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India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

Congos dude for ur Pakistani media source which unearthed a secret as big as that:rofl::rofl:

Pls continue to live in ur own delusions....twisting the facts with not a single correct point.

U cant even spell Mr.Karkare's name properly, forget u wudnt even know why his wife asked for an inquiry ...!! no need to reply this Zaid hamid fan....

LOL a twisting and denying by Indians. No one answer was kernal rohat and his terrorist friend caught by Karkere for planting terror attacks `? True or not ? Wasnt he released day after he was killed ?

You are asking for mumbai attacks what about samjota express who has been found guilty yet ? ANy progress there ?

Tell me about my source m8 ur source is star news and aj tak. bollywood channels as news channels.
Proofs ? Ask Krekar who was killed in Mumbai attacks far away from all action. His wife did not want help for goverment and parliment leader asked for inquery for his death. Is there has been any inquary ?

Hmm.. Why did LeT have Inspector Karkare get killed by Kasab and his buddies?
Probably Karkare had found solid evidence to nail LeT/ISI/GoP for the samjotha express balst?? :azn:
LOL a twisting and denying by Indians. No one answer was kernal rohat and his terrorist friend caught by Karkere for planting terror attacks `? True or not ? Wasnt he released day after he was killed ?

You are asking for mumbai attacks what about samjota express who has been found guilty yet ? ANy progress there ?

Tell me about my source m8 ur source is star news and aj tak. bollywood channels as news channels.

Give me one neutral link which says the colonel was involved(i dont want speculations) in samjota express blasts and I will follow up the discussion, since m not here to increase my post count unlike u neither I want to argue with a brainwashed mind!!

And about the investigation process, its a tedious one in India so u will hv to wait till the final ball!!

And to know where he is now check the link below..

LOL a twisting and denying by Indians. No one answer was kernal rohat and his terrorist friend caught by Karkere for planting terror attacks `? True or not ? Wasnt he released day after he was killed ?

Where do you get your information from. Col.Purohit is still in jail and has never been released. He is going to spend a lifetime in jail for the Malegaon blasts when he finally does get convicted.
And how Asif was named for same if no investigation took place? Why not GoP provide with counter showing the Asif was not involved. Its there national US and UN are targeting. What stops GoP to demand evidence for same and counter that

wat showing? this attack took place in india. and unless you had given us access to whole investigation there is no way pakistan could have come up with a claim or counter claim.

I was referring to ban on Asif. Why China allowed that. There was no pressure at time.

there was no pressure on pakistan in 2009? stopping UN from putting ban on one person when the whole world is running propaganda mill against u is never a gud idea.

When we found products from PK with 26/11 terrorist, PK members laughed and said "Do you think our guys are so fool"? Now when IN products are found you say that its IN citizen that involved.

so u accept india is involved now that we find indian products?

And buying bags and all, do you mean we are not infected by LeT? Why this can't be there agent?

and why this cant be someone within india lik the witness said?

And you also know how many Train Bombing has happened in India. Why you are making fuss about Indian Security Apparatus when you know that.

im not making fuss of anything but only questioning.

And again GoP being part of UN can ask for evidence and prove that Asif was not the one.This has not happened. So please don't raise the boggy of Lt. Col. Purohit. First prove that your citizen is targeted wrongly. Or enen that he is not part of Samjhota exp blast.

i have already answered this above.

Its not the act but the will to not allowing those perpetrating these act that has stalled the dialogue.

will? then there is no doubt in wat u did is wrong. ask ur generals in kashmir and they will accept that infiltration has decrease by a great deal over last couple of years.
How ashamed and degraded you think we Indians are?

11 people come from your country, kill people with closed eyes, and then you say we are not even justified in having some anger? You are talking of a terrorist attack as if 11 terrorists threw some stones from across the border. They KILLED people. OUR people. Your Govt. ADMITTED that all were Pakistani citizens.

Now you will do an equal equal by saying that India is involved in Balochistan. Kindly ask your Govt. to give us the "un-deniable proof" which it claims of having. Please. We are waiting.

