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India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

- A lot of confusion can be avoided by remembering that any reference to 'India' prior to 1947 refers to the 'subcontinent' not the country.

- It's hilarious to see the 'Iran-India' friendship train when Indians beat their chest loudest about having Israel as their biggest military ally. And some of the loudest pro-Israeli Indians are here claiming friendship with Iran.
Indian bilateral relationship with any country should be on its own merits and not dependent on any other country and should be not be considered as targeting against any country or a zero sum game. It is no contradiction that India has good relations with all the three persons in the Mexican stand-off - Israel,KSA and Iran.
Typical mythology, a little fact and plenty of masala.

You are easily throwing the word Indian and Hindu about it's basically a nonsense.

We have the following facts.

1.ivc centred around Indus valley.
2.ivc spread to Pakistan and India.
3.ivc 3000+ years old.

The definition of "Hindu" changes so much to suit different arguments that you could probably put forward an argument to say I am one (maybe I am :)), or every other ancient civilisation was Hindu, there is nothing you can point to that makes them ALL Hindu at that time, silly mythology, they were just savages who were advanced for their time, this Hindu concept is a real stretch, riddled with assumptions and mistruths, too much to debunk.

Which part of my post do you find mythical??

I have given the actual boundaries of Ancient India based on real facts.

I have explained logically and factually, what actually Hinduism is.

First of all, remember, all the founders of the Dharmic religions(Buddhism,Sikhism, Jainism) were born Hindus i.e they all originated from this ONE Vedic Religion(Hinduism)....which again implies that there was ONLY ONE religion in Ancient India.

You may Ignore this vedic Religion(Hinduism)......no one can force you to believe in its existance.......BUT, this religion is very well defined.....it has FOUR well conscripted Holy books(Vedas)......other religions have one.

Now, the fact that, India has always been Invaded(so other religions came into India) BUT Indians(Hindu Kings) never Invaded other countries(so Hinduism, never got a chance to spread outside the subcontinent at that time) implies that this religion can be attributed to a very specific set/group of people living ONLY in the subcontinent.

So, the bottomline is.....that the ONLY religion existed in Ancient India was Hinduism, It is a very well-defined religion and it can be attributed to a very specific group of people living ONLY in the subcontinent.
Therefore, India(ancient/modern) and Hinduism cannot be separated.
Ancient Indians=Hindus and viceversa.

By the way, your assumption(that you may be a Hindu) may also be correct,if at some point of time, your ancestors converted from Hinduism.
- A lot of confusion can be avoided by remembering that any reference to 'India' prior to 1947 refers to the 'subcontinent' not the country.

- It's hilarious to see the 'Iran-India' friendship train when Indians beat their chest loudest about having Israel as their biggest military ally. And some of the loudest pro-Israeli Indians are here claiming friendship with Iran.

Unlike Pakistan which has a very narrow foreign policy, India's is very matured. India has shown it can manage to have cordial relationship with Iran without antagonizing Israel. It can befriend US while having a good friendship with Russia. Thats because India's relationship with other nations is based on mutual respect and our foreign policy is very independent .
There is a flaw in my reasoning but thats not what u r pointing out,it is that the same land can produce diff languages because different people lived around the same time.

Tamil and Malayalam originated from the same language and to this day remain similar.
You logic is flawed from top to bottom.....
So, the conclusion you reached is also incorrect...........that's what I pointed out.

There is absolutely no historical evidence that Sanskrit originated from Old Persian language. They may have common origin.

It is said that, Sanskrit is a member of the Indo-Iranian sub-family of the Indo-European family of languages. Its closest ancient relatives are the Iranian languages Old Persian and Avestan.


[BUT, the fact is that, Sanskrit is actually a member of this Indo-European language family and NOT a Indo-Iranian sub family.]

Note: About half of the world's languages, is a member of the Indo-European language family.
Unlike Pakistan which has a very narrow foreign policy, India's is very matured. India has shown it can manage to have cordial relationship with Iran without antagonizing Israel. It can befriend US while having a good friendship with Russia. Thats because India's relationship with other nations is based on mutual respect and our foreign policy is very independent .

I was referring more to the posters here who wax glorious about the military partnerships between India and Israel. The Israeli military technology is designed, for the most part, against Iran since no other country poses a real threat to Israel.

