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India behind terrorist attacks - Pak Foreign Minister

Who can be responsible for the Lahore attack?

1. LeT & JuD like terrorist organisations
2. TTP - A break away from Al-Qaeda kind of terrorist arms
3. US of A -- Conspiracy theory
4. India -- Popular conspiracy theory

However what matters is that no matter whosoever was responsible for this attack the perpeterators will never be caught or brought to justice. This is all too a familiar scenario in India & Pakistan. There is no use of threads like this other then to vent out our frustations and anger and then a henious series of attacks and counter-attacks from both sides of the border.

We guys consider ourselves educated, but I wonder what good is our education if we fight like cats & dogs here. Forget fighting here and rather think of helping the police , govt , army and people who have been affected by these attacks. Try and stop these attacks from happening again.

Ranting here about who did wont matter because even if by any chance you prove that its India or USA or any third nation then also you wont be able to bring perpetrators to justice. When Saeed can live the way he's living in Pakistan then an Indian version of Saeed will also live in India the same way.
Anyway - I'm done for now, and I think I have explained my position well enough.

See ya'll in another month or so.
An intelligence agency would stand a better chance of sponsoring terrorism and concealing it from another intelligence agency than an illiterate Mullah ...

And what makes you think it's Indian intelligence agencies, what about TTP sympathizers in ISI and surely the ease with they carry out this operations without leaving a shred of evidence either the RAW fellows are real good probably best in the world and have infiltrated the ranks of TTP and Pakistani established real deep or there is is something fishy
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Govt failed to prevent attacks

LAHORE: Despite receiving a warning regarding impending suicide attacks, the Punjab government failed to prevent the terror attacks that rocked Lahore. Intelligence agencies had warned the government that there were 18 TTP militants in at least 11 cities of the province and the possibility of an attack on the Special Intelligence Agency (SIA) and Lahore Cantt. Intel agencies also warned that a wing commander’s car, stolen from Lahore, could be used in a suicide attack. asad kharal
rather hyperventilating on India why Quresy didn't ordered to beef-up security.This is the second consecutive attack and minister is mucking around doing nothing but Jumlebazi''. is anyone in Pakistan asking to roll heads of people responsible for security lapses?
Authorities are very blunt on players i can see but what about these politicians?
Once the war is concluded from Pakistan, Pak Army should step into Afghanistan. Not to hold territory but to deliver lethal blows to Indian assets. I think Pakistan's foreign policy should be clear, India cannot be tolerated in Afghanistan and no option of refusal can be given to Afghanistan.

You mean invade Afghanistan.. ? Or hot pursuit ? Or Surgical strikes? And the whole world will watch?

C'mon Asim.. you know better...
rather hyperventilating on India why Quresy didn't ordered to beef-up security.This is the second consecutive attack and minister is mucking around doing nothing but Jumlebazi''. is anyone in Pakistan asking to roll heads of people responsible for security lapses?
Authorities are very blunt on players i can see but what about these politicians?

I for did just that however since i am no body important hence does not matter, i already called the attitude of lahories pathetic, the way they have reacted, not even 1 single protest.
Pakistan is claiming links between TTP and RAW. The Answer to Pakistan's problems lies in Afghanistan and we need to force our way upon anyone who dares to attack us in this manner.

Its Pakistan's call to claim what ever it wants to but unless there is something credible backing that, its just hollow claims. In absence of anything substantial, Pakistan can just make announcements like India does after every attack on Indian soil. IMHO though, the source of your problem is not across the border but is in your NWFP region only. Stay the course.. Get rid of all Talibans and you are good for now. Till the time the Punjabi terror outfits like LeT etc become strong enough to do another TTP on Pakistan. But thats way out in future and who knows what happens by then
And what makes you think it's Indian intelligence agencies, what about TTP sympathizers in ISI and surely the ease with they carry out this operations without leaving a shred of evidence either the RAW fellows are real good probably best in the world and have infiltrated the ranks of TTP and Pakistani established real deep or there is is something fishy

ISI having TTP sympathizers is a lie. ISI has been targetted several times by TTP itself and there's rigurous procedures to catch moles. Even if there are any, the numbers are likely to be really small to have any serious impact.

