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India behind terrorist attacks - Pak Foreign Minister

Nonsense and hypocrisy - explain that to Chidambaram and the rest of the GoI demanding that Hafiz Saeed be 'drawn and quartered' despite providing little concrete evidence against him.

Chidambaram is on record as saying, '“The investigations in Pakistan will also throw up enough evidence.” - i.e India does not have enough evidence.

Sir here we are not going for any tit for tat sort of things. facts resort for evidences not the individual statements.

If that was so no organization would have been banned in pakistan at the first place. may be there are problems with the laws in pakistan which may not consider the evidence enough so we asked for more investigation from your end. Since the attacks were planned on your soil and hafiz himself never visited India so evidence pertaining to him would be in pakistan only. you cannot have evidence for someone doing ill in pakistan and have full evidence in India.
The weapons seized from TTP hideouts have all been of Indian origin. The Previous attack on the SL team was from an Indian made rocket launcher. Spies for RAW have been caught out of Lahore. Evidence is certainly there to suggest India is behind this, certainly not enough to declare war upon India and blow away those Indian consulates in Afghanistan, but its there to continue probing India's involvement.

Asim if India is involved why the hell they are using Indian made weapons..those Intelligence agencies will always try to cover their foot marks..Using Indian weapons for terrorists function is not so intelligent of them ..dont you think?
the war against terror i am afraid your country will never come out of it and will be eaten up by these extremists... and we are surely going to see decades of instability..!!!

If my neighbour's house is on fire, mine is next. So do you want another Afghanistan at your door step ?
If the extremists will eat Pakistan up , what will be their next meal ?
Its in Indian Interest to stop helping these extremists.
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Thats why investigations are being carried out, leads are being followed.

yes but till it do not end up prooving that actually India is involved we should refrain from naming India for every ill doing in Pakistan and that is vice versa.

Its not like Pakistan has aimed its Ghauris and Baburs at India.

Dont worry even we did not had our Prithvi and Agni systems aimed at you :angel:
But i would like to say that nobody knows who is your policy maker.. or do you have any policy???
The only ones pretending to be confused about this to avoid resolving any disputes are the Indians.
your salman bashir comes to india with talks in mind and takes an aggressive tone which really sounded stuipd.
Salman Bashir came for substantive talks in India, not to be lectured and to give the Indian FO a propaganda opportunity to claim it 'lectured Pakistan on terrorism'. In the absence of a desire to engage substantively on the range of pressing issues between the two nations on the part of India, the talks were meaningless and a waste of time and SB's reaction was accurate in implying that POV.
..your country have been saying all this crap about indian support to baluchistan and taliban but never ever could prove this to the world..!!!!
For that matter neither have the US and India proven any of their claims about the Pakistani State being involved in any of the acts they allege.

Circumstantial evidence, motive and a precedent of India sponsoring terrorism (recall the horrors of the East Pakistani separatist massacres of West Pakistanis that preceded the Army crackdown in EP) all exist and point to an Indian role.
Now if you bring in an indian angle to it and dilute the ONE RIGHT ACTION you have now followed, the war against terror i am afraid your country will never come out of it and will be eaten up by these extremists...
Most of the military personnel on the ground fighting the TTP and AQ believe these groups are sponsored and supported by India - that has not prevented them from fighting any harder against them or routing them from areas they previously controlled.

Discourse over India's role in supporting these terrorists, so long as we continue to realize that India's chosen minions are these local groups, will not dilute anything.
If my neighbour's house is on fire, mine is next. So do you want a Afghanistan at your door step ?
If the extremists will eat Pakistan up , what will be their next meal ?
Its in Indian Interest to stop helping these extremists.

Gin thats the biggest point which we make.... why the hell we would like TTP in center of pakistan. well at least pakistanis are muslims and they have so much of trouble with them. if we were to be their neighbour than damn it i dont know what they will do.

There is no point of agreement between TTP in India. And when they follow the so extremist version of Islam would they like to step down to the kaffirs of hindustan
... internal help....

Yes,,, we have our share of sweet traitors too who need to be caught & butchered in public or rather tortured to death...

