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India can wipe Pakistan out of the map: Major General (R) G. D. Bakshi.

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Collectively this moronic general makes up the majority of your state policy. No need to explain. At least we are doing something to fight back invasions.

No you are wrong..they have little or no say in forming state policy.. Are you sure your are fighting against invasion? US of A? Invasions? Ring any bells?
These are the kind of over the top generals on both sides who in their bravado have kept the hostilities going for over 60 years, amazingly, completely overshadowing the initial disagreement over Kashmir...it is not about kashmir anymore, it is essentially a competition of whos more of a "man"...its quit pathetic, no one gains anything from Pakistani and India prolonging conflicts more than the military men.
I am sure India can wipe Pakistan off the map and Pakistan can return the favour and then itll be really cool...for the couple of million people left on each side of the border, who'll probably live a nomad existence in a highly radio active area...keep it up guys...Europe learned to put aside their differences for the greater good...wed rather continue to waste valuable time on false bravado.

Why don't we get this message to Gen Bakshi's E-mail ? i am sure he must be using rocket mail at least :lol:
I don't talk to lunatics who edit posts in order to give ground to their groundless BS - beat that !

Oh! I didn't know you have a 'criteria' for not talking to lunatics. I, and other normal people, just don't talk to lunatics no matter what.

...but then that would hold for normal people quite unlike you.

No you are wrong..they have little or no say in forming state policy.. Are you sure your are fighting against invasion? US of A? Invasions? Ring any bells?

Do you really think we will give up preparations against your Smalt surgery attack just because you are sweetening the drug pot by posting ' Indian threat's a myth'...?
Do you really think we will give up preparations against your Smalt surgery attack just because you are sweetening the drug pot by posting ' Indian threat's a myth'...?

Did I ask you to stop preparing? Lol

By the way you didn't answer my question..!
Means talking sh!t about Pakistan on mass bharti media is "usual" ? Ironic :rolleyes:

Moronic to you but he is merely stating that any nuclear release means the threshold has been crossed.

Is it that scary that you start remembering 'sh1t' (to use your word), and then write it so in a decent forum?

His analysis is as faulty as your spelling.

Well, before you jump up like a highly strung Jack in the Box, tarry a while. Do not expose your ignorance of the English language.

'Analysing' is spelt as 'Analysing'.

One has to be daft to feel that this spelling is wrong.

Do be good enough to check a dictionary, that is if you possess one.

But since your habit indicates that you are impetuous, let me help you from an online dictionary

   [an-l-ahyz] Show IPA
–verb (used with object), -lysed, -lys·ing. Chiefly British .

Analyse | Define Analyse at Dictionary.com

English is basically a British Language.

I presume you are fond of Americans, even though you howl at their Drone attacks and other indignities they pile on you.

I am not an American chamcha. Forgive me for that. Notwithstanding, I have no beef with the American, but even so, I prefer to go by the British spellings.

I believe your feeling that my spelling was wrong would be, I presume in Americanism, termed as being 'smartassed'!!

One has to be a fool or hungover to believe so after watching those vids.

I would beg to differ.

It is only a fool (to use your word) who is impervious to all types of views and opinions and thinks he alone knows all. In the subcontinent I believe such people (knowalls) are called 'khalifa'! An intelligent person takes in all opinions and views and then comes to his own conclusions.

Its called MAD in military terms (Mutually assured destruction) - Bakhsi should not be that stupid to say these sort of stuff over the TV as this propaganda is being fed to your 10 year olds since there is no age classification system available in Indian TV. He is passing his moronic fantasies to the new Indian generation

Imagine a 15 year old Jingoistic Indian Kid listening to a "Retired Youdh veteran of Bharti Sena " - he/she will simply take this poison in without any critical thinking. Now multiply that with a few million !

I daresay I would have to learn about Mutually Assured Destruction from you. Thank you nonetheless.

Moronic to you, but quite factual otherwise.

Instead of exhibiting pique and discharging forcefully and abundantly your bile, you could be good enough to let us know where he was going wrong. That would be constructive than raising a howl of despair, consternation and trepidation!

I am led to believe that the Indian youth are not so callow as to buy anything purveyed on the TV as the Gospel Truth.

It would be wise not to equate others' intelligence quotient with your personal experiences where terrorists killing your own people are taken as messiahs and glorified.

We are not scared by Mustache neither his voice , he has to do better than that - though i believe that he might wet himself by the sound of his neighbors' horny cat mewyoing to her male mate.

Well, he took over the Battalion AOR from me where there was a live match going on (if you know what I mean) and he made the other side wet their pants. His feat in making them do so, was duly recognised (if you know what I mean)!

Its all full of jingoistic - non sense -- i have watched all videos for three times.

Hardly jingoism.

Watch it another time.

And hopefully you remain dry!
I tell this to Mr.Bakshi

I don't talk to lunatics who edit posts in order to give ground to their groundless BS - beat that !

yea right... have seen your prior threads... remember sa6 vs akash...

The video is very factual .. pakistan cannot afford a Nuke war with india....

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please close this thread not just close delete it.its all media nonesense and troll thread!:mod:
I have 2 questions

1)Is this General running for a Election soon of some kind.

2)i understand nuclear war is mutual destruction but my question is if India was to nuke Pakistan wouldn't that nuke wipe out parts of India 2.
Pakistanis - just watch out what your idiotic former ISI chief ranted out before commenting on any one else

What a big time hypocrites you guys are??
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Oh sh_t the wet dreams are back and big time dreams hahahaha jerks go to hell and keep dreaming it will never ever happen check you self before someone else does. end result is both nations will end by destroying each other you dum as's want that :lol::cheesy:
It seems it's always the same when it comes to Indians and Pakistanis. Chest thumping idiots from the other side are always more popular than they are in their own country.
According to international studies, if a nuclear war happens between India and Pakistan, both countries will have enough strength to take war to the next level, that is Post Nuclear War Scenarios. I hope Indian Military Officials are actually as naive as they like to be seen.
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