As far as not leaving a shred of evidence, that's the job of intelligence agencies. With proper planning it's very much possible.

But importantly, what makes you think there's not a shred of evidence? Musharraf, and now the current government themselves have on record said that they have proof of indian involvement and have given that to the relevant states.

As far as having infiltrated army, well that's something certain. That's one of their jobs, you know.
I think instead of going into Afghanistan, there's a need for covert attacks on indian terror infrastructure/facilities/network and taking those out. I am sure ISI already has them pointed out a great deal.

IMHO there are no indian terror infrastructure/facilities/network. However to understand the difficulty of lauching such an attack just go thru the thread where the members were discussing Indian surgical strikes on Pakistani Terror infra..
If you wish to argue that India fought (unsuccessfully) the LTTE after it created them, then one could also point out that Pakistan is fighting the Taliban and assisting the US in fighting them.

One was under coercion and another was by its own decision, you guys till now say you are fighting americas war and not yours..!!!!! And we didnt create LTTE but might alledgely supported them in the initial years as there was clear descrimination against tamils through legislation and law..!!!!!

And there are no lies about East Pakistan - India supported terrorists in EP who, by some accounts, massacred 20,000 West Pakistani civilians in one city in EP (before the PA crackdown)- you supported those who asked for help alright, you supported terrorists and murderers in EP.

From Rommel's Death By Government (often quoted to point out PA atrocities):

"Throughout East Pakistan, non-Bengali communities were assaulted, their members mutilated, tortured and butchered. Let the words of Anthony Mascarenhas, whose vigorous condemnation of the Pakistan democide in East Pakistan established his credentials, speak to this:

'Thousands of families of unfortunate Muslims, many of them refugees from Bihar who chose Pakistan at the time of the partition riots in 1947, were mercilessly wiped out. Women were raped, or had their breasts torn out with specially fashioned knives. Children did not escape the horror: the lucky ones were killed with their parents; but many thousands of others must go through what life remains for them with eyes gouged out and limbs amputated. More than 20,000 bodies of non-Bengalis have been found in the main towns, such as Chittagong, Khulna and Jessore. The real toll, I was told everywhere in East Bengal, may have been as high as 100,000, for thousands of non-Bengalis have vanished without a trace. The Government of Pakistan has let the world know about that first horror. What it has suppressed is the second and worse horror which followed when its own army took over the killing. West Pakistan officials privately calculate that altogether both sides have killed 250,000 people.'"

So the only lie is the one pushed by India that it did not support brazen terror, massacres and ethnic cleansing of West Pakistanis in EP at the hands of EP separatists.

Nope we didnt support the killings, many muslims and hindus died at the time of partition do you blame india and pakistan for that???? Well we might blame each other but unfortunately it was the situation in which the state was and no state can be blamed..!!!

"* On when did India got involved in the liberation of Bangladesh: unofficially from April and officially, much later.

* The liberation fighters were trained by India from the 13th of April.

* On why was the Commander in Chief of the Bangladesh Army, General MAG Osmani, absent at the Pakistan Army surrender ceremony: The fact is, he was in Sylhet. He was in a helicopter that was shot at by the Pakistan army. So he couldn’t attend the ceremony. It’s not our fault. He should have been there. We wanted him there. Khondkar attended in his absence.

* The freedom fighters and the East Bengal Regiment, who with their limited resources fought a mighty regular army, earned the liberation of Bangladesh and it was their love for the country that made them victorious. We helped them, we were brothers in arms. But it was their fight, they fought it. They fought with passion and they achieved what they fought for."

India supported the fight against pakistan army and not the mad dogs who killed innocent people..!!! We went in there and made sure you stopped your atrocities there..!!! And the nation was left to be lead by itsown people and we came out of there..!!!

