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Incredible India In Chinese Media

its more then enough for you that he was a HINDU and HINDUISM taught him BUDDHISM, and then BUDDHISM ruled you for 2000 years... :rofl:

So your whole country's culture is due to Hindus.

This is quite incredible to read, even while granting that most of the contributors to the forum don't have the slightest idea what they are talking about.

Buddhism was a revolt against Hinduism. I am astonished to read somebody writing that Hinduism taught the Buddha Buddhism. Apparently history, including Indian history, is no longer taught in schools nowadays.

Our whole country's culture is due to Hindus? :rofl:

I guess that's why we have a Caste System and don't use toilets? :lol:

Buddhism had some influence on Chinese history, same as Taoism and Confucianism. But China today is a majority non-religious country. You can keep your Hinduism, for all the good it has done for you.

No Buddhist in the world would be caught dead saying that they were a Hindu. It is a completely different religion.

It would definitely elevate the discussion above the level that your interlocutor has dragged it to, if we could do without the references to toilets (or the lack of them) and to the caste system. Apart from that suggestion, I basically agree with your post. Emphatically agree.
Buddhism was a revolt against Hinduism. I am astonished to read somebody writing that Hinduism taught the Buddha Buddhism. Apparently history, including Indian history, is no longer taught in schools nowadays.

It was a revolt against Brahmanical stranglehold on the Sanatan Dharma and not against Sanatan Dharma perse. Just like a revolt against Mullas would not be a revolt against Islam.
go read Hindustan. Indian Civilization is 100 times older then you Chinese. Infact if not for Hinduism and Buddhism there would be no culture in China today. India is the oldest country and civilization in this world. India/ Hindustan was known as the GOLDEN BIRD long before your 100th grandparent was born.

China is a insignificant culturally empty infant nation in front of the mother India which is the center for the culture and civilization of the whole world.

As a matter of historical record, Chinese civilisation and culture are older than today's Indian civilisation and culture which traces its descent from Indo-Aryan times. I am not sure what these other references are supposed to mean.

go read Hindustan. Indian Civilization is 100 times older then you Chinese. Infact if not for Hinduism and Buddhism there would be no culture in China today. India is the oldest country and civilization in this world. India/ Hindustan was known as the GOLDEN BIRD long before your 100th grandparent was born.

China is a insignificant culturally empty infant nation in front of the mother India which is the center for the culture and civilization of the whole world.

I think this fellow is a certifiable lunatic.
As a matter of historical record, Chinese civilisation and culture are older than today's Indian civilisation and culture which traces its descent from Indo-Aryan times. I am not sure what these other references are supposed to mean.

That is definitely moot considering that you are basing your opinion on history which is available now. In other words, absence of something does not mean its complete non-existence considering that the Indians had this bad bad habit of not taking their time to write and preferred oral passing of knowledge. And also we must figure into this the whole complexity the islamic invasions brought in with their fetish for destroying centers of knowledge. Who knows what we have lost in that process ?
Yes Superpower India. :woot:

India is the cultural center of the whole world? :rofl: LOL, India hasn't ever invented anything, not even "zero" as they like to claim, which was invented in Mesopotamia.

Buddhism was from Nepal, and Hinduism came from the IVC which is in Pakistan.

India only became a country after 1947, before that it was just a collection of kingdoms in the subcontinent.

While I understand your desire to retaliate violently to what was just said, retaliating in this way is not very effective, and exposes you to ridicule.

It was silly of the person to claim that India was, or is, the cultural centre of the whole world. It was equally silly to claim that nothing was invented in India, not even the zero. If you wish, on Friday, on my return, we can explore those mathematical innovations that illuminated mathematical thinking globally, including the use of the 0.

Buddhism was not from Nepal; there was a controversy around the turn of the 19th century about the location of the birthplace of the Buddha (not his kingdom, or rather, the oligarchic state of which he was one of the ruling class). This was largely settled by a tortuous process of reasoning and discovery on the ground. Since the birthplace seems to be right on the border of modern-day Nepal and modern-day India, hyper-patriots on both sides have had a wonderful time. But in any case, Buddhism, the religion or the ethical code of life, was not formed or preached in modern Nepal. It is difficult to understand why you state that it was 'from' Nepal, whatever that was supposed to convey.

