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India Developing, but still a long way to go

oh ..you just reminded me of the great days spent there.....i just love Sikkim..its my favourite Holiday destination.

I know someone from Shillong. But they prefer big cities.
This is what I was curious to know: why would people prefer the noise and pollution to tranquility ?

I live here in UAE and its frustrating to see buildings after buildings and not too well designed. OK some of them are, but the majority are an eye-sore. I just want to see some greenery, hear birds and be able to look at the sky without the view being blocked by ugly buildings.
I know someone from Shillong. But they prefer big cities.
This is what I was curious to know: why would people prefer the noise and pollution to tranquility ?

I live here in UAE and its frustrating to see buildings after buildings and not too well designed. OK some of them are, but the majority are an eye-sore. I just want to see some greenery, hear birds and be able to look at the sky without the view being blocked by ugly buildings.

Its human nature to not cherish what we have and always yearn for what we don't. In other words we get bored rather quickly.
Wonderful shots! :tup:
I haven't checked the whole tread but I'll do it today. I'm interested to see some pics from Kerala cities.
No point despairing. Fight to get the overseas money back and punish the big guys. There is no point going after little people. Get the big kahunas first and other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. India unfortunately is in the most unstable/poorest region of the world - South Asia. But it is to India's credit that it did not become like an African banana republic. You should take heart from that and do your part in getting rid of corrupt honchos and usher in equitable development. I wonder how many of these buildings here have been properly sanctioned and have proper evacuation/hazard safety devices built in. How many may be violation of local building codes? I am more for equitable, just development than a few people scurrying off with all the moneys.

Good points mate . The last line of your comment is what I desires to see as a reality.:)
India second best FDI spot, recent dip temporary: Nomura
Press Trust Of India / Mumbai April 11, 2011, 1:09 IST

Despite the recent massive slump in FDI inflows, India remained the hottest investment destination in the world after China, with inflows set to return to the pre-crisis peak levels by early 2012, Nomura India has said. Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows plunged 25 per cent in April-January to $17 billion year-on-year. The figure was more alarming in January, when it nosedived 48 per cent to $1.04 billion.

Attributing the recent decline to primarily global factors, Nomura India Vice-President and economist Sonal Varma said other emerging markets too, saw a sharp drop in FDI inflows following the 2008 crisis. However, unlike India, they picked up steam after two years.

“Of the $12-billion decline in FDI inflows between 2008 and 2010, around 60 per cent was due to weak inflows into service spaces like computer software and hardware, financial services, banking, and construction,” Varma said. “The sharp drop in inflows into banking and other financial services is unsurprising as the crisis led firms to restructure operations.”
As a result, the share of infrastructure in total FDI inflows rose to 24.7 per cent in 2010, from 16.3 per cent in 2007. Manufacturing share rose to 32.1 per cent from 19.6 per cent, despite a fall in the absolute numbers in FY11,” she said in her report.

While overcapacity, credit crunch, fragile growth and increased risk aversion led multinational corporations to curtail investment globally, the environment-sensitive policies pursued appear to have affected the investor sentiments locally, she said.

“Delay in framing a land acquisition law has also hurt. In addition, the country’s cost-competitiveness may have taken a hit due to the deteriorating quality of infrastructure, elevated inflation, shortage of skilled labour, rising wage costs and corruption,” Varma pointed out.

Other factors like tax issues (income tax notice on Vodafone), delay in the $9.6-billion Cairn-Vedanta deal and the many corruption cases are also said to be keeping off investors.

Varma said the fall was not as hard as it was being made out as the decline was more of a definitional issue than actual. Quoting an ISID research report, she said under 50 per cent of FDI inflows between September 2004 and December 2009 could be termed as FDI in the purest sense. The rest bore a greater resemblance to volatile portfolio flows; these comprised round-tripping, and private equity/venture capital/ hedge fund related inflows.
A New Gujarat within Gujarat - Dholera, Special Investment Region(SIR)


To develop Dholera Special Investment Region (SIR) as global manufacturing and trading hub i.e. "The engine for economic resurgence of the country" which is supported by world class infrastructure.

"The Development Plan, taking into account the DMIC objectivs and goals, should focus towards creating and enabling environmentto protect local industries, enhance investment climate, improve quality of life, upgrade human skils, create world class infrastucture and attract global investment".


Dholera SIR - Overview

  • Total Area : 800 sq. kms: a green field location
  • Developable area: 500 sq. kms.
  • Economic activity area : 360 sq. kms
  • World-class infrastructure & connectivity: within & outside
  • Central spine express way & Metro Rail to link the SIR with mega cities
  • Airport & Sea Port in the vicinity
  • Proximity to mega cities: Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, Vadodara
  • Benefit of sea coast, nature park, golf course
  • Premium civic amenities
  • Capable to cater to both International & Domestic Market
  • Close to Guajrat International Finance TechCity (GIFT)
  • Close to Petro-chemicals and Petroleum Inv. Region (PCPIR)
  • Logistic support of the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DMIC)
  • Benefits of the high impact Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)
  • Public investment in core infrastructure



Current Status

  • Pre-feasibility study completed by M/s Feed Back Ventures
  • Location identified along with details of the area
  • The work on the central spine road already started
  • Notification issued for delineation of 879 Sq. Km of Area as DSIR
  • Government allocates 1700 Hect. land for adjoining Airport
  • Anchor Tenants already in place
  • Master planning underway by M/s Halcrow, UK
  • Water logging, seismological & environment studies underway
  • The legal framework enacted: The SIR Act 2009
  • Project development corporation (GICC) formed


Taurian World School, Ranchi
(Wish we had schools like this when I was a kid...)




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