Any ways as i said india have grown.. have you????


We supported the Mujahideen in fighting off Soviet invasion and occupation. We supported the Taliban in attempting to stabilize and bring order to an Afghanistan in chaos and strife, we supported Kashmiri freedom fighters and other insurgents in fighting Indian occupation of Kashmir and to force India to grant the Kashmiris the right to self determination.

You supported ethnic cleansing in EP and now suicide bombings in Pakistan against innocents - there is a major difference.

Well the way i see it, you supported a terrorist organisation who killed thousands of innocent people..!!! You opened up your borders so that they can setup up their shops in your country..!!!You allowed them to rant and make provocative speechs against USA and india..!!!You allowed them to grow as you knew they where not your enemy but somebodies else..!!! You continued your support even right after 26/11 until uncle sams preassure was too much for yout o handle..!!! In kashmir you supported a terrorist group who bombs innocent people..!!!! You fueld the terrorists in kashmir while, indian army stepped in after 1989..!!!!

At the same time india ceeded the land it captured in pakistani administred kashmir as a good will gesture..!!! And we have taken a strong policy that we will not talk to people who have taken up arms and fighting the nation.. bet it naxals or jihadis..!!!! So all these explains the difference between india and paksitan..!!!!
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Dear Pakistani Brothers,

You see whether Mumbai or Lahore innocent lives are being lost.

Soon after Mumbai attacks the people of India united against the Government and forced the Government to be vigilant that such incident doesn't happen again.
So put pressure on GOP and make sure such thing never happens in Pakistan.

My deepest condolence
Supporting terrorism in Pakistan indeed seems to be working from the Indian policy planners POV, as it did in East Pakistan.


The doctrine he is refering to does not talk about India supporting terrorism in Pakistan.
Friday k blast ki thrusday ko reporting............ wowww I think ruppe news has progressed a lot. Hone se pehle hi pata chal jaata hai

NO your mind had tried to progressed. Dont try to play smart on the basis of your tactcis. You not so smart, The Thursday News is not about Lahore Blasts But Indian Involvement in terror activties in Entire Pakistan

Read it once again i am posting below.


Clear evidence of Indian hand in Pakistani terror

Pakistan on Thursday accused India of covertly supplying weapons to “militants and terrorists” in its Balochistan province from Afghanistan.

Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir told reporters here that there was “clear evidence of (Indian) activities prejudicial to Pakistan’s security being undertaken from foreign soil, including efforts at destabilization, supply of weapons to militants and terrorists”.

“We have ample evidence, including photographic evidence, of these activities.”

Pakistan accuses India of using Afghanistan as a base to support insurgents in Balochistan. New Delhi denies the charge. Hindustan Times. India supplies weapons to Pakistani terrorists: Bashir. Indo-Asian News Service

Pakistan has “solid evidence” of India’s alleged involvement in fomenting unrest in Balochistan province and the government is taking up this matter diplomatically with its Indian counterpart, Interior Minister Rehman Malik claimed on Friday.

Malik made the remarks while talking to the media at the parliament.

“We are not levelling mere allegations against India but we have solid evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan. The weapons recovered from various areas were Indian-made,” he alleged.

Afghanistan’s soil is being used to destabilise Balochistan and President Hamid Karzai, who visited Pakistan this week, has given a commitment that Afghan soil will not be used against Pakistan, he said.

The Indian government has denied allegations by Pakistani leaders that it is behind the unrest in Pakistan.

Replying to a question, Malik said no targeted killings were being carried out in Karachi but there was a “conspiracy to pitch religious groups against each other”.

He warned banned sectarian groups not to mar the peaceful atmosphere of Karachi, saying stern action would be taken against them.

Lauding efforts by clerics of different schools of thought to foil the “conspiracy” hatched by anti-state elements, he said, “We have intelligence information that money has been disbursed to pitch religious groups against one other. Press Trust Of India. Pak has evidence of India’s link to Balochistan’s unrest: Malik
Mullah's don't plan complex and coordinated attacks such as the ones on the GHQ, police academies, ISI and elsewhere.