Till then India is not the one responsible.

If my country is responsible for any kind of terrorist attacks in Pakistan, then I loathe my Govt. But I am sure, that my Govt., is like my people only. It won't do that. If it did, then show us the proof. I'l be the first one to believe it. What is Pakistan waiting for?

a bharati acting so clever. when did your govt provided undeniable prove of pak's involvement, even you directly hit the govt and say that govt of pak and ISI was involved.

pak PM has talked to indians about this issue and pakistani govt has already handed a dossier which gives indian govt the prove of their balochistan involvement.

many indian people in india hate pakistan and this is the fact, the govt is just doing what is did to pakistan in the past.
a bharati acting so clever. when did your govt provided undeniable prove of pak's involvement, even you directly hit the govt and say that govt of pak and ISI was involved.

pak PM has talked to indians about this issue and pakistani govt has already handed a dossier which gives indian govt the prove of their balochistan involvement.

many indian people in india hate pakistan and this is the fact, the govt is just doing what is did to pakistan in the past.

Sir a little bit search help you... When GoI provided all "Un-deniable proof " after that GoP come up with something that Kasab and others were Pak nationals.. otherwise they were denying this fact...

or you feel that GoP accepted to just satisfy Indians??

And you are talking about Balochistan dossier...If Indians are not accepting the same why dont you publish them on Media? or you are still waiting for right time to come?
From a Pakistani perspective, India must stop terrorism as well.

Yes, indians will deny this, but GoI knows what's happening behind the scenes. If it wants peace, it will have to fill its own end of the bargain and stop funding and supporting TTP and Baloch terrorists. There's going to be no peace if they publicly keep accusing others of terrorism and privately keep doing terrorism themselves.
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The U.S. did not use Indian feedback to catch David Headley. Does that mean the case against Headley for his involvement in the Mumbai attacks is baseless. That's not a very logical line to take. The U.S. does not pursue people without reason and all the members of the security council are not completely out of their heads to support such sanctions.

Apples and oranges comparison. US is blaming a completely different group for the attacks on Samjhauta express, India is blaming others.

Conspiracy theories can only get you so far.

Very typical poor way to refute points.
The way I see it, both sides need to fix themselves - majorly.

As a Pakistani, I feel that Indians are somehow desensitised to our suffering. Bombs are going off in our mosques and marketplaces. With all due respect and reverence for the 26/11 victims; we go through that on a DAILY basis. Yet you blame our government and more importantly, our people.

Do you not see that the problems Pakistan is facing right now is a global one i.e. The War on Terrorism? In my humble opinion, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. On that basis, Pakistan and India should have cooperated after 26/11. Instead, I am sorry to say that the Indian Government made a "political show" out of the whole situation. How come there wasn't any outcry when the Pune bombings took place? How come people did not come to the streets when Shiv Sena was 'manhandling' SRK. I think we all know. It was because of the 'P' word. So much so that at your side, the media actually started fanning the fire to cash in. Even before evidence collection started, everyone somehow 'knew' that it was Pakistani. At that point, most Pakistanis stopped caring seeing that they were the 'default culprits'. This mentality has to change.

If your government was indeed so serious about terrorism, they would have had a major overhaul of their security apparatus; police and navy officials would have lost jobs. They would have shared evidence with the country they were so busy painting as a terrorist state (let alone us, India did not even share the evidence with Interpol till almost a month afterwards). And, when you tell us to either give evidence or shut up, why didn't the same argument have any weight when we used it after 26/11? I think the answer is clear; double-standards. Or maybe you always tell the truth and we always lie? For me, the former holds more credence.

At this point, I am sure that our Indian readers will be fuming. But do understand that I am not mocking your victims. I am only criticising the way your Govt. and your people reacted.

Blaming the Pakistani govt. or the people is like blaming the neighbourhood for a stray dog that bites you. And that too, in a neighbourhood where the residents are bit everyday. Either protect yourselves or if you can't do that, then cooperate. India at present is at its third option; complain, complain and complain some more.

