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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

Define friendship and compare self country on the basis of that.

Friendship is like if there is an issue between UAE and say Germany, Pakistan should side with UAE by default because we are friends with the Muslims
They are just in love with the prospect of India buying their oil, conversely India just likes their oil too. I mean can Indians genuinely be friends with a Saudi, Emirati, Qatari, can they be their well wishers if the economics angle were removed?

These are useless "touchy feely" things and mean nothing in the real world as far as relations between nations are concerned.

As far as we are concerned, they are distant countries. They don't effect our day to day life. They are as aliens to us as countries in Lat Am or Africa or anywhere else.

what drives any relations is common interests or common values. In this case, it will be mostly common interests.
Every time Indian Hindu's hear a hint about Muslim unity, they get irritated and start making statements that there cannot be anything like that etc. etc.

Every time "a Hindu convert" (especially the two nation theory wallah) thinks about his real identity of tens of thousands of years, he has those Pheromones secreting all over that makes a rational response impossible. ;)

I cannot blame them, after all they got beat up by the Muslim world for many centuries.

Difficult to blame you for this identity crisis!

Did that "beat up" include your own ancestors? Who "surrendered" meekly just to avoid the zaziyah? Or may be to save their lives?

Probably more than those who never converted and never submitted to the barbarians?

And if those barbarians (not all the Muslim world but the barbaric uncivilized Turk invaders) did "beat up" people and destroyed thousands of thousands of worship places and killed 80 million people from Afghanistan to Bangladesh, you shouldn't be surprised that they (the invaders are rotting in hell now) and their ideology be held in contempt! ;)

Just like the countries of mediterranean and Eastern Europe and Spain and some other places would think. And Africans too once they realize the extent of Islamic slavery in Africa and Europe.

This is a good thread, it exposes Indian Hindu's hatred for Muslims and Islam, which they want to hide with their Big Lies and deception.

This is what you want to imagine.

Everyone does business and trade with everyone else, even with sworn enemies. So I am not against business, trade and commerce, sometimes its unavoidable. But any country or people that want to build military and strategic alliance with majority Hindu India, it will affect their relationship with South Asian Muslims.

Correction, Soouth Asian Hindu converts. This is what drives this thinking.

The convert has to always justify and always prove himself. Remember Sir Vidia?

And when doing business with India, we, the Muslims of the world, need to help Indian Muslims as much as possible, by including them in the business, with employment and partnerships.

Lol. First get treated as "equal Muslims" (meaning not second class!) by the Arabs and Persians and Turks.

Indian Muslims are doing the best in South Asia because Hindus of "Hindu India" have chosen democracy and secularism for themselves.

The two "Islamic countries" carved out of our Dharmic land have now become embroiled in sectarian violence after taking care of their "second class" minorities (Dharmic people reduced to second class in their own lands). This will change, be sure of that.

And here in PDF, we got a whole bunch of lying and deceiving false flagger Indians, using other country flags. Many of these people are probably resident in that country or spent significant times there so they know the language and enough inside info on that country. But for all practical purposes these expat Indians are rooting for India and we should treat them as such, Indians. Another example of how Indian Hindu's operate.

And a convert will know best how they operate?

We know how you operate. We can see through your taqiyya and your real intentions.
How can you guys mash up countries and religion and then compare them? It makes no sense.

Every country follows a different ideology(be it political, religious), so you cant lump up all the muslim countries together.

Every have different foreign policy, but the desired effect of the policy is the same which is own's gain. So you cant really tell who is a friend or foe in peacefull times.

War time scenario

If it is non religious war islamic countries will be divided. So friend or foe will depend on the circumstances

If in a war muslims are targetted like in WW2 jews were killed by the masses by germany, if the same thing happens to muslims in the future, i think any sane human will try to protect the muslims
India was the first non-Arab country to contemporaneously recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization's authority as "the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people." A PLO office was set up in the Indian capital in 1975, with full diplomatic relations established in March 1980. In return, India opened a Representative Office in Gaza on June 25, 1996. Indian support was said to extend to "consistent and unwavering support" on the Palestinian issue, where it shared the perception that the question of Palestine is at the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict. India has thus consistently supported the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to a State and the consequent imperative need for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region

Now how much oil are we getting from Palestine ??
What is Muslim world..? Is it mandatory to have Iran-Saudi Arabia and Turkey-Syria together..? Or, its just an emotional outburst..
First let the Ummah decide what Ummah really is, then we will make our strategy. Untill then, we will deal with each and every country in a way they deserve...
Just one fact: More than 1 million Muslims were killed in the Iran Iraq war. Poison gas was used by "fellow Muslims" of the "Muslim world" on each other.

The Arab Persian issues (Persian, flies and Jews comments by Saddam is just one example) is just one example. The Arabs treat any non Arab Muslims as (hmm let me just say different) ;), especially the darker skinned South Asian Muslims and the self confessed "kalus".

