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Imran Khan says Pakistan was 'humiliated' over Osama bin Laden, and his kil

Ah, the pernicious effects of a Zia education!

They will need it as long as there are people like you who treasure rapacious ideology over the spiritual and material well-being of the Pakistani people, yes?

Actually it is needed to ensure entry in to Heaven after the day of judgement. But what do the rednecks know of religion, of peace. What can God's sorry creatures know of peace or religions that preach peace and tolerance when they are the ones who have fought more wars than all other countries combined in the past 100 years!
Bro, i am atheist, meanwhile i respect all religions.

I think the biggest Islam haters are the Christians, since these people are the one who has waged so many crusades against the Islamic civilization. Yet they won't give up their even in the modern era.

Bro, sorry.....that was not meant for you. I obviously forgot the 'reply with quote' but that's the answer for post #35, look it up and I will edit my post accordingly. Sorry for the confusion.

EDIT: I just checked my post and it is correctly quoted, you obviously got confused :)
What is the idea of lamenting over spilt milk?

if possible, action.

If not, wait it out
What is the idea of lamenting over spilt milk?

if possible, action.

If not, wait it out

IK is probably more focussed on future attacks and how to prevent them. I'm sure US would not have dared attack OBL in most other countries including India. Our weak, pathetic leadership (Military too) is so corrupt and bent on their own survival that they will do whatever possible to please their western masters. It's time somebody stood up and said enough is enough!
“# Saudi Jawa Said: May:02:2011 - 14:13 ...Americans are (understandably) celebrating, but the effect on Saudis (and Muslims in general) is curious indeed. Most Saudi and Muslims I’ve talked to seemed kind of shell shocked at the moment. While most of them did not agree with his acts, OBL had become a symbol of the Anti-American Muslim. Its an often used tactic when debating how powerful the US is by saying: “They can’t even find OBL!”. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Che Guivara style postmortem worship cults to arise. Expect to see conspiracy theories breed like rabbits.

# Solomon2 Said: May:02:2011 - 14:31 So for “most Saudis and Muslims” OBL represented a never-dying ambition for domination over all others? A goal they feel is suppressed only by the power of non-Muslim nations? And thus these Muslims feel shocked and depressed by the demise of this symbol of their hope, whose tactics they disagreed with but whose publicly-declared goals they shared?”

Having lived in Saudi Arabia and being in touch with a many people there, let me give you another unadulterated view point.

Sheikh Bin Baaz, one of the most influential clerics in the much maligned Wahabbi establishment had given fatwa against bin Laden back in the late 1990s and reiterated it in the 2000s for his ideas.

Lets crystalize the dichotomy to make it simple for people to understand here.

First: Al Qaeda's and OBL ACTIONS are abhorrent to muslims. The two main tactics of killing civilians muslims or non muslims and using suicide bombings to target muslims or non-muslims have been condemned and fatwas passed declaring it Haram. Infact, suicide bombing was declared haram by bin Baaz back in the 80s when this tactic was first used against the Israelis. So no non-muslim/muslim diffrentiation there.

Secondly, the other side OBL and Al Qaeda were able to EXPLOIT LEGITIMATE griveances of mainly Arabs but muslim in general as well.
I don't want to go into an extensive essay on this, but mainly US dispropotional support to Israel in the Israeli-Palestinan issue, support of dictatorships in the middle east for its own interests or subverting regimes that are not liked by the US(for example the overthrow of democratically elected Mosaddeq of Iran in 1954 by the CIA) and the main reason for the explosion of Al Qaeda recruitment - The Iraq invasion on false premise and the HR abuses that followed.

So no its not about dominating the whole world with a world wide caliphate. Its an anti-colonial feeling mainly in the Arab world, but also now in Pakistan to be masters of their own desitiny without the US remote controlling them. I think that sentiment is not very hard to understand given the anti-american sentiment in other areas were the US has acted the same way like Latin America for example.

