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India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

Pakistanis were killed. It's very much relevant as far as Pakistan is concerned.
Pakistanis were killed. It's very much relevant as far as Pakistan is concerned.

Great. Similarly citizens of over a dozen countries got killed in 26/11 mumbai attacks. So, they should take GoI to task?
Thousands of Indians die in US for various reasons. Many murdered by muggers, theives, terrorists etc. These are crimes which US law enforcement agencies will handle them as per their law of the land. India has no say in it and cannot make it an issue in the bilateral realtionship.
Bomb blasts happen in Pakistan on daily basis. If some Indian travelling in Pakistan gets killed in one of these blasts (God forbid), does it mean GoP should be hauled up by GoI? As per rules of interntional diplomacy, GoI can only request GoP to give justice to the vicitim, as it is doing with the Australian goverment with regards to the issue of racial attacks against Indians there.
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Avoid personal attacks. I can get you in trouble for this.
Please go ahead. I am not waiting though.

The information came from GoI itself. Where did I look? When was I countered with fact? What fact was I countered with? You went off tangent as regards to my reply. No fact was given as far as the topic is concerned.
No its not. Check you facts.
This what I said in post 36
As for our fact, you have accepted the UN directive. Its your national that UN targeted. If you had doubts, it was much easier for you to challenge that. To get your citizen name cleared. You have not done so. You have accepted the UN directive. Why?
You have not replied to that.
Read first sentence above.
Read first sentence above.
What you talking about here?
Read link in post 26
Murders cannot be compared to this. So keep those out.

If citizens of other countries do get killed in a certain country, then normally the other countries do push the country where the people got killed for some explanation.
Please go ahead. I am not waiting though.

Very well.

No its not. Check you facts.
This what I said in post 36
As for our fact, you have accepted the UN directive. Its your national that UN targeted. If you had doubts, it was much easier for you to challenge that. To get your citizen name cleared. You have not done so. You have accepted the UN directive. Why?
You have not replied to that.

I have replied to this before, in the post that you were replying to in particular. US went to UN, and UN is ran by US. US took no input from GoI and went all by itself. If GoI does not take part in the process, it means nothing. US may be trying to fill its interests. It matters more as to what the state under whose soil the attacks took place than US. Like I mentioned, if LeT was involved, we would have heard it several times now from GoI.
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If citizens of other countries do get killed in a certain country, then normally the other countries do push the country where the people got killed for some explanation.

Agreed. Pakistan is well within its right to request information from India regarding the deaths of Pakistani citizens on Indian soil and ask for justic to the victims. Its also the moral and legal duty of the GoI to do so. But, GoP has no right to make it an issue in the bilateral relationship.
Very well.

I have replied to this before, in the post that you were replying to in particular. US went to UN, and UN is ran by US. US took no input from GoI and went all by itself. If GoI does not take part in the process, it means nothing. US may be trying to fill its interests. It matters more as to what the state under whose soil the attacks took place than US. Like I mentioned, if LeT was involved, we would have heard it several times now from GoI.

And why did GoP accepted that. They could have challenged the US allegation. Why there is no evidence showing Asif's innocence
I can't remember GoP accepting LeT involvement in those attacks. US can simply pressure Pakistan btw. The evidence has to provided by GoI for the guilt of the person in question.
You have some sort of an obsession with him or what? I am discussing something else. You know, not everything in this forum must revolve around him.
You have some sort of an obsession with him or what? I am discussing something else. You know, not everything in this forum must revolve around him.

OK. How about David Hadley, and Rana and Lakhvi and others???
I believe it's a well established fact that there were Hindu terrorists behind those attacks. Now Indian government might be avoiding this due to political reasons. US saying something else means little as Indian government has said nothing about what US did nor did US government use any feedback from indian government on that particular attack.

Actually there is no such well established fact. That line was investigated and then discounted because it got them nowhere. One of the main reasons was that the explosive used was Potassium Cholorate and Sulphur and not RDX as alleged.
"RDX not used in Samjhauta Express blast": India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

I have replied to this before, in the post that you were replying to in particular. US went to UN, and UN is ran by US. US took no input from GoI and went all by itself. If GoI does not take part in the process, it means nothing. US may be trying to fill its interests. It matters more as to what the state under whose soil the attacks took place than US. Like I mentioned, if LeT was involved, we would have heard it several times now from GoI.
The U.S. did not use Indian feedback to catch David Headley. Does that mean the case against Headley for his involvement in the Mumbai attacks is baseless. That's not a very logical line to take. The U.S. does not pursue people without reason and all the members of the security council are not completely out of their heads to support such sanctions.

Conspiracy theories can only get you so far. Commend the Indian state for moving against a serving Indian Army officer and holding him accountable for his actions. Many Pakistanis believe that Mr.Hemant Karkare acted independent of the Indian state. Such arguments lack basic understanding of how states work and overlook the fact that he must have worked both with his juniors who were doing the actual investigation and senior officers to whom he was reporting to alongside the political leadership of the state. He also would need inter state cooperation along with the assistance of the Indian army with investigating one of their own. There are no lone rangers here.

