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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

Well said bro.
Are there any updates about the incident? Any news?

Well, news is that the cowards on our side are downplaying the issue. I think that the crooks have let them off the hook. Instead of using this golden opportunity to settle the score this pathetic GoP has defended their foes. Zardari and his companions are a major threat to Pakistan. We don't need other enemies. I'm sure that had we violated their airspace Pakistan would have had to bear the brunt.
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I have been visiting the forum for sometime although this is my first post. It amusing to see phoenix80 and his indian comrades roaming free and propagating what indian media and indian state machinery are doing for ages. And I am sorry to point out that gesture this forum has extended here would not be reciprocated in any indian forum like BR.

Having said that, I would start with phoenix definition of strategic depth. Strategic depth is not a pure military term; it has broader scope and meaning. Don’t come back with request for explanation because according to your claim on who you are (which I am sure not the case), you would have known that. And that shortcoming of your understanding actually exposed you.

Now you and many in india loves to talk about strategic depth yet masking the fact india’s strategic standing (on location basis) is not that great. Why and what are something for you to learn and not me to explain. But as a hint - energy hungry india pawned its long preserved independent (policy) standing to Uncle Sam because of that shortcoming.

(MOD: sorry for being off topic but thought it fall in broader implication of indian intention)
I have been visiting the forum for sometime although this is my first post. It amusing to see phoenix80 and his indian comrades roaming free and propagating what indian media and indian state machinery are doing for ages. And I am sorry to point out that gesture this forum has extended here would not be reciprocated in any indian forum like BR.

Having said that, I would start with phoenix definition of strategic depth. Strategic depth is not a pure military term; it has broader scope and meaning. Don’t come back with request for explanation because according to your claim on who you are (which I am sure not the case), you would have known that. And that shortcoming of your understanding actually exposed you.

Now you and many in india loves to talk about strategic depth yet masking the fact india’s strategic standing (on location basis) is not that great. Why and what are something for you to learn and not me to explain. But as a hint - energy hungry india pawned its long preserved independent (policy) standing to Uncle Sam because of that shortcoming.

(MOD: sorry for being off topic but thought it fall in broader implication of indian intention)

Thats fine, and I agree with you.

A good post and hope we get more from you, do introduce yourself in the introduction section. :)

Usually its a good indication that someone hasn't really done their research on Afghanistan or Pakistan's role in Afghanistan, when they attribute Pakistan's involvement in Afghanistan primarily to 'strategic depth', and ascribe to it the limited description that Phoenix80 did.

But beyond that lets leave it for a different thread.
I have been coming to this web site for atleast two or more years but only today registered. The reason that i did so today was the breaking news that indian air force violated pakistani air space. This has angered me so much that i came to confrim report here that i heard on one of the pakistani television channels. By grace of ALLAH the nefarious designs made by israelis and which are being implementated by americans and now indianshave been dragged into it by mubai attacks will be defeated. Those who have this WISHFUL THINKING that they can neutralize pakistan's nuclear assets can only dream on . Pakistan is ready to deal with such game plans and will not only defeat them but humiliate it's enemies. This is a warning for indians, americans and israelis that BACK OFF otherwise we will DESTROY YOU. Don't underestimate pakistan despite it's domestic problems it has the intelligence and firepower to decimate and wipe off it's enemies.

Pakistan is NOT INVOLVED IN MUmBAI ATTACKS, it is indian intelligence agencies alongwith hardline hindu political parties like BJP, RSS and others who have set up the mumbai episode. Americans are involved in this big time so that india can be dragged into it's scheme of implementating nefarious designs against pakistan. Pakistan is the only muslim nation to be created on the 27th of holy month of ramadhan and the only one to be created for islamic reason. It is the first muslim nation to acquire nuclear technology and to date remains the only one. Offcourse we will make sure nations like iran and other muslims nations are passed this technology so muslims are not defenceles in face of terror spreading and rogue nations like USA, Israel, India and Russia. I have a powerful instinct that pakistan will see through the nafarious designs successfully INSHALLAH.

