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Imran Khan ‘convinced’ Kayani on phased pullout from FATA

The Army is already in a state of phased withdrawal from FATA, as areas are cleared, the Army's being pulled out for use elsewhere. It's not the army's place to be in FATA and after they've finished with the TTP, they must leave the area to the FC to administer. Areas such as Bajaur have seen an almost complete withdrawal of the army whereas others like Orakzai, Khyber and SWA are seeing a slight reduction after the recent Ops. So basically, Kiyani was just pulling the old rabbit out of the hat to make IK settle down. It was already happening and it will happen, but the army won't leave any area half way.

Our Boys are fighting the Good Fight - God Bless them ! :pakistan:
Why are some of you insistent on fighting for the next 10-15-20 Years when your economy is collapsing and you Armed Forces barely have enough of should I say All the budget is allotted to Army then Air Force or Navy. You people are in no position to fight long Wars this is the Truth and the sooner you realize nobody is going to pay you billions of dollars anymore to fight the ones we had bet on.

Realistically you would need 5 times more budget for fighting in those Areas and you people not realizing the entire Pakistan has now become infested with various Groups do you plan to have a long operations against all of them from Al-qaeda and sophisticated groups and punjabi taliban in punjab to BLA and groups in Baluchistan, TTP/political gangs/other interested groups to KPK the largest hub of Terrorists.

You people are in no position so curbing it all in one go not even in 27 Years like sri lanka these are more dangerous and sophisticated with support from various countries continue even so personally I believe talks will fail I also don't believe long War is the answer how many thousands will die the largest civilian death toll is from KPK and no one mentions it internationally or with-in country both Government and media are mum. Either secure billions of $$ from International fundraisers and incase talks fail go for final blow but it should be across Pakistan and considerably large scale Forces would have to operate this itsy bitsy ops does not work you tired it in 12 Years and failed we are back to square one realistically.
Here comes the fake niazi pathan.

out of topic, reported!
i dont need to prove it, to you ? right?
just ask about me to her yes your mother & thn , just dont get astonished , that you ill allways find me in your dam uncles?:smokin:
i am still happy about it?:lol:
cause she aint gona tell you more thn that?;)
even if you take IK , all of naizi,s are great womenizers?
Sure , if you want it , then we are no one to stop you , but I see nothing fruitful coming out of it . You do not negotiate with the madmen and barbarians and expect them to be merciful/rational to you , never . Mate , if there's a thing I dislike , its generalization and well if its about something , you do not really comprehend . :D Actually , its not only the urban people who are seeing the bigger picture here and the threat of ' Gun Point Islam ' under the sole and absolute authority of ' God's viceroy ' . Its another Swat in the making , let the time prove that . What we learn from history , is that we do not learn from history .

P.S Those kids kill pixels on the screen rendered by the Computer at home , a million times better than learning to use actual guns in the childhood and putting it later into practice by using lethal force and being proud of it , wouldn't you agree ?
yes at least they dont use it, on mallala,s head? the guns!
Sir the so called silent you majority you are talking about Sir their is no such majority Sir majority of people want talks with Taliban because they know who entered Tribal areas on orders of USA in 2003 and from that day on Pakistan is getting into worst position by every passing day

& by who,s orders sufi muhamad went to afghanistan to fight with usa?
how many of pakistani, s being slaughtered by northern alliance forces durring raid on kandoz?
who was responsible, fake jahadi,s? like sufi muhammad? or PAKARMY which just went thier to save thier fellow citizens, bieng killed by the wishes of fake jahadi,s like sufi muhamad?
Why are some of you insistent on fighting for the next 10-15-20 Years when your economy is collapsing and you Armed Forces barely have enough of should I say All the budget is allotted to Army then Air Force or Navy. You people are in no position to fight long Wars this is the Truth and the sooner you realize nobody is going to pay you billions of dollars anymore to fight the ones we had bet on.

