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Imran Khan & The Future of Pakistan-India Relations

Should India-Pakistan relations be normalized?

  • Yes, we need money and investments

  • No. Not until India gives kashmiris right to self determination

Results are only viewable after voting.
With open trade we would Import more from India then they would, that's the bottom line. And this would also have cultural implications and many other severe consequences. I do support limited trade but only to a extent where there are checks and balances.

Pakistanis should be very careful while relaxing terms of trade with India. Since it is already facing a balance of payment crisis. Pakistan mainly exports to America and EU while it Imports heavily from China. Chinese goods should be taxed heavily to put the economy back on track. While more relaxations should be sought from EU and U.S. to boost exports and increase GDP

Sacrifices have to be made, 40 M died in China's Mao regime, now look where China is now.
Sacrifices have to be made, 40 M died in China's Mao regime, now look where China is now.
Only 2 million died in1947...partition...

Still 38 millions short of magic number???

In china they kill/ hang the corrupt/
In pakistan we worship them
And make them...ministers/ pm/ presidents....
Look where we r now?
First thing first, your poll is not representative of your opinion in this thread. In your mind,
Wrong. That's not what I was saying. I knew exactly what i was doing when I made the poll.
Anyone who values money more than honour and respect is given no respect and always viewed as a bad person around the world
Don't speak like that about our respected PM and his drives to establish peaceful relations with the people of India.
Your views are distorted and you are extremely delusional.
You're entitled to you opinion but not your facts.
While countries around the world, with the rise of right-wing, are becoming more nationalist and patriotic and being proud of their heritage, you are asking us to do the complete opposite.
Nationalism is haram, don't you know?

Secondly, we have more to gain from IK's initiative to have friendly relations with Indians than harp on about Kashmir who's people we can't help anyways. We already have millions of malnourished Pakistanis, forget Kashmiris. Let's help the people we already have by diverting resources away from useless arms spending and start disarming our military and start investing in our people. God bless IK and PTI and may we see more days of friendly gestures and initiatives towards Indians.
Only 2 million died in1947...partition...
Still 38 millions short of magic number???

no, not a magic number, their deaths were relative to their population. Not, that people need to die literally, but if we had a choice between money or the blood that has been shed by our brothers. I think the choice should always be loyalty towards our brothers than money.

In china they kill/ hang the corrupt/
In pakistan we worship them
And make them...ministers/ pm/ presidents....
Look where we r now?

well, that's an issue. I guess time will heal us. May be all we need is patience.

Pakistanis should be very careful while relaxing terms of trade with India. Since it is already facing a balance of payment crisis. Pakistan mainly exports to America and EU while it Imports heavily from China. Chinese goods should be taxed heavily to put the economy back on track. While more relaxations should be sought from EU and U.S. to boost exports and increase GDP


Reasonable analyses. Though I can't agree with the following part.

Chinese goods should be taxed heavily to put the economy back on track.

The issue is chinese products are cheap. No one can compete with their price. And currently we don't have the infra-structure to offer replacements of their products especially electronics. We are an agricultural based economy, our focus should be agriculture, textiles, tourism, in rest of fields we can't compete, there is always a country who is providing a better bang for the money in other fields.
Wrong. That's not what I was saying. I knew exactly what i was doing when I made the poll.

Don't speak like that about our respected PM and his drives to establish peaceful relations with the people of India.

You're entitled to you opinion but not your facts.

Nationalism is haram, don't you know?

Secondly, we have more to gain from IK's initiative to have friendly relations with Indians than harp on about Kashmir who's people we can't help anyways. We already have millions of malnourished Pakistanis, forget Kashmiris. Let's help the people we already have by diverting resources away from useless arms spending and start disarming our military and start investing in our people. God bless IK and PTI and may we see more days of friendly gestures and initiatives towards Indians.

I love how you diverted all of I have said with simple meaningless statements.

1. Your poll is not representative of your opinion on this thread because your outlook on 'normalised' relations is much different to what others have here.

2. Darling, no one is saying that about PM, peace us welcome if our interests are not compromised on. I was saying it regarding you since you rather sell your country and honour for a meagre financial betterment.

3. Yes, feel free to maybe sell FATA to Afghanistan, Balochistan to India, after all, it will bring peace and money. Lets in fact denuclearize in return from security assurances from USA.

Kid, you have no sense of patriotism for the country.

Kindly answer my previous reply, seems like your only argument here is money, seems like you are ready to do about anything for money.

Well brother like you said the only way forward is through peace and I'm not willing to stick my neck out for Kashmir when I can make money from tourism and friendly relations with Indians.

Kashmir is history. We have a piece and Indians have a piece, it's now time to accept this reality and move on. They can do whatever they want with their Kashmir, its not our business.

It is better. This whole India vs. Pakistan and Hindu vs. Muslim bs is a political gimmick. There is nothing wrong with Hindus and Muslims living side by side or meeting each others marrying each other or being friends with each other. We are all humans in the end and we all want to make money.

This is an era of globalization. Religious differences and nationalism is outdated and medieval. Let's all just make our money in peace.


Nationalism is haram but there is nothing haram in a muslim marrying a hindu. Cherry picking hypocrisy :disagree:.