I am due to visit pakistan next year possibly in february or march. I will be visiting lahore after three years since my marriage. By grace of ALLAH to whom we all will return to one day if india violates our air space or territory i will make myself available to face off the enemy. Pakistan will energise and play a major role in unifying all muslim nations soon to build the islamic alliance/ unites states of islam.

Indians ...we are ready so you want misadventure then bring it on. Every pakistani is a lion heart. Don't think that since you have manpower, firearms, air force jets,naval force and resources in greater numbers than us that you can overcome us. War is not won by quantity it is won by spirit which stands taller. We won 1948, 1965 and 1999 wars due to unity and islamic spirit. When we were divided and committed major mistakes aganst our own people in 1971 was when were did'nt get any success, nothing to do with indian superiority.

We are by and large a united nation despite some problems in fata and balouchistan but when our sovereignty is attacked we will stand shoulder to shoulder next to each other. The tribal chiefs have already said if india provokes war than they will commit 1 million fighters on side of border and 2 million fighters on the other border.
Dude this is enough of Bashing Hindus .This tells your mentality towards other religions and tell why their is so much terrorism .

Even though I believe that terrorists doesn't belong to any religion ,but you have just proved me wrong .

I have nothing against the Indians, I have many good indian friends its just your stupid media inflaming all the sentiments and biased accusations which still today have not been proven do you think its common sense to hold a joint investigation get to the bottom of this and then conclude wether indeed it was a pakistani? indian? or whoever did this?
my favrite song great song of pak forces

geo mery janbaz:sniper:

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Robin234 what about the muslim or pakistan bashing that has a powerful root in india's culture ? . Indian hardline groups alongwith indian intelligence agency with possible support from americans staged the mumbai attacks so they could build a platform to attack pakistan from all angles. The attack is linked to the long term planning of nefarious designs of americans to neutralize pakistan's nuclear assets so no muslim nation is left with a major waepon to defend it's self.

Before the mumbai attacks the indian army colonel srikkant prased surohit alongwith another top rank indian military personnel were arrested by indian police for their alleged role in blasts. Those blasts wich took place in samjauta express which killed 68 pakistani. They were also arrested for others blasts specifically against muslims in india. These indian military scums were linked with indian hardline politcal groups like RSS and BJP. A Top rank indian police inspector karkare and exposed indian military and political groups. This epidose was a huge embarrasment from indian army and indian politics so to divert attention MUMBAI ATTACKS drama was created. Doe it come as a surprise that indian police chief karkare and his top accomplices were instantly assasinated ? . That one survivor of terrorist caught is not someone called ajmal kasab his real name is AMAR SINGH. Watch pakistani defence analyst zaid hamid on youtube where he says they have sources within some indian intelligence agency that the real name of this lone survivor is AMAR SINGH and he is INDIAN NOT PAKISTANI FROM FARIKOT ! I will post the links.
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I respect the Pakistani Defence Forces and think PAF to be one of the best ..... no doubts of that .......
all the best .... with air superiority

Phoenix80 ..that last sentence of yours " all the best ....with air superiority" had a lot of sarcasm written on it . I am going to post quotes not with references so read without your indian googles on ;

Air Forces in South Asia: PAF counters IAF strategy
Posted on April 26, 2008 by Moin Ansari
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| PAKISTAN LEDGER | پاکستاني کھاتا | September 16, 2008 | Moin Ansari | معین آنصآرّی | | RUPEE NEWS | Moin Ansari | September 16, 2008 | معین آنصآرّی | اخبار روپیہ | The reduced size of the Indian AIr Force and its decision to place its aircarfts in forward bases in Tezpur (Northeast India), and Ladakh (Indian Occupied Kashmir) shows some sort of frustration on the part of the decision makers. The Northeast and Ladakh placement of Su IAF jets threatens China and attempts to intimidate the Pakistanis. The Pakistan Airforce (PAF) has taken corrective actions and for the first time since 1947 may achieve parity with the IAF. India attempts to threaten China from Ladakh & Northeast

JF-17 Thunders
Beyond the JF-17 Thunders. The J-10s etc.
The Y-89 AWACS
Hataf, Ghauri, Babar, Abdali missiles

Su-27s and Su-35

Russia elides India in Flanker Su-30 development

Trail of tears and failure: Indian missiles

IAF is down to 30-32 squadrons at present, with many more older MiG variants lined up for retirement

NEW DELHI: At a time when the primacy of airpower in winning wars or at least “shaping” the battlefield for the army to move in is well-established, IAF will not be able to achieve its “sanctioned” strength of 39.5 fighter squadrons even by 2017.

