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Imran Khan says Pakistan was 'humiliated' over Osama bin Laden, and his kil

Well said. We gave ample warning to every country in the world after 9-11, that the perpetrators of that act would be hunted to the ends of the earth and that no matter where they hid, no matter how long it took us, we would either bring them to justice...or bring justice to them. We were good to our word.

just want to know was bin laden convicted in usa courts for the crimes?
I'm not sure about the constitution of Pakistan, but these things are matters of due process under international law. Article 51 (re-affirmed in UNSC 1368)of the U.N. Charter (the "self-defense" clause) permits the U.S. to act against Al Qaeda. (There is no mention of borders, probably because WWI and WWII clearly showed the necessity to enter "neutral" territory to battle a belligerent.) UNSC 1373
obligates Pakistan to deny terrorist groups safe-haven and
Clearly the presence of OBL's HQ in a Pakistani city carries the appearance of Pakistani incompetence at a minimum. Since the quoted paragraph (2e) doesn't discuss limiting a State's activities to within its borders, it appears the U.S. was well within its rights by ordering the cross-border raid.

However, evidence may yet be uncovered of willful Pakistani violations of this Resolution if it turns out it knowingly sheltered Al Qaeda or any other terrorist organization. Then life may get really interesting.

There is no given need to suggest border sovereignty as it has also been mandated by UN for all independent countries. The US violated UN charter when it crossed the border of a sovereign state without permission, carried out strikes and murdered civilians on Pakistani soil, finally to leave with hijacked material and personnel (or maybe just 1 person). And why speak of the UN at all? Did not the UN call the invasion of Iraq as against UN rulings???

The US will respect the law of a country only when that country has bigger guns and more than the USA! You have no understanding of laws or friendship!
Well said. We gave ample warning to every country in the world after 9-11, that the perpetrators of that act would be hunted to the ends of the earth and that no matter where they hid, no matter how long it took us, we would either bring them to justice...or bring justice to them. We were good to our word.

And we were your partners in that mission, so when you decided to move on without taking us in to confidence it is only because this was another false flag operation.....The news itself is not important, it is the timing that is important! Frankly mate you deserve to be arrogant today because you are strong! But you need to learn from history, every nation, every civilization has to come down from it's peak.......at your demise you will require friends, and a lot of them!
I am very much a muslim, pretty devout in fact (12 times to Mecca so far. ;) ). However, that does not stop me from reading Dawkins or the Bible or any other book for that matter. My religion keeps the eyes of my mind open.

My side will always be of PEACE, that is what I had in mind.

Then we are on the same side my friend ;)

and that means (as I said) you do not choose either the US or AQ... am I right?
just want to know was bin laden convicted in usa courts for the crimes?

Ofcourse not......there was never any 'indisputable' evidence of 9/11 and OBL or the myth of Al-Qaeda!

"We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic.
By Noam Chomsky
It’s increasingly clear that the operation was a planned assassination, multiply violating elementary norms of international law. There appears to have been no attempt to apprehend the unarmed victim, as presumably could have been done by 80 commandos facing virtually no opposition—except, they claim, from his wife, who lunged towards them. In societies that profess some respect for law, suspects are apprehended and brought to fair trial. I stress “suspects.” In April 2002, the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, informed the press that after the most intensive investigation in history, the FBI could say no more than that it “believed” that the plot was hatched in Afghanistan, though implemented in the UAE and Germany. What they only believed in April 2002, they obviously didn’t know 8 months earlier, when Washington dismissed tentative offers by the Taliban (how serious, we do not know, because they were instantly dismissed) to extradite bin Laden if they were presented with evidence—which, as we soon learned, Washington didn’t have. Thus Obama was simply lying when he said, in his White House statement, that “we quickly learned that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by al Qaeda.”

Nothing serious has been provided since. There is much talk of bin Laden’s “confession,” but that is rather like my confession that I won the Boston Marathon. He boasted of what he regarded as a great achievement.

There is also much media discussion of Washington’s anger that Pakistan didn’t turn over bin Laden, though surely elements of the military and security forces were aware of his presence in Abbottabad. Less is said about Pakistani anger that the U.S. invaded their territory to carry out a political assassination. Anti-American fervor is already very high in Pakistan, and these events are likely to exacerbate it. The decision to dump the body at sea is already, predictably, provoking both anger and skepticism in much of the Muslim world.
It’s like naming our murder weapons after victims of our crimes: Apache, Tomahawk… It’s as if the Luftwaffe were to call its fighter planes “Jew” and “Gypsy.”

