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Incredible India In Chinese Media


Hindus and Hiduism --> Buddhism ---> Ruled China for 2000 Years

and Hindusim and Buddhism taught you Chinese basics of culture for 2000 YEARS.

So a Hindu who learnt Hinduism and then created a new religion Buddhism from his leanings from Hindusim ruled you guys for 2000 Years, and taught culture to you.


Complete bvllshit!

Buddhism was revolting against Hinduism. And Hinduism was prosecuting Buddhists. This is history 101, even American high schoolers know it:

...The rulers of the Gupta dynasty were all Hindu which is one reason the Buddhists were driven out. They started to prosecute the Buddhists which led them to run to the hills and built caves near Ajanta to live, hide, and worship...

Gupta Dynasty Indian History AP World History

This is from American World History AP test. And this is only one instance.

It is precisely the tolerance of Chinese culture as well as E. Asian cultures that Buddhism could run away from the prosecution of Hinduism, and now survives and flourishes in E. Asia.

Tell us what percent of Buddhists in India today? The story of Buddhism in India is a shame of India in general and of Hinduism in particular!

As much ignorant as your delusion is, many religions thrive in China, LOL! not just Buddhism. And no one religion actually rules, though in very short period, some small kingdom would declare a religion as "state religion". In China religions served the interest of emperor, who was the real ruler, not the other way.

It is pretty ridiculous for you to declare Hinduism victory when Buddhism gets accepted in E. Asia; and it is outright absurd to call Buddhism "rule" China. -- You know absolutely nothing about China.

BTW, to be more complete in history, Islamic invasion also contributed to the decline of Buddhism in India, as well as some defects in then Buddhist internal structure and teaching.
You dont have go to india to witness all that cheerleading and bootlicking .you can witness it all here how PDF indians celebrate movies like slumdog millionaire and act as west's cheerleader here on PDF...............

I can't believe that some people are even thanking these illogical rants :lol:
Complete bvllshit!

Buddhism was revolting against Hinduism. And Hinduism was prosecuting Buddhists. This is history 101, even American high schoolers know it:

Buddhism was against Brahmanistic stranglehold on Sanatan Dharma, not Sanatan Dharma itself.

Now better go google those terms and what they mean before mouthing off western bullshit about Indian history.

You people have no frickin shame to lambast the "Western colonial propaganda" about your country but will lap up the same bull **** when it comes to India.

Do you know the concepts of Maya, Karma, Nirvana, re-incarnation etc in Buddhism..do you know where it came from ? Yep thats right..from Sanatan Dharma. Ignoramuses, yapping all day without knowing the basics.

Oh yes, regarding the so called Hindu persecution of Buddhists and showing the numbers of Buddhists as proof of that, do you even know how the 'conversions' in those times used to happens..? Scholars from religions used to debate and people changed their Dharma according to one who wins. Buddhism came about because the Brahmins had obtained a stranglehold on the itnerpretation of Sanatan Dharma and this led to nepotism, discrimination etc...but after extended periods Buddhism came to be afflicted with the same problem it set out to correct - nepotism, political ambitions etc and it was at the same time an enlightened Hindu scholar called Adi Shankara came about who set about reviving Hinduism....google Advaita philosopy...he travelled all over the country, held religious discourses and public debated with the Buddhist bhikkus and defeated them. The kings who were by then fed up with the buddhist bhikkus interfering in their government also stopped giving patronage to Buddhist clergy and reverted back to Hinduism..then ofcourse the Islamic invasions came and destroyed what was left of the Buddhist faith.

This is how Buddhism lost its influence in India..not because of the crapshit you are peddling here.. Read this link and this.

And Guptas, lol they were known for their tolerant attitude towards all religions and patronized both Buddhism and Hinduism as like most Indian rulers of that time...:lol:

Ok if Hindus were responsible for the decline of Buddhists, what caused their decline in present day Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bactria etc..? Oh no, the evil Hindus were not there.

American History 101..my a$$.

It is precisely the tolerance of Chinese culture as well as E. Asian cultures that Buddhism could run away from the prosecution of Hinduism, and now survives and flourishes in E. Asia.

Now thats bullshit.Was it because of the 'tolerance' that hundreds of thousands of Buddhist monks came to India seeking refuge from the godless, communist country that was persecuting them and occupying their land ? :lol:
It is precisely the tolerance of Chinese culture as well as E. Asian cultures that Buddhism could run away from the prosecution of Hinduism, and now survives and flourishes in E. Asia.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl:





Oh my! which Buddhist wouldn't love to see the honor of Lord Buddha's Idol being under foot of CCP zombie in a poster.