The sheer inability of successive governments to formulate long-term integrated defence plans to progressively build the country’s military capabilities in tune with its geopolitical objectives means the IAF will continue to grapple with a shortage in fighters for the foreseeable future.

The IAF is down to just about 30-32 squadrons (each has 12 to 18 jets) at present, with many more older MiG variants lined up for progressive retirement.

Even with new acquisitions, India will only have 35.5 fighter squadrons by the end of the 11th Five Year Plan (2012), and 37.5 squadrons by end of the 12th one, say IAF projections.

“The depleted air force is a serious risk to national security,” warns the latest report of the parliamentary standing committee on defence.

“There is an imperative need to revise acquisition targets to meet the authorised strength in the shortest possible timeframe,” it adds, calling for “an action plan” by the government in this regard.

This is especially important since IAF itself has held it needs 44 squadrons to meet the “possible contingency” of “a full conflict” with Pakistan, while maintaining “a dissuasive posture” against China.

Moreover, simultaneous conflict with both Pakistan and China, with the capability to hold Pakistan and defend against China, will require 55 squadrons.

Though the IAF is inducting advanced multi-role fighters such as Sukhoi-30MKIs (230 jets have also been contracted from Russia in deals worth $8.5 billion) and force-multipliers like IL-78 mid-air refuellers and ‘Phalcon’ AWACS (airborne warning and control systems), numbers do matter in the ultimate analysis.

Both Pakistan and China, on their part, are rapidly boosting their air forces. Pakistan, for instance, is getting 36 more F-16s from the United States, coupled with its plans to induct as many as 250 JF-17 ‘Thunder’ fighters from China.

The previous IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal S P Tyagi, in fact, had even warned the UPA government that “unless immediate steps are taken to arrest the reduction in IAF’s force levels, the nation will, for the first time in its history, lose the conventional military edge over Pakistan”.

The six-year delay by the government in launching the hunt for 126 new multi-role combat aircraft, under the gigantic Rs 42,000-crore project, will lead to the first lot of these fighters being delivered only by 2012 at the earliest.

By then, IAF would have retired 100 more MiG-21s, which constitute the bulk of its combat fleet, and 40 more MiG-27s.

To counter the sharp fall in numbers, IAF has upgraded 125 MiG-21 ‘Bisons’ and 100 each of the MiG-27MLs and Jaguars with new avionics, weapon systems and life-extension refits.

And now, after signing a Rs 3,840-crore deal with Russia to upgrade its 69 MiG-29s by 2011, IAF is looking for a similar package for its 51 Mirage-2000s with France.

Then, of course, there is the indigenous ‘Tejas’ Light Combat Aircraft programme, which was launched in 1983 to replace the ageing MiGs. But it’s running years behind schedule, with the first squadron likely to be inducted only by 2011-2012 now. rajat.pandit@timesgroup.com
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In any case if we go to war indians should understand that there is going to be no punjabi, pathan, muhajir, sindhi, balochi, sunni, shia, christian .... we are going to be united and gonna blow the indian assholes to sky even if it means risking our lives
Genius. A last try on my part to make you understand.

Why was it the Eastern Pakistan that had to be defended over 1200 miles? It had the more population.

Shouldn't it have been the Eastern part that should have been defending the West Pakistan?

The Western Pakistan treated them as a colony. They had it coming one day.

Don't teach us about colony.. What do you think about Indian Kashmir, Gujrat, Assam, and soo many more!!!

Enough BS! stick to the topic.
Are we discussing Indian intrusion or Pak-BD issue or Indian day dreaming in the air?

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