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Imran Khan & The Future of Pakistan-India Relations

Should India-Pakistan relations be normalized?

  • Yes, we need money and investments

  • No. Not until India gives kashmiris right to self determination

Results are only viewable after voting.
There should be more wise people like you in India and Pakistan.
There are. Otherwise Imran Khan would not have been elected as PM of Pakistan. This one man alone has done more for improving people-to-people relations between Pakistanis and Indians.

And a person like you has given me hope, so have my Indian friends from all religious backgrounds. They are Hindus and Sikhs and some of the finest people.

Brings back memories of my teenage years when I would go to their mandirs and gurdwaras and they would come to the masjids.

If expat Pakistanis and Indians inter marry and mix with each other abroad why can't we do the same in India and Pakistan?
Our respective countries have many domestic problems whom we should deal at an express rate while also signing peace with each other. The money and resourced released from military purchases and management will go far for the development of the Subcontinent.
Exactly. Every man wants to make money. But we have these illusions of religion and nationalism that cause us to fight. :disagree:
Become practical, become wiser.

There should be more wise people like you in India and Pakistan.

Our respective countries have many domestic problems whom we should deal at an express rate while also signing peace with each other. The money and resourced released from military purchases and management will go far for the development of the Subcontinent.

Edit : "Problems". Not "Peoples".

I don’t believe in plastic surgery,
But in your case,
Go ahead
I said sure, we can do that for now. But that shouldn't be our long term prospect.
So what should be? Please give examples of something other than having to do with war ke harming people.

Not cherry picking, most Pakistani members would disagree with you @django @Windjammer @Areesh @Tps43
Most Pakistanis agree with me, just like Prime minister Imran Khan and PTI do, which were elected by majority of Pakistanis who are happy with this current decisions to enhance people-to-people relationships with Indians.
Wth are you smoking? Quote me the GDP/capita of Pakistan here and also India. In your brain you have assumed that India is a rich country, which isn't the case. We had 2 problems currently which india doesn't have 1) balance of payments issue 2) Foreign reserves. Apart from these two every economic condition of Pakistan is similar to India. We have trade deficit in export/import, they have trade deficit. We have debt issue, they have that issue.
I never said whether Indians were rich or not. Who really cares. Even if all of them aren't billionaires, there's enough of them with some money. As a businessman that is all I care about: money.

You should too. You would be a lot less stressed and angry. :-)
So what should be? Please give examples of something other than having to do with war ke harming people.

Most Pakistanis agree with me, just like Prime minister Imran Khan and PTI do, which were elected by majority of Pakistanis who are happy with this current decisions to enhance people-to-people relationships with Indians.

I never said whether Indians were rich or not. Who really cares. Even if all of them aren't billionaires, there's enough of them with some money. As a businessman that is all I care about: money.

You should too. You would be a lot less stressed and angry. :-)

A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business

As Bhutto said it once "We will eat grass but we will make bomb to make Pakistan Strong". Current generation is way too much of a snowflake. How is this even a question? We need investments and money but not until India gives right of self-determination to Kashmiri's.

Btw, pretty sure only indian's would choose the 1st choice, I mean how is that even a question.

We will eat grass but we will make bomb to make Pakistan Strong"------------ accomplished
( just grass eating)
imagine eating donkeys ------------- what can we accomplish
A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business
It is the only kind of business.
It is the only kind of business.

what business do You do?

why is the Indian Market of such huge importance?
You should too. You would be a lot less stressed and angry.

Yeah, no wonder you have managed to receive 4 negative ratings in your 700 post history. Gj... ____

I never said whether Indians were rich or not. Who really cares. Even if all of them aren't billionaires, there's enough of them with some money. As a businessman that is all I care about: money.

Btw, whatever shop you are running I advise you, not to invest much. Because it seems like you don't understand the basics of economy. With open trade we would Import more from India then they would, that's the bottom line. And this would also have cultural implications and many other severe consequences. I do support limited trade but only to a extent where there are checks and balances.

Most Pakistanis agree with me, just like Prime minister Imran Khan and PTI do, which were elected by majority of Pakistanis who are happy with this current decisions to enhance people-to-people relationships with Indians.

