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India appears ambivalent about role as U.S. strategy pivots toward Asia

The US game-plan seeks India to act as a countervailing force against China, as a milkman to help sustain US economy while competing with Chinese economic progress, stabilize regional disputes with limited force projection capability and supporting US influence in Indian Ocean region.

India may become an influential economic power in future with an ability to exercise negativity against Pakistan and China. However, it’s overall power projection and generation of influence in the key regions would still remain limited unless it improves relations with both its neighbours.

It is here that India is becoming regionally isolated and strategically surrounded by nations trying to find an alternative to India's hegemonic over-bearance.
India cannot be hegemonic or overbearing with a bigger power like China. However regional isolation will solely depend on political credibility that a nation has. As long as the neighboring nations harbor terrorists and export terrorism, India is going to have not only international support but also political credibility. Not to mention regional power projection capability.

It is for this reason that Pakistan is getting isolated not just regionally but internationally as well. The amount of trust in Pakistan, its govt and its mechanisms are increasingly seen as being more favourable to terrorists, which makes Pakistan not just a regional but a global security concern. The recent denial of entry to a certain Pakistani politician by the UK further proves my point.
The US game-plan seeks India to act as a countervailing force against China, as a milkman to help sustain US economy while competing with Chinese economic progress, stabilize regional disputes with limited force projection capability and supporting US influence in Indian Ocean region.

India may become an influential economic power in future with an ability to exercise negativity against Pakistan and China. However, it’s overall power projection and generation of influence in the key regions would still remain limited unless it improves relations with both its neighbours.

It is here that India is becoming regionally isolated and strategically surrounded by nations trying to find an alternative to India's hegemonic over-bearance.

Can you Explain this with Facts: "India to act as a countervailing force against China, India is becoming regionally isolated "????

India cannot be hegemonic or overbearing with a bigger power like China. However regional isolation will solely depend on political credibility that a nation has. As long as the neighboring nations harbor terrorists and export terrorism, India is going to have not only international support but also political credibility. Not to mention regional power projection capability.

It is for this reason that Pakistan is getting isolated not just regionally but internationally as well. The amount of trust in Pakistan, its govt and its mechanisms are increasingly seen as being more favourable to terrorists, which makes Pakistan not just a regional but a global security concern. The recent denial of entry to a certain Pakistani politician by the UK further proves my point.

OOPS! you should not have mentioned "Pakistan is getting isolated " in your quote...Now Poor chap will say don't bring pakistan in discussion...:argh:
Actually that's inaccurate. The United States itself wants India to have strategic autonomy, because India's strategic autonomy is in their best interests too.

A pro-US India would mean, an anti-US Pakistan. Given the fact that Pakistan entirely depends on the US for economic growth (which isnt the case with India) and given the fact that Pakistan is worth around 7 decades of investments for the US, neither the US not Pakistan is not gonna give up on each other atleast for the short to the mid-term. Especially with their current war on terror efforts. India also desires the United States to be present in the region, without infringing upon her sovereignty, because the US presence in this region is also a Chinese deterrent. The only way to achieve this, i.e a pro-US India, a pro-US Pakistan and a credible deterrent to China, is through a strategically autonomous India.

From the American perspective, a strong India will not only balance out the power with China, but a pro-American India will give the Americans more credibility in the region. This is why India supports US occupation of Afghanistan. India is also getting contracts out of Afghanistan which is once again profitable for us.

This equation however might change, if the US decides to dump Pakistan.

A pro-India US certainly does not mean an anti-Pakistan US. US is practicing multi-lateralism because of its critical interests in the area. You are very wrong in your assessment here.

In the 1960s, US attempted to follow the strategy of Pivotal Statecraft with regard to India and Pakistan. The strategy entailed that as US had influence and leverages in both India and Pakistan, it could manipulate or coerce both countries to find solutions to bilateral problems, under US auspices. However, the attempt failed as India had an alternative in the form of Russia and Pakistan looked for Chinese support.

Apparently, US is attempting to follow a similar strategic posture again. Interestingly, in the ensuing geo-political environment India has no other entity to align with except the USA, whereas Pakistan can still lean towards China and Russia and frustrate US desires.

India in these and emerging environment has placed itself in a corner and has only one way out - USA.

Which also means by default, that even if India doesn't want to, it will come in conflict with Chinese and Russian interests in due course.
This is exactly what the Americans are subtly telling India - don't take us for a ride with your half ajar door. Sooner than later, they will have to tell you - either come in or shut the door while you leave.

We will cross that bridge when we have to.. Till then, we decide how ajar the door needs to be and who walks thru that...

Pakistan has had its turn and the results are not very pretty.. So excuse me if I do not agree to a Pakistani POV on the situation ;)
We will cross that bridge when we have to.. Till then, we decide how ajar the door needs to be and who walks thru that...