Irrespective of Buddhist persecution under Sunga, which Indian is aware of it , or which part of India is Sunga dynaty celebrated.

Last i recall it was King Ashoka, who spread Buddhism across was conferred with the title Great.

Contrasting that to China. Mao , responsible for sacking Buddhists temples is on the note of Chinese currency.

Won't be soon a day where Chinese will claim the they rescued Dalits, Tibetians, Muslims, Sikhs, Zorastrain from Hindu persecution. :lol:

Opps! i think i forgot Shintoism and Taoism too. :D
the question was about the influence of Indian cultures on china,and Buddha was born into a HINDU family,which is primarily the religion of India,and even to this day the cultures of India and Nepal are similar.Nepal's history is intertwined with India,so when you are talking about Nepal's history, the story is incomplete if you don't include India in there history books.

back when Buddha was born,some 2000 years back,the subcontinent existed as one,they were not divided as they are now.

Actually Nepal wanted to join the Indian Union after 1947 but Border areas with Chinese may be one reason India declined it, Then India was on a back foot because of partition and poverty.

Today's India would have accepted both Bhutan and Nepal into India.

Gautam Buddha's Birth is a controversy

Most scholars regard Kapilavastu, present-day Nepal, to be the birthplace of the Buddha.[1][2][note 5] Other possibilities are Lumbini, present-day Nepal [note 6]; Kapileswara, Orissa, present-day India [note 7]; and Piprahwa, Uttar Pradesh, present-day India.

His Major contributions were done in India and he died in

"c. 483 BCE (aged 80) or 411 and 400 BCE Kushinagar (today in Uttar Pradesh, India)"

"Buddha attained enlightenment in Nepal"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl:





Oh my! which Buddhist wouldn't love to see the honor of Lord Buddha's Idol being under foot of CCP zombie in a poster.

Irrespective of Buddhist persecution under Sunga, which Indian is aware of it , or which part of India is Sunga dynaty celebrated.

Last i recall it was King Ashoka, who spread Buddhism across was conferred with the title Great.

Contrasting that to China. Mao , responsible for sacking Buddhists temples is on the note of Chinese currency.

Won't be soon a day where Chinese will claim the they rescued Dalits, Tibetians, Muslims, Sikhs, Zorastrain from Hindu persecution. :lol:

Opps! i think i forgot Shintoism and Taoism too. :D

Leave it dude. No point showing them the mirror. They will stow so low and drag u to that level to win. I m sure no chinese has any argument for ur post coz even they know Mao has been the true history of China.
Buddhism was against Brahmanistic stranglehold on Sanatan Dharma.

Now better go google those terms and what they mean before mouthing off western bullshit about Indian history.

You people have no frickin shame to lambast the "Western colonial propaganda" about your country but will lap up the same bbull **** when it comes to India.

Do you know the concepts of Maya, Karma, re-incarnation etc in Buddhism..do you know where it came from ? Yep thats right..from Sanatan Dharma. Ignoramuses, yapping all day without knowing the basics.

Oh yes, regarding the so called Hindu persecution of Buddhists and showing the numbers of Buddhists as proof of that, do you even know how the 'conversions' in those times used to happens..? Scholars from religions used to debate and people changed their Dharma according to one who wins. Buddhism came about because the Brahmins had obtained a stranglehold on the itnerpretation of Sanatan Dharma and this led to nepotism, discrimination etc...but after extended periods Buddhism came to be afflicted with the same problem it set out to correct - nepotism, political ambitions etc and it was at the same time an enlightened Hindu scholar called Adi Shankara came about who set about reviving Hinduism....google Advaita philosopy...he travelled all over the country, held religious discourses and public debated with the Buddhist bhikkus and defeated them. The kings who were by then fed up with the buddhist bhikkus interfering in their government also stopped giving patronage to Buddhist clergy and reverted back to Hinduism..then ofcourse the Islamic invasions came and destroyed what was left of the Buddhist faith.

This is how Buddhism lost its influence in India..not because of the crapshit you are peddling here.. Read this link and this.

And Guptas, lol they were known for their tolerant attitude towards all religions and patronized both Buddhism and Hinduism as like most Indian rulers of that time...:lol:

Ok if Hindus were responsible for the decline of Buddhists, what caused their decline in present day Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bactria etc..? Oh no, the evil Hindus were not there.

American History 101..my a$$.

Now thats bullshit.Was it because of the 'tolerance' that hundreds of thousands of Buddhist monks came to India seeking refuge from the godless, communist country that was persecuting them and occupying their land ? :lol:

He is a resident CCP-certified Indophobic perverted liar.

