ship just as much with Bangladesh or Sri Lanka as Pakistan.

BTW Bengalis were consider martial races until some Bengali revolted against the British.

And please dont talk about how your people is some type of warrior race over the internet buddy. Go fight for your country then call your self a warrior, other wise your just some random guy on the internet.
I'm a firm believer in Pakistan-India friendship but frankly what I have seen on other sites and this forum, it's still a dream.
There can only be friendship when my Kashmiri brothers and sisters are given freedom.

If you think we can be "friends" with the Indians then your seriously mistaken my friend!
lol.. We like to be badasses than being fruity right? But its good to have one fruity thread to contrast the badass threads.

lol.... it's more a case of can't live them & can't live without them!!
Sometimes I wish Pakistan was moved near Turkey and India near USA or something.

Wet dream...........
How can we be friends with these people who try to deny us our identity. support terrorism in our country. our soldiers died fighting these indians in wars. these back-stabbers broke our country into 2 pieces in 1971. they are still trying to break our country into pieces.

they have killed/raped thausands of Kashmiri Muslim girls. killed hundreds of thausands of Kashmir Muslims.
let be good neigbours first then maybe we can think of "friendship"

Forget about good neighbours, Pakistan has been trying that for the past 64 years, but the Indians have never missed an opportunity in attacking Pakistan. It doesn't matter about some meeraasi going from Pakistan to sing in India, the people of Pakistan will never accept India as a true friend as it has always stabbed Pakistan in the back.

Musharraf extended a hand of friendship to India,what did he get in return, he got the Indians stealing our water resources and putting hurdles in everything to do with Pakistan on the International stage.Indians paid international media outlets to carry propaganda against Pakistan and Pakistanis living in the west. The Indians stooped so low that they even opposed giving Pakistan trade concessions in Europe for the flood victims, then you say you want friendship?

Bloody dirty Indian piece of s***.
I think we need to go back in time and think about some of these statements. Prior to the 65 war, this level of acrimony was never there. Maybe the wars have brought up more hate etc., but there was a time after independence, when despite our differences, Pakistan and India got along even though Kashmir was an irritant back then as well so there may be hope.

Obviously the issue of Kashmir cannot be forgotten, however I do not subscribe to "Kashmir banay gaa Pakistan" simply because it is up to the Kashmiris whether they want to be part of Pakistan. Us Pakistanis may want that, but we cannot force that on anyone. But the Kashmiris do deserve to be heard and given a chance to do things their way and this is the stumbling block between true peace.

Unfortunately the issue of Kashmir is so sensitive that it has to be solved before people on both sides can finally decide to move on and come to peace with each other.

One idea behind the formation of EEC (Euro Economic Comm), the forerunner to the current EU, was to lock the nations in trade in such a way that war became too expensive for any member country as attacking and hurting the interests of another meant hurting your own. There is a possibility to convert SAARC into such entity but the territorial irritants would have to be resolved with some give and take and flexibility.
Gareeb Nawaz... A biryani restaurant on Devon street in Chicago, where both indians and pakistanis sit together and have food..
Isn't it.?:cheers::cheers:
a common bharti wants peace, not politics, so yeah common pakistani also needs peace and not just like war war war..... lets discuss some public level relations, which are shared together in foreign countries where both of us are just desis..
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