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India Claiming 106Km Border with Afghanistan.

Sorry but if you tell that to the people there they would take it as a major insult. The region has produced some of the Army's finest, by the way

The 2 are unlinked..

Karan 1970,

Since we have been doing such a good job you should consider expanding our operations. We are interested in India China border patrolling work. Can you outsource that work to us too?

Please wait for the RFP to come out and apply for the job.. We do not do single source deals.. ;)
India Claiming 106Km Border with Afghanistan?:blink: dont make your wet dream, China will never allow India to Claim what's belown to Pakistan and not only cut China link to Pakistan but give India direct access to Afghanistan and central Asia.

Now we enjoy of linking Kashgar to Gwadar, just forget your wet dream and use Iran port instead to access afghanistan and central Asia :lol:

Once we regain entire Kashmir.......

The 2 are unlinked..

they aren't linked; but the people of the region in question are pretty "set" in their sentiments

to suggest that india lays "claims" on our land is more comical and overlooks ground realities; but then again the same applies across the LoC where anti-indian sentiment is extremely high (and now seems to be even higher following your selective approach to executing 'certain' prisoners)

anyways.....maps are maps -- anyone with a crayon and some sense of creativity in india can make maps. They dont change much. I could make a map showing india cut down to size with much ceded off to Bdesh and Nepal -- would it change the realities?
no one care what India Claim

And they say Pakistan's education system lacks.:rofl:

BTW what can you expect when their books says Pakistan is indian province & Hina Rabbani is indian.:rofl:

India Claiming 106Km Border with Afghanistan?:blink: dont make your wet dream, China will never allow India to Claim what's belown to Pakistan and not only cut China link to Pakistan but give India direct access to Afghanistan and central Asia.

Now we enjoy of linking Kashgar to Gwadar, just forget your wet dream and use Iran port instead to access afghanistan and central Asia :lol:


we Pakistanis will never Allow Indians to get that Land
they aren't linked; but the people of the region in question are pretty "set" in their sentiments

Sentiments are fickle.. We all saw that in 1971 when the 2 nation theory was laid to rest just 24 years after it was formulated with even stronger sentiments...

to suggest that india lays "claims" on our land is more comical and overlooks ground realities; but then again the same applies across the LoC where anti-indian sentiment is extremely high (and now seems to be even higher following your selective approach to executing 'certain' prisoners)

Case in point that fickle sentiments do not dictate borders..

anyways.....maps are maps -- anyone with a crayon and some sense of creativity in india can make maps. They dont change much. I could make a map showing india cut down to size with much ceded off to Bdesh and Nepal -- would it change the realities?
Nothing to do with the topic which is about legal position of India on the state of j&k
india counts all of state of jammu and kashmir as our own including p.ok and gilgit baltistan

and i see flying pigs

please out sourse the rest of the work to jammu and kashmir too, we will be glad to handle it

and i bet that indian who made the map was deep in bhang?

Actually he was just supporting our official stand.
please out sourse the rest of the work to jammu and kashmir too, we will be glad to handle it

Few of the things we check in our vendors are their financial soundness and International credibility. Pakistan does not make the cut on either, so no, you are not fit for that job.. Specially since you are not able to guard your own border at this time..Your people seem to be over worked as is ;)
Sentiments are fickle.. We all saw that in 1971 when the 2 nation theory was laid to rest just 24 years after it was formulated with even stronger sentiments...

Case in point that fickle sentiments do not dictate borders..

Nothing to do with the topic which is about legal position of India on the state of j&k

71 showed that it was really a 3 nation theory and Bengal should've been a country from the onset

You can't juxtapose Kashmir vis a vis Pakistan to 71 bc unlike in that case, majority of the population are against you; not us

If Kashmiris accepted indian occupation then there'd have been no need for mass graves, fake encounters and your soldeirs falsely impersonating themselves as UN peace keepers time to time :lol:
71 showed that it was really a 3 nation theory and Bengal should've been a country from the onset
Lol. There cannot be a 3 nation theory. After all the concept was the Hindus and Muslims cant live together. It was shot down when half the Muslims decided to stay.

It was shot down again when Bangladeshi's decided that Islam isnt enough to keep them with Pakistan. And unless Bangladeshi's are converting en mass to a religion other than Islam, the TNT has been proven to be an epic failure.

The remaining Pakistan itself is in shambles, which initself speaks volumes.
Few of the things we check in our vendors are their financial soundness and International credibility. Pakistan does not make the cut on either, so no, you are not fit for that job.. Specially since you are not able to guard your own border at this time..Your people seem to be over worked as is ;)

Its your financial soundness that should be checked since you have outsourced the work not us. Regarding international credibility we have sound credentials for the type of work required.
please out sourse the rest of the work to jammu and kashmir too, we will be glad to handle it

and i bet that indian who made the map was deep in bhang?

Giglit-Balistan is not the part of Pakistan even under Pakistani norms and laws.:lol:

GB is the part of Jammu and Kashmir and shares 106km border with Afghanistan, that's why India was able to stop the loan on Diamer Bhasha Dam. :enjoy:
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