Often here, his repeated ritual included displaying Indophobic perversion by stating: "India Govt starving 2 million children". Even on repeated requests he never gave the source.
Irrespective of Buddhist persecution under Sunga, which Indian is aware of it , or which part of India is Sunga dynaty celebrated.

Dude Buddhist 'persecution' under Pushyamitra Sunga is one big fabricated bunch of gobar based on half truths.

Even Romila thapar, yes ROMILA THAPAR, in her book Ashoka and the decline of Mauryas says that there is no enough archaelogical evidence to say that Pushyamitra persecuted the Buddhists.

Some accounts point to his destruction of some Buddhist Viharas to conclude that he indulged in widescale persecution of Buddhists..bt what people dont know is that Menander , an Indo-Greek buddhist king, attacked the Sunga kingdom and when he was about to be defeated took refuge in a Buddhist vihara..when the Sungas asked the monks to surrender him, they refused citing that he was a Buddhist and Pushyamitra was then forced to raze down the Vihara as it sheltered the enemy. And Pushyamitra Sunga being a Brahmin, that was enough to vilify him as a 'persecutor of Buddhists'.

And moreover there is a buddhist stupa in Sanchi which is saidd to have been built by the Sungas.
Leave it dude. No point showing them the mirror. They will stow so low and drag u to that level to win. I m sure no chinese has any argument for ur post coz even they know Mao has been the true history of China.

In the process we spread knowledge among Indian members, that is good enough for me.

“In June 1953, after witnessing the coronation of Queen Elizabeth, Churchill found himself standing next to Nehru’s daughter, Indira Gandhi, while they both waited for their cars to drive up.

‘You must have hated the British for the treatment meted out to your father,’ Churchill said. ‘It is remarkable how he and you have overcome that bitterness and hatred.’

‘We never hated you,’ she answered.

‘I did, but I don’t now,’ he replied."

Winston Churchill always hated India for obvious reasons, the above conversation tells very much, in his own words,he admits that he always hated India, and by that ,whatever he said about India,is nothing more than hate speech.

Winston Churchill, many believe,is also responsible for deaths of more than a million people in India.

Good one mate, Tolerance is a part of our culture.
go read Hindustan. Indian Civilization is 100 times older then you Chinese. Infact if not for Hinduism and Buddhism there would be no culture in China today. India is the oldest country and civilization in this world. India/ Hindustan was known as the GOLDEN BIRD long before your 100th grandparent was born.

China is a insignificant culturally empty infant nation in front of the mother India which is the center for the culture and civilization of the whole world.

Add to that Chinese ancestors have roots in our bordering Myanmar.
:lol: at the ignorant Chinese. I will show you the Hindusim and how Buddhism born out of Influence of Hindus and Hinduism in India

1) Buddha learnt Buddhism while being taught in the principles and by scholars of Hinduism... and while Practicing Hinduism

2) Nepal was part of India's HINDU King's Empire

3) Nepal was HINDU nation and still is

4) Buddha was born to Hindu parents

5) Buddha was born HINDU

Hindus and Hiduism --> Buddhism ---> Ruled China for 2000 Years

and Hindusim and Buddhism taught you Chinese basics of culture for 2000 YEARS.

So a Hindu who learnt Hinduism and then created a new religion Buddhism from his leanings from Hindusim ruled you guys for 2000 Years, and taught culture to you.

but I guess even 2000 Years were less to make you guys civil as I can see how ashamed you are and how you try to discredit Buddhism and Hinduism, which are responsible for bringing culture and civilization to you guys.

do you even know how NEPAL is called by this name?

"Local legends say that a Hindu sage named "Ne" established himself in the valley of Kathmandu in prehistoric times and that the word "Nepal" came into existence as the place protected ("pala" in Sanskrit) by the sage "Ne". This folk etymology of the name Nepal means, "the country looked after by Ne".[11]"

Nepal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the name of the COUNTRY NEPAL is based on the basis of a great HINDU sage.

and this also,

"According to the most traditional biography, Buddha was born in a royal Hindu family[21] to King Śuddhodana, the leader of Shakya clan"

Gautama Buddha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so always remember a HINDU practising HINDUISM was powerful and enlightened enough during his learning period to create BUDDHISM from his learnings.

Hinduism and Buddhism taught you guys culture and ruled you guys for 2000 Years.

So India is the cradle of cilvilisation and culture for you 1.2 billion Chinese. So it is not without reason that mother India is treated as the center of civilisation and culture of the whole world.

So next time be civil and treat Hindiuism and Buddhism with respect.

I am adding one more point to you post mate

" Indians taught the concept of Martial arts to Chinese" :cheers:

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