This is an era of globalization. Religious differences and nationalism is outdated and medieval. Let's all just make our money in peace.

Actions speak louder than tweets my friend :cheers:

You don't have to, but he certainly does, and so do I.

I feel like you're a troll at this point. You are cherry picking everything.

- Imran Khan has tweets about Kashmir, oh, doesn't matter, apparently call for peace with India means we don't care about Kashmir.
- Actions do speak louder than words, and that man has condemned brutality of India in Kashmir at every point, ever seen his interviews? What now? Are those not actions, are those exceptions? Your claims are on extremely lose ground.

Also, I find it funny that you are pretending to be speaking for a majority. You must be on drugs. At least any, and all, social polls think you are on drugs. Oh, but wait, social polls don't matter either to you now.

If you are going to answer, bother amswering my previous WHOLE reply, and this reply in WHOLE, I don't want to entertain you cherry picking and throwing around random statements with the word bless and hope at the end to conclude absolutely nothing but bullcrap, pretending like you actually gave a good reasonable answer.
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- Actions do speak louder than words, and that man has condemned brutality of India in Kashmir at every point, ever seen his interviews? What now? Are those not actions, are those exceptions?
Interviews are words my friend. Policies are actions. And no other administration has done more to bring Pakistanis and Indians together than the current Imran Khan lead PTI administration.
Nationalism is haram but there is nothing haram in a muslim marrying a hindu. Cherry picking hypocrisy :disagree:.
I was pointing out the hypocrisy of those who are opposed to Muslim-Hindu unity on religious basis but will advocate Nationalism when it suits them.

Me, I don't care a bit about anything, as long as I get some gr$$n back$ because that is what will help our people through Indian tourism. It will feed the people and boost local business. @RealNapster @Path-Finder @Khan_21 @WaLeEdK2 @Moonlight
Kid, you have no sense of patriotism for the country.
I do. I'm just not a hot headed jingoistic. I want there to be peace and development. No more useless arms spending and killing. Let there be peace, harmony and free love.

I feel like you're a troll at this point. You are cherry picking everything.
So you call me names and get personal with accusations and references to mothers and what not but then call me a troll for refusing to engage with you on your level? Hmm interesting.
With the recent approval of giving overseas Indians easy access to Pakistani visa, along with other India-friendly policy initiatives recently taken by current PTI administration I think this is an excellent direction that Imran Khan and PTI are taking Pakistan in. Hopefully the next step will be to give Indians from India itself access to Pakistani visas with the eventual goal of making visa-free travel between the two countries as this will promote people-to-people relations and friendship between Muslims and Hindus but will also boost Pakistan's economy.

There is so much tourism potential and money making opportunities here by forming friendly relations with India as so many members here rightfully pointed out in the linked thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/175-...-arrival-foreign-indians-included-too.598727/

But then there were those who voiced their apprehension, citing the harsh treatment that Indians give to Pakistanis who apply for Indian visa:

While some cited other reasons like normalizing friendly relations with Indians would nullify the reasons for partition and separation from India:

And then others proposed other alternatives to seeking Indian tourists:

As can be seen this is a divisive subject.

I for one fully support Imran Khan/PTI's initiative and am in favor of open tourism and inve$tment from Indians. We were once one people and are still the same people divided by political differences created by power hungry politicians.

Kashmir is really a political dispute, which can easily be resolved by accepting current LoC as international border. In this age of globalization money is more important and borders are irrelevant.

What are your thoughts?

@Indus Pakistan @django @PAKISTANFOREVER @Tps43 @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Taimur Khurram

Become practical, become wiser.

There should be more wise people like you in India and Pakistan.

Our respective countries have many domestic problems whom we should deal at an express rate while also signing peace with each other. The money and resourced released from military purchases and management will go far for the development of the Subcontinent.

Edit : "Problems". Not "Peoples".

Ok here is the problem. I never wrote these posts. Not my writing. Could you link me to the original ones?
Living in a heaven of fools.

You may have good deeds & intentions. But cant get success until unless you don't priorities the sequences. So pseudo intellectual first talk then trade then increase people to people contact, eradicate hates among youth after that Let people of both side to decide the faith of their future regarding Kashmir, Pakistan & India.

First we have to move towards 10 to 15 years of normalization between both the countries which we have failed to achieve in 70 years. After 10 to 20 years of continuous normalization then we can expect something good for both regarding Kashmir.
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Imran khan is a type of person which will be ready to even fight a war, if India try to corner us or intitiatr aggression.
world is pretty cool outside of pdf so dnt worry. its a good decision and we should have good relations with all our neighbours and be prosperous instead of making enemies on all front which we cant afford. we need a boost to our economy
Ok here is the problem. I never wrote these posts. Not my writing. Could you link me to the original ones?

There is some mix-up in the post links.
Indians have been planning re-integration of Pakistan into India for a long time with their Zionist masters. The way they are going to do it is by sweet talking and through agents like Imran Khan. They will no doubt use the Bangladesh method : tickle the inherent greed of the business class who will then pull the working class into alignment and cause them to flock into colonial servitude.
No Pakistan PM has any freedom or role in India policy. It is futile to expect anything from Imaran who is not capable of going against PA's wish.
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