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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Guys, thanks a lot for posting all these awesome pics. Just one request, many of these are not identified. Please label them so that we know what we are looking at.

MG Rd, Sikkim



I am a Chinese, like many Chinese, mumbai means dirty, backward, dishonest for us.

A small small city in our southern border with Vietnam:


Please have a look, then ask why india can't match it.

When will you ever get that its the people, the working conditions, the living conditions and entrepreneurial, governance and cultural spirit that matter and not just neon lighted buildings? Come to Las Vegas - you cant beat its buildings and lighting. But, how many want to live there? Go to the Bay Area, there are hardly any buildings, but how many want to NOT live there?

As an American, I am truly impressed by what India and China have achieved for millions of its people. I hope these two countries continue to lift the world out of its current slumber. The US has retooled its policy to facilitate greater exports to India and China - because we are convinced that exporting our intellectual property and expertise is where we'll make our next money. It is funny that Chinese are thinking that India is a small place. The people to people support between Americans and Indians is something Chinese will one day wake up to a rude awakening. Once massive people to people contacts have been established, military strength is hardly required. There are zero chances China will be able to attack India and there is a 110% chance that the US military will come to India's help, should India be attacked. This is all because of people to people relationships between the two countries and the massive American investments in India.
When will you ever get that its the people, the working conditions, the living conditions and entrepreneurial, governance and cultural spirit that matter and not just neon lighted buildings? Come to Las Vegas - you cant beat its buildings and lighting. But, how many want to live there? Go to the Bay Area, there are hardly any buildings, but how many want to NOT live there?

As an American, I am truly impressed by what India and China have achieved for millions of its people. I hope these two countries continue to lift the world out of its current slumber. The US has retooled its policy to facilitate greater exports to India and China - because we are convinced that exporting our intellectual property and expertise is where we'll make our next money. It is funny that Chinese are thinking that India is a small place. The people to people support between Americans and Indians is something Chinese will one day wake up to a rude awakening. Once massive people to people contacts have been established, military strength is hardly required. There are zero chances China will be able to attack India and there is a 110% chance that the US military will come to India's help, should India be attacked. This is all because of people to people relationships between the two countries and the massive American investments in India.

lol american military coming to india's help...where did u got this one from?.....by help i think u mean sending in food and medical supplies?i am sure sri lanka would do the same under such circumstances :lol:
lol american military coming to india's help...where did u got this one from?.....by help i think u mean sending in food and medical supplies?i am sure sri lanka would do the same under such circumstances :lol:

Dear, whatever he said is as not a matter of laugh,Just try to think more tahn War! Rest depend on your IQ level.
lol american military coming to india's help...where did u got this one from?.....by help i think u mean sending in food and medical supplies?i am sure sri lanka would do the same under such circumstances :lol:

