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India is guzzling cheap Russian oil, but Pakistan cannot afford it

I see you had no response to what Japanese and Germans could do to the Indian populace.

How many Tejas, AMCA are in IAF fleet compared to MiG-29s and Su-30s ? What engine do the Tejas and AMCA use ?

In what way would Japs and Germans be worse than the British ? In any case, IF the INA had actually defeated the British in India, do you think Jap or Germans actually had a chance to capture India ?

Anyway all this is speculation, I have stated the facts of history.

India chose a western engine because it saw an opportunity to expand our boundaries and limits. And we continue t push on those boundaries and continue to expand them. The idea is to be self reliant and never be at the receiving end of "sanctions" ever again.

India won't be buying any more significant Russian machines because we have outgrown them. Those that remain will be replaced in a few years or decade. We are in no hurry.

Indo Russian relation is slightly complicated, given the history we have had with them post independence.

While Russians didn't help us out of some love, they did come to aid every time we got under the axe of 'trouble' whether during war or diplomatically.

India by remaining neutral (diplomatically) is trying to repay some of that, and add buying of oil to that as well. Even at cheaper rate, we are still helping them make money during war time. So you are right when you say, there are some residual shared interests with Russia. They were present in our SSBN program, and possibly other strategic programs too. Another strategic program is space, where our manned space mission was to get their help for astronaut training.

When it comes to business though, you are right that only West holds the path to development for us. Even if the Govt had other ideas, best practices and success lure everyone automatically.

Indo US relations have long been seen through Pakistani prism, as we both weren't de-hyphenated till recently. It will take time to get to level of Indo Russian level, given the fear built into us given past. One factor called China however, might speed things up.

Also I have seen that recently, US is actively pushing either their own institutions like NASA to cooperate with ISRO and for strategic tech issues using other Western nations to cooperate with us. With Russia sunk deep in a mess of their own making, the left our shared interests might soon disappear.

Shared interests are fine for India's relationship with a big power like Russia. Shared values - sorry it does not exist at this point. I do not think even Indian businessmen can strike a deal with private Russian businessmen. Most of the transactions are government to government

In what way would Japs and Germans be worse than the British ? In any case, IF the INA had actually defeated the British in India, do you think Jap or Germans actually had a chance to capture India ?

Anyway all this is speculation, I have stated the facts of history.

India chose a western engine because it saw an opportunity to expand our boundaries and limits. And we continue t push on those boundaries and continue to expand them. The idea is to be self reliant and never be at the receiving end of "sanctions" ever again.

India won't be buying any more significant Russian machines because we have outgrown them. Those that remain will be replaced in a few years or decade. We are in no hurry.

Speculation ?? You do not have weapons to fight Germans or Japanese. Without weapons they will slaughter you

how many AMCA and Tejas are in the Indian air forcefleet ?
Shared interests are fine for India's relationship with a big power like Russia. Shared values - sorry it does not exist at this point. I do not think even Indian businessmen can strike a deal with private Russian businessmen. Most of the transactions are government to government

Speculation ?? You do not have weapons to fight Germans or Japanese. Without weapons they will slaughter you
how many AMCA and Tejas are in the Indian air forcefleet ?
I don't think I ever wrote share values above, India always sticks to shared interests. It's the same with US too.
I don't think I ever wrote share values above, India always sticks to shared interests. It's the same with US too.
Our resident expert @Tafob used the term
I don't care who you work with, but the moment you think you can teach "diplomatic niceties" to a career diplomat like Jaishankar, you have lost the plot.

You end up sounding like the idiot you are. This is not "personal", this is just calling out your BS.
Indians who signed up fought the Japanese Army. There are a few thousand Victoria Crosses for it,
Sure a few POWs defected to the Japanese side.

The last time I checked the T-90s, Su-30s, S-400s, Mi-17s, Kilo subs have Indian equivalents :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy:

What shared values ?? No one in India in their sane mind does business with the Russians. Even your pal Adani does not go there
Maybe some residual shared interests.
save your breath by not arguing with this Indian fool. They have a chip on their shoulders and can’t take constructive criticism. It’s not uncommon to see Indians behave this way everywhere.
Speculation ?? You do not have weapons to fight Germans or Japanese. Without weapons they will slaughter you

how many AMCA and Tejas are in the Indian air forcefleet ?

When the time to fight the Japs and Germans would have come, INA would have reached out to the Soviets and US.

In any case, it was not very practical for Germans or Japs to reach into India due to the geographical distance. British had the first movers advantage and that advantage did not exist anymore in the 1940's.

Tejas and AMCA's are the future, not the present.

Our resident expert @Tafob used the term

Shared interest is a reality, Shared values is a guiding philosophy.

No one disregards interests, even animals act on their self interests. But relationships are built on shared values, partnerships can be on shared interests.
Why should I be concerned about Pakistan?

