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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

If we look at it from another animal point of view India acts as a "Hyena"; lions and tigers(leo tigris) are perceived as the main territorial enemies, it leaves on dead animals mostly, its bad breath is legendary, it competes with vultures and has a matriarchal hierarchy...

Hyenas are hunters, not scavengers as you believe and very succesfull at it :-) In fact, the main threat to lions in Africa are hyenas :-)
Both statements are false according to known facts, look it up in wiki and on you tube or books.
Hyenas re mostly scavengers, that is their main role in nature, and lions are the biggest treat to hyenas in the Wilde.
Killer Clips: Lion Attacks Sleeping Hyena : Video : Animal Planet

But the main objective for me here is to point out to others what kind of a world we are living in.
India is an enemy of the muslim world. All Israei satellites that spy on muslim countires are launched by the Indian ISRO Organization.
we are no friends we are no foe, During the 1971 war with Pakistan SA sent its planes to support Pakistan and the same time sold oil to INDIA, it SA a friend of Islam as it had sent planes to defened a Islamic state or is it a foe of Islam as it has sold oil which was used to fight against a Islamic nation?

Actually Saudi Arabia didn't have anything to supply Pakistanis, it was the Iranians under the Shah who supplied Air crafts and that too have American prodding.

Also of note is a cable from the Embassy in Iran dated December 29, 1971 (Document 44) which suggests that F-5 fighter aircraft, originally slated for Libya but which were being held in California, were flown to Pakistan via Iran. [23, 26, 28, 29, 33-45]
The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971
The Iran cable

Countries that had a left leaning government like Iraq, Syria and Yasir Arafat even voiced their support of India.

Iran AFTER the Islamic revolution sided with India to scuttle Kashmir resolution at the UNHRC in 1994.

Not to mention that the Saudis starting a defence partnership with India
I come back to what I said earlier - India's policy is "Jera jittay assi oday naal". If Muslims were more powerful it would be our friend, but Muslims are not so its our foe.

Are Muslims one homogenous united entity for giving out blanket statements ? Lol no.

Other than Pakistan tell me one Islamic country we have enmity with ? There are other 50 odd Islamic countries and our relationships with them ranges from close to warm.

So basically, India deals with countries on a bilateral basis depending on various factors and surprise, surprise, religion is NOT one of those factors.
But Pakistan is a jewel of Islam, it might be going through some relatively hard times, but it is still a jewel and a bit of professional cleaning is enough to have it shine again.
You just can not dirty a diamond, you can put it through a lot of hardship but you can not dirty it.
Who is the paper tiger! India of course, with proof and facts from any world renown organisation.

There was never something called India.
This is how your answers sound like!

Why don't you seek the truth and find out about the Jewish, European and American slavery trade, or are you hiding the facts because you live in a country where casts and slavery are forms of your daily life.

You are predictable.

And that is a good thing.
If the State of India had to shoot one out of two people, one Saudi and one Israeli. Both totally equal and innocent of all bad deeds, but one must be shot at. Who would India shoot at?

If the state of Pakistan had to choose between shooting a Pakistani Hindu or an Indian Muslim, whom will you choose? What does it then make you? Either a bigoted nation, or a foe of the Muslim world. Do you realize where I am going with this?

Why should India be a friend of the Muslim world? :confused:

What is the Muslim world first of all? Is there a parallel universe none of us are aware of? And why should we be its foe?
I haven't asked what India is to its own Indian population. Pakistanis portray Indians around the world as enemies of Islam. Among the general Muslim world India is considered to be an enemy of Islam, that doesn't mean they want to harm India but they think you will harm them.

Your assumptions that you are transposing to the whole Muslim world.

So pick something, are you a friend or a foe? Given no benefit you would receive from any Muslim country are you a friend or a foe?

Nothing. We both mean nothing to each ther if we have no shared interests.

First of all we don't butt into internal Chinese affairs - secondly if the state of China did came to us, we'd ask them only how can we help them?

So India is a friend or foe to Saudi Arabia? If Saudi Arabia didn't have the oil?

If the State of India had to shoot one out of two people, one Saudi and one Israeli. Both totally equal and innocent of all bad deeds, but one must be shot at. Who would India shoot at?

Can you see the length of absurdity this is having to go to!

Proves the point.
If the state of Pakistan had to choose between shooting a Pakistani Hindu or an Indian Muslim, whom will you choose? What does it then make you? Either a bigoted nation, or a foe of the Muslim world. Do you realize where I am going with this?

Well that depends on which sect the Indian Muslim belongs to, unfortunately.

Coming to the topic, Pakistanis afaik try to assume the leadership of the Muslim world because it is that identity that gor them their country. So if not Islam, then what ?
Are Muslims one homogenous united entity for giving out blanket statements ? Lol no.

Other than Pakistan tell me one Islamic country we have enmity with ? There are other 50 odd Islamic countries and our relationships with them ranges from close to warm.

So basically, India deals with countries on a bilateral basis depending on various factors and surprise, surprise, religion is NOT one of those factors.

Only Pakistanis make such assumptions. There is no real entity called the "Muslim world".

But Pakistan is a jewel of Islam, it might be going through some relatively hard times, but it is still a jewel and a bit of professional cleaning is enough to have it shine again.
You just can not dirty a diamond, you can put it through a lot of hardship but you can not dirty it.

Tell this to an Arab or an Iranian or a Turk.....

Anyone at all and see their reaction. ;)
Do you expect Muslims to tell their potential foes about all their secrets of their Muslim Ummah, it is a good thing for us to know, that you know nothing abot it or even its existence.

Why don't you go and Ask Muslims from the countries you have named about what they think concerning Pakistan, they won't probably phrase it as Idid but it will be majority positive.
I come back to what I said earlier - India's policy is "Jera jittay assi oday naal". If Muslims were more powerful it would be our friend, but Muslims are not so its our foe.

China of course. China first and then all other countries. Including the Muslim ones.

Ironically, it is your diplomacy that is opportunistic as your second statement reveals. India has pretty good relationships with all Muslim countries except Pakistan. Coming to think of it, we have fewer "Muslim Nations" on our enemy list than Pakistan.
Do you expect Muslims to tell their potential foes about all their secrets of their Muslim Ummah, it is a good thing for us to know, that you know nothing abot it or even its existence.

Why don't you go and Ask Muslims from the countries you have named about what they think concerning Pakistan, they won't probably phrase it as Idid but it will be majority positive.

Lol. Expected lines.

The Arabs treat the Pakistanis as slaves in their countries. I mentioned it here.


The Iranians, many of them are so racist to you, its unbelievable. I have seen many Paksitanis trying to act familiar with them on forums and getting only contempt in return.

People who forget their own identity and try to assume another get no respect from anyone.
At present , the only muslim countries which may prefer Pakistan to India are Turkey, Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia..

other countries don't give a damn about Pakistan's opinion when comes to its relationship with India..

its funny to see how these Pakistanis speaking for the whole so-called muslim ummah..:lol:

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