Pakistan has had its turn and the results are not very pretty.. So excuse me if I do not agree to a Pakistani POV on the situation ;)

A pro-India US certainly does not mean an anti-Pakistan US. US is practicing multi-lateralism because of its critical interests in the area. You are very wrong in your assessment here.

In the 1960s, US attempted to follow the strategy of Pivotal Statecraft with regard to India and Pakistan. The strategy entailed that as US had influence and leverages in both India and Pakistan, it could manipulate or coerce both countries to find solutions to bilateral problems, under US auspices. However, the attempt failed as India had an alternative in the form of Russia and Pakistan looked for Chinese support.

Apparently, US is attempting to follow a similar strategic posture again. Interestingly, in the ensuing geo-political environment India has no other entity to align with except the USA, whereas Pakistan can still lean towards China and Russia and frustrate US desires.

India in these and emerging environment has placed itself in a corner and has only one way out - USA.

Which also means by default, that even if India doesn't want to, it will come in conflict with Chinese and Russian interests in due course.

Your entire narrative is based on the assumption that India has no relationships with Russia or China. This is not the case. Russia and India have a historic relationship for almost 7 decades. Pakistan is just starting out. You cant read too much into it at the moment. And India's relations with Russia is in multiple fields not just Defence.

Secondly, the United States being the worlds most powerful nation, is the only country that can affect world politics. Factor in the powerful Jewish Lobby that supports Israel and India's friendship with Israel, you will see India is politically in a very advantageous position. Losing support of the US for Russia is actually Pakistan's disadvantage. Russia and China are world powers, but they are powers that dont really influence world politics as much as the US does. We are also a much much bigger trading partner with these countries, which only means that at the most these countries will be neutral toward India.

One other thing you forget is that the Russians are fair-weather friends. When India rejected the Mig 35, Russia cancelled military training exercises in a fit. So if you go with Russia, you have to play along for a long long time AND lose support of the United States.

This is why I say that Pakistan will eventually be isolated in the region, in a three way sandwich between an unfavorable superpower, non responsive and neutral allies that are only interested in business, and a powerful hostile nation to its east. All the while losing credibility because of terrorism.
Interestingly, in the ensuing geo-political environment India has no other entity to align with except the USA, whereas Pakistan can still lean towards China and Russia and frustrate US desires.

India in these and emerging environment has placed itself in a corner and has only one way out - USA.

Which also means by default, that even if India doesn't want to, it will come in conflict with Chinese and Russian interests in due course.

....and this is the voice of experience from Pakistan of having run such a brilliant foreign policy that your country is now under daily attack from its "ally"....? Excuse us if we take such self-serving assertions with a pinch of salt !

Our interests and those of the United States are similar in some cases and where there is overlap of interests, we will cooperate. Where they differ, we will manage. India is not Pakistan to have another country purchase wholesale "its interests" for "X" amount of money.
& when has that happened auntiji??? :lol:
1.China:After singing Bhai-Bhai with china for a decade India ditched it with its Forward policy
2.Iran:Voting against it at IAEA on American insistence just to get civil nuke deal.Natwar singh was shown the door coz he was great iran supporter over usa.
3.Russia for usa...Reslt of which is infront of all with russia seeking to improve relations with pak.
4. Libya :After bashing all west india went along and voted for west's resolution against Libya.
Actually I believe these things are not seen in isolation but at a regional level.. And I am just trying to highlight the contrast.. But if you think this is throwing the discussion into a tailspin, I will stop :)

anyway, coming back to the topic, do you have any instances to highlight India's subjugation to American demands ... I do have instances like, MRCA deal, NPT, Nuclear Liability bill etc to illustrate exactly the opposite.. And as I said before we also do not allow Americans to send military assets inside our borders ;)
India's capitulation under USA pressure to vote against Iran at IAEA.
If US is looking to replace Pakistan then good luck, you will never find the kind of brown nose a$$ licker leadership anywhere in the Universe as we can provide you. These are the same people who sold their brothers and mother to earn loyalty from british and in turn they got huge tract of lands which they use to control poor people who vote them in the office so they can wag their tail for the next available master. So listen US, we have genetic haramis on the east of border with India come and throw a bone to these haramis and they will sell out anything for your pleasure. But you know it, you are just testing Indians??
India's capitulation under USA pressure to vote against Iran at IAEA.

Iran doesnt matter. All we need from them is oil. And some business projects. We get oil at a cheap rate and business deals too. So I dont see why India has to be pro-Iran politically. Being non aligned is India's stance. That is why India did not support US sanctions against Iran. Even though the US threatened India with sanctions. So there is no "capitulation" here.
Iran doesnt matter. All we need from them is oil. And some business projects. We get oil at a cheap rate and business deals too. So I dont see why India has to be pro-Iran politically. Being non aligned is India's stance. That is why India did not support US sanctions against Iran. Even though the US threatened India with sanctions. So there is no "capitulation" here.
Capitulation of india's so called "independent" foreign policy did happen under usa pressure.Thats the main point of the argument.
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