Fareed Zakaria did an article a week after 9/11 on "Why they hate us?" in NewsWeek that I recommend everyone to read. Multiple times if needed to understand its theme.
The Politics Of Rage: Why Do They Hate Us? - Newsweek

Again to be clear, no muslim who follows his faith or has read the Quran can justify killing theologically the killing of civilians (non-muslims included) or suicide bombings. These are explicitly declared forbidden in the Quran. Even for an armed Jihad - the Quran explicity states these rules akin to Just war theory where civilians, religious places, priets and monks including livestock or farms should not be harmed.
This is why you have the disbelief that how could a muslim, particularly those claiming to be "devout" like OBL ever do such a thing like doing 9/11.

The dichotomy is because he was sucessfully able to exploit the legitimate griveances against the US. He would never claimed directly that he did this ofcourse and in a way it was true - it was his minions who did the dirty work. But it allowed him to channel the popular sentiment which was not expressed by Arab leaders because none of them were democratically elected and depended more on the US than on their people.

With the Arab Spring, Al Qaeda TACTICS have failed to enthuse them. They know its a failed strategy on top of being antithetical to Islam and the Quran. Now, with the emergence of flegling imperfect democracies, the seeds have been put for the griveances to be addressed. The lack of democracies is eventually something that HAS to be addressed by the Arabs themselves and not the US. Egyptians were surprised when the US agreed/forced Mubarak out because they could'nt believe that the US would not back Mubarak to crackdown on them as he had done in the past by raising the "Islamic militants" bogey.
The PA-Hamas deal and if possible the creation of the Palestinian state will go further to resolve this. Al Qaeda killed eight times more muslims than non-muslims and the real defeat it got is not the assasination of OBL but the rejection of its ways by the muslim community in general and Arabs in particular.Ofcourse, the crimes comitted in Iraq about the falsehoods that were used to manufacture the war would probably never see justice but we can only expect so much.

In the case of Pakistan again, its the deep rooted issue of unelected leaders - mainly the army/ISI and also the civilian - who depend on the US - making a joke out of Pakistan's soverignity. The anger is directed to the leadership in Pakistan but also to the US by extension for "controlling" Pakistan. But the other things mentioned for Arab states also are valid for Pakistan too.
Imran Khan himself seems to have been comprimised by intelligence agencies as well with his hobnobbing with suspcious characters and unfortunately this will again lead to the disenfranchisement feeling even if he does come to power if he is going to be remote controlled by the PA/ISI like Zardari and Gilani are now. His rhetoric again is distracting people from the real issue and focussing on Zardari and Geelani and the US when what he should be is looking at the root cause of the disenfranchisement and the lack of strenght of elected officials.
Let me add here that this does not mean goernments should sit on their hands address the grieveances and not do any CT Ops like getting bin Laden. That is needed.
But there is no need to create the hype that the Bush administration did about War on Terror - its meaningless like War on Crime or War on drugs.

What is needed is trageted CT co-operation and operations against militants who are willing to use these abhorrent tactics of terrorism. And secondly, and this is more a muslim thing, mobilise opinion against acts of terrorism that are justified in the name of Islam Clerics should standup and fight theolgically the ideas that people Zawahiri and OBL create justifying their actions. This anti-terrorism relgious traning and counter-terror policing is what is needed on TOP of addressing the ligitimate griveances.
WTF???? Either your post is extremely poorly written or you are.........I don't even have words! You dared to call Islamic ideology rapaciously murderous, cruel and savage and yet you are not banned??? Is this a bloody atheist takeover of all Forums in Pakistan???? Islamism is the enemy of humanity???? What a nerve, God!

I think this forum is run by secularists... they are the copies of the elite that we have in our ruling as well as the military top brass... young generation and kids of some gernails probably with dual citizenships

AND the server lies in the US...