And who is saying that these attacks are complex....they are knotting bombs around waist, blasting them self on gates and letting another party in to raise the hell where ever they want.
Ironically coordination is what Muslims can boast about anytime in a positive and negative sense both. The pattern is same as they where attacking army cants in J&K, the hatred is exceptional and support of local goons is evident. Whosoever they are, they are in Pakistan and unfortunately there is a typical cover up and lack of daring to expose them.

India is not blaming Pakistan without proves. Your national policies and ideologies against India are very well discussed in very Pakistani media and political fertility itself. There is comprehensive similarity with what substantially coming out from your own people, international community and what Indians have been shouting from roof.
Lahore Blasts: Indian Proxy War against Pakistan
Friday March 12, 2010 (2243 PST)


On March 13, 2010, two suicidal bombers walked up to Pakistan military vehicles and exploded themselves in densely populated area RA Bazar of Lahore cantt. In these attacks 45 persons included five soldiers killed and more than 120 individuals sustained injures. This is the second attack of on going week.

Earlier on March 8, 2010 Pakistani Intelligence Agency’s “sub-office” in Model Town Lahore was rocked at the time of a suicide attack and killing 15 people and many injured. It is also added here that since January 2010 twenty suicidal attacks have been launched against soldiers and citizens. In the night at from 0830 – 0930 PM again three bombs exploded near Moon Market, in which many individuals got injured. Out of revealed suicidal attacks, 12 have been carried out against the security forces. President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani and Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani condemned the Lahore blasts of March 12. They expressed condolences with the families of those who lost their lives in the dastardly terrorist act. The President said the government and people are determined to defeat terrorism and such gruesome acts cannot deter the national spirit is ready to defeat terrorists. It is also mentionable here that last year five attacks were launched in Lahore:

15 October 2009: Terrorists attacked Federal investigation Agency
12 June: a prominent anti-Taliban cleric killed by a suicide bomber at his religious school.
27 May: a car bomb attack on police buildings killed 23 persons.
30 March: Gunmen attacked a police academy, killing eight people

3 March 2009: Gunmen killed six police guards in an ambush of the Sri Lankan cricket team.

The conspicuous increase in volatility has been noticed since after ‘Mumbai attack”. India has started all out proxy war against Pakistan. Her Intelligence agency is using criminal elements of FATA and remote areas of Paksitan for fomenting terrorism. Indian Interior minister P Chidambaram and chief of Army Staff repeatedly threaten Pakistan. In a ceremony held on March 12, 2010 Inidan home minister once again alleged Pakistan for their domestic ongoing violence and militancy. He said that any act of terrorism from Pakistani territory against India will be taken as not be tolerant in future. In fact the purpose of such types of statements political and military leadership is to justify Indian covert and open sabotage activities against Pakistan.

The statements have to be analyzed keeping in view of the on going war on terror. New Delhi is using criminal and militants to terrorize the determined Pakistani Security Forces and general masses. Pakistan Ambassador at New Delhi Shahid Malik while answering to journalists rejected Chidambaram stance and said that India is involved in spreading terrorism in Balochistan instead of resolving burning issue of Kashmir and water.

Indian Chief OF Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor has also clearly shown her desire of striking Pakistan on November 22, 2009 when he warned that a limited war under a nuclear overhang is still very much a reality at least in the Indian sub-continent. On November 23, 2009 Pakistan Foreign Office Spokes man Abdul Basit asked the world community to take notice of remarks passed by the Indian Army Chief. He also said that India has set the stage and trying to impose a limited war on Pakistan.

In this context, earlier Pakistan Army Chief of Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has categorically expressed at number of occasions that Indian attack would be responded in full strength while using all types of resources.

