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Imran Khan says Pakistan was 'humiliated' over Osama bin Laden, and his kil

Zia ul Haq certainly was complicit with the jamaatis for creating the islamist nightmare Pakistan has become - on one side insurgencies led by the creations of the army itself, on the other hand, religious political parties destabilize Pakistani society by subjecting it psychological shocks by disseminating Wahabi takfiri ideology in society -- All the while the army and her ISI imagining that the can ride the tiger by creating even more fissures in society, whether it's ethnicity or language or confession or sect, whatever ideas serve to separate Pakistanis from one another, have been employed Islamists and the army.

The horror and really, the shame of it all - is that Pakistanis even though they should have know better, trusted the army to look out for them - the islamists always hated Pakistan (Napak-istan) and kafir e Azam) will not be forgotten by any Pakistani.

Now the army is busted, yet again, but the Islamist, thirsty for the blood of Muslims, is still busy doing the devil's bidding - so what if the American or the Indian or the whoever rids Pakistan of Islamist terrorism, either way a Pakistan free of these abhorrent, loathsome ideas .
Can you tell me under which article of constitution of Pakistan which allow US or any country to kill or capture terrorist inside Pakistan with out the knowledge or permission of Government of Pakistan.
i have the same question under which article osama was living in pakistan ???
I'm not sure about the constitution of Pakistan, but these things are matters of due process under international law. Article 51 (re-affirmed in UNSC 1368)of the U.N. Charter (the "self-defense" clause) permits the U.S. to act against Al Qaeda. (There is no mention of borders, probably because WWI and WWII clearly showed the necessity to enter "neutral" territory to battle a belligerent.) UNSC 1373
obligates Pakistan to deny terrorist groups safe-haven and
Ensure that any person who participates in the financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or in supporting terrorist acts is brought to justice and ensure that, in addition to any other measures against them, such terrorist acts are established as serious criminal offences in domestic laws and regulations and that the punishment duly reflects the seriousness of such terrorist acts;
Clearly the presence of OBL's HQ in a Pakistani city carries the appearance of Pakistani incompetence at a minimum. Since the quoted paragraph (2e) doesn't discuss limiting a State's activities to within its borders, it appears the U.S. was well within its rights by ordering the cross-border raid.

However, evidence may yet be uncovered of willful Pakistani violations of this Resolution if it turns out it knowingly sheltered Al Qaeda or any other terrorist organization. Then life may get really interesting.
unbelievable this guy is its humiliating for this hippocrat Imran khan that a mass murder like OBL was murdered by us forces , he is now quickly turning into a full time mouth piece of military establishment .. A man like him if God forbid will lead pakistan will brought us right back to the 80's ... exactly where we started.

Is it your affiliation with a certain party that is encouraging you to denounce him just for the sake of it? As far as I remember, every political party excluding PPP and MQM have said that the raid was humiliating. And if you had read the article before opening your mouth, you would have found out that he has criticized the army equally if not more for not knowing that OBL was residing in Abbotabad and their incompetence for not detecting US helicopters. Seriously you MQM supporters need to get a life!
Zia ul Haq certainly was complicit with the jamaatis for creating the islamist nightmare Pakistan has become - on one side insurgencies led by the creations of the army itself, on the other hand, religious political parties destabilize Pakistani society by subjecting it psychological shocks by disseminating Wahabi takfiri ideology in society -- All the while the army and her ISI imagining that the can ride the tiger by creating even more fissures in society, whether it's ethnicity or language or confession or sect, whatever ideas serve to separate Pakistanis from one another, have been employed Islamists and the army.

The horror and really, the shame of it all - is that Pakistanis even though they should have know better, trusted the army to look out for them - the islamists always hated Pakistan (Napak-istan) and kafir e Azam) will not be forgotten by any Pakistani.

Now the army is busted, yet again, but the Islamist, thirsty for the blood of Muslims, is still busy doing the devil's bidding - so what if the American or the Indian or the whoever rids Pakistan of Islamist terrorism, either way a Pakistan free of these abhorrent, loathsome ideas .

Why you dont criticize CIA and Allies who supported Zia and OBL during Afghan Russia Jehad?
Why criticize CIA or allies? No one was expecting anything good to come from them for Pakistan - Anyway, the reason you are defensive is understood by all - we all wish it didn't have to be like this, we all wish things could be different and islamist ideology could be good and effective, instead of what it is, rapaciously murderous, cruel and savage.