I am sorry that you dont understand the massive people to people contacts that Americans have with Indians. Contacts are at the individual level, small business level, large business level, investor level - banks, VCs, PE etc. The interdependencies are massive. You need to understand that India is a respected country in the US. I dont know what they tell you in Pakistan. But the Indian American lobbies here in the US are well funded, massive and strong. Geodynamcis have changed and American investments in India including nuclear reactor deals are surging. There is ZERO chance of the US NOT coming to India's aid during a conflict. This is what American people want today and therefore our government will just implement that.
India is developing but still a LONG WAY to go... I think this Long way is getting longer day by day... Reason lying in just two words.. Corruption and Population.. All other factors are just a effect of these two major causes.. As a native of Gurgaon,and a real estate person , i can also post some of the beauties in terms of development. But what is the use.. Out of 1.21 bn people , Only a old ex-soldier(Salutes to Anna!!) rasies his hands against Corruption, corrupt leaders and corporates... I was thinking.. do we so called young blood of India needs someone to inspire us , motivate us and drive us against such loopholes which are as dangerous as a war threat. We have become dumb and coward by nature to face and eliminate such coruption like issues. Infact we also have become a part of this corrupt system. I use to see there are lots of our neighbour posters always tries to degrade our achievements.. Its true China is far far ahead of us.. But we are following.. but trust mates, if this Corruption would be eliminated, just see the differences.. Today I was just reading wall post of my friend on facebook, in which it was written.. there is almost Rs. 280 lac crores(India is no.1 in black money) has been deposited in swiss accounts, and its a huge amount, and can bring lots of changes in our country.. But who cares.. In mornings , i always see small children who use to come to my car at signal just with a demand of 0ne rupee.. it EMBARRASES ME..In winters , i hv seen people without proper clothes and with one time meal sleeping on footpaths.. and when i come back to home.. i watch news channels full of news related to India developing, govt advertisements.. praises for corporate houses.. then i use to thinks.. what is the use MAN!!! lots of efforts are needed to bring changes.. India is not getting rich... its the some bunch of people who are getting rich..India is democratic country.. government has been electedby Common masses, but.. we all know the reality... how these moron politicians comes into the power... A person who cant even read proper sentences, comes into power to decide the fate of Our country... Some of you guys will still thinks, I am lecturing... BUT FRIENDS.. JUST THINK..IF WE ALL STARTS THINKING IN SAME WAY AND ACT ON IT, THE ONLY THING WILL HAPPEN IS BEST FOR OUR COUNTRY.The best thing is to play our roles effectively...whether it could be a voter, a civillian, an employee, a business man or a soldier.We havre to remove this cancer of corruption from our country, then only we will be able to dominate.. if it would not happen, there will be no meaning of terms, India shining, Incredible India, Superpower..
India is developing but still a LONG WAY to go... I think this Long way is getting longer day by day... Reason lying in just two words.. Corruption and Population.. All other factors are just a effect of these two major causes.. As a native of Gurgaon,and a real estate person , i can also post some of the beauties in terms of development. But what is the use.. Out of 1.21 bn people , Only a old ex-soldier(Salutes to Anna!!) rasies his hands against Corruption, corrupt leaders and corporates... I was thinking.. do we so called young blood of India needs someone to inspire us , motivate us and drive us against such loopholes which are as dangerous as a war threat. We have become dumb and coward by nature to face and eliminate such coruption like issues. Infact we also have become a part of this corrupt system. I use to see there are lots of our neighbour posters always tries to degrade our achievements.. Its true China is far far ahead of us.. But we are following.. but trust mates, if this Corruption would be eliminated, just see the differences.. Today I was just reading wall post of my friend on facebook, in which it was written.. there is almost Rs. 280 lac crores(India is no.1 in black money) has been deposited in swiss accounts, and its a huge amount, and can bring lots of changes in our country.. But who cares.. In mornings , i always see small children who use to come to my car at signal just with a demand of 0ne rupee.. it EMBARRASES ME..In winters , i hv seen people without proper clothes and with one time meal sleeping on footpaths.. and when i come back to home.. i watch news channels full of news related to India developing, govt advertisements.. praises for corporate houses.. then i use to thinks.. what is the use MAN!!! lots of efforts are needed to bring changes.. India is not getting rich... its the some bunch of people who are getting rich..India is democratic country.. government has been electedby Common masses, but.. we all know the reality... how these moron politicians comes into the power... A person who cant even read proper sentences, comes into power to decide the fate of Our country... Some of you guys will still thinks, I am lecturing... BUT FRIENDS.. JUST THINK..IF WE ALL STARTS THINKING IN SAME WAY AND ACT ON IT, THE ONLY THING WILL HAPPEN IS BEST FOR OUR COUNTRY.The best thing is to play our roles effectively...whether it could be a voter, a civillian, an employee, a business man or a soldier.We havre to remove this cancer of corruption from our country, then only we will be able to dominate.. if it would not happen, there will be no meaning of terms, India shining, Incredible India, Superpower..

No point despairing. Fight to get the overseas money back and punish the big guys. There is no point going after little people. Get the big kahunas first and other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. India unfortunately is in the most unstable/poorest region of the world - South Asia. But it is to India's credit that it did not become like an African banana republic. You should take heart from that and do your part in getting rid of corrupt honchos and usher in equitable development. I wonder how many of these buildings here have been properly sanctioned and have proper evacuation/hazard safety devices built in. How many may be violation of local building codes? I am more for equitable, just development than a few people scurrying off with all the moneys.
oh ..you just reminded me of the great days spent there.....i just love Sikkim..its my favourite Holiday destination.
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