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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

More offensive posts have been deleted, though there may be others, since I skimmed most of them going through, and could have missed some, as could have some of the other moderators.

If you come across more, report them, do not reply to them, and add to the trolling and off topic mess.
For all those anthusiasts who say that PAF should have shot down atleast one of the intruders. Its just not that simple.

First of all the intrusion was only 4 KMs, so even if the jets had stayed long enough for the PAF to intercept, as soon as the warning of an enemy lock on would have come on the IAF jets system, they would immidiatly conducted evasive manovers and or turned back.

And even if they were hit, they are so close to the border that they could easily crash in their own territory. And PAF would be facing serious consiquences from the world, plus this would esclate the already thin situation.

Also if any of you have heard the details, the way the intrusion was conducted, it was fairly low profile. Because on the radar it wasn't like there were two jets coming straight for the Indian/Pakistani border from deep within indian air space. The way it happened was, two jets conducting border patrol, veered of the waypoints and "accidently" violated the Pakistani airspace.

just like that eh! the indian pilots decided to play a "game" with dire consequences for both countries!!! a very shallow justification.
Heard of something called empty threats? When someone is frustrated.. the media incites hate, and public demands war. Yes.. thats what happens. Pakistan is not stupid to let its President talk to some hotel wala in India.

I dont think the Indian attitude so far showed any signs of frustation. It was GoP that was cornered and forced to take steps against terrorists.:pakistan:
Hahahaha Awesome response MuradK bhai! Really made my day :D
It was pretty immediate.

I think the news broke out within 10 mins that IAF have conducted some sort of an operation.

Come on ... it was four minutes difference. In countries like India and Pakistan **** happens in four minutes. They cannot even be sure if it were PAF AC or IAF AC.:sniper:
I just posted a request for leaving previous off topic posts alone and not responding to them.

Please stick to the topic.
What do you mean by that?

I meant that once they see an aircraft in the sky, civilians will have no clue in four minutes whether it is a PAF aircraft or IAF aircraft. And it will take much more time before the news reaches media from radar stations through information channels.
in Pakistan civillians are not the only people who look in the sky to make "authentic reports" mr jackass
Respective Air Forces usualy tend to have information departments as well you know...I'm sure they must've had something to say about any air intrusions too since that is their JOB !
Sure. I agree.
But I was commenting about someone saying that the news post was made at 12:09 am while the intrusions took place at 12:05.
I am not questioning whether intrusions occurred. Read previous posts(go throught the quotes).

Anyway the GoP has stated that the incursions are technical and hyped.
With today's tech it takes the Radar a few sec to tell what plane and how many, At the same time we go live on them through Sat. Now when PAF fighters RWR picks a fighter that fighter has to decode the RWR signal, If it can within 2 sec the fighter will tell you friend or foe.
And remember we can't shoot a plane down 4 miles is not enough it should be on kashmir side 20 miles and lahore side 10 miles.
The IAF couldn't even figure out between "Friend" and "Foe" in the red flag exercises and took shots on ALOT of friendlies. In case of a war scenario, they'd pretty much be fighting against their own airforce :lol:
The IAF couldn't even figure out between "Friend" and "Foe" in the red flag exercises and took shots on ALOT of friendlies. In case of a war scenario, they'd pretty much be fighting against their own airforce :lol:

My advice: don't count on that! :lol:

You may come to some unexpected grief. :cheers:
A corridor of 30 Nautical miles (around 60 KMs) on both sides of Intl border is not to be flown by fighters unless destination lies within that corridor ( e.g. Lahore) or with a prior permission…As soon as any high speed enters a corridor, a scramble is initiated…So anyone who thinks that 4 KM incursion had given PAF a too short time, mind it that they had already scrambled even when IAF jets were still inside their own territory…

While ADA was already enhanced and an incursion was expected, few PAF jets were already in air and many more standby on the ground…The PAFs response was quite quick and hence they were able to divert the intruders back…

Was IAF really coming for the attack or just checking the response of PAF? Well, things are a bit hazy on this. But whatever the reason for the incursion, I am sure that by PAFs response, IAF knows that it won’t be a free run for them.
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