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Imran Khan ‘convinced’ Kayani on phased pullout from FATA

if your mind cant take it, then its up to you, bt all these dam conspiracy theoriests failled misserably when adnan rasheed, the one of the biggest terrorist commanders, accepting mallala,s hit?

Unfortunately, we have failed to establish, mutually, that TTP is indeed a veritable arm of a number of foreign agencies established to create havoc in & to destabilize Pakistan. So all my further arguments in the matter are pointless.

what is TTp?
TEHRIK E TALIBAN PAKISTAN what, is thier actions are?
if afghan talibans are so innocent, then why cant they just tell TTp to stop using thier name?
no my friend in comming future, you will going to explore the reality of that poison called islamic fundamentalism, born In the hands of CIA?
mullana fazlu was himself was a target, his statment on the mallala issue was just another efforts , to let terrorits become unrentfull towards him?
adnan rasheed is top gun of TTp when he is accepting that, what else proovs left to asume?

One can establish a new organization and call it the Tehrik-e-Talibaan Karachi, would that mean that they are affiliated with the actual Talibaan???? Perhaps you should research how the supreme leader of all Talibaan factions, Mullah Muhammad Omar, has disowned TTP. They can not force the TTP to stop using their name, as they are still fighting an actual oppressor in Afghanistan. But once that is done with, things will change for the better, Inshallah.
There were militants in Karachi in the 90's and the Army conducted talks with them???? That's news to an actual Karachiite. And here's a fact for you: The Army operation in Sindh was launched against 'Dacoits' seeking shelter in interior Sindh only! It was after 3 months of this operation that it was shifted to Karachi.

How do you preach peace to some one who slits the throats of your surrendered soldiers, beheads them, blows up your children and women in markets and ensures that the wounded are left with severed body parts, blows up your fellow unarmed countrymen in their places of worship which Allah has ordered to protect even in war????


talk abt today...i dunno abt 90s of karachi....dint our SC declared all 3 major parties of Karachi involved in these crimes there? n have millitants in their ranks? n the Gov still always have close n open door meetings with these parties.....

i think u dint read my replies well...i said IK dint deny the option of military action against them....he kept it in one of the options...those who dont agree shud be stopped with force...ab kia persian mu bulon tu samjh ae gi?:girl_wacko:
Difference is that the Syrians are not beheading Americans in America, they are not blowing up American women and children, they are not blowing up churches there and most importantly, Syria is not an internal matter of the US!!

n still US wants to be a DADDY of middle east n esp Syria:omghaha:

They are also not voilating international laws by throwin drones n killing civilians most of the times like they do in Pakistan....
Afghanistan Talibaan decide to boot out TTP from Afghanistan
Mullah Omar-led Afghan Talibaan ready to attack Pakistani Talibaan
Mullah Omar disowns TTP

I have grown extremely weary, and frustrated, at the stupidity of Pakistanis who fail to understand the difference b/w a freedom fighter and a terrorist!

Mullah Omar led Talibaan, which includes the Haqqani network, are true freedom fighters who engage NATO & US in Afghanistan. Need I remind you that both NATO and US initiated an illegal war in Afghanistan? Those who fight for the freedom of their country against invaders are usually called patriots and heroes.

TTP or Pakistani Talibaan have a different agenda, to exploit the name of Talibaan and to attach it to terrorist activities. They are a group of foreign funded, at times extremely well trained mercenaries, supremely armed and extremely well informed. It is no surprise that they are funded & trained by RAW in Afghanistan and sent in to Pakistan to 1) Destabilize Pakistan, 2) Produce Talibaan as terrorists & 3) Keep alive the hype created by certain countries of threat that Pakistani Nuclear Weapons may fall in the wrong hands!!

P.S. When the US says you are either with us or against us, it takes a lot of international support to say 'We are not going to be a part of your war'!!

i wish if Pakistan had taken that xtreme pressure at that time to stay neutral then to jump into this dirty war bizniz...we wud have saved many precious lives of soldiers n civilians n so many other things....
talk abt today...i dunno abt 90s of karachi....dint our SC declared all 3 major parties of Karachi involved in these crimes there? n have millitants in their ranks? n the Gov still always have close n open door meetings with these parties.....

i think u dint read my replies well...i said IK dint deny the option of military action against them....he kept it in one of the options...those who dont agree shud be stopped with force...ab kia persian mu bulon tu samjh ae gi?:girl_wacko:

dear, what that actully means, OUR SC?
you mean politicaly motivated darbar of lord of monte-carlo ,mr chodri justice?lolzzz
you think he was or is doing good for pakistan?
ll he has done is to, politisize the issues which were there since centuries?
Unfortunately, we have failed to establish, mutually, that TTP is indeed a veritable arm of a number of foreign agencies established to create havoc in & to destabilize Pakistan. So all my further arguments in the matter are pointless.