Pak investigation agencies have collected the solid proves in the shape of fake Pakistani and American currencies, Indian made armaments, medical equipments and passports. The dossiers composed of evidences regarding Indian involvement in fomenting militancy in Pakistan has been provided to Indian authorities in recently held sectary level negotiations at New Delhi. It is also notable here that the terrorist are also being imparted training in Afghanistan and India for launching and targeting security agencies and important installations. A wave of suicide and bomb attacks across Pakistan has killed more than 3,000 people since 2007.

Hindus extremists are creating problems in Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. India is giving the money and weapons to the terrorists in these countries. India wants to destabilize his neighbours. But she should  not forget the result of the Russia / Soviet Union. If India did not changed its behavior then soon would be disintegrated into in 27 parts. Though secular India claimed that she is the most religious in tolerance but on ground facts are quite difficult. Muslims, Christens and Sikhs even cannot shake hand with extremist Hindus. India is the only country in which there are always riots, killing of minorities, raping Tamils, Maoists and Kashmiries innocent women. Yearly more than 3000 individuals of minorities are being killed by Hindus extremists. Sikh still crying for justice and cannot forget the incident of Golden Temple in 1984. The killings of Muslims after Babri Masjid Shahdat went to its extreme where more than 3000 Muslims killed in Gujrat in 2002.

Indian extremists Hindus even don’t spare their own Sikh Prime Minister and use obnoxious language while criticizing him. In one of the comments posted in Indian Express called his Prime minister as “Manhoos Singh Govt’. The commentator also said that Indian government is appeasing all anti national elements. Talks with Pakistan, free entry to kashmiri militants, punishment to Tytler and Sajjan Kumar, everywhere this man (Manmohan Singh) is hurting India. He further stated that Kashmiri Muslims are our enemies. They will never be loyal to India. Crush them with an iron hand. The commentator has written these comments in response to news of killing a sixteen year old Zahid Farooq by a soldier of 68th BSF Battalion in the Kashmir Valley.

Research Analysis Wing (RAW) is known as brain of Indian Hindu Extremists. The radical Hindus are working in the nucleus of RAW. They are famous in elimination of their government and civilian personalities for the completion of their entrusted tasks. It is worth mentioning here that wife of Late Anti - Terrorism Squad Chief Hemant Karkare in an inquiry also alleged Col Prohit for murdering of her husband during Mumbai Drama. Col Prohit was also involved in killing of minorities and blasting of Samjota Express. Islamabad has at number of occasions demanded handing over of the Col to Pakistan for detailed investigations but New Delhi neither took any action against him and nor ready to hand him over to Pakistan. Reportedly, former Indian Intelligence officer Lt Col Prohit would soon be released.

Anyhow, coming back to the topic, I would say that India has chosen a calculated time frame for fomenting militancy in Pakistan i.e. (One) Pakistan Security Forces have met remarkable victory against foreign sponsored militancy; (two) American and NATO forces are no more interested to stay in Afghan region,(three) Indian stay in Afghanistan would be difficult after depart of US led ISAAF forces,(four) President Karzai has carried out successful visit of Islamabad , Pakistan Army Chief has offered the training of Afghan forces and police , (five) Pakistan recently stepped up its drive against the Taliban leadership (six) arresting Taliban second most senior commander, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, (seven) news about arresting many top figure heads of Al-Qaida, (eight) national unity against militancy, (nine) rising political and economical stability of Pakistan, (ten) to change world attention from Indian domestic violence, (eleven) American are stressing to resolve Kashmir and water Issues with Islamabad. T

Thus the success of Pakistan, its security forces and intelligence agencies are not being digested by India and she has started a planned fresh wave of targeting heart of Pakistan (Lahore). New Delhi might be trying to force Pakistan to invest more forces on domestic fronts which would be helpful in case of already planned aggression against Pakistan. If it is true then World community should forces India to stop proxy war against Pakistan otherwise it would be proved another disaster for the global peace. USA and Russia should stop providing arms and transferring of nuclear technology to irresponsible country which is busy in spreading terrorism in the neighbouring countries.

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