We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic. Uncontroversially, his crimes vastly exceed bin Laden’s, and he is not a “suspect” but uncontroversially the “decider” who gave the orders to commit the “supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole” (quoting the Nuremberg Tribunal) for which Nazi criminals were hanged: the hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions of refugees, destruction of much of the country, the bitter sectarian conflict that has now spread to the rest of the region.

There’s more to say about [Cuban airline bomber Orlando] Bosch, who just died peacefully in Florida, including reference to the “Bush doctrine” that societies that harbor terrorists are as guilty as the terrorists themselves and should be treated accordingly. No one seemed to notice that Bush was calling for invasion and destruction of the U.S. and murder of its criminal president.

Same with the name, Operation Geronimo. The imperial mentality is so profound, throughout western society, that no one can perceive that they are glorifying bin Laden by identifying him with courageous resistance against genocidal invaders. It’s like naming our murder weapons after victims of our crimes: Apache, Tomahawk… It’s as if the Luftwaffe were to call its fighter planes “Jew” and “Gypsy.”
There is much more to say, but even the most obvious and elementary facts should provide us with a good deal to think about.
Copyright 2011 Noam Chomsky"

Zia ul Haq certainly was complicit with the jamaatis for creating the islamist nightmare Pakistan has become - on one side insurgencies led by the creations of the army itself, on the other hand, religious political parties destabilize Pakistani society by subjecting it psychological shocks by disseminating Wahabi takfiri ideology in society -- All the while the army and her ISI imagining that the can ride the tiger by creating even more fissures in society, whether it's ethnicity or language or confession or sect, whatever ideas serve to separate Pakistanis from one another, have been employed Islamists and the army.

The horror and really, the shame of it all - is that Pakistanis even though they should have know better, trusted the army to look out for them - the islamists always hated Pakistan (Napak-istan) and kafir e Azam) will not be forgotten by any Pakistani.

Now the army is busted, yet again, but the Islamist, thirsty for the blood of Muslims, is still busy doing the devil's bidding - so what if the American or the Indian or the whoever rids Pakistan of Islamist terrorism, either way a Pakistan free of these abhorrent, loathsome ideas .

Zia Ul Haq did a lot of other things also... The gift of MQM was donated to the nation by Zia Ul Haq... You guys think this dirty politics is a one way street... you need to wake up and smell the coffee... the only friends you have today who are struggling to save Pakistan are the Islamists... You may be surprised at this but you obviously have no idea how dangerous and dirty the game of politics has become inside Pakistan... if it were not for the Islamist element in Pakistan, our country would be looking worse than Iraq today... some very strong enemies have their eyes set on your country... grow up please and be realistic... The Islamists are not killing your people with drones... the Islamists are not calling for Jihad against the Army... you will remain foolish as long as you do not understand the lines on the ground... just answer this for once here... who is an Islamist according to you?

Do you think I m an Islamist?

Are you worried then when I tell you with a certainty, by swearing in the name of Allah and his Messenger that we are going to take power in Pakistan very soon... (well not me personally but those who are much better than me at almost everything they do including politics, economics etc)?

If you are worried than I m sorry to say you are being emotional and I have no idea why are you howling so much... if its the good of Pakistan you want that is...

In the absence of a written plan... I cant even guess what the secularists want out of Pakistan... except their emotional rants against Islamists... there is nothing of substance that you offer to the people here...

Oh and yes... cutting down half of the Army budget is a great idea to you also...

Please someone slap me so I can wake up from this nightmare...

Uf Meray Khudaya
There is no given need to suggest border sovereignty as it has also been mandated by UN for all independent countries. The US violated UN charter when it crossed the border of a sovereign state without permission, carried out strikes and murdered civilians on Pakistani soil, finally to leave with hijacked material and personnel (or maybe just 1 person).
Go on. Do the work and cite the clauses of the U.N. Charter or Resolutions that support your statements. Otherwise, why should anyone listen to you?
Would the U.S. allow/assist Pakistani forces in apprehending terrorists inside the U.S.? Yes, if we were incapable of doing it ourselves, or had no knowledge of them.

If we know they are there, they get picked up by the FBI. This has happened already. If Pakistan knows of them, and we don't, then tell us; we'll go get them. Hand them right over.

The reverse isn't necessarily true because there are undeniable elements inside Pakistan that admire & support such people, to the detriment of the majority of Pakistanis who detest such creatures.
I think it's obvious Pakistan knew about the US operation, even though it doesn't officially admit to it.

It's not all about scrambling jets, with a garrison fort nearby that would be more likely to intercept operations over 40 minutes.

I agree with Imran Khan that OB1 should have been taken alive because that is the rule of law. Some times he's compared with Hitler, which might be an accurate comparison. But Nazis were put on trial as should have been the case here. That's just what civilized nations do.
Would the U.S. allow/assist Pakistani forces in apprehending terrorists inside the U.S.? Yes, if we were incapable of doing it ourselves, or had no knowledge of them.

