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India can wipe Pakistan out of the map: Major General (R) G. D. Bakshi.

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You still haven't told us.. which are the 2 superpowers you've successfully stopped? If you can't answer this then simply go to sleep.

Like I said, if you had been sleeping in a cave for 30 years, no one can help you.:azn:
We're wondering why should we attack you.. you're being attacked by US everyday. You can't even fight Taliban which is not the real army then how would you fight Indian army.. we're very kind you see..

even US has not been able to fight Taliban you Indians have not been able to fight Mujahideens in Kashmir and Maoists in your country first fight them than ask or tell who we can fight and who we cant
even US has not been able to fight Taliban you Indians have not been able to fight Mujahideens in Kashmir

US not able to fight Taliban? Who killed OBL? You? who's killing terrorists everyday by drones? you?
and Mujahideens? If you're talking about Kargil, then let me remind you.. Kargil is under Indian occupation and not Mujahideen rule.. don't call them mujahideen, they were your army people who ran away from there.
US not able to fight Taliban? Who killed OBL? You? who's killing terrorists everyday by drones? you?
and Mujahideens? If you're talking about Kargil, then let me remind you.. Kargil is under Indian occupation and not Mujahideen rule.. don't call them mujahideen, they were your army people who ran away from there.

yes why now America is begging for talks with the Taliban and I am talking about the Mujahideen in Kashmir and Maoists in your country
yes why now America is begging for talks with the Taliban and I am talking about the Mujahideen in Kashmir and Maoists in your country

dnt compare Maoists vd militant, dey r nt militants like Taliban nd mujaheddin, dey r nt brain washed like still many Maoists surrender dem selfs to govn fr rehabilitation.maoist threat is limited, and it can be settld down by talks. nd our army is nt fighting vd dem.
yes why now America is begging for talks with the Taliban and I am talking about the Mujahideen in Kashmir and Maoists in your country

ever day in pakistan atleast one bomb attack r terrorist attack r drone attack are taking place.
dnt compare Maoists vd militant, dey r nt militants like Taliban nd mujaheddin, dey r nt brain washed like still many Maoists surrender dem selfs to govn fr rehabilitation.maoist threat is limited, and it can be settld down by talks. nd our army is nt fighting vd dem.

they just salughtered your hundereds of soldeirs sir they are fighting for an ideology so they are brain washed and your Army is not fighting them because its not capable enough to fight it and every day Maoists and Kashmiri attack you but you are not able to do anything
they just salughtered your hundereds of soldeirs sir they are fighting for an ideology so they are brain washed and your Army is not fighting them because its not capable enough to fight it and every day Maoists and Kashmiri attack you but you are not able to do anything

:pop: nd wat more. i dnt want to talk vd ppl who dnt hav knwldge atleast. who salughtered our army. yes u r right our army cant do ny thing thats y ur army march fast vd white flag in kargil war.
:pop: nd wat more. i dnt want to talk vd ppl who dnt hav knwldge atleast. who salughtered our army. yes u r right our army cant do ny thing thats y ur army march fast vd white flag in kargil war.

if that is true than why Vajpaee Asked america for help
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