Always remember that people by and large are compassionate, there are only a minority of miscreants. Moreover, Pakistan has had more than its share of bloodshed so don't assume that we don't "understand". We understand full well how terrorists terrorise and how they don't really think much. They just DO. That is what Kasab did.
And how Asif was named for same if no investigation took place? Why not GoP provide with counter showing the Asif was not involved. Its there national US and UN are targeting. What stops GoP to demand evidence for same and counter that

wat showing? this attack took place in india. and unless you had given us access to whole investigation there is no way pakistan could have come up with a claim or counter claim.

GoP has to raise the questions. GoP has to make show out of this. They has to question the evidence. Not doing this means you accept.
I was referring to ban on Asif. Why China allowed that. There was no pressure at time.

there was no pressure on pakistan in 2009? stopping UN from putting ban on one person when the whole world is running propaganda mill against u is never a gud idea.

When we found products from PK with 26/11 terrorist, PK members laughed and said "Do you think our guys are so fool"? Now when IN products are found you say that its IN citizen that involved.

so u accept india is involved now that we find indian products?
No. I am pointing to fact how spin given to facts.

And buying bags and all, do you mean we are not infected by LeT? Why this can't be there agent?

and why this cant be someone within india lik the witness said?
What did the witness said? That RDX was procured by Col. So? Check the facts. RDX is not even used in the SE blasts. The only thing used to link SE blast with Purohit was the statement by witness regarding procurement of RDX by Purohit.
Four bags were planted and only 2 went off. Rest 2 were taken in custody by agencies. There was no RDX in those bags.
And you also know how many Train Bombing has happened in India. Why you are making fuss about Indian Security Apparatus when you know that.

im not making fuss of anything but only questioning.

And again GoP being part of UN can ask for evidence and prove that Asif was not the one.This has not happened. So please don't raise the boggy of Lt. Col. Purohit. First prove that your citizen is targeted wrongly. Or enen that he is not part of Samjhota exp blast.

i have already answered this above.

Its not the act but the will to not allowing those perpetrating these act that has stalled the dialogue.

will? then there is no doubt in wat u did is wrong. ask ur generals in kashmir and they will accept that infiltration has decrease by a great deal over last couple of years.

Looking at recent activities in Valley, they will not agree.
ya you are right man! its a internal problem of GoI, no Indians cross the border and killed any citizen of any other nation:toast_sign: it is our INTERNAL MATTERS YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO ASK US!:devil:

Your citizens did possibly kill Pakistanis, and when Pakistanis are killed, in Pakistan or outside, then it becomes Pakistan's business. How far we choose to pursue the matter is our prerogative.
Your citizens did possibly kill Pakistanis, and when Pakistanis are killed, in Pakistan or outside, then it becomes Pakistan's business. How far we choose to pursue the matter is our prerogative.

As long it doesn't interfere with our internal affairs.
GoP at the most can request information from GoI on cause of deaths of Pakistanis in India and ask for justice to be given to the victims. A lot of Indian nationals too died in Samjotha express blast. GoI is legally and morally bound to investigate the crime and penalize the perpetrators, which it is doing. CBI is investigating it and nothing can be concluded until the final report is made.
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As long it doesn't interfere with our internal affairs.
That applies in the case of Indian requests for 'justice' being done to the alleged masterminds of the Mumbai attacks.
GoP at the most can request information from GoI on cause of deaths of Pakistanis in India and ask for justice to be given to the victims. A lot of Indian nationals too died in Samjotha express blast. GoI is legally and morally bound to investigate the crime and penalize the perpetrators, which it is doing. CBI is investigating it and nothing can be concluded until the final report is made.
Of course, but the point was that unlike what the earlier poster said, Pakistan has a legitimate interest in raising this issue.
Looking at recent activities in Valley, they will not agree.

Last I checked your Generals were dicussing withdrawing 30,000 troops and estimate the number of militants in J&K at around 300.

I would say that if they don't agree, they don't even know their own facts. Rather hard to find them credible after that.
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