The Palestine issue that effects comparatively a much smaller number of people (and that have a much better HDI than most South Asians) is a cause of so much anguish for all non Arab Muslims, the Somalis and Nigerian Muslims don't get attention because they are non Arabs and black skinned!

Some "South Asian Muslims" are the biggest proponents of Ummah because of their own identity issues.

They claimed that they shared more with distant Arabs and Somalis and Nigerians than with someone next door, just because they had converted to a new religion (let's ignore the reasons for conversion for now). They need this Ummah thingy to cling to, more than any others in the world.

They even dream that they were the ones that attacked and ruled Spain and raped the 30000 "Visigothic princesses" (proudly claimed by Mousa to the Ca;iph as his 20% share of the booty) and they were the ones that were kicked out finally as part of the Reconquista!

What delusions! Even the Arabs laugh at these delusions but our friends got no choice now.
Love means nothing without respect.

If love is what pakistan did in East pakistan , Iran and Iraq did to each other ,or merely looking at what muslims Talibunnuies doing follow muslims , then i'm sure we had enough of that kind of love of muslim brotherhood .

All this talk of Muslim world or muslim Ummah is heard from and harped only by the Bhuke Nange south Asian muslims looking for handouts from the rich Arabs while the Arab world is only happy to get some cheap muslim slaves to do the chores.

And it should be fairly obvious to all.

See, how there is little or no "brotherly Ummah feeling" for Somalians or Nigerians or other African Muslims. How there was no revolt at how the Libyan Arabs treated the black Africans in their own country. Actually that is in line with what has been happening there for 1400 years.

The Arabs openly call them slaves....

One evening in Abu Dhabi, I have dinner with my friend Ali, a charming Iraqi engineer whom I have known for two decades. After the meal, as his wife serves saffron-flavoured tea, he pushes back his chair and lights a cigar. We talk about stock markets, investment and the Middle East, and then the issue of race comes up.

"We will never use the new metro if it's not segregated," he tells me, referring to the state-of-the-art underground system being built in neighbouring Dubai. "We will never sit next to Indians and Pakistanis with their smell," his wife explains.

Not for the first time, I am told that while the immigrant workers are living in appalling conditions, they would be even worse off back home - as if poverty in one place can justify exploitation in the other.

"We need slaves," my friend says. "We need slaves to build monuments. Look who built the pyramids - they were slaves."

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad visits the impoverished camps for the men building the skyscrapers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi | World news | The Guardian

After I read this, I lost most of my sympathy for the many Iraqis being blown up by other Iraqis on a daily basis in their sectarian violence!
I cannot blame them, after all they got beat up by the Muslim world for many centuries.

Continuing with this interesting thought. This gives one a great understanding of how the mind of some Muslims (and especially convert Muslim) works towards people his ancestors shared the faith with for tens of thousands of years.

People who sacrificed the lives of their soldiers when they were facing rapine of their mothers and genocide as a race and generally getting beat up by their fellow Muslims just a few decades back.

The likes of Tikka Khan and Yahya Khan and others were clear about how to deal with them (low lying people of a low lying land!).

This reminds me the story of a saint who went to bathe in a river and saw a scorpion drowning. He lifted the scorpion up and as soon as the scorpion came above the water, it bit the hand of the Sadhu and the hand shook and the scorpion went back in the river.

The Sadhu lifted the scorpion back and the same thing went on for quite some time and the hand of the Sadhu was all bloody. A passer by asked the Sadhu why he was protecting the scorpion.

The Sadhu said: "If the scorpion can't leave its nature even being an animal, how can I change it when I am a human".

He was a holy saint but we have made up our minds. We owe such people nothing. Ever!

This wretched mindset tells us all we need to know about them.

The 1970 cyclone took a toll of from a quarter of a million to a half million. Not sure if a single Arab was even stirred from whatever he was doing. We know the West Pakistanis didn't.

If God forbid, there is a natural or man made calamity or the global warming takes a toll, I am very clear we will owe them nothing at all. Not now, not ever.

The best we can do is, allow them a passage through the sea route to the Arab lands.
Talking about "converts" applies to everyone, Hindus too were converted to Hinduism some how!
So, most your arguments are a little bit biased, to say the least.

Muslims were extremely successful for a 1000 years, so they do have a unique experience of success on their own (Too many cultures to enumerate here), while opening up and tolerating other faiths and mentalities.

Experience from history indicates to the Muslims today to be more careful and prudent about how much they should be open to others and till what extent, while tolerance of other faiths is not touched.

What happened in India during the Islamic invasions seems to be very exagerated, unless the Indians were very or extremely barbaric, I do not see any other reason why it happened that way-If it happened at all-, since there is no other record of such atrocities in the history of Muslim "invasions" of other places and other people.
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