For example,,, an Army officer told us that CIA is hiring ex-Pak army officers...

They give ad indirectly thru local security agency & then during interview judge who is "نمک حرام" & select such for carrying out their plans... So on the face of it we see Pakistanis but they r working for others... Such traitors r familier with military installations & procedures so prove very effective...

But this does NOT absolve the real perpetrators of act of poking finger in our country...
If my neighbour's house is on fire, mine is next. So do you want a Afghanistan at your door step ?
If the extremists will eat Pakistan up , what will be their next meal ?
Its in Indian Interest to stop helping these extremists.

Arre yaar..!!! Thats what i am saying.. if pakistan is unstable then terror will be coming or should i say MORE terror will be coming to our door step..!!! All i wanted to say is that continue the actioN against taliban and finish them off..!! And make sure that generations to come is free from this extrimism. If you loose resolve now and blame india.. nothing is giong to happen....coz india is not a banana republic where few men take decisions as we have a diverse pool of policy makers who will make sure that only right policy is followed based on a collective agreement..!!!!
Yes,,, we have our share of sweet traitors too who need to be caught & butchered in public or rather tortured to death...

For example,,, an Army officer told us that CIA is hiring ex-Pak army officers...

They give ad indirectly thru local security agency & then during interview judge who is "نمک حرام" & select such for carrying out their plans... So on the face of it we see Pakistanis but they r working for others... Such traitors r familier with military installations & procedures so prove very effective...

But this does NOT absolve the real perpetators of act of poking finger in our country...

No one can attack a city fortified by such a huge professional army without having sympathsiers within it.
Everything is possible, but to get the kind of coordination needed for these attacks somebody powerful like RAW can be assumed to be behind these attacks

The Indians were wailing about 'sophistication; and 'characteristics' when a bunch of idiots walked around a city shooting at unarmed people - Pak Navy, SSG(N), SSG - they roped in almost all of our uniformed services and their elite wings to explain away that 'sophistication and characteristics'.

By that yardstick extremely complex and coordinated attacks like the ones on GHQ, police academies, Rawalpindi Corp Commander's residence, Lahore attacks etc. could in no way have been possible without the assistance of the Indian military and intelligence.
The Indians were wailing about 'sophistication; and 'characteristics' when a bunch of idiots walked around a city shooting at unarmed people - Pak Navy, SSG(N), SSG - they roped in almost all of our uniformed services and their elite wings to explain away that 'sophistication and characteristics'.

By that yardstick extremely complex and coordinated attacks like the ones on GHQ, police academies, Rawalpindi Corp Commander's residence, Lahore attacks etc. could in no way have been possible without the assistance of the Indian military and intelligence.

Sir but at the same time they can be possible with the moles of TTP in the Pakistani intelligence.
Gin thats the biggest point which we make.... why the hell we would like TTP in center of pakistan. well at least pakistanis are muslims and they have so much of trouble with them. if we were to be their neighbour than damn it i dont know what they will do.

There is no point of agreement between TTP in India. And when they follow the so extremist version of Islam would they like to step down to the kaffirs of hindustan

You don't want TTP next to India and you know you will not get TTP next to India because you know the Pakistani military is not going to lose this war.

What you do want is for these terrorist attacks to continue so that Pakistan continues to remain destabilized and weak - enough Indian analysts and commentators, some formerly holding various positions in India's government, military and intelligence, have expressed that particular desire and various means to achieve it.
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The City is not 'fortified by the Army' - and what does that argument say about the attack on Mumbai?

Agno it was full with police with the first and second bombings..its clear that no one can plant a bomb there with out some helping them from inside..The first thing after a bomb blast is secure the area and looking for further explosives right?how come all the rest of the bomb blast occurred in the same area?
Sir but at the same time they can be possible with the moles of TTP in the Pakistani intelligence.
I see, like moles in Indian intelligence led to the Indian Navy and Coast Guard's inability to intercept the Mumbai attackers and allowed the attackers to scout out their targets in Mumbai and discuss and prepare their plans without detection?
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