Bin Qasim, Islamism is the enemy of humanity, the closer your association with it, the more misery it will bring to you and yours -- we wish you the best, embrace Pakistan and reject islamist ideology and the world of the arbi.
It looks like the issue of drone attacks have relatively gone away, is he still firm on the isssue of 30 days ultimatum?
I can understand how a Pakistani patriot would be upset at the events of last Sunday. But consider the shock experienced by the US President and inner staff, when they determined that the most wanted terrorist on the planet was living in a large, conspicuous compound only about 730 meters from the nearest corner of the P.M.A. property, along the Kakul road.
That location was a clear indication that someone in the Pakistani Army or security services was actively sheltering this person.
So the operation could not include any participation, or advance notice by Pakistani authorities, without the very real risk of someone tipping off the "protectors", and then OBL would be moved. It could have been years before we found him again!
The humiliation comes from those traitors within your own forces, whomever they are, who sheltered this person from justice, and set up the rest of you for this massive embarrassment.
I do understand that the Pakistani Army is also losing brave soldiers in the struggle against the jihadist element. But you have to clean house. Living in denial is not longer tolerable.
It looks like the issue of drone attacks have relatively gone away, is he still firm on the isssue of 30 days ultimatum?

yes, PTI is going to block NATO supply in Karachi.
It looks like the issue of drone attacks have relatively gone away, is he still firm on the isssue of 30 days ultimatum?

Yes he's on his course for that starting on 21st from Karachi.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf [Offical page]] will stop NATO supplies from Karachi and stage Dharna on 21-22nd May for the Sovereignity of Pakistan.

I can understand how a Pakistani patriot would be upset at the events of last Sunday. But consider the shock experienced by the US President and inner staff, when they determined that the most wanted terrorist on the planet was living in a large, conspicuous compound only about 730 meters from the nearest corner of the P.M.A. property, along the Kakul road.
That location was a clear indication that someone in the Pakistani Army or security services was actively sheltering this person.
So the operation could not include any participation, or advance notice by Pakistani authorities, without the very real risk of someone tipping off the "protectors", and then OBL would be moved. It could have been years before we found him again!
The humiliation comes from those traitors within your own forces, whomever they are, who sheltered this person from justice, and set up the rest of you for this massive embarrassment.
I do understand that the Pakistani Army is also losing brave soldiers in the struggle against the jihadist element. But you have to clean house. Living in denial is not longer tolerable.

Well, this has been questioned here and else where that, it is not yet proven whether the man killed was really Osama Bin Laden. Can you provide a proof? Let me give you some food of thought before jumping to any further discussion. According to the media reports, Osama was captured then killed - now why on earth would they do this? Why they couldn't get on with just like they did with Saddam Hussain - captured, harassed, tortured and then hanged in front of the whole world. End of story. Why his identification has been kept hidden all this time? The initial photos published in all over media were proven fake, now all this hallah gullah is to cover that big lie. That is what it seems. We'll come to the compound near PMA later, but first you need to get to a conclusion that whether was really Osama there?

There's is a saying goes. ''In order to transform a 'lie' into 'truth', you've to take help of 'hundred' more 'lies'.''
well we gave everyone a chance to prove them selves..
i guess its time we kick zardari out and put Imran Khan on president's seat and watch the show!
our country is as good as dead so might as well try him too....

Kicking out Zardari is not the solution. It is a complete misdiagnosis of the situation. The guys responsible & hence deserving of sacking are those in uniform. You can be sure Zardari had absolutely no control of any of this to be held to account fairly. Imran Khan would be nothing more than another puppet of the uniforms. Once he has served his purpose, the long knives will be out for him just as they are now out for Zardari.
I think Imran Khan's statement needs to be put in perspective: not that he hated Osama less, but that he hated America's policies more.
If at all, COAS is to be blamed, he can simply point out to the Kerry luger bill. which clearly says that USA has the right to hot pursuit OML with or without Pakistan's permission.

Im sure we all know who signed on that.
If at all, COAS is to be blamed, he can simply point out to the Kerry luger bill. which clearly says that USA has the right to hot pursuit OML with or without Pakistan's permission.

Im sure we all know who signed on that.

Even when army screws up, you want to pin the blame on the civilian govt..
Even when army screws up, you want to pin the blame on the civilian govt..

and you know why ??

Coz army is not directly answerable to public they are answerable to president of Pakistan and if President of Pakistan is not doing his job well then public will definitely shout at him coz he comes by vote... Army does not come by votes of people...
President should ask Armyu why they fail but you know chor ney chor sey kia swaal karna

We can criticise army and right now army is going through worst period...
I can understand how a Pakistani patriot would be upset at the events of last Sunday. But consider the shock experienced by the US President and inner staff, when they determined that the most wanted terrorist on the planet was living in a large, conspicuous compound only about 730 meters from the nearest corner of the P.M.A. property, along the Kakul road.
That location was a clear indication that someone in the Pakistani Army or security services was actively sheltering this person.
So the operation could not include any participation, or advance notice by Pakistani authorities, without the very real risk of someone tipping off the "protectors", and then OBL would be moved. It could have been years before we found him again!
The humiliation comes from those traitors within your own forces, whomever they are, who sheltered this person from justice, and set up the rest of you for this massive embarrassment.
I do understand that the Pakistani Army is also losing brave soldiers in the struggle against the jihadist element. But you have to clean house. Living in denial is not longer tolerable.

Well said. We gave ample warning to every country in the world after 9-11, that the perpetrators of that act would be hunted to the ends of the earth and that no matter where they hid, no matter how long it took us, we would either bring them to justice...or bring justice to them. We were good to our word.
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