If we know they are there, they get picked up by the FBI. This has happened already. If Pakistan knows of them, and we don't, then tell us; we'll go get them. Hand them right over.

The reverse isn't necessarily true because there are undeniable elements inside Pakistan that admire & support such people, to the detriment of the majority of Pakistanis who detest such creatures.

lol Like OL american bomber was caught after 6 years ? SO was CIA, FBI or our goverment hiding him ?
lol Like OL american bomber was caught after 6 years ? SO was CIA, FBI or our goverment hiding him ?

Nowhere did I post that U.S. is infallible in this way. If we know about a terrorist on our soil, they get picked up and arrested.

If some bomber roams the U.S. for years, it means one of two things.

1) The U.S. knows about him but he is elusive and cannot be caught
2) The U.S. doesn't know about the guy
Would the U.S. allow/assist Pakistani forces in apprehending terrorists inside the U.S.? Yes, if we were incapable of doing it ourselves, or had no knowledge of them.

If we know they are there, they get picked up by the FBI. This has happened already. If Pakistan knows of them, and we don't, then tell us; we'll go get them. Hand them right over.

The reverse isn't necessarily true because there are undeniable elements inside Pakistan that admire & support such people, to the detriment of the majority of Pakistanis who detest such creatures.

Come now Unc... Bush is a terrorist and has caused so much bloodshed... Will he get hunted down by FBI?

The problem is both ways you see... we have evil people amongst us... and you have evil people amongst you... Just coz one guy wears a suit does nt mean he should nt be considered a demon worshipper...
muse...Just So your hypocrite behind understands this --- A dead Osama serves the cause of peace - a live Osama in US custody invtes his Islamist minions to undertake more suicide operations and hostage taking -- and there is no need to give Osama a stage to dessiminate his Islamist wahabi takfiri ideology, after all not every country wants to be controlled by Islamist Wahabi takfiris, right? And come one, the first person to be made an example would be Imran with his Gigolo ways practiced in London clubs and of course as a man who has divorced the mother of his children, what a fine example he makes as a role model, much like OBL with his Xth wife -- What ever century these people live in, it's not this on

I and so many Agree that A Dead OLB serves the cause of peace for the World and more for Pakistan and this region.

London Clubs or Madrid clubs, It is Imran's person life, don't you preach freedom and whine about it over all the threads preacher creature?!, As far as divorce is concerned he did openly told due to his commitments and being busy couldn't spent time with family and so he came to the choice, again it is a private matter no need to finger in like a modern freedom mullah you have certainly become one on this forum.

Divorce and clubbing is his private matter,
Do something stop trolling take a week break and spend it with your family give them some time then spending half of your time bashing ISI/Army/Islam/Christians and what not you've literally become a fanatic of a kind.
Reply to "AstanoshKhan":

The US forces performed a positive ID upon this person before disposing of his body into the sea, another sensible act in this well-planned operation. The evidence will be supplied to any relevant government. The AQ network already accepts this in public, and also the Pakistani authorities have OBL's wives in custody and are questioning them.
So your objection seems to fall apart when examined. I have read that this denialism is widespread in Pakistan at the moment. Well, wake up and smell the coffee! You failed to respond to the key fact in this situation: 730 meters. From the satellite photos, and access to something as mundane as GoogleEarth, anyone can determine that distance for themselves - the distance from OBL's front gate to the nearest corner of the P.M.A. along the Kakul road. 730 meters!!

We have a saying here in the west: "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt".

As for capturing OBL: that was an option but only if no resistance was offered. I won't second-guess the brave warriors who went into that compound. They had to decide, and quickly.

The real problem here is the mere presence of OBL so close to the P.M.A., in a town where the ISI and the military police should know everything about every home within several klicks of the academy. No one in the US believes for a minute that OBL's presence was a mystery to everyone. Someone knew! There is your real problem.

I wish you well in solving it.
So I am forced to think how the terrorists from outside of US and that of arab origins got to train in flying clubs in US and then tried their stunts on US.

Where was CIA/FBI sleeping all those Years with over billions of dollars in budget going towards CIA.

Major Intelligence failure, Oh not to forget the Attack on CIA station in afghanistan again Major CIA Intelligence failure, so the blame only comes upon Pakistan? That egyptian guy who blew himself in afghanistan was feeding on US Funds and actively took part in terrorism in neighboring land upon US's instructions.

I am seriously fed up posting statements from US former Govt officials that include CIA explaining themselves they did create those Jihandis.
I have no doubt zia and his men along with US created these monsters with US extensive help in terms of Funds equipment and weapons training that is what US Govts accept openly.
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