One can establish a new organization and call it the Tehrik-e-Talibaan Karachi, would that mean that they are affiliated with the actual Talibaan???? Perhaps you should research how the supreme leader of all Talibaan factions, Mullah Muhammad Omar, has disowned TTP. They can not force the TTP to stop using their name, as they are still fighting an actual oppressor in Afghanistan. But once that is done with, things will change for the better, Inshallah.

thats another of pandora boxes you are tryng to open to soon, my dear friend!
let me tell you, mullha omar didnt disowed them but he called them to stop fighting with pakistani forces & thts it?
if not plz, show up some of hand written farmans?
TTp pakistan is the distribution branch of afghan talibans of heroin , to the open world & karachi is the gateway?
its not what many of us has wrongly assumed, that after bomb blast in pakistan, mullha omar starts crying for the dead ones?
no he wasnt, he will never!
good taliban or bad taliban, its always a dead taliban is the best taliban?
i wish if Pakistan had taken that xtreme pressure at that time to stay neutral then to jump into this dirty war bizniz...we wud have saved many precious lives of soldiers n civilians n so many other things....

that was pure raw assumption, that pakistan could have taken the preasure when it was asked" ARE YOU WITH US OR AGAINST US" if our answer was no, then really we could hve destroyed ourselves completly?
i mean carpet bombings, on islamabad , karachi, or lahore for the sake of few thousand hard core terrorists, if that was done just imagine the numbers of dead, & above all india,s qabza on us?
no baby, it just looks good, but we didnt hve enough power to take on 44 well armed & well manged forces?
what about now, why not our so called brave political leaders can do something like that, its simple they all are liars, for thier own vested intersts?
they talk a lot, but when go meeting JHON KERRY or bieng in WINE SERVED royal buffets, they accept it all?
thts the reality is?
............that after bomb blast in pakistan, mullha omar starts crying for the dead ones?
no he wasnt, he will never!.....
What you say here might be anything; I am not a defender for any one here,but, let me ask "do you (as a nation) start crying after each attack, or even delay celebrations for a minute?"
Look at your free media: after each news of blast or massacre' there is two minute mourning?, or a sad music is played or some Islamic TVs start Tilawat Quran; No, sir, our nation and our leader are like our shameless media- The remorseless cruel people keep showing and watching dance and music after each bomb blast!
Had we 10% of urban population crying for the dead ones, the situation seriously would have been much different, but they are full of brutish beasts called musharfsss!
Do not ask others to do which you cannot even feel for the nation.
What you say here might be anything; I am not a defender for any one here,but, let me ask "do you (as a nation) start crying after each attack, or even delay celebrations for a minute?"
Look at your free media: after each news of blast or massacre' there is two minute mourning?, or a sad music is played or some Islamic TVs start Tilawat Quran; No, sir, our nation and our leader are like our shameless media- The remorseless cruel people keep showing and watching dance and music after each bomb blast!
Had we 10% of urban population crying for the dead ones, the situation seriously would have been much different, but they are full of brutish beasts called musharfsss!
Do not ask others to do which you cannot even feel for the nation.