There is no need to ban people like muse... its important for our people to see that you cant discuss anything with certain intolerant sections of our society which is disconnected from the reality of our country on the ground as well as the emotions, feelings and opinions of the majority of our people including the ideology of Pakistan... Some of them I m not even sure have the interests of Pakistan in their hearts... Afterall this is the internet and I have no way to confirm the identities of some posters... I have written to the ISPR enquiring about this forum but no luck there... so in this manner you can tell that whoever is running ISPR is also collaborating with anti Islamic anti Pakistan forces... but one needs not worry because even in the time of Muhammad saw there were loads of Hypocrites (Munafiqeen) surrounding him... Get to know them and pay no attention to them after that... they are weaker than you might think ;)

and then everyone is screaming how come the radars were switched off during Bin Laden raid... haha

Let them have their fun for some time... Its all coming in our control soon... I do wonder what would happen of this forum... I enjoy my time here... perhaps the WebMaster could offer his services to the new Caliphate within a few years time...
Let me add here that this does not mean goernments should sit on their hands address the grieveances and not do any CT Ops like getting bin Laden. That is needed.
But there is no need to create the hype that the Bush administration did about War on Terror - its meaningless like War on Crime or War on drugs.

What is needed is trageted CT co-operation and operations against militants who are willing to use these abhorrent tactics of terrorism. And secondly, and this is more a muslim thing, mobilise opinion against acts of terrorism that are justified in the name of Islam Clerics should standup and fight theolgically the ideas that people Zawahiri and OBL create justifying their actions. This anti-terrorism relgious traning and counter-terror policing is what is needed on TOP of addressing the ligitimate griveances.

Sir I disagree with you here...

Firstly, we need to put an end to this WOT... if we have problems with Kharaji elements we should deal with them on our own terms... no drones nothing should be tolerated... to be honest with you I would have no sympathy for a fat General to be butchered at the GHQ by a terrorist op (even though I disapprove of it) because I know that it is their actions which is creating this cycle of violence... You allow killing of someone's child in the tribal area and then think that the tribes wont retaliate in some manner??

Secondly what you are saying about the clergy... this has already been done with people like Zaid Hamid etc... the problem there is unless people see something happening at the top i.e an accountable Islamic government implementing Islam being setup... people soon lose heart and dont pay attention to these people anymore thinking they are taking money from the government to say such things...
Imran Khan has been an inconsistent and immature politician ever since he started his political career. He thinks that he would bring a change in Pakistan by winning the upcoming elections but this is just what he thinks because the people do not trust him completely. They have questions in mind like, would he be able to stop this rising price-hike; would he be able to create more jobs; would he be able to provide speedy justice to the masses; would he be able to dilute the presence of American troops in Pakistan? And I am sure that he would not be able to deliver even on one of his promises. Imran Khan does not even know how many corrupt politicians he has in his political party who would definitely try to recover their money from the government’s kitty that they lost in previous elections once they come into power. There is no doubt that Imran Khan is a clean politician but no one can be sure the same is true of his party workers.
Khan calls on Pakistan to break its reliance on US aid
Matt Wade
May 12, 2011.

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani cricket great turned political firebrand Imran Khan wants Pakistan to distance itself from Washington by rejecting all American aid to the country.

Pakistan is now more vulnerable than at any time in its 63 years of existence following the US operation in Abbottabad that killed Osama bin Laden, Mr Khan said in an interview with the Herald in Islamabad.

"The biggest lesson to learn [from the operation] is that Pakistan should stand on its own feet, say no to aid and be a sovereign country," he said. "Our government policies have been dictated by aid, they have enslaved us by aid."

Read more: Imran Khan, cricket player, calls for Pakistan to loosen US ties
I wasn't expecting such a mediocre response, targeted most likely to divert attention from my post, but Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. In any case Chapter VI also is important in this particular case -
You are still being sloppy. I want the EXACT quote accompanied by your proposed legal argument.
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