Are you really serious why should not we be concerned or opinionated about Pakistan? Or you are not able to tolerate or kind of feeling sand with things that are happening around in our neighorhood?
Adivasis children are starving to death.

Andamanese tribes are facing extinction.

Why are you so concerned about Pakistanis than your own fellow Indians?

Because Bollywood tells you that Pakistanis are fair skinned and good looking than Indians.
Adivasis children are starving to death.

Andamanese tribes are facing extinction.

Why are you so concerned about Pakistanis than your own fellow Indians?

Because Bollywood tells you that Pakistanis are fair skinned and good looking than Indians.

Well....I heard climate change is happening as well as icebergs are melting in Antarctica too...
BTW, Can you guys come out from your false sense of superiority complex of being fair-skinned, killing yourself for a holy cause, and something similar kind of excuse...Grow up...
Well....I heard climate change is happening as well as icebergs are melting in Antarctica too...
BTW, Can you guys come out from your false sense of superiority complex of being fair-skinned, killing yourself for a holy cause, and something similar kind of excuse...Grow up...
I am a Dravidian moolnivasi from India.
Why should I be concerned about Pakistan?

If you think all is well in India, you are clearly deluded.

Your problem is that you want to sabotage the poverty alleviation in India, which is a gradual process.
Your problem is that you want to sabotage the poverty alleviation in India, which is a gradual process.

Here is what actual dignitaries who have met Jaishankar , think about him.


Modi's banias Ambani and Adani are refining cheap Russian crude oil and selling to Europe at a higher price.

Adani doesnt have a refinery as far as I know. You know of course that the refiners who are making a profit are paying a hefty windfall tax to the GOI which is being used in its welfare programme.


PS: Are you FOSA from chowk aka Tajender from PTH
Thats correct, Technically Indian Govt owned companies cant import Russian Crude without inviting punitive comments from the west and US. So, they let private sector import it and collect huge Windfall Tax. This is good for private companies as well as Indian Govt. and the west keeps quite !
Russia is a PROVEN reliable partner.

US and Europe are PROVEN unreliable "partners".

So any good relations the West builds with India will be on Indian terms and conditions.

And one of those terms is that Khalistanis get the boot in the west. :D ........ how are you going to deal with that ?

Is that you in the video? 🤣

Not a khalistani but even if i was, i can guarantee that the west wouldnt boot me
for a weak *** dirt poor country like India with 80% people shitting in the streets and per capita income rivalling sub saharan africa.

Just a few weeks ago the german govt snatched a girl away from a creepy nri couple, you donut iqd cowpotty 💩 💩 bhakts started throwing tantrums, issued predicable rape threats against their ministers, starting your normal boycott twitter hastag trend, threatened to cut off relations, all to no avail, the germans didn’t even take notice 🤣. Even for the smallest things the western govts are not willing to comromise with you scrawny gobarmonkeys who arent even toilet trained and lack toilet manners 💩 💩 and you think they will boot anyone?🤣. They might send you some manuals on toilet training but thats pretty much it.
West was ready to sacrifice relations with dozens of muslim countries over the charlie hebdo affair including rich gulf states, so they certainly wouldnt be listening to any terms of failed streetshitting countries

Just yesterday a small *** island country with like Dominica again showed India the middle finger by refusing to deport gujju scammer chowksi and now the gujju scammer can use 13000 crores of Indian people’s hard earnes money on fine wine, cocaine and whores and juicy steak while you drink patanjali fresh goomutra with the 2 rupees that you earned for the day selling pakoda that must feel nice init?😂
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Is that you in the video? 🤣

Not a khalistani but even if i was, i can guarantee that the west wouldnt boot me
for a weak *** dirt poor country like India with 80% people shitting in the streets and per capita income rivalling sub saharan africa.

Just a few weeks ago the german govt snatched a girl away from a creepy nri couple, you donut iqd cowpotty 💩 💩 bhakts started throwing tantrums, issued predicable rape threats against their ministers, starting your normal boycott twitter hastag trend, threatened to cut off relations, all to no avail, the germans didn’t even take notice 🤣. Even for the smallest things the western govts are not willing to comromise with you scrawny gobarmonkeys who arent even toilet trained and lack toilet manners 💩 💩 and you think they will boot anyone?🤣. They might send you some manuals on toilet training but thats pretty much it.
West was ready to sacrifice relations with dozens of muslim countries over the charlie hebdo affair including rich gulf states, so they certainly wouldnt be listening to any terms of failed streetshitting countries

Just yesterday a small *** island country with like Dominica again showed India the middle finger by refusing to deport gujju scammer chowksi and now the gujju scammer can use 13000 crores of Indian people’s hard earnes money on fine wine, cocaine and whores and juicy steak while you drink patanjali fresh goomutra with the 2 rupees that you earned for the day selling pakoda that must feel nice init?😂

Oh , so you are a muslim.

I thought you Hate was due to your khalistan ideology, but now I understand its due to your islamic ideology.

Thank you for clearing that up.
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