Realistically you would need 5 times more budget for fighting in those Areas and you people not realizing the entire Pakistan has now become infested with various Groups do you plan to have a long operations against all of them from Al-qaeda and sophisticated groups and punjabi taliban in punjab to BLA and groups in Baluchistan, TTP/political gangs/other interested groups to KPK the largest hub of Terrorists.

You people are in no position so curbing it all in one go not even in 27 Years like sri lanka these are more dangerous and sophisticated with support from various countries continue even so personally I believe talks will fail I also don't believe long War is the answer how many thousands will die the largest civilian death toll is from KPK and no one mentions it internationally or with-in country both Government and media are mum. Either secure billions of $$ from International fundraisers and incase talks fail go for final blow but it should be across Pakistan and considerably large scale Forces would have to operate this itsy bitsy ops does not work you tired it in 12 Years and failed we are back to square one realistically.
if every state strarts giving up itself to terrorists just to save its economy, thn tiny nations like srilanka with stronger will, cant be able to defeat the poison called LTTE after 30 years of war?
which had denied srilanka becoming, best of the tourists attraction in the world?
its quite a funny logic, you hve tried to show up with? dont fight to anyone cause economy is in danger?
wow, so 2mmarow if india comes in & threaten us, thn we should accept india as our mother state, cause our economy is in danger?
JHON KERRY,s magical spells have made IK, really crazy?
& by who,s orders sufi muhamad went to afghanistan to fight with usa?
how many of pakistani, s being slaughtered by northern alliance forces durring raid on kandoz?
who was responsible, fake jahadi,s? like sufi muhammad? or PAKARMY which just went thier to save thier fellow citizens, bieng killed by the wishes of fake jahadi,s like sufi muhamad?

Sufi Muhammad went to USA on his own and every Muslim should try to be part of the Jihad against Kufr Sir where ever they attack Muslims or Islam Sir some 2 % secular liberal traitors want to betray ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW its their choice but all Muslims are not ready to do it
this is a hilarious news item... Kiyani is who? almost retired now..dead fish nothing more...

He is the most powerful person in Pakistan, until the day he retires and surrenders authority to the next Army Chief.

If that is what the Pakistani people want. To talk to the people that killed them, then it must be done. After all, not all of the militants are fighting to impose malignant and twisted interpretation Sharia on Pakistan and curb all rights other than what they see fit. Right?

It is not what the people of Pakistan want, it is the demand of a mad man (Imran Khan)! Most likely because he has not lost any beloved in any of the terrorism acts. You do not negotiate with terrorists, you take them out!
out of topic, reported!
i dont need to prove it, to you ? right?
just ask about me to her yes your mother & thn , just dont get astonished , that you ill allways find me in your dam uncles?:smokin:
i am still happy about it?:lol:
cause she aint gona tell you more thn that?;)
even if you take IK , all of naizi,s are great womenizers?

mr.fake niazi pathan, you shouldnt call me names as i am also niazi by origin though from different stock than in your mianwali. My rotten niazi cousin, dont be a traitor, stop hating pakhtuns and end your obsession with imran khan niazi.
Sufi Muhammad went to USA on his own and every Muslim should try to be part of the Jihad against Kufr Sir where ever they attack Muslims or Islam Sir some 2 % secular liberal traitors want to betray ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW its their choice but all Muslims are not ready to do it

thn dont talk loud, present yourself & scarifice ur head frist?
islam doesnt teach to fight its enemies, but it teaches to, win minds & hearts through its kindness?
BTW was mallala yousfzai was the enemy of allaha?
thats why she was been the target of the, so called warroirers of allha?
no she wasnt!
stop living in the utopia created by some torabara mullha! no its nt islam?
mr.fake niazi pathan, you shouldnt call me names as i am also niazi by origin though from different stock than in your mianwali. My rotten niazi cousin, dont be a traitor, stop hating pakhtuns and end your of obsession with imran khan niazi.