Well that's just how you see things. May-be you have side lined all the tweets PM has made about Kashmir? but others haven't. So I assure you, vote for IK, doesn't mean we support money compared to Kashmir. If you think that way, then may be you are delusional. Btw, I further discussion with you is futile, so this would be my last comment. So enjoy you Indian loving ___

what business do You do?

why is the Indian Market of such huge importance?

He is in gow mutra business. To him that must be great opportunity to earn some quick buck.
He is in gow mutra business. To him that must be great opportunity to earn some quick buck.

PTI government sold the buffaloes and cows.

eggs, Chickens and calf. still No.

i am curious what businesses are These that must include Indian share in policy making trade deals
We will eat grass but we will make bomb to make Pakistan Strong"------------ accomplished
( just grass eating)
imagine eating donkeys ------------- what can we accomplish

Sacrifices have to be made, 40 M died in China's Mao regime, now look where China is now.
May-be you have side lined all the tweets PM has made about Kashmir?
Actions speak louder than tweets my friend :cheers:
vote for IK, doesn't mean we support money compared to Kashmir.
You don't have to, but he certainly does, and so do I.
PTI government sold the buffaloes and cows.

eggs, Chickens and calf. still No.

i am curious what businesses are These that must include Indian share in policy making trade deals

May be this guy bought all those cows. True about Indian trade, what possibly are we going to export to India. I mean it's not like we have lower labor cost then their's.
May be this guy bought all those cows. True about Indian trade, what possibly are we going to export to India. I mean it's not like we have lower labor cost then their's.

well fascism is an adventure
So what should be?

Fighting them until they cede to our terms.
I say we normalise them for now, and buy our time so we can eventually crush them.
Crush what?
With the recent approval of giving overseas Indians easy access to Pakistani visa, along with other India-friendly policy initiatives recently taken by current PTI administration I think this is an excellent direction that Imran Khan and PTI are taking Pakistan in. Hopefully the next step will be to give Indians from India itself access to Pakistani visas with the eventual goal of making visa-free travel between the two countries as this will promote people-to-people relations and friendship between Muslims and Hindus but will also boost Pakistan's economy.

There is so much tourism potential and money making opportunities here by forming friendly relations with India as so many members here rightfully pointed out in the linked thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/175-...-arrival-foreign-indians-included-too.598727/

But then there were those who voiced their apprehension, citing the harsh treatment that Indians give to Pakistanis who apply for Indian visa:

While some cited other reasons like normalizing friendly relations with Indians would nullify the reasons for partition and separation from India:

And then others proposed other alternatives to seeking Indian tourists:

As can be seen this is a divisive subject.

I for one fully support Imran Khan/PTI's initiative and am in favor of open tourism and inve$tment from Indians. We were once one people and are still the same people divided by political differences created by power hungry politicians.

Kashmir is really a political dispute, which can easily be resolved by accepting current LoC as international border. In this age of globalization money is more important and borders are irrelevant.

What are your thoughts?

@Indus Pakistan @django @PAKISTANFOREVER @Tps43 @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Taimur Khurram

First thing first, your poll is not representative of your opinion in this thread. In your mind, normalized relations here is referring to the rejection of two-nation theory, and giving up on Kashmir. For the majority of us, normalized-relations here mean a peace dialogue on Kashmir, and an end to hostile enmity whilst keeping Two Nation Theory and the Integrity and Sovereignty of Pakistan undisputed.

Secondly, let me answer you why, even though we can benefit from mutual relations, why we wouldn't go as low as dumping Kashmir and rejecting Two Nation Theory just for a better life.

The answer is, honour and respect comes before money. Anyone who values money more than honour and respect is given no respect and always viewed as a bad person around the world, you don't dump your self respect and honour just for some pleasure.

Your views are distorted and you are extremely delusional. Name me one country which has dumped its self respect and honour for a meagre financial betterment.

While countries around the world, with the rise of right-wing, are becoming more nationalist and patriotic and being proud of their heritage, you are asking us to do the complete opposite.

The Russians did not bow down to America so that sanctions will be left off. Iran did not bow down to USA so that the sanctions will come off. And these nations are respected, considered as proud nations. Neither did Vietnam, nor Syria, nor Iraq, nor Turkey, and they have now come out on top and as winners.

If you think it's okay to sell your country for financial gains, then shame on you. It's like selling your mother so that you can go through another day. Do you think before you speak?
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