non of paid media do that in any country , its a hourly story & thats it?
for them a cocacola add is more beneficial thn any ss bombings happening in anywhere in pakistan?
there is a difference between those who are attacking pakistani state for thier voilent version of islam, are only bzy destroying it?
& those who are defending it from the beasts called talibans?
still we remember the ones who gave thier lives, in the defence of motherland but for those who are destroying it, no we dont?
why should we?
when soviets came to bulldoze thier raw homes in afghanistan, we are the ones giving them strong shelters, food, cloths & everything we can. but if they think they can destroy us, with thier stupid tora bora minds, i think they are too close to be vanished in the dark pages of the history?
well, if musharaf,s wasnt there , thn there was no one to save OBLs too?
same OBL who was sold for the higher price by democratic, leaders & his own relatives like mullha omar?
with that musharaf standing trail, facing his enemies in the courts & in the videos sent by adnan rasheed, showing him , his death brigade?
still looks 1000 times better, thn those mullhas living in the rented shadows of CIA?
cause he belives pakistan frist?
not taliban frist?
i really dont mind , which side you belong but i allways make it sure i stand with my pakistan frist!
i dont think that, you hve much to compare , with the times of musharaf,s thn this damocrazy, which is just eating pakistan inch by inch?
troops pullout , from KPK will bring mullah fazalullha sawati in power hope fully & some day when you were told , that mullha jee has seen your 14 years old daughter in his dirty dreams, all he wants to see her as his 4th wife, just only thn you will know, what has happened to you & your family?
hope fully at that, time you will going to present this innocent kid to that dirty mullah, to get your place in his dirty heavens?
i will be crying for you that day, my friend because of your greed to get the fake heavens of that dirty mullha?
dont get, objected plz !
hope fully none of these stupid mullahs will be crying at that day for you?
that was pure raw assumption, that pakistan could have taken the preasure when it was asked" ARE YOU WITH US OR AGAINST US" if our answer was no, then really we could hve destroyed ourselves completly?
i mean carpet bombings, on islamabad , karachi, or lahore for the sake of few thousand hard core terrorists, if that was done just imagine the numbers of dead, & above all india,s qabza on us?
no baby, it just looks good, but we didnt hve enough power to take on 44 well armed & well manged forces?
what about now, why not our so called brave political leaders can do something like that, its simple they all are liars, for thier own vested intersts?
they talk a lot, but when go meeting JHON KERRY or bieng in WINE SERVED royal buffets, they accept it all?
thts the reality is?

bro look at the xamples of Syria and Iran whom USA has been warning of bombings and attacks but cudnt do so why? bcuz they take a stand and show little opposition which we cud also have ....

dear, what that actully means, OUR SC?
you mean politicaly motivated darbar of lord of monte-carlo ,mr chodri justice?lolzzz
you think he was or is doing good for pakistan?
ll he has done is to, politisize the issues which were there since centuries?

yes i also dun like our SC esp when it warns Imran Khan of anything
bro look at the xamples of Syria and Iran whom USA has been warning of bombings and attacks but cudnt do so why? bcuz they take a stand and show little opposition which we cud also have ....

yes i also dun like our SC esp when it warns Imran Khan of anything

dear, baby!
sirya & iran were never been the hub of islamic hard core fundamentalists?
even north korea inside that" AXIS OF EVIL" thing gets not much support from the world opinion ?
but pakistan was the clear target at that time, with indian army standing next doors, & 1000 hightech fighter jets on the go, we would been bombed to stone age, for what?
mullha torabora?
what mullha torabora has done for this country?
or for the islam? killing millions of innocent pakistanis in thier vengence against USA?
baby its really sad, to see a guy like IK been preasured by jhon kerry, thn for him by our croupt lord of monte carlo to bent him down?
he is broken, his mandate been stolen by the same lord of monte carlo , who sold it to ganja sharifs?
all ik is trying to get hold of his, grip on KPK which is run by terrorist JI unofficially?
his demand of troops pullout is the wish of terorists , who are faking IK by thier under ground alliance with JI+PMLn+JUIfazlu ?
all they want is, they show the nation that, he isnt is the one can take the nation, to NAYA PAKISTAN?
they all are playing with his nonexperinces in geopolitical situation in pakistan?
dear, baby!
sirya & iran were never been the hub of islamic hard core fundamentalists?
even north korea inside that" AXIS OF EVIL" thing gets not much support from the world opinion ?
but pakistan was the clear target at that time, with indian army standing next doors, & 1000 hightech fighter jets on the go, we would been bombed to stone age, for what?
mullha torabora?
what mullha torabora has done for this country?
or for the islam? killing millions of innocent pakistanis in thier vengence against USA?
baby its really sad, to see a guy like IK been preasured by jhon kerry, thn for him by our croupt lord of monte carlo to bent him down?
he is broken, his mandate been stolen by the same lord of monte carlo , who sold it to ganja sharifs?
all ik is trying to get hold of his, grip on KPK which is run by terrorist JI unofficially?
his demand of troops pullout is the wish of terorists , who are faking IK by thier under ground alliance with JI+PMLn+JUIfazlu ?
all they want is, they show the nation that, he isnt is the one can take the nation, to NAYA PAKISTAN?
they all are playing with his nonexperinces in geopolitical situation in pakistan?

bro and if he succeeds in KPK that wud be a success n wud be quite alarming for other parties n their leaders.....
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