This is not an issue, of course, if the technology transfer is almost entirely one-way, i.e. from Israel to India.
Uzbekistan was part of Greater Persia as i mentioned above. They were not Persian. Uzbeks never have been Persian. They have always been Uzbeks, and have lived under the Persian Empire.

Your attempt to link Uzbeks as Persian is weak.

Persians and Muslim are not exclusive. Persians can be Muslims, in fact most are.

Their logic is laughable.

According to this logic, since the British colonized south Asia and we speak English, therefore we are now Englishmen.

This is the warped logic used by the Indians also to claim the Buddha was Indian, even though he was born in Nepal and travelled all over the place, spending a lot of time near Afghanistan.

If we accept this logic, then Jesus was not only Roman, but an Italian!
People should understand the difference between an Indian and a citizen of Republic of India, like I asked roadrunner that what was a citizen of Porus's empire called, and he avoided the question.

Pakistanis should first stop using Turk, Arbian, Afghan, Central Asian heroes to name their weapons, cities etc and then lecture us history.

PNS Panini anyone? :lol:
People should understand the difference between an Indian and a citizen of Republic of India, like I asked roadrunner that what was a citizen of Porus's empire called, and he avoided the question.

Pakistanis should first stop using Turk, Arbian, Afghan, Central Asian heroes to name their weapons, cities etc and then lecture us history.

PNS Panini anyone? :lol:

I don't think we should stop honoring the Islamic heroes; they are a central part of our history. Instead we should start recognizing the pre-Islamic history also, especially from the IVC.

For example, in the US military, they still have USS Columbus as well as Tomahawk missiles.

Pakistan should have Babur missiles installed on PNS Harappa (or PNS Panini, why not?).
I don't think we should stop honoring the Islamic heroes; they are a central part of our history. Instead we should start recognizing the pre-Islamic history also, especially from the IVC.

For example, in the US military, they still have USS Columbus as well as Tomahawk missiles.

Pakistan should have Babur missiles installed on PNS Harappa (or PNS Panini, why not?).

I totally support/agree with your wish Sir. :cheers:. Now please come back to reality.

I am afraid, Honoring your pre-islamic history might act as a blow to the very foundation (2 nations theory) of your country, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. You should be thankful to your Government, as it is smart enough in not taking that risk. :smokin:
You logic is flawed from top to bottom.....
So, the conclusion you reached is also incorrect...........that's what I pointed out.

There is absolutely no historical evidence that Sanskrit originated from Old Persian language. They may have common origin.

It is said that, Sanskrit is a member of the Indo-Iranian sub-family of the Indo-European family of languages. Its closest ancient relatives are the Iranian languages Old Persian and Avestan.

Sanskrit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[BUT, the fact is that, Sanskrit is actually a member of this Indo-European language family and NOT a Indo-Iranian sub family.]

Note: About half of the world's languages, is a member of the Indo-European language family.

if it was similar/related then thats what i said.
I totally support/agree with your wish Sir. :cheers:. Now please come back to reality.

I am afraid, Honoring your pre-islamic history might act as a blow to the very foundation (2 nations theory) of your country, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. You should be thankful to your Government, as it is smart enough in not taking that risk. :smokin:

I know for a fact that Pakistani schoolbooks in the 70s gave full due to Harappa, Ashoka, and other aspects of our heritage. This nonsense of denial only started in the last few decades and will be redressed in due time.
- A lot of confusion can be avoided by remembering that any reference to 'India' prior to 1947 refers to the 'subcontinent' not the country.

- It's hilarious to see the 'Iran-India' friendship train when Indians beat their chest loudest about having Israel as their biggest military ally. And some of the loudest pro-Israeli Indians are here claiming friendship with Iran.

You being a Think tank are trolling on a normal thread about Iran India relations?? Has Pakistan been mentioned any where in this thread ?? Expected better from you, you are not a poster with 200 posts to your credit.
You being a Think tank are trolling on a normal thread about Iran India relations?? Has Pakistan been mentioned any where in this thread ?? Expected better from you, you are not a poster with 200 posts to your credit.

Try reading the thread before posting and see how Pakistan is central to any discussion of ancient 'Indian' culture. In a historical context, the word 'India' is about as meaningful as the phrase 'the Orient'.
You being a Think tank are trolling on a normal thread about Iran India relations?? Has Pakistan been mentioned any where in this thread ?? Expected better from you, you are not a poster with 200 posts to your credit.

May be think tank in trolling.
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