Seeing from the discussions here, seems like people, are trying to take credit for whatever cultural heritage there is for their respective countries, and see which one is more superior overall.
Which country has a more powerful cultural heritage and history? India or Pakistan? It's a really loaded question if you ask me.
Although, I'd have to say, much of the credit goes to Iran. South Asia generally has important cultural links with Iran spanning thousands of years, even before the Persians ever became Muslims.
As far as we Desis are concerned, if it were not for the British, we'd probably still be going to our schools and offices wearing lungis. We have come a long way through many changes.
All the desis in the forum:
when it comes to culture, history and heritage India is a super set and all the neighboring countries are in a way sub sets with newer elements after 1947. It's because all the Political heads and intelligentsia of sub continent(and outsiders) have always thought of it as a single unit and tried to conquer all the territory for themselves during ancient, medieval and modern times up until 1947. Present day nation states Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan, Tibet, Bhutan, all have common cultural, racial ties with present day India.
Pakistani Punjab sindh more like Indian Gujarat, Punjab than the rest of India.
Bangladesh more like West Bengal than the rest of India
Sri Lanka more like Tamil Nadu for Tamils, Northern India and Kerala for Sinhalese.
The point is: like a mathematical axiom "whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
Indus Valley Civilization and Ancient India are two different things. some folks here are mixing them up.
IVC- Bronze Age India
Ancient India - Iron Age India the so called 'Golden age of India' (romantics call it, could be myth)
And folks also need to understand the theories for Decline of IVC. It did not happen in a night. People just moved Eastward with time and changes in the mansoon.(check the rainfall data for sub continent.) That's probably the reason why Gangetic basin became the center of culture in the Ancient period.(You know, the Hindi Belt)
And so, People need to shut their Ancient Pakistan and Ancient Bangladesh BS up.
Yes, you can refer to it as ancient history of Pakistan
And don't do these India Vs (any subcontinent nation) in cultural aspects. It's stupid.
Thank you.