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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

Sir what are your comments on Chinese Muslim Uighurs ?

First of all we don't butt into internal Chinese affairs - secondly if the state of China did came to us, we'd ask them only how can we help them?

So India is a friend or foe to Saudi Arabia? If Saudi Arabia didn't have the oil?

If the State of India had to shoot one out of two people, one Saudi and one Israeli. Both totally equal and innocent of all bad deeds, but one must be shot at. Who would India shoot at?
First of all we don't butt into internal Chinese affairs - secondly if the state of China did came to us, we'd ask them only how can we help them?
And this is also our internal matter, let we the people of INDIA think about how we can live with each other throwing the religious part in social life.
When we require your help we will ask you, but you don't have to extend your helping hand to us in our internal matter unless its asked for.
Is China a friend or foe of the Muslim world?
China as a Communist country bans freedom of religion. Govt. employees have to Communist party workers and RENOUNCE their faith effectively. Kids can keep fasts in the month of Ramadhan.

The historical facts prove that china has been a better friend to Muslims.
When India will give autonomous regional control to its Muslim population like china did with theirs, than you can compare.
And this is also our internal matter, let we the people of INDIA think about how we can live with each other throwing the religious part in social life.
When we require your help we will ask you, but you don't have to extend your helping hand to us in our internal matter unless its asked for.

I haven't asked what India is to its own Indian population. Pakistanis portray Indians around the world as enemies of Islam. Among the general Muslim world India is considered to be an enemy of Islam, that doesn't mean they want to harm India but they think you will harm them.

So pick something, are you a friend or a foe? Given no benefit you would receive from any Muslim country are you a friend or a foe?
First of all we don't butt into internal Chinese affairs - secondly if the state of China did came to us, we'd ask them only how can we help them?

So India is a friend or foe to Saudi Arabia? If Saudi Arabia didn't have the oil?

If the State of India had to shoot one out of two people, one Saudi and one Israeli. Both totally equal and innocent of all bad deeds, but one must be shot at. Who would India shoot at?
why would INDIA shot some one, just for being born in some country.
First of all we don't butt into internal Chinese affairs - secondly if the state of China did came to us, we'd ask them only how can we help them?

So India is a friend or foe to Saudi Arabia? If Saudi Arabia didn't have the oil?

If the State of India had to shoot one out of two people, one Saudi and one Israeli. Both totally equal and innocent of all bad deeds, but one must be shot at. Who would India shoot at?

we have bhutan who doesnt have oil or any other strategic resources but we still protect it from any external affairs. what u said is the most idiotic thing ever. if they didnt have oil we would have traded for something else and maintained good mutual relations.

and the world politics is not a shooting like u described it.
Worthless thread.
INDIA has one of the largest MUSLIM population and people live in harmoney. And INDIA demarcates to a good extent the influence of religion in governance. INDIA serves the peoples interest and we are no friend nor foe for any one. We serve what is good for our people.

Worthless post.
your subconscious mind suggests that you mean India is a place where it is very hard to earn money, hence "harmoney"
I haven't asked what India is to its own Indian population. Pakistanis portray Indians around the world as enemies of Islam. Among the general Muslim world India is considered to be an enemy of Islam, that doesn't mean they want to harm India but they think you will harm them.

So pick something, are you a friend or a foe? Given no benefit you would receive from any Muslim country are you a friend or a foe?
we are no friends we are no foe, During the 1971 war with Pakistan SA sent its planes to support Pakistan and the same time sold oil to INDIA, it SA a friend of Islam as it had sent planes to defened a Islamic state or is it a foe of Islam as it has sold oil which was used to fight against a Islamic nation?

Worthless post.
your subconscious mind suggests that you mean India is a place where it is very hard to earn money, hence "harmoney"
if that is what you can grab then its your IQ that needs some attention, INDIA is and has been a land of oppertunity for the ones who are ready to work hard be it Muslim, Hindu or any other person from any other faith.
we are no friends we are no foe, During the 1971 war with Pakistan SA sent its planes to support Pakistan and the same time sold oil to INDIA, it SA a friend of Islam as it had sent planes to defened a Islamic state or is it a foe of Islam as it has sold oil which was used to fight against a Islamic nation?

Yeah so SA was being dishonest then. So you're agreeing that you are being dishonest now by not declaring yourself as a friend or a foe?

I come back to what I said earlier - India's policy is "Jera jittay assi oday naal". If Muslims were more powerful it would be our friend, but Muslims are not so its our foe.
LH, one question, I just saw your signature, that is, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory and, Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”
Have you worked in Business Development area? someone has told us a similar thing before, it was regarding losing a project :lol:

How can you implement strategies without using tactics? Please elaborate.
I haven't asked what India is to its own Indian population. Pakistanis portray Indians around the world as enemies of Islam. Among the general Muslim world India is considered to be an enemy of Islam, that doesn't mean they want to harm India but they think you will harm them.

So pick something, are you a friend or a foe? Given no benefit you would receive from any Muslim country are you a friend or a foe?
Just because Muslims are a minority in INDIA do you guys consider that india is a foe of ISLAM, then to be your friends we have to do all of the following things
1) Kill the Hindu population (Men and Children alone)
2) give the Hindu women as second or third wife to a Muslim
3) Declare her self as a Islamic republic
4) Destroy all historical evidances that show Hindus lived in this land, etc

Will the above do enough to please you guys or do you have more to add to the above suggestions.
Yeah so SA was being dishonest then. So you're agreeing that you are being dishonest now by not declaring yourself as a friend or a foe?

I come back to what I said earlier - India's policy is "Jera jittay assi oday naal". If Muslims were more powerful it would be our friend, but Muslims are not so its our foe.
I don't know why you find reason to declare us to be your foe rather than friend, but its up to you.
We as a nation have Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Chiristians and n number of other religion, if we are a foe of some religion then for sure the people of that religion will not be interested in being part of INDIA but as of now I do not see any person from any religion moving to some other country stating state funded descrimination against them.

Finally do you guys know that we have more mosqs and temples and churces close to each other and still no big fuss about each others religion,.
India's policy and behaviour is matriarchal, she likes all her sons and daughters except Pakistan, and China is the second wife of her husband which she does not have/had or will. Thus it is a "black widow spider"(google it).

If we look at it from another animal point of view India acts as a "Hyena"; lions and tigers(leo tigris) are perceived as the main territorial enemies, it leaves on dead animals mostly, its bad breath is legendary, it competes with vultures and has a matriarchal hierarchy...

While it is reality, I mostly intend it in a comical way:what:
India's policy and behaviour is matriarchal, she likes all her sons and daughters except Pakistan, and China is the second wife of her husband which she does not have/had or will. Thus it is a "black widow spider"(google it).

If we look at it from another animal point of view India acts as a "Hyena"; lions and tigers(leo tigris) are perceived as the main territorial enemies, it leaves on dead animals mostly, its bad breath is legendary, it competes with vultures and has a matriarchal hierarchy...

While it is reality, I mostly intend it in a comical way:what:
you do not sound like a liberal Canadian, but a fanatic islamic comidean.
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