It is also grossly erroneous to think that Hinduism had anything to do with the IVC. It had, in fact, almost nothing to do with that culture. It was almost wholly derrived from the nature cult described in the hymns of the Rg Veda. Accretions to that cult can be ascribed either to the organic development of that cult, or to adoptions of deities from earlier inhabitants of India. These post-Vedic developments took place mainly in the Gangetic plains, which led to these plains achieving a ddominent posiition in Indian politics and culture for centuries thereafter.

Your statement that Hinduism came from the IVC which is in Pakistan is mysterious at many levels.

Finally, there is serious trouble ahead if a knowledgeable and well-read member such as you makes a statement about India only becoming a country after 1947, and about it being just a collection of kingdoms in the sub-continent before that. If you were bbaitting the troll, you are forgiven, and we shall move on. the alternative does not bear thought.
Ruled by Hindus? :rofl:

You guys need to learn to use toilets first before you think of ruling anything. :lol:

WTF is this, I don't even have a problem with Hinduism, but you guys are insane. I mean utterly delusional, you think India is the source of culture for the WHOLE WORLD?

Are you guys really THAT delusional?

We obviously have a suicide troll on our hands. Can we ignore him for the future?
I knew u wud comeup with that flawed argument. For that u need to understan concept of India.

Govts change, ideologies change but the land remains the same.

U need to understand India means Indian subcontinient and the civilization existed since millenias.

Dont being Current Indian region when talking History. Even Greeks and Macedonians used the word 'India' :)

In fact, this is the correct narration. China is a name given to the country, not to the regime that governs the country at a given point of time. That, for instance, is today the People's Republic of China, and only came into existence in 1949, two years after India, as it happens.

The name India was the name Europeans used for the country and the political divisions of that country, and was never used by Indians. It is a political nation-state, a cultural area and a geographical description, all in one.
Taught us culture? :rofl:

China existed for a thousand years before Buddha was born in Nepal. :lol:

You guys are really stretching your delusion. Out of all the cultural rituals we still practice, like the Mid-Autumn Festival and Ancestors Day, none of that has anything to do with Buddhism but rather Confucianism.

Hinduism and India are both names that came from the "Indus River" in PAKISTAN. :D It is an artificial creation, named after a river in BRITISH INDIA, not in modern India.

Err, no. Wherever you are getting your facts from, I suggest that you change it. Fast.

The entity you need to grasp very firmly is the entity known as Bharatvarsha, from which name naughty young Pakistanis derive a reverse-coinage taunt; meaning, the name with which they are taunted everywhere abroad was used to coin a similar sounding name for Indians. The definition of Bharatvarsha is quite clear and unambiguous, and leaves nothing for doubt. A river on the western edges of Bharat was named the Sindhu by them, the Sapta Sindhu, to be precise. As it happens, the ancient Persians were unable to pronounce many south Asian names beginning with 'S', and converted these to names with an aspirate, an 'H', thus, Sanskrit Sapta Sindhu to Persian 'Hindu'. The Greeks introduced their own twist to the tale, and mispronounced the name they heard, so that Hapta Hindu, or Hindu became 'Indus'.

Incidentally, right from the outset, India referred to the entire peninsula, not just the watershed area of the Indus.
I know u wud come to the toilet argument. As i said dont talk history by bringing present facts. :)

Also India has been the source of culture for the world and that my friend whole world acknowledges. Lord McCauley himself said this in British Parliament at the time when they ruled the world.

I hope you are aware that there is an Internet forgery of a purported speech by Macaulay to the House of Commons on India. This was entirely a forgery. On that date on which that speech was to have been made, Macaulay was not in England but in India. That apart, there are numerous other indications that the printed article was a forgery.

China was never a nation in history. TIbet and Xixxiang and inner mongol was never related to Hans. The mongols controlled and rueld Hans. The Hans protected themselves with the great wall. There were just colonies in the past. There is no CULTURAL thread connecting the areas you call China today. China is just a 60 year old nation formed by using extreme force to control colonies like Tibet and Xinxiang.
There is still no CULTURAL or any kind of similarity in you Hans and Tibetans, Mongols and Xinxiang people.

So there were Hans and there were colonies of Mongols over different areas. China is just a modern nation with hardly 60 years of history.

barking mad....
As I have an early morning train to catch, I must give up this painful task at this point.

Good night.
As I have an early morning train to catch, I must give up this painful task at this point.

Good night, l
i am in line to book tatkal ticket for howrah mail since 10 pm but i still i dont think i'll make it :cry:

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