If an Indian is guilty, he must be punished no matter what his religion. Terrorists are terrorists whether Hindu or Muslim. I want Col. Purohit to be severely punished for his role in the Malegaon blasts along with his other co-conspirators. However to draw a connection with 26/11 only points to attempts to obfuscate the seriousness of the involvement of Pakistanis in that attack on Indian soil and to divert attention from Indian demands to bring those responsible to justice. The samjauta blasts and the purported involvement of Col.Purohit is quite clearly being used as a red herring.
at least we did not put an end to composite dialogue after samjhota express. and that is wat india should have done. but upto u. its not just we who are getting effected.

Yes sir... You didn't and can't end composite dialogue for Samjhota express which is not whole properietry of Pakistan government but joint venture of Indo-Pak government.. Secondly intensity of 26/11 attack and Samjhota express can't be kept on a same plate on world arena as there were so many foreigners killed.. And final point is, No government gives irresponsible statements like ISI chief is going to India later denied... They are not Pakistanis later they are... few to quote..
Such attitude towards a Nation attacked by "Non state actors" form another country and diplomatic stances as mentioned above hurt composite dialogue..Not blast/attack
For Mumbai incident, India provided proofs of Pakistani citizen’s involvement which was accepted by Pakistan Govt.

But in case of Samjhota, what kind of proof you have to make a case against anybody. What you are claiming is all hearsay, with no concrete evidence. More over if Pakistani can come to India then what is going to stop him to buy bags in Indore or any other place?

Here you are trying to compare two incidences, one which has been proved to a credible level and Pakistan involvement established and another which has no evidence.

India had reasons to stall the composite dialogue based on concrete evidences but what evidence Pakistan had so that it could have even considered stalling composite dialogue.

Proofs ? Ask Krekar who was killed in Mumbai attacks far away from all action. His wife did not want help for goverment and parliment leader asked for inquery for his death. Is there has been any inquary ?

And i guess you know who krekar is ? He was police office who found about kernal rohat ( active on duty in army ) was involved in terrorist actives. He made attacks to look like muslims or Pakistani did that. They day after krekar and his team was killed kernal saab were released. He was not only involved in Samjota express but also in other attacks. You want me to post links from India media ?

I cant blame for lake of informasjon since you are not allowed to watch Pakistani news channel but as in Pakistan we can watch Indians news channel so we get story from both side. Have you ever thought why your goverment dont allow Pakistan news channel in India ? I can bet Pakistan news channels are ALOT better thans Indians.:sniper:
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Proofs ? Ask Krekar who was killed in Mumbai attacks far away from all action. His wife did not want help for goverment and parliment leader asked for inquery for his death. Is there has been any inquary ?

And i guess you know who krekar is ? He was police office who found about kernal rohat ( active on duty in army ) was involved in terrorist actives. He made attacks to look like muslims or Pakistani did that. They day after krekar and his team was killed kernal saab were released. He was not only involved in Samjota express but also in other attacks. You want me to post links from India media ?

I cant blame for lake of informasjon since you are not allowed to watch indian news channel but as in Pakistan we can watch Indians news channel so we get story from both side. Have you ever thought why your goverment dont allow Pakistan news channel in India ? I can bet Pakistan news channels are ALOT better thans Indians.:sniper:

Sir there is always a simple way of doing a bit research than posting something ignorant...

Regarding Mr Karkare, he was killed even wearing a bulletproof jacket and his jacket is missing since then when an enquiry has beeen kept on the same issue. This is the reason Mrs Karkare doesn't want any help from the government till the point this mystery is resolved. few days ago the analysis come up that Bulletproof jackets were made for 303 and revolver type bullets and not for AK47/56 type of bullets.... Hence your conspiracy theory fails here...

Regarding Pakistani Channels, Government allowed PTV till few years ago but later on they started reporting BS and fake cases of JK.. hence government took a decision to ban it... anyways all intellectual readers can read Pakistani news papers.. Thanks to Internet..
Proofs ? Ask Krekar who was killed in Mumbai attacks far away from all action. His wife did not want help for goverment and parliment leader asked for inquery for his death. Is there has been any inquary ?

And i guess you know who krekar is ? He was police office who found about kernal rohat ( active on duty in army ) was involved in terrorist actives. He made attacks to look like muslims or Pakistani did that. They day after krekar and his team was killed kernal saab were released. He was not only involved in Samjota express but also in other attacks. You want me to post links from India media ?

I cant blame for lake of informasjon since you are not allowed to watch indian news channel but as in Pakistan we can watch Indians news channel so we get story from both side. Have you ever thought why your goverment dont allow Pakistan news channel in India ? I can bet Pakistan news channels are ALOT better thans Indians.:sniper:

Congos dude for ur Pakistani media source which unearthed a secret as big as that:rofl::rofl:

Pls continue to live in ur own delusions....twisting the facts with not a single correct point.

U cant even spell Mr.Karkare's name properly, forget u wudnt even know why his wife asked for an inquiry ...!! no need to reply this Zaid hamid fan....

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