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India Claiming 106Km Border with Afghanistan.

Many of us want LOC to be converted into international border but Pakistan is still crazy about Kashmir. First get your Taiwan merged into China, then laugh on us. :girl_wacko:

Still don't fix your problem as claiming 106 km Border with Afghanistan :rofl: Gwadar deal will only be good for Pakistan to develop infrastructure in Giglit-Balistan, India wet dream about this area start to vaporize.
Not all of it. Aksai Chin, GB, AJK. :lol:

And we have stolen your complete border with Afghanistan. :)

Still whatever you have can't get you border of even 1 meter with Afghanistan. ;)

LOL Indians claim about Aksai Chin :rofl: This area is consider to be China flyng fortress to monitor all Indian activities include New Dehli. And also a short cut link between Xinjiang and Tibet. Indians alway bed dreaming about Aksai China and GB :lol:

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Still don't fix your problem as claiming 106 km Border with Afghanistan :rofl: Gwadar deal will only be good for Pakistan to develop infrastructure in Giglit-Balistan, India wet dream about this area start to vaporize.

Why, don't you show Taiwan and SCS in Chinese map even publishing passport which later on get stamped or stapled in different countries.:rofl::rofl: We are exploring oil in Chinese claimed territory in South China Sea. :lol:
Why, don't you show Taiwan and SCS in Chinese map even publishing passport which later on get stamped or stapled in different countries.:rofl::rofl: We are exploring oil in Chinese claimed territory in South China Sea. :lol:

Lol don't try to highjack this thread :lol:, it's about your 106 km Border with Afghanistan claim, there is already SCS thread and you got your answer already there. Now tell us about this claim, how you gonna fix it? :azn:
Lol don't try to highjack this thread :lol:, it's about your 106 km Border with Afghanistan, there is already SCS thread and you got your answer already there. Now tell us about this claim, how you gonna fix it? :azn:

Certainly that 106 km border is not funny like 9 dashed line.

LOL Indians claim about Aksai Chin :rofl:

Even Pakistan claimed Aksai Chin, have a look :rofl:

:rofl: INDIA...........and claiming a border with afghanistan


now im actually realizing how desperate they are to make their way into the central asian terrtories..........
any ways sweet dreams Indians :D :woot:
Not all of it. Aksai Chin, GB, AJK. :lol:

And we have stolen your complete border with Afghanistan. :)

Still whatever you have can't get you border of even 1 meter with Afghanistan. ;)

We are still in Afghanistan without that border giving restlessness to all of you. But majority of Kashmir is with India. Pakistan wanted all three Junagarh, Hyderabad and Kashmir but failed to get the hold. :D
Certainly that 106 km border is not funny like 9 dashed line.

Even Pakistan claimed Aksai Chin, have a look :rofl:

Your 106km claim to cut China off from Pakistan and give India direct access to Afghanistan, We chinese and Pakistani friends are so helpless but just to have great laughing. and again don't try to divert this thread with 9 dashed line. Aksai Chin is beend settled between Paksitan and China :azn: you're still living in the pass :rolleyes:.
Your 106km claim to cut China off from Pakistan and give India direct access to Afghanistan, We chinese and Pakistani friends are so helpless but just to have great laughing. and again don't try to divert this thread with 9 dashed line. Aksai Chin is beend settled between Paksitan and China :azn: you're still living in the pass :rolleyes:.

Settled without Controlling Ladakh. :rofl: for what your government made 12 rounds of talks with India. :lol:
:rofl: INDIA...........and claiming a border with afghanistan


now im actually realizing how desperate they are to make their way into the central asian terrtories..........
any ways sweet dreams Indians :D :woot:

Indeed, after seeing the Gwadar deal, India are crying for geographically disadvantage over the energy competition, even the Iran port will be useless for them. Now they're claiming 106 km border with Afghanistan :rofl:
Do you know the location of Ladakh. May be you don't know just like you don't know who live in Arunachal Pradesh. :rofl:

sure with google, I know the location :azn:, maybe I missed something but I don't see what Ladakh has to do with China.

sure with google, I know the location :azn:, maybe I missed something but I don't see what Ladakh has to do with China.


To make any deal on Aksai Chin, Pakistan should have been controlling Ladakh. :lol: By the way, Aksai Chin is part of Ladakh region, I think China consider it the part of Xinjiang.
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