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Yeah maybe these "missionaries" should stop alluring illiterate people into converting to their "religion". Once again there is nothing discriminatory about the law. If I Hindu tries to force a Muslim to convert the same law applies to him too. Thats fair and secular for us.
Defend it all you like. The fact is they were brought in to put a check on Christians.

Instead of persecuting and discriminating against low caste Hindus (who then convert to Christianity), Hindu groups should convert on improving the lot of the less fortunate Hindus.

Anti-conversion laws a laughable attempt to legislate religious belief.

If people want to convert for money that should be their choice.

:lol: Yeah yeah of course it was. US congressmen obviously don't have any power over Sri Lanka. Whatever helps you sleep at night.:wave:

Yes the congressman called up Sri Lanka's Supreme Court the night before.

Mean while in secular and righteous Sri Lanka

The new martyrs - Washington Times

Yes there are Buddhist extremists in Sri Lanka - like there are Hindu extremists in India.

But Sri Lanka has no anti-conversion laws that discriminate against Christians, unlike in "secular" India. In other words, the Buddhist right were defeated by the law in Sri Lanka while in India the Hindu right won the right to target Christians through legislation.

And Christians in Sri Lanka (7% of the population) have faced no massive targeted attacks on the scale that the 2% Christian minority in India has at the hands of Hindus:

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out of the question....I suggest you go through the law in concern once,for I am quite sure you have not till now.
If you face any difficulty in understanding,post it here,we will try to make it lucid for you to understand.

I posted the law couple of pages back,its only against forceful conversion, and applies to every religion, something which this "religious" man won't understand.
I posted the law couple of pages back,its only against forceful conversion, and applies to every religion, something which this "religious" man won't understand.

We all know it is there to cap Christians.
Defend it all you like. The fact is they were brought in to put a check on Christians.

Instead of persecuting and discriminating against low caste Hindus (who then convert to Christianity), Hindu groups should convert on improving the lot of the less fortunate Hindus.

For the thousandth fcking time there are laws against any such persecution and discrimination, its a crime in India.
For the thousandth fcking time there are laws against any such persecution and discrimination, its a crime in India.

There are laws against killing people right? Did that stop what happened in Gujarat or Kandhamal?
There are laws against killing people right? Did that stop what happened in Gujarat or Kandhamal?

What kind of logic is this again? The law is there to punish people who break them and to deter them to a certain extent. Culprits in both cases are being persecuted under that law.

There are laws against murder and rape in Sri Lanka right? Does that stop murderers and rapists from committing their deeds. Do you see how wrong you sound? Only if making a law could prevent the crimes.

Fast track court convicts 12 in Kandhamal riots case

2008 Kandhamal riots: BJP MLA sentenced to 7 years in jail

Jail for three more men in Kandhamal riots case

A freaking MLA got 7 years sentence! Shazaam! Thats secularism right there!
What kind of logic is this again? The law is there to punish people who break them and to deter them to a certain extent. Culprits in both cases are being persecuted under that law.

There are laws against murder and rape in Sri Lanka right? Does that stop murderers and rapists from committing their deeds. Do you see how wrong you sound? Only if making a law could prevent the crimes.

Excellent. Remember this reasoning the next time you whine about the 'plight' of Tamils in Sri Lanka.

But anti-Conversion laws in India discriminate against Christians.

And they are against religious freedom and the right to choose one's religion.

They have no place in a country that boasts about being "secular" (which India is certainly not in practice).
Remember this reasoning the next time you whine about the 'plight' of Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Anti-Conversion laws in India discriminate against Christians.

And they are against religious freedom and the right to choose one's religion.

Ah so all this bs just to justify your deeds? What an utter waste of time.
Ah so all this bs just to justify your deeds? What an utter waste of time.

Not justifying any deeds. Just responding to the penchant of Indian posters (like you) who sit in their ivory towers, pretend as if all is hunky dory in India and advise others to 'treat their minorities better'. Laughable. Time well spent in my opinion. At least a few Indian posters actually learnt about anti-conversion laws in India, and how minorities of various backgrounds are discriminated against and persecuted down to riots and all.
Not justifying any deeds. Just responding to the penchant of Indian posters (like you) who sit in their ivory chairs and pretend as if all is hunky dory in India. Time well spent in my opinion. At least a few Indian posters actually learnt about anti-conversion laws in India, and how minorities of various backgrounds are discriminated against down to riots and all.

Sri Lanka did very wrong with Tamils, their is no doubt in it.
Not justifying any deeds. Just responding to the penchant of Indian posters (like you) who sit in their ivory chairs and pretend as if all is hunky dory in India and advise others to 'treat their minorities better'. Laughable. Time well spent in my opinion. At least a few Indian posters actually learnt about anti-conversion laws in India, and how minorities of various backgrounds are discriminated against and persecuted down to riots and all.

Did you or did you not see the links about convictions of Khandamahal riots? You are just bs artist mate, anywho save me your rant. ciao
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