frist of all there is 2 of NIAZI,s on Pdf ! we know each others prety well?
as i hve told you just before tht ask your mother, we are ballu khels hope fully she can tell more better about us, dont strt crying my foolish pukhtun brother?
open your eyes, go to mianwalli , & check what peoples saying about him?
why in bye elections PTI got losted?
why inamullha not given the ticket?
you need facts, i think you are too obssesed with IMRAN, s personality but for me, my obession is only with my country, & its called PAKISTAN FRIST, no one is above thn that for me?
sorry , i am nt that pukhtun who likesmto take head shots of 14 years old kids?
i think they are devils, who may they are?
so stop this racism , madness no i am never going to support any of this crap , filled in your mind!
imdid supported imran on many times, when ever he did any good move, in favour of pakistan, but on this subject, he is just trying to be in the power in KPK for 5 years to come, it shows what is his IQ level of the political realities on the ground?
IMRAN is just trying his best to follow MUNNAWAR mullha hussian of JI, who are playing a double game with him?
you just pick the wrong card my dear foolish pukhtun niazi shb!

Sufi Muhammad went to USA on his own and every Muslim should try to be part of the Jihad against Kufr Sir where ever they attack Muslims or Islam Sir some 2 % secular liberal traitors want to betray ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW its their choice but all Muslims are not ready to do it

sufi muhamad went to usa?
frist of all there is 2 of NIAZI,s on Pdf ! we know each others prety well?
as i hve told you just before tht ask your mother, we are ballu khels hope fully she can tell more better about us, dont strt crying my foolish pukhtun brother?
open your eyes, go to mianwalli , & check what peoples saying about him?
why in bye elections PTI got losted?
why inamullha not given the ticket?
you need facts, i think you are too obssesed with IMRAN, s personality but for me, my obession is only with my country, & its called PAKISTAN FRIST, no one is above thn that for me?
sorry , i am nt that pukhtun who likesmto take head shots of 14 years old kids?
i think they are devils, who may they are?
so stop this racism , madness no i am never going to support any of this crap , filled in your mind!
imdid supported imran on many times, when ever he did any good move, in favour of pakistan, but on this subject, he is just trying to be in the power in KPK for 5 years to come, it shows what is his IQ level of the political realities on the ground?
IMRAN is just trying his best to follow MUNNAWAR mullha hussian of JI, who are playing a double game with him?
you just pick the wrong card my dear foolish pukhtun niazi shb!

sufi muhamad went to usa?

You claim to be a pathan from niazi tribe yet you are calling them bacha baz? you are also a staunch supporter of anti-pashtun party like MQM............who exactly are you? why are you trolling? why you are on mission of defaming Niazi qaum?
We need permanent presence in FATA with clearly demarcated border with afghanistan , if not than the other option can be that we leave and nuke the place.
dint in Karachi n Balochistan they had talks wid militants before trying any operation against them? US is doing it even in Afghanistan then why cant we?...when US does it then its fine but when IK suggests the same then he is being stupid n extremist or Taliban sympathizer?:disagree:.....double standards!:P

all militants wudnt disarm but mayb some of them as there are many types of groups involved init....

There were militants in Karachi in the 90's and the Army conducted talks with them???? That's news to an actual Karachiite. And here's a fact for you: The Army operation in Sindh was launched against 'Dacoits' seeking shelter in interior Sindh only! It was after 3 months of this operation that it was shifted to Karachi.

all IK is tryin to say is Give Peace a Chance:happy:

How do you preach peace to some one who slits the throats of your surrendered soldiers, beheads them, blows up your children and women in markets and ensures that the wounded are left with severed body parts, blows up your fellow unarmed countrymen in their places of worship which Allah has ordered to protect even in war????

yes n this is da only decent way to deal with it otherwise What US wants to do in Syria right now by being only forecful and showing no leniency to the matter,then what difference wud be then between us and them? and we critisize alot on US policies!

Difference is that the Syrians are not beheading Americans in America, they are not blowing up American women and children, they are not blowing up churches there and most importantly, Syria is not an internal matter of the US!!
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