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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

People who forget their own identity and try to assume another get no respect from anyone.

That is your case, sorry I have to tell it to you.
Since there is no such thing as a united 'Muslim world', the question is moot.

What's ironic is that many Muslims talk about an ummah or Muslim world, but Muslims are the least united people on Earth, based on religion. The Christians, Jews and Hindus don't talk much about religious solidarity, but act much more often as a united group. The EU is a Christian club -- it may become a Judaeo-Christian club when Israel gets in -- but they will never let Muslim Turkey in. Jewish groups are notorious for ethnic nepotism in the media and finance. Hindus, lucky to have a united political entity in India, also look out for Hindu sensibilities around the world (Russian court case recently).

Muslims talk a lot about unity, but there's not much substance behind all that talk.
Do you expect Muslims to tell their potential foes about all their secrets of their Muslim Ummah, it is a good thing for us to know, that you know nothing abot it or even its existence.

Ummah ? Give it a break.

The custodian of the two holy mosques was ready to give his airspace to the Israelis to bomb Iran, a fellow Islamic country and considered Iran as a greater enemy than Jews.

Ummah..? Yeah right.

Hindus, lucky to have a united political entity in India, also look out for Hindu sensibilities around the world (Russian court case recently).

How I wish we actually did that !!

The Russian case was of sensibilities of Indian Hindus over there and not Hindu sensibilities.
How I wish we actually did that !!

The Russian case was of sensibilities of Indian Hindus over there and not Hindu sensibilities.

Yes, but India officially made its wishes known to Russia on the matter. Anyway, that was just an example; getting into the details of BJP euphemisms would quickly get off-topic.

The fact is that, given the fractures within the Muslim 'world', everyone else will derive maximum benefit, whether friend or foe.
But Pakistan is a jewel of Islam, it might be going through some relatively hard times, but it is still a jewel and a bit of professional cleaning is enough to have it shine again.
You just can not dirty a diamond, you can put it through a lot of hardship but you can not dirty it.

Huh? Do you know about Islamic principles of equality?

The prophet explicitly said there is no difference between an Arab and a non-Arab except in terms of piety and good deeds.

The Quran explicity emphasis that aspect of equality among tribes and nations
"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full Knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all things)." (Surah 49, Verse 13).

Can you see how you are now going even against Islamic principles by what you are saying?
Yes, but India officially made its wishes known to Russia on the matter. Anyway, that was just an example; getting into the details of BJP euphemisms would quickly get off-topic.

The fact is that, given the fractures within the Muslim 'world', everyone else will derive maximum benefit, whether friend or foe.

Curiously it was pro-minority parties like Laloo which made a huge hulla-bulloo over it, more than BJP. We interfered because they were Indian Hindus..not just Hindus.

We dont interfere in Fijian affairs or Surinamese affairs even though Hindus form a sizeable native population there.

Anyway that is offtopic.

Coming to topic, there exists no thing called Muslim world and each country is for itself. India engages them on bilateral basis and religion doesn't matter much in them.
Indians, try you best, you out of arguments, so you start to turn to Islam quoting what Mohamed PBUH said.

arguing for the sake of arguing without bringing anything new or constructive to the conversation is a waste of time for you and for serious people on PDF.

I know one fact, India is a good friend of many if not all Muslim countries (and many others) and relations with Pakistan and China are improving thanks to the well educated and faithful people on both sides, but for sure it doesn't count on Hindus like we find here and other forums.
Indians, try you best, you out of arguments, so you start to turn to Islam quoting what Mohamed PBUH said.

So tell us what exactly you as a Pakistani wants to hear!! You asked a question and you yourself is trolling the thread by mostly off-topic postings.

TBH, the real answer is - India got no problems with Muslims period even Pakistanis but we got all the problems with terrorists who happen to be Pakistani Muslims..

This is our stance and it's not gonna change no matter how hard you try..
It is up to Pakistan, She can live like a friend and enjoy peace with prosperity and live like a foe if you keep sending infiltrators in to Bharatvarsh.
So tell us what exactly you as a Pakistani wants to hear!! You asked a question and you yourself is trolling the thread by mostly off-topic postings.

TBH, the real answer is - India got no problems with Muslims period even Pakistanis but we got all the problems with terrorists who happen to be Pakistani Muslims..

This is our stance and it's not gonna change no matter how hard you try..

You have your own terrorists who have been caught in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Whose trolling whom, give up or not, yours is a sign of a not much educated person, and blaming Pakistanis for your internal affairs is not right. Look at your Israeli friends, two months or so after they signed a business deal with you government they were found guilty of fraudulent actions, they also have some Pakistani Jews to play with your heads and false flag you very easily, they know you are not smart enough.
It is up to Pakistan, She can live like a friend and enjoy peace with prosperity and live like a foe if you keep sending infiltrators in to Bharatvarsh.

Sounds like an ultimatum.
You are not in a position to do that, you have first to look at the causes and deduct the effects, For you India doesn't send infiltrators to neighbouring countries, or do you expect intelligence organisations to tell you about them.
So you are a liar!


The reactions are quite predictable. First denial and then comparison with others.

Never even admitting those great depredations.

It is OK. Once you understand why people do what they do, it becomes easier to understand their actions.
Actually even Hindus and Christians are not united on religious basis but ethnic/civilizational/national basis.

Hindus are mostly concentrated in India and share a thousands year old civilization, Western Christians are united by the Greco-Roman civilization and Christian values.

European or American Christians don't feel the same connection to an African or Asian Christian as to a Western one (even a Western non Christian). Doesn't even need saying.

Muslims share no such civilizational bond. They are disparate people with disparate histories and come from disparate backgrounds.

The reactions are quite predictable. First denial and then comparison with others.

Never even admitting those great depredations.

It is OK. Once you understand why people do what they do, it becomes easier to understand their actions.

Please project your own feelings , thoughts and shortcomings in a discussion somewhere else.
I would like to discuss with you on a positive note, not with personal attacks or depressed feelings.
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